Internet Money Making Testimonial Examples & Samples From Marketing Clients and Students How Lean The Best Online Money Making Tips and Secrets about Internet Marketing And Using Audio To Market and Advertise Their Product.


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PROOF 226 Personal Stories, Comments And Case Studies Directly From Michael Senoff’s Students

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Dear Michael,
We just received the CD's and tapes that we purchased from you.  They are exactly what you said that they would be and in perfect condition.   We look forward to making more future purchases.

Tampa, Florida


Hi Michael.

I just wanted you to know that your 52 hours of marketing advice, was the best CD Rom I have ever received. It's laid out perfectly. You have all the material that you have to offer plus those wonderful audio clips. My favorite audio clip is the joint ventures with one with Ron LeGrand. They talk about the SRDS books and magazine and newsletter lists. That one little clip was worth a lot of money to me. The guarantee that comes with these materials is the best I have ever seen. I would say Michael you have taken customer service to a new level. My advice to ANYONE READING THIS is to get the 52 hours CD Rom. Then if you find something you like order it from Michael. How can you lose when you have zero risk?

Thanks Michael
Sincerely Robert


Michael Senoff supplied me with the hard-to-find Jay Abraham Reunion Seminar and Harry Pickens Tape Sets. Michael is a model of professionalism to deal with - always prompt in his communications and providing an overall superb level of service. To anyone thinking of buying quality used marketing seminars, I thoroughly recommend

Mr. Andrew J. Lawson,
United Kingdom.



Thanks so much for the great cd. For you to give such value for FREE is truly generous. Listening to the cd has given me many ideas & ways of looking at things that I hadn't thought of. The folks you interviewed are very generous with their information. One interview helped me to figure out a question that I'd had for about a year. Up until I received your cd, I'd spent over $1,000 buying info trying to find the answer. To think I found what I was looking for in a CD ROM. I'm ecstatic! It's what I needed to finally start making MAJOR money from my business. I'm betting that this info will shave years off many other peoples' learning curve, and help them make a LOT of money too. I wish I'd heard this info years ago. I recommend that everyone jump on your CD ROM offer before it's gone. Otherwise they'll be kicking themselves for missing out. But, if you do put a dollar value on it, it'd be worth it - whatever the price.

My guess is that I'll wear out the cd soon from stopping, starting, pausing & replaying portions of it. Thanks again for the excellent product! And your website is great. I found it by accident, but I'll definitely be stopping by often & picking up some seminars on it.

Cynthia Alexander
Los Angeles, CA


I've enjoyed the CD alot.  It is easy to use and it has more information than I really have time to review!  That's good because I'm constantly learning and improving my business. Overall, I'd say you've got an AWESOME CD that has everything and MORE than what you said. As you know, I've already ordered 2 hard to find books from you and I'm a VERY satisfied customer.

Thanks again,
Jeremy Eveland



Your audios had powerful info on them. Some I knew, a lot which I didn't. I was interested in taking the Jay Abraham class, but the cost of the class and getting myself out to California would be hard. After listening to your audios, I probably wont be going. But you made number of great points in your audios about people being addicted to these audio tapes looking for

more info to expand their business. And about half of them not applying the easy principles or not finishing the program. I just think your marketing strategy is just great about locating these programs and reselling them.

I'm 26 years old and I currently started my own marketing and advertising business because I see the benefits of doing so. I'm actually in the process of preparing to teach a course at a local Vo-Tech school on the principles of success by combining all the info I've collected of the past few years. I hoping this will give leverage in my business and open other avenues to make more money for myself and my family.

I'm excited to review the information you will be sending me. I look forward to talking with you in the future.

Len DeCarmine



I did get the cd & I emailed you a testimonial. After listening to more interviews on the cd, I just had to send another one.

Michael, you are a marketing genius yourself! The advice you give is just as valid as ANY marketing course you have for sale. Your advice gave me ways of tons of ideas & ways looking at things that I had never thought of.

I'm positive that anyone who lacks the confidence to go forward with their own business can find the encouragement in an interview. Anyone who lacks a business idea, can find one via the cd. Anyone who has questions about how to best proceed with growing and marketing their business can find the answer on the cd.

