"Listen...I've been searching the Web for Marketing information for over two years. Then one day, by accident, I stumbled across this site, it totally impacted my life and changed my mind-set about marketing and the Internet completely. " Jim Davis a true disciple of Michael Senoff
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Drayton Bird There Are Just a Few Writers Whose Skills I Envy. Michael Senoff Is One. |
Nobody has better mastered the art of telling stories - seemingly artless stories - that lure you and beguile you so effectively that you hardly realize you're being persuaded - until it's too late than Michael Senoff. -- Drayton Bird |
"Drayton Bird knows more about direct marketing than anyone in the world. His book about it is pure gold. His speeches are not only informative, but hilariously funny." -- David Ogilvy, Founder Ogilvy & Mather | |
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Ken McCarthy Hard To Find Seminars.com Is One Of The Gems Of The Internet. |
Michael Senoff is a great interviewer, a masterful marketer in his own right and knows how to dig deep to get to the good stuff. If you want to supercharge your own marketing brain, load up on this amazing free site. | |
The System Seminar |
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David Garfinkel Politely Relentless -- You Left No Stone Unturned. |
Hey Michael, I want to thank you again for doing a great interview with me. "Above and beyond the call of duty," "taking the patient, thorough approach of a master who appreciates excellence," and "originality in light of the real needs and interests of the end user -- the person who will ultimately listen to the interview," are all phrases that come to mind. As you know, I've worked as a journalist on and off for 41 years. I have top experts in their fields, who are very good at asking questions, telling ME that I'm able to pull stuff out of them that nobody else has been able to. Something they never thought they'd ever be able to find in an interviewer outside of themselves. I'm not so sure that my confidence in my abilities focus on how uniquely skilled an interviewer I am, but I know I'm good at it. And frankly, no one has ever been able to pull stuff out of ME the way you did. In fact, if you check my blog, you'll see that I jokingly referred to you as an Andy Sipowicz (of NYPD Blue fame) -- but without the violence or the rudeness! Meaning, that you were politely relentless -- you left no stone unturned. You have great skill and really put your heart into what you do. If ever you have someone who'd like to get a reference on whether being interviewed by you is time well spent, send 'em my way. I'll convince them that the process by itself is more than worth the time. And the fine product you painstakingly put together afterwards -- the finished interview itself -- is just gravy. (Extremely valuable gravy, nonetheless!) So thanks again, Michael. I learned a lot about myself in the process of reaching for answers to your questions. And I learned some new, positive things about interviewing others, too. |
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Ben Settle Hard To Find Seminars.com Is One Of The Gems Of The Internet. |
I learned almost everything I know about creating and selling high ticket products using simple audio interviews from Michael Senoff.His help and advice have been invaluable over the years. | |
"I've known Michael Senoff for almost 10 years. | |
His level of generosity, quality of product, quality of service, speed of response and overall genuineness is unbelievable. He offers the best business information in the world (interviews with top experts and transcripts of the interviews) for free. And when you buy something from him - he ALWAYS over-delivers, at breakneck speed - as though you're the only person in the world. After you've connected with Michael, you'll wonder what's wrong with all the other people offering or selling things. Michael not only sets the standard, he IS the standard. No, he hasn't paid me to say these things or bribed me in any way. :>) I've just a lot of stuff from him over the years and almost feel guilty because I get so much for my dollar, both in product and in personalized customer service. Go to hardtofindseminars.com and go hog-wild. You may get lost for days in valuable, free, best-in-the world business training. If you happen to see something you may like to buy, know that he would not offer it unless he believes in it and totally backs it up." March 1, 2011 |
Business Consultant. |
