Advertising Testimonial Examples & Samples From Marketing Clients and Students How Lean The Best Online Money Making Tips and Secrets about Internet Marketing And Using Audio To Market and Advertise Their Product.


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Michael Senoff's Students Speak Out... Listen To Their Comments and Testimonials Below..


Hello Michael,

I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that the CD ROM you sent me, with over 61 hours of audio clips, is an incredible tool for anybody who wants to get the edge on there competitor. I was most impressed with the diversity of subjects that were covered on the CD. One more thing I found impressive was the amount of time you took to let the people speak without just splicing a few blurbs together. Mr. X is just one example of this, It's a pleasure to here someone of his caliber speak so openly and at length. Please keep  up the tremendous service you are providing to everyone and I look forward to the future volumes you produce.

Thank you for everything,
Anthony G., Macomb, MI


Dear Michael:

I've scoured the internet for 1500 plus hours for free useful info. I've spent $2179 of my own money in the last year. I've subscribed to 60 or 70 free courses/reports . 95% of which were cheap come ons to buy their product. Nobody just GIVES away this info for free with the exception of one or two out of the whole lot. You are crazy. I've spent $400 and got less useful info. How can you afford to give this away? If you can't use this info reach down to your wrist and check for a pulse, cause you might be dead. Listen if you don't have the gumshion to get and use this info which EVERYONE can use) Then go start an ant farm that's probably right up your alley. Mike if you've got any more free stuff call me first cause I'd be willing to pay for it. thanks a million

Shane Pettman


Hi Michael

I'm a life long student of business and investing techniques, this stuff just fascinates me.  The more you know the more advantage you have over your competition, or should I say the less competition you have. Your CD is just stuffed with very interesting and useful information. I like to listen to it instead of watching TV at the end of the day, although some of the information is so exciting its hard to sleep afterwards. (I gotta quit doing that).  You asked for comments and criticisms. Here is a comment I'd like to see the CD made available in a both mp3 format for  mp3 players and in CD audio format for those of who drive a mobile school around. (That's what I call my car) Sometimes its a pain to be tied to the computer. Anyway keep up the good work.

Dave Cain


Dear Michael,

I have had a great time listening to your audio clips. Just knowing what others are doing to get more business is incredible. My mind is now in a constant buzz looking for ways to market my real estate and mortgage services. I have picked two ways to do this by listening to your audio clips and will keep you posted. Keep up the good work.

Best regards,
Carlos Martinez Your Family Mortgage And Real Estate Consultant!
P.S. Your referrals are the lifeblood of my business. Thank you for your referrals. Please let me know how I can refer someone to your business.


The information you provide is directly implementable, easy to implement, and has high payoff.  As opposed to a lot of information that is conceptual, theoretical, hard to implement with questionable payoff.  The people you share with us are highly practical and down to earth.  What you offer is difficult to find on our own and if found on our own are we being taken to the cleaners.



Hi Michael,

Your CD is pretty good. It is good because you give a lot of information about marketing while you are doing your consultations. I think this is good leading for people who want to understand about marketing and it is not so bored like some marketing with only theoretical writings, without any practical examples. When I listen your consultations I receive an excellent and practical seminar on how to develop my business and it put me ready to adapt the situations for the business I am. Another thought is that I am in an urge, as a business people I do not have time to waste, I am looking for practical stuff for yesterday and not for tomorrow. I want make money right now and I need practical stuff to be applied in my business right now. I am using a lot of techniques and leads that you have suggested in your CD. My final thought: Your CD is a real help for someone who want to put his business in another level in order to make it, to generate the profit that one wish.

Sincerely thanks
Aldo Nishkam.


First, let me start off by saying that I am a newbie.  I have enjoyed moderate success at being a full-time eBay seller.  This success motivated me to look for other ways that I can make money in the 'real' business world.   As many of you know, starting off can be really difficult.  Even with motivation to learn, one often doesn't know where to begin in gaining materials to learn more about different business venues.  This CD has been a great starting point for me.  It has given me a lot of ideas, and it has pointed me to some of the business 'greats' that I should study.  One day, in the near future, I would like to thank Michael and tell him how this CD motivated me, instructed me, and changed me.  I honestly think that this CD is worth $100s if not $1000s of dollars.  Please let me know of any further releases.  You have and will always have one more happy customer.



