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Michael Senoff's Students Speak Out... Listen To Their Comments and Testimonials Below...

Free Report- 197 Personal Stories And Case Studies From Senoff Students

download here



Dear Michael,

I have listened to several of the audio clips, I loved the one about the guy who asked your help in the car freshener business, I like the way you told him to stick to what he was doing and not to go off on a tangent with the dance thing.
I also like the way you suggested he automate the process and use the mail to deliver all the products. The next audio I listened to was the guy who fixed your computer. I think you were right on telling him he needed to clone himself.

The next clip was from the turn around artist, he was sharp and sounds like he made allot of money on the deal with the financial company that got off track. He sounded like he was pretty fundamental in his approach, telling the companies to refocus on their core businesses and optimizing the operations.
But my favorite was the pr-doctor. I learned more about pr from that one audio clip than I have learned in my whole life. I love the idea or piggy backing on the hot news. and I listened to both clips about your test case with your pens. I look forward to following that every week.

I have learned more in five nights of listening to these clips than I have learned in the last five years of studying and listening to tapes from different marketing gurus. I look forward to getting the killer sales letters as I have an idea I heard about that I'm dying to get started on and need some sales letters to get started. When I do get started I'm calling you and get your advice on how to keep it going after I do my first tests.

Also loved the web sights you offered Elance and freedom voice. I know I can use them in my business. Looking forward to the materials and cant wait to get started.

Peter Perreca


Dear Michael:

Thank you for taking the time, energy and expense to put together a website like this. This information is worth its weight in gold. I am putting together a business plan to start a merchant's association and have used many of the ideas from your site.

The audio clip where you discuss finding equipment for pennies on the dollar by looking through the SIC manual and locating businesses that have gone under within the last five years was excellent. Also the clip about building service-oriented businesses by giving free haircuts or serving customers fresh muffins and getting referrals helped me to generate some additional ideas of my own.

Your advice to the gentleman selling grocery coupons was right on target. I also sold those coupon books. Had I listened to your advice before hand, I would have saved myself much time and aggravation. Your interview with Mr. Dixon, the "Turn-Around" expert and "Life Settlement/Viaticals" broker was very informative. I have benefited greatly from your advice. You are providing a true service to anyone who wants to understand the power of marketing.

Julius Moore


Michael, I must say....that most of these clips are fantastic, and a wealth of information. There are at least 50 great reports in all this info, as well as a dozen money making opportunities here. I went through all the clips available here, and cant believe all this great info is FREE. I hope everyone realizes what they have here, and takes advantage.

Richard Langkamp


I stumbled onto your site by accident. Ron Ruiz mentioned your pen site in his "Business Fast lane" newsletter. I then clicked on to the link & found your site. It's a real find! I know I can't afford some of the expensive seminars, so finding a site where folks are willing to sell them is great.

I'm writing to tell you that I enjoyed the few audio clips I've listened to. The 3 interviews I listened to (Vanish, Greg (the air freshener guy) & Pete Perreca) were very good. I think it's great that someone is truly giving something of such great value for FREE! I hope you keep it up. I'll definitely be checking your site for courses. BTW, what is the "PDQ Program" that Greg & Pete mentioned?


Dear Mr. Michael Senoff,

Thank you for sending me the User Name and Password. I've just downloaded your files and what else I can I say but: WOW! What a Great Collection of Marketing Information. It's much appreciated.

Mr. Andrew J. Lawson


I discovered your site last week. And I can't stay away! The Herschell Gordon Lewis recording is pure gold. He's a great raconteur with an easy listening voice.I loved hearing about the early days of collectibles as I spent 12 years in that sector. Art Hamel's tips gave me a whole new outlook on starting a business. And David's story on how easy it is to set up a cleaning business with such low investment was a real eye opener. Keep up the good work!

Simon Woodcock
PS. What was Art Hamel's training course/seminar titled? It sounds really interesting.

Michael is a true professional. Quick efficient service and always with a willing ear to listen and find out what you truly need. Thanks for the items I received from you and look forward to more purchases in the future.

All the best, Robert

"As the principal of a small boutique sales and marketing consulting firm, I need to offer compelling sales and marketing solution sets. I've decided to bone up on my marketing domain knowledge and learn from one the best - Jay Abraham. I wanted to get started immediately in a cost effective way. After doing preliminary search using Goggle, I came upon Mike's website and company "hardtofndseminars". With interest I reviewed his site, it seemed that Mike could help me. I called him and we began a dialog.

He wanted to get an understanding of my requirements. We had discussion, exchanging some ideas. He immediately followed up with an email with his recommendations, suggesting and outlining specific material.

I called him to ask a few questions about purchasing the material. I made the purchase. He confirmed it. And, a few days after the shipment arrived as promised with the materials, all in excellent, new condition. I plan to partner with Mike on some other requirements. And, I recommend to anyone that is looking for high quality seminar material at a very fair and reasonable price to give Mike a call and use his service. You will be satisfied with the results."