Dear Michael I downloaded your free audios off your site a while back and only now just got around to listening to them... The set I started with was the interview with Luis "67 Most Unforgettable Marketing Web Sites"... (ouch!) that was me kicking myself for not getting to this stuff earlier... AWESOME, CAPTIVATING, ENLIGHTENINIG, and down right DELICIOUS information... the first 20 minutes and my head was spinning into an internet marketing tornado I now call - Michael and I hope it consistently creates havoc throughout my own niche market. My wife and I have started a new venture www.joyofbirthing.com and I had quickly thrown up a website just to have something online and actively creating the time to put more and more content up so I really look forward to the rest of the audio. We haven't really started to market the site or our Seminars and services yet but plan to in a big way very shortly (when more content is available online). If the rest of those interviews are anywhere near the great content of the first 4? I know I'll be... (OUCH!) me kicking myself again... I'll be having a lot of sleepless nights in the future... and it won't be because my daugther is teething, or I have too much work to do... it will be because I'm gonna be counting the orders coming in and planning where our next vacation will be. Thank you on behalf of all of the Entrepeneurs around the world who are just starting out and don't have the time, energy or money to waste on our own errors and trial, I really hope you keep those audios free. I can really see that they are going to be life changing events (at least for me) every time I listen to them. A new father's accounting: Diapers...........................................$16.34 BabyWipes.........................................$8.76 Cereal............................................$5.81 Trip to WildWater Kingdom.........................$164.00 A visit to www.hardtofindseminars.com..... PRICELESS! Thank you again. I'll keep you updated on how this stuff is improving, impacting and propelling our lives into the future we desire. |
The purpose of this letter is to let you know what a pleasure it is to work with you! In the past year I have bought several rare "Gary Halbert" Seminars from you, and each one of them was better than you described. I appreciate your quick "speed of service", and on one occasion...I did call you on the telephone to discuss a purchase. Again, it was truly a pleasure to talk with you. As a side note: In April 2001, I strayed from you and purchased some Halbert material from another seller. This transaction involved several hundred dollars...and the seller stiffed me. Luckily, I had used a credit card and I was able to get a credit on my account. Not only did I wait...and wait...and wait for him to send me my order (which I never did receive)...I missed out on the SAME Seminars that you were selling!!! Man, oh man...had I not strayed...and...bought this Seminars from you...I would have this Halbert tape set today...without ANY of the hassle!!! Please feel free to use me as a reference. I sincerely appreciate your business ethics, and your great service. You can have your customers e-mail me at docnielsen@aol.com" and I'll be happy to recommend you!!! |
Greg Nielsen Waterford, WI. |
"Prompt and courteous service is all I can say. A rare combination in today's economy." | |
"Whenever I want a direct marketing info Seminars Michael Senoff is the first person I contact. He almost always has what I want and is usually able to save me a boatload of money off retail. He has my highest endorsement." | |
Direct Response Marketer & Copywriter |
"Michael Senoff has played and invaluable part in my marketing education. Aside from providing great marketing materials, at reasonable prices, Michael is the epitome of professionalism. I would highly recommend Michael to any of my associates looking for top-notch sale or marketing material. To Michael, all I can say is "thanks you for being such a good friend". | |
Orlando, FL" |
Hey Michael! I just wanted to thank you so much! You really took care of me this time! I had obtained a set of Jay Abraham's Protege-Mentor Training Program tapes from another vendor for a very good price, but when I called to ask you whether I paid a fair price, you informed me that I did except, I was missing a whole volume of tapes! I only had the first two of three volumes! Ouch! But then you really came through by telling me that you had a spare volume three from the exact same set from October 1989, and you quoted me a VERY fair price for the one volume. On top of it, when you informed me that the volume was missing two tapes, you offered to pull two tapes from another set you had from 1990 that covered the same topics and would include those in the deal, as well as some free alliance call tapes! Michael, you really hooked me up! All I can say is if anyone's trying to find those hard to find audio or video tape business or success with marketing seminars, Michael Senoff is THE MAN to go to. Thanks again Michael! |
I am a satisfied repeat purchaser of quality marketing materials from Michael Senoff. Over a one year period I have purchased hundreds of dollars worth of outstanding marketing materials from Michael. I have been pleased with his ability to quickly ship rare and original information packages from such internet marketing superstars as Gary Halbert and Jay Abraham. It is important to emphasize that Michael has consistently shipped to me original materials and never pirated or duplicated copies. Due to my satisfaction with Michael's ability to deliver top quality information materials the www.michaelsenoff.com address is a permanent member of my business development bookmarks. Keep up the excellent work, Michael, and continued business success. |
West-Gate Press Jamesville, NY |