Hi Michael,

Your material was great.  It really opened my eyes to things I had never thought of.

Thanks again.



Often I can't help but laugh at the packages of must have secrets offered by guru's out there... but occasionally an awesome collection of ideas and life changing paradigms is given and leaves me in awe as to why I was not asked to pay thousands for this material! Well done Michael. Your hardtofindseminars vol.2-cd is in a league of its own. Gary (keen to see what's next) Rauschenbach


Hi Michael,

Thanks for the CD.  It was jammed packed with information.  I briefly tested it out and everything seemed to work fine.  I've been traveling and about to leave again for a long weekend with Tony Robbins in Denver at UPW.  After I come back, I have the System III Seminar Video Tapes to watch and then I plan on working on your CD.
Thanks again!!

Wade Thomas
Internet Marketer & Speaker
Million Dollar Marketing, Inc.


Dear Michael

It took a couple weeks for me to receive your CD, I almost forgot that I had requested it! That's ok thou, because I am in Australia and your emails reminded me to look out for it in the mail. I was quite surprised at the quantity and quality of the content. So far I have only had time to listen to a few of the recordings that immediately caught my attention. But from those that I have listened to, I leaned some things that have never occurred to me before. Many new and interesting concepts that (even thou I am a very skeptical and critical person) have caused me to question the way I am thinking about doing business and marketing. I was particularly interested in the conversations about joint venture and business purchasing. I must admit your CD is a it an information overload! I have yet to explore all the links and recordings but will definitely take the time to listen and re-listen till I have heard every last piece of information. (I have natural interest in learning new things) I am already having ideas as to how I can use this information. I am grateful that someone like you has taken the time to compile this valuable information, and I shall be looking forward to exploring some of your other products. 

Thank you
It appears that one or two of the recordings have been repeated (like I said I haven't yet explored everything just a quick overview before I looked at the things that caught my attention) but other that that the recordings seem to be of reasonable quality, even thou they  don't sound totally professional, the conversations are legible.



Hey Michael,

Trust all is well.Thank you so much for the CD. I got it yesterday and have been listening to it since. It's just fantastic. Lots of light bulbs (or BFO's) went off in my head! It's definitely worth its weight in gold.


Hello Michael,

I have listen to you silver CD and love the contents I just finished listening to your recording on Joint Ventures. Very inspiring. A little about myself...  I have started a marketing consulting company in the city of Orange Ca. I figure in two months I will be ready to call you with success stories and then will need to buy several of your Dan Kennedy and Jay Abraham courses. I literally believe that I will get rich from the knowledge that I have gained from your recordings. You will here from me in October.

Tom Bressler
Bressler & Lopez Inc.


Michael, I don't seem to remember exactly how I got to your site, but I can tell you I'm am certainly glad I did. This CD is probably the most valuable single "gift" I have ever received (especially from someone I didn't even know). Thank you. As a person who has spent over 15 years in sales and marketing, I literally felt like a kid in a candy store while perusing your site. You have done a marvelous job of compiling an unbelievable collection of resources.  I look forward to doing business with you in the future and will hopefully be able to find a way to give you something remotely as valuable in return in the future.

Thanks again and God Bless. Rob Fighter

Hi Michael,

I just wanted to say I heard about your site during a casual online chat with a friend and I must say I am so happy he told me to take a look at your site! I have just listened to one of your audio samples (30+ mins long) and loved every minute.

I was just telling my friend today how I was beginning to dislike downloading marketing audios online because they are mostly filler or sales pitches for some other products when in fact they should be giving valuable info as they promised. You have completely changed my impression of that with your site, extreme generosity, right on target information and really useable advice and tips you've shared.

I also sent for your free cd and I'm considering joining your site as a platinum member, my friend and I came up with a business idea today and I'm 100% certain paying you to get my hands on your audios plus 1 hr
consultation will put money in our pockets right away. Look at me, I'm already so confident and excited even before buying your stuff! What would I say after you've delivered!

Anyway thanks again!
Kunle Olomofe


Finding your site was like striking gold! The information I gained from your web site and the audio interviews you provide are priceless. I have never seen anything like this anywhere, and I am online about 16 hours a day.  Great job, young man.