It's incredibly generous of you to give this cd-rom for free.

Thanks a Million,
Cynthia Alexander
Los Angeles, CA



The marketing strategies revealed in your audio CDrom conversations are priceless. Anybody who wants to increase the profitability of their business can benefit from your collection of interviews applying these principles to a wide variety of businesses.
I can't wait for the Volume Two!!

Mark Hendricks
Trilby, Florida
Business Coach and Author of "How To Make Your Ads, Sales Letters, And Websites Sell Like Crazy".


Hi Michael,

The detailed audio segment on joint ventures is something both seasoned and new Internet marketers need to hear. That alone can help anyone make several thousand dollars within the next 90 days. Thank you for including that vital information in this comprehensive audio package!

I hope that testimonial helps you extend the reach of this CD, and that you choose me to send the $20,000 marketing seminar set to. I feel like my business could really use that infusion of knowledge and learning curve.

Thank you,




Your CD is fantastic!  The advice you gave to callers can be used in many business situations.  Your comments about leverage and how to test a concept until it works and then just add zeros is very powerful.  Everyone who does any kind of marketing needs to listen to your CD.  BTW, the Jay Abraham tapes I purchased from you are fantantastic.  Your guidance on on where to go for an education in marketing has been very helpful.

Greg Beuchert
Salt Lake City, Utah


Hi Michael,  Your website is easy to use, a real source for hard to find seminar products, and your pricing is fair for the content you offer. My order was shipped fast, arrived in perfect condition and was exactly as advertised.

John Dunn....Windsor, CT


When I first found Michael's site through a search engine, I thought he had mistyped his free offer to "get over 51 hours of marketing audio content on a beautiful CD Absolutely FREE" and I was right!  Why? Because the newest
version of his CD ROM now contains over 61 hours of hard-hitting, ready-to-use information--All for FREE. 

Michael has done us all a huge service by compiling literally millions of dollars of key marketing information from the most brilliant marketing minds on the planet.  And this CD ROM puts access to them all right at your fingertips. I've visited countless marketing sites on the net over the past few years and no one has an "free offer" that even comes close. 

Believe me when I say that you'd have to be an absolute fool not to take Michael up on his offer to get the CD ROM! Now the single biggest problem I have is carving out enough time to listen to all the interviews and to sift through all the mounds and mounds of powerful information and insight I now have in my possession.

Thanks Again Michael!
Brian Andrews
Bakersfield, CA



Your CD ROM is outstanding. As the saying goes," all it takes is one or two great ideas," and there are plenty to be found on your CD.  I particularly like the live telephone consultations. Listening really opens your thinking about the possibilities for success in any business venture using the right resources.

Reg Howard



I've enjoyed the CD a lot.  It is easy to use and it has more information than I really have time to review!  That's good because I'm constantly learning and improving my business.  I have an MP3 player in my car so I have had your CD in my car playing everywhere I drive! This way I am constantly getting your excellent information "programmed" in my mind.

Overall, I'd say you've got an AWESOME CD that has everything and MORE than what you said.

As you know, I've already ordered 2 hard to find books from you and I'm a VERY satisfied customer.

Thanks again,
Jeremy Eveland


great info...continuing to listen to it...



I felt Michael is taking a real niche market, and proceeding to lay bare some of the mystique and secrets, if you will, about one of the most talked about, and least understood phenomenon of the internet, the "gurus".

A so called so named handful of very bright and insightful men and women, who have blazed their trails across networks skies to wealth beyond most other facsimiles of the term gurus.

If your like me, sometimes when you read, or hear of the incredible prices they get for these seminars, you've got to throw your head back and say Wow! What the heck do they know that we don't?

That is precisely what makes Michael Senoff audios & website so valuable! It is what sets him apart.

The realization that we can not only purchase these very informative, and in many cases rare pieces of knowledge for a fraction of the cost but far more important, we can talk to a Genuine Expert, who is not above taking his time to reach out to assist anyone.

You can search high and low before you will find Anyone who even sells these types of material. But to find someone ready to answer your questions, that is certainly in a class by itself.