Best regards,

 Michael, I've become "addicted" to your audio clips, there are SO MANY good ideas in them! I try to listen to one or two every need to make more! They are transforming my thinking and opening up my mind to ideas I never would have otherwise had. I really like the ones where you are interviewing someone who has a unique money making system (like the trailer park guy). These are great because they are real world examples and this is the kind of stuff that most of us are never exposed to. It dawned on me that someone should put together a book with all kinds of examples of unique ways that " think outside the box" type people have found to make money. One thing that I find interesting and I don't know what the dynamic is (and maybe it's just me) but it seems like you are at your "advise giving best" every time you are talking to me. Maybe I just need more help. lol.

Have a good day,


Hi Michael,

 I've only had the time to go through a section of your audio clips, and I must tell you that you've done a great service to everyone by giving us free access to the clips! Though I haven't gone through all the clips, the ones that I did manage to listen to contained lots of useful information already!  Many thanks!

I'm shocked and impressed that you are giving such specific clips for free on your web site. maybe allow a more specific look from the clips for a nominal charge or to download the specific complete clip. just an idea.
Stephen Popen


 Wow, there are some real diamonds among. Especially the Joint-Venture tape from the Internet Marketing Boot camp is unbelievable! Thanks for this information. Not even Jay Abraham explained it in this detail. It is absolutely amazing. Thanks again. I have not listened to all of your tapes, but what I hear up to now - it is very good stuff!

Helmut "Hutti" Hutterstrasser
Handelskai 102-112/3/6
1200 Wien
Telefon: +43 (650) 91 37 347

Hi. Michael,

Listened to your audio clips about mobile home investing and joint ventures. I really liked the give-and-take of the mobile home conversation better. You asked the questions I would have asked at that particular point and the person being interviewed was very generous with his expertise and conveyed a tremendous amount of "horse sense" which I would not have thought of myself.

Best regards,
Mark Stober

Dear Michael,

 Michael,  I especially enjoyed the interview with Luis and I can't put a price on what the CD is worth with heavyweights such as him revealing 40 years of experience.



Dear Mike,

    I love your site. I am very grateful for your generosity in putting all of these valuable audio interviews on your site for free. I am very grateful for your willingness and generosity in helping people and providing info on some of the powerful marketing materials available.
Thank you very much for your time.

Don von Heimburg

 Hi Michael,

 Just finished going over about half of the material in your free sample CD ROM. Thanks again by the way for shipping the CD for free all the way 'Down Under in Australia.

  After listening to some of the audio clips about what you have in mind for your website it was truly great to know there are people such as yourself out there trying to make a difference in such an accessible way. Anyway, I just wanted to quickly say your CD ROM is undoubtedly the most generous compilation of free marketing information I have EVER received, (and I've been collecting for over 3 years now...) It was way beyond what I had expected, with the extra gems you snuck in there that are invaluable. I have no doubt in no time, you'll be regarded as marketing genius up there with the greets. I look forward to learning from you in the years to come.

Yours sincerely,
Kean Wong



I've listened to all of you audio clips. I don't know why you give information this good away for free, but, I'm glad that you do and I respect you for doing it. As so I will always be a loyal customer to you and your site.  I'll be ordering the Jay Abraham Portage program soon.

Michael Marcello


I find your interviews super helpful. The real power is that they help me to finally get the advanced (and expensive) concepts of Jay Abraham et al. By hearing your real world examples of marketing concepts and ideas I often have "AHA now I get it" moments.




Your CD is fantastic, It is so jam packed with audios I am writing note like crazy trying to get all the information down. Keep up the great work.Everyone should get this CD.

Luis Arauz
Joint Venture Marketing Expert
Chicago IL


Wow.  Your right!  It’s over whelming.  I find it hard to believe.  I have read about most of these course and wanted almost all of them.  You sent me 1000s of dollars wroth of stuff.  I will let you know what it was worth to me when I start applying some of it, just where to start.




Your CD was incredible. I own a small business and I was able to get several ideas that are going to put money in my pocket immediately. Your information really got my creative juices going and thinking about my business in new innovative ways. I look forward to learning more from you in the future. Keep up the great work!!!!

Greg Ramsier
A+ Fundraising


Mike, I received the books on advertising 2days ago and haven't stopped reading them, may be the best $300 investment I have ever made. The invisible ink pen also looks very interesting.

Thanks Again, and Good Fortune.
Joe Potts




I received your cd of all the interviews on your website, and, my God!,I've been blown away!  I mean, when you read on your site that it contains 50+ hours of marketing interviews/phone consultations, it sounds like a lot, but when you actually go through it!  I've been listening daily for over a week now, and I'm not even half way through (and I've got the opportunity to listen a lot every day)!  I can't tell you how useful it's been.  I've gotten ideas for my business (and I haven't even gotten to the interview you have on the site with the guy who is in the same business as me!), and I've gotten a boatload of ideas for ways to expand my business and new opportunities that, frankly, I'd never thought of (that guy buying and re-selling mobile homes - what a great idea!  And life settlements... I've got to check into that here in Georgia.  That could be a SERIOUS profit windfall for my business!).  I really, really appreciate you sending that to me, and I look forward to ordering more stuff from you.