"Good Seminars, great prices, fast shipping and great communication all add up to multiple smooth transactions with Michael. I highly recommend you do business with him". | |
Albany, Georgia |
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Art Hamel The Smartest Person I know. |
My name is Art Hamel and Michael refers to me "AS THE MOST FAMOUS PERSON THAT NO ONE KNOWS". Michael has kept my name before the Merger and Acquisition Community "INTERNATIONALLY" for the past 8 years. Thanks to Michael I am on the telephone with people from all parts of the world almost every day. I am assisting them while they buy a business in their country. We started buying businesses with profits of over $1,000,000 35+ years ago. The business did not take off until Michael got involved. Today all of our deals internationally are for business purchases making over $1,000,000/ year. We have had the pleasure of working with Michael Senoff for 8 years. In my 53+ years in business, he is the most honest , capable businessman that I've ever worked with. He's one in a million. We had taught many thousands of people in our seminars over a 15 years period and sold many thousands of our Business Opportunity Cassette Programs. We were phasing out and selling the last of our business buying programs because we figured it was all over. Then, Michael Senoff came along, beefed up the program and converted it to a CD program. He added a web site and the rest is history. Michael, continued to build the program up. Michael is a genius and very humble about his great talent. Michael, you are the greatest and smartest person I know. |
Business Buying Expert |
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Aree Galpers Nothing Short Of A Golden Lead Generation Asset. |
The interview I did with Michael has been nothing short of a golden lead generation asset. He is such a talented interviewer and they way he pulls it together is like hiring a top-level production house to create a great product that never stops selling. So many of our customers tell us that the interview I did with Michael was the spark that caused them to click our order button and join our program. Thanks Michael for sharing your talent helping to create such a powerful interview. |
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Rand Brenner His database marketing tactics are effective to generating new business |
Michael is one of the most professional and innovative marketers I have worked with. He's attention to detail and ability to ask the right questions has created some of the best teaching audio products. These have been great tools that customers have successfully used to license their intellectual properties. Through our marketing partnership, Michael has helped me to expand my customer base and develop new clients. His database marketing tactics are effective to generating new business. I highly recommend Michael to anyone seeking an online marketing partner. |
CEO Licensing Consulting Group |
Hi Michael, Anyway, I was intrigued to hear your personal response to the training (having now listened to almost all your audios, and knowing you to be an extremely marketing-savvy straight-shooter). I'd also like to thank you for your site (especially the audios) - this would have to be the most "real-world" comprehensive marketing site on the Internet. I am forcing myself to move onto the 'net this year (*ugh!) and I consistently find your site in the top 3 I visit. Every other marketing site I've come across (with a couple of notable exceptions) are just cluttered with rubbishy eBooks and "bulked out" with other non-useful dross. In fact, every time I sign up for an eZine, I almost immediately unsubscribe because they all look and feel the same. But you go out of your way to put up REAL and FREE content which is just amazing... the Martin Howey interviews for starters. But other notable recordings on your site which have made an impact on me are the Eugene Shwartz, and the Vanesh Patel ones. I've also enjoyed immensely your www.HardToFindAds.com site, with which you've supplied me a lifetimes worth of "longhand neuro-imprinting" practice! In fact, there are several aspects to my upcoming site which I am going to model from you because, as I said, your sites are some of the very few on the 'net with real integrity and unique content -- with nary a crappy, "link-ridden" eBook in sight! Thanks again, |
Before you buy courses at top dollar, this is the guy you have to turn to. Not only will he find what you want for pennies on the dollar, and not only will everything arrive in good condition and exactly as promised, but he'll load you with lots of other extra marketing tips you couldn't even conceive of because of his knowledge of the field. And if you don't like anything, you can send it back. How can you beat that? You get the same courses that others are paying top dollars for (foolish them), and you get the same guarantee. Not only that, but you get an advisor who can tell you what to avoid or what to go for, even if he doesn't have it. This is what business is all about--somebody else fulfilling your needs, and Michael makes a special effort trying to find out what you rally need and sending you in that direction. I don't care if you look elsewhere, but if you don't at least look here you're crazy. | |