Having a strong marketing background myself, I not only learned from listening (only heard 21 plays as of this letter), I was impressed and kept focused on the beginning, of how Michael went about locating these tapes to telling little gems for improving a barbers business to helping a former banker. His demeanor dealing with people definitely comes across, and so does his sincerity.

Perhaps, the most important part of Michaels message was, whatever you chose to do, be happy with what ever it is, for that is worth more than anything, and that way you have already succeeded, the money will follow.

Michael is truly a Class Act!

Dave Mark

If you want to be successful, go to Michael Senoff's website and order the free 61 hours of marketing audio on CD ROM. That's what I did. This CD is very powerful because it shows you what is available for sale, then it has audio clips to listen to. These are real powerful interviews. One I really like is the truth about joint venture marketing. That one audio clip is a million dollar piece of advice. I just purchased an Jay Abraham tape program from Michael, at a huge discount. I had looked for it for 6 months and could not find it. Plus Michael's material is not counterfeit. They are the original seminar tapes, not duplicate or reprints .I feel real confident I'll be able to rely on to get all my marketing material programs so I can become super successful.

Thank you Michael,
Sincerely Robert



I have had a little time to listen to some of the files.  It's great, the quality is excellent and many of the ideas are fresh and great creative triggers .  I hope to be able to get through it by the end of the year (just so busy right now).

Thanks again, you have a fantastic product and a great manner of marketing.



Hi Michael,

I just finished listening to some of your audio clips and I immediately ordered your CD.  That's how valuable I think this information is.  Even though you have it for free on your website, I still want a hard copy on CD so I can listen through my walkman and in my car.  This info is the missing link between knowledge and application.  There's lots of guys selling how-to information, but what I find really, really helpful is to hear step-by-step in real life how a person just like me actually took the info and did something with it.  There's lots of guys selling how-to on the net, but as far as I know, yours is the only website to offer this type of real life practical examples.

Thanks so much and I can't wait to get the CD ROM.

Take care,


Michael, your CD with all the interviews is great! I especially like how you and your guests reveal everything you're doing, what works and what doesn't -- I can't wait for Volume 2 (and 3) !!"

Mark Hendricks, author of
"How To Make Your Ads, Sales Letters,
And Websites Sell Like Crazy"



Hi Michael:

Great job on the CD!  I give it the "thumbs up" for at least 3 reasons:

1) It is professionally done, from start to finish.  First impressions are so important, and you have certainly provided anyone who hasn't dealt with you before a super "first look" at what you are all about.  The graphics quality is great.  The layout is very user-friendly.  And the sound quality is excellent.  And you take the time to tell the user what to expect all throughout.  While going through the CD, I kept saying to myself, "Wow, this guy knows what he is doing.  He's not an amateur but a true professional."

2) The content is outstanding.  There is so much "junk" out there that is given away for free; so that after I get something free, I usually say, "Well, I guess I got what I paid for!"  But with this CD, that is not the case. This is free in the sense that I did not have to pay a dime for it, but it is certainly worth hundreds of dollars, because you have provided
quality content, real life examples of people in need of marketing assistance, and your insightful consulting advice.

It didn't take me long before I found myself listening to you talking to someone who had a situation virtually identical to my own!  (The mortgage loan guy who wanted to develop an information product.)

3) I've been in business for the past 20 Years.  This is the best example of "try before you buy" that I've ever seen.  I'm a Tax Accountant.  What can I do to show a prospective client how well I do tax returns -- let him look at some other client's tax return!  Hardly!  But as a marketing consultant, you can show the world exactly what you do.  You've captured the essence of your
business on tape and put it out there for all to experience first hand.  It's like the listener is right there when you conducted these consultations.  To say that this CD is a "great idea" is an understatement, for sure.

I only have one suggestion for improvement -- how about putting the date of each interview.  I think that knowing when the conversation took place will add another touch of professionalism to the presentation.  Doesn't have to be full month/day/year; even just the year will let the listener know the overall context of the discussion from an economic standpoint, plus if these interviews go back a few years, it will enhance your image as someone who has
been doing this for awhile.