God bless!
John W. Thomas
Macon, Georgia



WOW! I really thought that the "61 Hours of ongoing how to information" was a misprint!  I thought it should probably have said " 61 minutes"...but boy was I pleasantly surprised!  What a find!


I don’t remember the exact day and how I run across Michael’s site but since that day I’m not the same. I wrote an e-mail for him and I was surprised of how fast he answered, actually I think he answered the same day asking me to call him whenever I want. I couldn’t believe it! I told him I don’t speak good English, he understood and gave me advice through e-mail of what material would be great for my situation.

I couldn’t believe the prices and the value of the information. I got his CD ROM and let me tell you that is “fuc#@… Chingon” (means “great”, in spanglish language).

I’ve been surfing the net looking for the kind of information Michael provides for 2 years, I’ve bought some good material but after these two years there is just one thing to say with my heart on my hand.

Don’t waste your time and money. Go to There's no better place in the whole web.

Victor Castaneda
Atlanta, GA


Hi Michael,

I must tell you that this is simply a brilliant marketing idea. For about a buck you have a fully qualified lead and real contact info. I'm impressed. I haven't really seen anyone else offer this... yet.
No doubt I'll end up being a customer.

Best regards,
George Chapin


Mike this is William Moore the guy from William's Temporary Tattoos. I received your...CD and was happy as a lark. I think it's one of the most important information products I own. Since I'm on the CD too it's the bomb. I'll be getting back to you. Thanks a lot Michael.

Your friend in Ohio
William Moore

P.S. I hate to say this Michael, but I don't share this CD information with anyone (I played this CD once for my girlfriend) and you give this information away for free (god-bless).....Your A better man than me....William


Dear Michael-

I wanted to drop you a line to say how much I enjoyed your CD. In fact, whenever I begin working on a new project, I pop it in my computer, fire it up, and start listening to random clips. It really gets my marketing juices flowing.  You really did a nice job putting it together.  Seriously, very impressive.  I would recommend this to anyone who is serious about marketing.

-D.R. Schulz
Results based marketing strategist and consultant. "I don't get paid unless you make a s***load of money.  Period."

Dan Schulz & Associates
New York, NY  11218


Hi Michael... The CD ROM is great!!! I listened to about 15 or so of the calls. There is nothing wrong with them plus they are free. It's listening to 2 experts for free. Author Hamel is great! I'd like to get his course. He was really open Joe Vitale!!! What can I say. Taylor trump just layed it out on how to do a direct mail Campaign.

Michael, it was clever how you got the PR Dr. to do that for you and I like the week by week follow through. I'm a big fan or Ron LeGrand. I listen to both presentations the joint venture and fax broadcasting [or fax  blasting we call it] was good too. I disagree on one thing from my experience. 

I'd like to get some of Ron Legrands Materials. Please put me in contact with him. Also I called Taylor too. Mr. X I don't know why he hid his identify himself but it was interesting. Your joint venture guy in the UK was eye opening too. You are doing a fantastic job. I can't think of anything bad about your concept or your interviews. Sorry. I'll be talking to you. I'd like to do an interview to promote the travel program I'm doing. and I've made over 15k using LeGrands stuff. 

I think we maybe should not put that interview we did on until we talk. I want Brian Keith voiles stuff. Joint venture stuff ...thanks for the CD ROM Michael.

Don DuBose
Atlanta, GA


Hey Michael! Michael, I LOVE your site! 

Just wanted to say that I LOVE your site!  I found out about it through the IC list that Perry Marshall started. I met him at the System I and II seminars, and thus subscribed to the list.   He's a great guy.

Anyway, I ordered your CD ROM and took a few minutes to check out some of your recordings online and I have to say that it's unbelievable that you give away so much valuable info.

As for me, I am currently working on my own story so I can give back, as you say, and I hope to be interviewed by you in the future.  In a nutshell, I've been through bankruptcy, unemployment, single-father of 2 boys, but still have come out ahead through all the tough times. My plan is to simply share with those who have been in my situation some of the things I went through, and how I dealt with them.  The only piece missing from the puzzle is true financial independence, but I'm working on that aspect of my life right now, and once it's achieved (hopefully very soon), I will plan my attack.

Again, I love your website and the info included.  I am an avid student of Internet and Direct Marketing, and you seem to have nailed it!  If there's ever anything I can do for you, please just let me know. 

Take care.
To your success,
Andy Hussong

P.S. I have a friend who went from being evicted from his apartment in Sept.2002 to making $8000 by mid October that would be a PERFECT interview candidate for you.  Please let me know if you're interested and I will introduce the two of you.

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