WOW! Michael... I'm am truly and honestly blown-away at your invaluable audio session
on the free CD. Believe me, I have heard hundreds of interviews like this, and nothing compares to yours. One of my favorite things I found that I love, was the questions you asked your interviewers. I mean, every single question I had in mind, was literally asked by you anyway. I really enjoyed your interview with Joe Vitale. I mean who ever asks about his history of how he started as a copywriter. NOBODY, but YOU! Your interviews are most definitely unique in terms of questions asked, and engaging. I don't have any criticism to give you what-so-ever, except now that I know who you are Michael, you are added to the list of my favorite mentors. Best Regards, |
Michael, You know, it's not often I find someone who just plain over-delivers. You are one such person. The things that you have made available for free just completely blow me away. My only problem is that I don't have time to take advantage of everything you offer. The MP3 files that I have listened to are stellar. I especially liked the one by John Calrton. What a gem! Thank you, very much, Mike. |
Bal Simon |
Michael, Just a note to tell you how pleased I was to do business with you. My tapes arrived in New Zealand today, just seven days after ordering them! The Seminars is in excellent condition and has exceeded my expectations. You were fantastic to deal with, helpful, prompt and going above and beyond the call of duty. I look forward to doing business with you again in the future. If any other Anthony Robbins Seminars come your way, please consider me as an option to on sell to. |
Erin Dinneen CEO Visionlife Limited |
"I was very happy with the speed of service and the discounted rate with which I was able to obtain Gary Halbert's Atom Bomb marketing course. As a former seminar-junkie I find this information still very prevalent and much more affordable. Michael was very professional in our conversation and expedient in delivering the Seminars. I look forward to future transactions together." | |
The Center for Manufacturing Technology Excellence (CMTE) East Mississippi Community College - Golden Triangle Campus Mayhew, MS |
"Michael Senoff has the greatest collection of rare and hard to find self help books and tapes that I know of that is for sale to the public. He has an outstanding service too." | |
"Michael was fast and he was efficient. More importantly, he talked to me several times on the phone and gave me ideas as how to use the material. That is going way beyond the call of duty. I greatly appreciated that extra effort because it helped me to get far more out of the material than I would have otherwise". | |
Dear Michael, I received my tapes. I appreciate your prompt service. I especially liked that you customized my purchase to my specific needs. I would highly recommend you to anyone who is looking to obtain hard to find tapes. I would also suggest individuals use you as a resource to find out what is available that they may not be aware of. Thank you for including the extra materials. I know all the knowledge I gain from these materials will be profitable to me personally and professionally. Thanks Again, |
Dear Michael, It is with great pleasure that I write to thank you for the professional service you provide. If anybody has Jay Abraham materials at a bargain basement price I know it is you. The materials are in great condition and shipping all the way to Australia to me is never a problem. I look forward to our ongoing relationship. |
Piero Sacchetta Thanks Again, |
Michael: It truly is a pleasure to interact with you. Your timely and informative responses have helped me greatly. In fact, I was amazed recently that you not only consulted professionally but also counseled me not to make an additional purchase I was set to make. You showed me that my recent purchase on its way to me covered the same material. It saved me money. Talk about a truly honest and helpful consultant! Michael I would, without reservation suggest that anyone contemplating a business venture and or needs marketing materials - that they talk to you. Sincerely; |
Sherry Training Consultants |
Dear Michael, Just wanted to say that you gave me much, much more than my money's worth! I appreciate your openness and honesty about the different Seminars you have, and the effort you put forth to make sure that I got the Seminars that were best suited for me. Anybody else would've just tried to convince me to buy their most expensive stuff. Thanks again for all the awesome extra bonus items, and I'll definitely be ordering from you again! |
Hey Michael! "I have bought multiple items from Michael Senoff and have been extremely pleased with all of them. Not only was the quality of the items superb, but Michael's customer service was outstanding on all occasions. He is more than willing to answer any and all questions, and shipping is lightning-quick. I would not hesitate to buy from him again." |
Matawan, New Jersey |
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Ben Gay I Absolutely Hate Michael Senoff And His Seminar" Program! |
Why? Read on!