Michael Dixon

Dear Michael,

Thanks for your outstanding effort in not only compiling the audio clips in your cd, but the interviews themselves.  Being able to listen to a wide variety of business and marketing topics at a click of a button on my portable mp3/cd player is exactly the way I like it.  We "information" business types are always seeking new ideas from those who think like we do, so your compilation, densely packed format is terrific.  And, I've only gotten through about half of the interviews so far!  I know I'll be turned on to many good products for future use as well.  I'm a doctor, who does a very rare, poorly known and understood... but thoroughly researched and proven natural procedure for chronic pain -- which has quite literally been held "hostage" from the American public  since it's development in 1930.  It's effectiveness is paralleled with the challenge of marketing it, which I've been successful in my local practice.  When I listen to interviews with many successful business people of various disciplines, it sparks my abilities to further my own business and prepare for other ventures.  I've downloaded other info products before, and quite frankly many of them are a pain in the ass because they're in funky formats, rather than regular mp3 files, therefore I'm forced to sit at my computer to hear them.  With your cd, I listen to quality stuff while doing a variety of things like driving, playing with my kids, exercising, even when I lie down to go to sleep.  So thanks Michael for your fine work.  Keep it up.

Dr. Donald Liebell
Virginia Beach, VA 

Hi Michael,

I just wanted to say what a absolute gem your CD is, I am constantly amazed at the information I find on it. It has helped me immensely. I have put into practice some of the techniques mentioned on the CD and the response and increase in business has been out of this world. I Highly recommend anyone to listen to this CD, it is a GOLD MINE of information.

Thank you Michael.

Hello Michael,

I personally have found many of the clips amazing, insightful, and educational. Really brings home the fact that ANYONE CAN BE RICH! It does take hard work, as with anything but the rewards are there  regardless if you are black, white, Asian, from the south, north, west,  or even a foreigner. One common thread is knowledge, knowledge, knowledge... about your clients, people you purchase from, competitor,  etc. You must always continue to seek more and new knowledge to keep the mind working .

As a professional suggestion, is the quality of the MP3 is pretty poor.  I do a lot of my work on Macintosh and know that you could capture a  lot better quality with the same compression, if not better. As for the  CD not supporting Mac, not a major issue but would think that doing a CD in Flash would be better as it support all OS's and easy to expand for future CD, assuming the designer look at the design as a template  for expandability.

I hope that this helps you in your future endeavors and maybe in the future we can work on project together. Many regards,

Charles Mason

Hi Michael,

I got your CD a couple of weeks ago and was meaning to tell you how great it was, the Joint Venture information alone was unbelievable. I mean, I've paid up to $777 elsewhere to get the info I got from you. So far, I've structured 2 jv's with my resume site. Who'd of thought? Joint venturing resumes?! But, so far, so good. The money's rolling in and I think you had a little something to do with that. :) SO by all means, use me as a testimonial.

Warm Regards,
Javon Sanders

Michael, I just HAD to tell you what happened after our phone conversation... I've learned more from you during one 15-minute phone call about marketing than I've learned from buying every single program out there!

Why do I say this?
Because it takes hours and hours to read through all the systems out there  just to find the "pearl of wisdom" that will turn things around ... But with you, as soon as you knew what my business was like... Bam, bam, bam, you gave me one million-dollar marketing idea after another! I wish I had a recorder myself to memorialize that conversation... Anyone who speaks to you about marketing their business and then doesn't see an immediate million-dollar opportunity NEEDS TO GET THEIR HEAD EXAMINED! Already, with the one idea you gave me -- I have two "non-competition heavy hitters" that target MY very same 'niche' -- ready, AND WILLING TO GIVE ME THEIR LISTS... FOR FREE!!!!!  Look, I'm talking about the "glen Gary" list  of the "Glen Gary list!" that they, have most likely taken years of painstaking trial and error to accumulate -- and it happened ALL FROM OUR CONVERSATION!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Scott Palangi


I received the CD as well as the Art Hamel seminar tapes I ordered. Everything is excellent and I want to thank you for being foresightful enough to have a business that includes making this type of old seminar available.  A friend attended Art's seminar back in the mid 80's and I had heard his tapes. Now I am getting into Business Brokerage with my sights on opening my own office in Business Brokerage in a few years, and likely purchasing one or more businesses following Art's philosophy.