Wayne M. Davies
4660 W. Jefferson Blvd. #220, Fort Wayne IN 46804
Tel: 260-459-3858 / TOLL FREE: 866-543-5257 / Fax: 260-459-0124



Hi Michael,

I just finished listening to some of your audio clips and I immediately ordered your CD.  That's how valuable I think this information is.  Even though you have it for free on your website, I still want a hard copy on CD so I can listen through my walkman and in my car.  This info is the missing link between knowledge and application.  There's lots of guys selling how-to information, but what I find really, really helpful is to hear step-by-step in real life how a person just like me actually took the info and did something with it.  There's lots of guys selling how-to on the net, but as far as I know, yours is the only website to offer this type of real life practical examples.

 Thanks so much and I can't wait to get the cd.

 Take care,


Micheal continues to prove that he is committed to serving his customers. His focus on providing the most recent and valuable programs to his customers is evidenced by his responsiveness and willingness to serve. It is truly a pleasure to be working with an organization that values and understands the needs of the customer. Keep it up Mike!!! Your service is appreciated.

Kind Regards,
Bob Stumper



I think you have one of the most important websites today for marketing on the entire internet. And I know because of you and your valuable information. you'll make more millionaires than a lot of others promise to.

You give the real meat and potatoes of information first free and then at a bargain (if that is you decide to buy one of the offered courses) so good luck to you and all the ideas I'll be spawning from the info I got here free, I'll keep you updated. All the best and feel free to use this as a testimonial.

Lloyd Brown. Montreal, QC.


Thanks for letting me check out your new site. I enjoyed the audio clips I listened to.  A few timed out, but the ones that didn't, sounded great.

I liked the streaming audio because it was instant.  I do wish there was a volume bar on the player, but I'm not sure if that's possible on your end.

The topics were great and the headlines that introduced them really helped my decide what I wanted to listen to first.

Thanks Michael,
John Rowe



I got your special CD a week or so ago.  I have listened to a number of the clips.  I especially like the interview style of you asking questions to the guest.  I learn so much more than from attending a seminar because I can re-play and re-play sections that are of special interest.  I really like the CD product.  I am certain to get a lot more out of it, as I progress through the huge amount of information.

Thomas F. Ribar
Management Solutions International
W67N222 Evergreen Boulevard - Suite 111
Cedarburg, WI 53012-2650
(262) 375-7400
(262) 375-8640 Fax

Turning Ambitions into Achievements"
We work with manufacturing companies who want an Edge in the Marketplace, and with decision makers who>want a Fresh Approach to Improving their Business.



You're such a nice and true guy. I receive your Free Marketing CD and you pay the shipping but what makes me surprise is that you pay me more than the CD and the Shipping, you also give me Free $1000 worth of value Marketing Info.I suggest you rename the title of your Marketing CD to "Marketing Encyclopedia CD".  You really know how to value your customers and prospects.

I will refer you to my subscribers and customers as my token of appreciation.

Thank you.
Richard Alcebar
Author and Copywriting Titan


It's a good thing I couldn't play it in my car...because I quickly discovered that listening to this collection of audio clips causes the brain to auto-launch into an idea-generating frenzy.  Just when I thought I've heard the best part, along comes another more powerful lesson.  This thing is electrifying.  Forget the fly on the wall metaphor.   More like the towel boy being allowed into the inner sanctum--where the top players huddle and listen to the coach.  

If you are a student of the market looking to hot-wire your marketing education, this CD is akin to a full scholarship!

Before I sat down and typed out this response, I promised myself not to resort to trite clichés and avoid them like the plague.   But after hearing just a couple of the audio clips, I could not help but join the hallelujah chorus and say, I CAN'T BELIEVE MICHAEL IS HANDING OUT THIS CD FOR FREE!  And I don't mean free if you send him money for shipping & handling.  It's an all expenses paid (by him) private seminar!  

I know he will stand to benefit from all this as well.   Nevertheless, thank you so much, Michael.  May your tribe increase!

Here's to win-win setups and profitable deals,

Gus Ruiz
P.S. The CD is an excellent gift.  I wonder if I could have it sent directly to them.  Even if their businesses are offline.

P.P.S. The words you uttered may be prophetic.  Fast forward into the future, the CD could very well become a collectors' item.


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