First, because Michael and his "Hard to Find Seminars" program gives away so much of the content for which those of us in the Professional Sales Training/Speaking/Seminar/ Consulting/Coaching/Script Writing businesses charge big bucks. That's why! And not only that, Michael is so persuasive that he even talked me into giving away some of my most valuable stuff for free, too! Damn Michael! Damn him! Why would I, wily old Ben Gay III, fall victim to that? Because Michael's so good at interviewing folks that I found myself coughing up stuff I never give away for free! In fact, if you listen to the sessions I did with him, you'll be absolutely astounded to hear exactly what I revealed! Except in high-priced, private, closed seminars with close friends/clients, I've never done it before! Never. Anyway, you've been warned! Be interviewed by Michael Senoff at your financial risk! But listen to his many interviews as your path to riches! All the best! |
WWW.BFG3.COM bfg3@directcon.net (800) 248-3555 |
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Trent Lee Very Qualified And Educated Leads |
I have known Michael for about 3 years now, we did a interview back then and that one single interview continues to bring in qualified leads month in and month out. It still amazing me that the interview that we did that long ago, although still very accurate an relevant content, continue to provide very qualified and educated leads for me every single month. | |
Tax Reduction Expert |
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Stan Billue "Over $100,000 in new Business over the last 2 years, including $37,700 from one client." |
Dear Michael, As you know, I conducted up to 22 Speaking engagements per month for over 20 years. Once I decided I no longer wanted to be a 'road warrior' I started learning how to improve the marketing of my Audio and Video Products and Consulting Services on the Internet. Over the last 10 years I've have been Interviewed countless times by National Magazines and Radio Programs, have conducted over a dozen Webinars both personally as well as being co-promoted by other famous Speaker/Trainers, posted over one hundred Articles to International Magazines and Ezines, made over a thousand Posts to Blogs and Discussion Groups and 18 of my 90 Training Videos are available for free on every major Video Site on the Web. Many of these efforts helped explode my Product Sales and Consulting Services from 15 to now over 65 Countries around the World. Being a numbers freak, I track every Sale and even Newsletter subscription but there is one single source which has consistently out performed every Marketing idea I've ever been involved with and that's the incredible Interviews Michael Senoff did with me at 'Hard to Find Seminars' two years ago. Michael is not only a great Host and Interviewer, I later found out what a masterful job he does at promoting his interviews to the search engines. As a direct result of my Interview with Michael Senoff, I can identify over $100,000 in new Business over the last 2 years, including $37,700 from one single Client. I now have Consulting and Mentoring Clients on 4 Continents and a big part of that is because of Michael Senoff's 'Hard to Find Seminars' Interview. Mike . . . you are "FANTA$TIC". |
www.StanBillue.com |
Michael, I was ecstatic to find the video and booklet on your website that I had been trying to find for over 7 years! I've been searching and searching, and then I found your site with exactly what I was looking for -- and at a terrific price! And one other thing, thanks very much for responding quickly to my emails and phone call, answering my specific questions about the package, and getting it shipped to me so quickly. It's refreshing to find someone who is still cares about delivering excellent service to their customers. By the way, the information has already been worth 100 times the money I paid for it! Thanks again--. |
Trilby, Florida |
Hello Michael, First of all, I cannot believe the generosity and professional that you have put into your CD and web site. At first I printed the transcripts and read them at my leisure (reading them 1-2 hours per day). Then I listened to the interviews, while reading the accompanying transcripts. They're incredible because the person you interview gives you their best stuff, much of it not even in the Seminars they sell. You bring out some of their secrets and they're glad to do it. Now I find myself playing some of the interviews while doing business work of mine. I have it playing in the background so that it really soaks in. Some of it I listen to repeatedly, like Luis Arauz, Joe Vitale and Gary Halbert, and more recently John Carlton. I have bought some material and plan to buy even more. At times I feel so guilty that I have gotten so much benefit and you're not trying to sell it to me. It increases my trust level in you and I find that I want to buy things so that I learn and to support your success because I don't want you to stop. The time and effort that you have made to make all of this material available is unbelievable. You're surely going to heaven and you're educating many people in a good way. Well, it's after 2 am, so I guess it's time to go to sleep. Often I have found myself changing my sleep schedule because I can't put down the information you provide. Thanks !! |