This CD is perhaps the most over valued CD on the Market Place today, because like anything that is "overvalued" it gets hidden away, so no one else  finds out and then it doesn't get applied  by most people.  Not me though, I'm running with it, full speed ahead. In the first week of listening, I took one idea from the tapes, and increased my closing ratio by 35 percent.  And I've got some great Ideas for my newest project, you can see it at.

And one more...
Not only is this CD worth every penny of $179, it's worth to me over $500  since that's what it has helped me increase my bottom line by in just a few short weeks.  So why not charge $179 or more for it?  Or better yet, keep doing what you are doing.
Michael, I'll be your customer for life.  Thanks for the priceless introduction to you, that didn't cost me more that a few bucks...

Your Friend,
Dr. John Wingert, DD
920 Franklin Ave.
Connellsville, PA 15425

"Michael, Thank you so much for the help you have provided with regards to the tapes I bought today. I was told about your site by a marketing contact of mine and it has been a god send  .I know from bitter experience (after many hours of searching) that I would not have been able to find the Jay Abraham tapes at such a competitive price anywhere else. Its also refreshing nice to know someone genuinely cares about the product and the service they provide.  The website is a delight to navigate and learn from as it has opened my eyes to new opportunities in the marketing world and I have also been inspired by your own story. All the best for the future. Andrew Richards, Oxford, England" Never did do a testimonial before but it is 100% the truth. 

All the best

If you're looking for solid information on how to start, buy or improve your business you really need to checkout Mike's site. It is loaded with valuable information that will help you to explode your business, no matter what kind of business you're in. He has prepared and presents hard hitting information that you can start to use as soon as you read or listen to it.

But, it doesn't stop their. It gets better.  You see Mike not only presents outstanding information, he gladly makes himself available as your personal resource.
Go to his site, listen to his information, speak with him, let him help you and your business enterprise reach it's maximum potential. I did and it's made all the difference!

Eric Gerber


Thanks for sending the CD! I left work last night looking forward to listening to the CD on the drive home, but after it was ejected by the CD player in the car three times, I noticed it's a COMPUTER CD!! (If I had known that, I would have ordered the cassette). My job is just too busy and hectic to try to listen at the office but I plan on listening to it on the weekend at home (weeknights are also too hectic with 3 kids, dinner, school homework, etc.). I really love your website as it is chock full of valuable resources and great ideas. More importantly, your generosity and sincerity comes through clearly in both your web pages and really care about your customers, viewers, friends, etc.! Unlike so many other marketers whose "copy" reads exactly like slick copywriting, your voice comes through as a "helpful friend" and "fellow lover" of marketing science. Keep up the great work!

P.S.  After I listen, I'd love to offer my thoughts, if you want!


Just wanted to say that it's very rare for somebody to give away so much free information that's worth so, so much. Via your CD I have been introduced to some names I had not heard of before and the `golden nuggets' of education I have received is absolutely priceless. Finding your site on the Internet, truly was a find!

Keep up the good work.
Michael Silk

Hi Mike,

Your CD is the best. It's so jam-packed with real how-to information and everything is a 100% genuine too! Everything is clear, easy to understand, practical and can be put to use immediately. I learned so much on doing Joint Ventures on your CDrom that I was able to gather enough courage to drop out of College to do JV's fulltime with my new found knowledge. I just can't thank you enough. You won't find any fluff in this CDROM, just solid nuts-and bolts proven methodology and a wealth of information! Go get it!

Gabriel Howes


The tapes you sent are brilliant and I am reading the folder as well.  This stuff is a major education!!!


Hello Michael!

I'm Giancarlo Capuccio from Austria.I just got my cd, I just wanted to tell you that I'm really impresed with the kind and quality of information. I just listened to 3 different audios, and I got so many new ideas and resources for my business., and the most amazing is that the cd was for free. I think that when I finish listening all the audios I will have so many new ideas that I would normally have to pay 3000$ to get all this information. I buy a lot a learning stuffs to market your own products online, and you just sent me one of the most amazing information I ever got. I will be for sure be a life costumer with you and your techniques. Thank you veru much and congratulations for your great jobs.

All the best,


I  am listening to your interviews at the moment and I have to tell you that some of them are great, some of them are excellent and some of them are phenomenal !
Hats off to you ! What a great idea you had both with the seminars and with the interviews !

Oldrich Kachyna
Zerotinovo nam.204
Velke Bilovice
691 02
Czech republic
tel/fax : +420 519 346452
mobile : +420 728117970

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