02-25-02 Not only is Michael Senoff the only person I would consider purchasing the high price seminars offered by some the most respected and effective internet marketing experts of our time, but he is also an immense help in offering advice and guidance. When I was looking for a particular program, Michael was extremely helpful in narrowing down my selection to be sure that I purchased the programs that would the most help to me. He also gave me some great ideas to use in my own business. Thanks Michael and I look forward to doing business with you in the future. |
Atlanta, GA |
I have been dealing with Michael for some time now. He has many marketing Seminars to offer. I have won many items at eBay auctions. He is always fast in email notifications. All material I have received has been well-packed and promptly shipped. | |
Spring Hill, Florida |
Michael, On a whim, I went on eBay's site one day looking for Jay Abraham Seminars. I was new to auctions and didn't know the first thing about how to participate. One of Jay's out-of-print manuals caught my eye; it was being offered by Michael Senoff. Once I signed on as a member, I ended up with the winning bid for that item. The transaction couldn't have been better. The Seminars description was accurate, the payment terms were clear, and the delivery was faster than I would have ever expected. Not to mention the unexpected free bonuses, that were of value to me. Since then I have have had a few other eBay transactions with Michael. As funds permit, I will continue to do business with him. He has a lot of material that I would love to get my hands on and I trust him as a fellow eBay member. |
Conshohocken PA |
Over the past year I have purchased from Michael several times and have never been even a teeny tiny bit disappointed. One time he sent me the wrong item- a nice tape set, but not the one I ordered. Guess what he did when I brought it to his attention... Not only did he send me the correct tape set right away, he told me to keep the other one for my troubles!
Of all the millions of sellers on auction sites, Freepen (eBay) is one of the few I check daily because I know I can always trust what he says. Thanks Michael! |
Renowned Author, Speaker & Money-Making Webmaster (If you can do it; It ain't bragging!) Atlas Information Services - http://www.atlasinfo.com |
To whom it may concern, I had occasion to order a large collection of seminars by Jay Abraham from Michael Senoff. I also had several telephone conversations with Michael and found him to be eager and highly conscientious in all of his dealings with me. The printed materials arrived in a timely manner and while they contained a few minor penciled notations made by the previous owner they were still perfectly readable. The final agreed upon price for these materials was a fraction of what I would have paid had I bought them new. On value for money and service Michael Senoff is way ahead of others I have seen making similar offerings on the net. You can put me down as an extremely satisfied customer. Yours truly |
I had started online shopping three years. Be an Internet shopper, the delivery speed and customer service mean the most to me. Usually buying stuff from big companies will take one to two weeks for delivery and the customer service is terrible. You only deal with the computer automatic response. However, doing business with Michael Senoff is completely different. He is friendly, professional, and available all the time. I have the contact with him within 30 min after I send out my email. Our deal is made by two emails within 8 hours. The most impressive thing is: I receive my package the next day!!! This is really incredible. If you are an online shopper, receiving your package within 24 hours without extra expensive cost is like a miracle. But Michael Senoff did. He is responsible and fast. I recommended. thanks |
General Accounting Manager CAM |
"Prompt and courteous service is all I can say. A rare combination in today's economy." thanks |