Eugene Schwartz: I want to explain what I’m
doing here. I have two goals. My first goal is to help you as much as
I can.
My second goal is to make myself transparent. This is
a mystical experience which we undergo every so often. I don’t know
whether you’ve tried it. It’s marvelous. If you work with a computer -
a good computer, lots of bytes - you can say to the computer, "Solve
this problem for me." When it does, you can then say, "Make yourself
transparent to me. How did you solve this problem?" Then the computer
will then go back every step and show you how it reached its solution.
The computer cannot lie. It doesn’t have that circuit
built in. We have a very large number of lying circuits built into us.
Now what I’m going to try to do is take the lying circuits and move
them over here and be transparent. That means I’m going to answer any
question, give you all the information I can, completely honestly. And
we’ll see how that works because that’s the only way I can possibly
impart anything of value to any of you.
Now, I know you’re extremely fine professionals and
much of what I say for the first ten
minutes is going to be too elementary for you. But I cannot discuss
anything unless I go
over the very, very, very, very beginning.
Okay. This is a timer. It is the most valuable thing I
ever bought in my life. I go nowhere in
the world without a timer. Whenever I do anything, I press in "3, 3,
3, 3". That means 33
minutes and 33 seconds. I then press the start button. Now we’re going
to speak for 33.33
Now, why do I do this? Because I don’t think anyone
can work for a very long period of
time without interruption. And if you do, you exhaust yourself too
quickly. When a posse
used to chase a criminal out West where I come from, Butte, Montana,
(very important fact)
the horse thief would ride for an hour, and then he’d get off and walk
the horse for an hour, and then he’d get on the horse again and ride.
And the posse would ride for an hour behind him, get off the horse and
walk an hour, and then ride. Why wouldn’t the posse go faster?
Because the horse would be exhausted and drop dead.
Okay, your mind has a way of
dropping dead on you. So what we do is we give it this 33.33 minutes
and this gives us room for inspiration to sneak in.
Okay, that’s Number One. Number Two is the fact that I
come from Butte, Montana. Now, you’ve probably come from a lot of
different places rather than this particular place. I was very
fortunate to be born in Butte, Montana. It’s a very small town of
30,000 people. I grew up there. I left when I was 15. I live in
Manhattan - I lead an extremely sophisticated life in Manhattan. I try
never to lose the Butte, Montana in me. Because the Butte, Montana in
me is everybody in this huge country of ours.
Now, I don’t know how many of you read the National
Enquirer every week. I don’t know
how many of you go to every film that makes over $100 million and see
every one of them.
You cannot lose touch with the people of this country, no matter how
successful or how
potent you are. If you don’t spend at least two hours a week finding
out where your market
is today, you are finished! You will have a career of three blazing
years and be finished.
Hers A Summary:
Gene Schwartz’s rules of great copywriting are in fact
the rules of great marketing and great editorial. And, yes, Schwartz
says, these are rules, and I'll expound upon them:
Be the best listener you ever met.
Work extremely intensely, in spurts. Never "create"-
know the product to the core and combine the details in new ways.
Write to the chimpanzee brain, simply, directly.
Channel demand - never sell. Think about what your product "does", not
"is"- and demonstrate this.
Make gratification instantaneous. Failing often, and
testing big differences, shows you are trying hard enough. "If any
writer has set the tone and style for successfully marketing books to
consumers, it is Eugene Schwartz. His packages not only sell millions
of books for them, but also provide an inspiring model for everyone.
No writer in the business can match Schwartz’s energy, intensity, and
ability to pile benefits on top of benefits on top of benefits. Two of
Schwartz’s packages - for Dick Benson’s Wellness Encyclopedia and
Rodale’s Secrets of Executive
Success - have an astonishing 299 separate and
distinct benefits to the buyer in the former and 237 in the
latter."-Denny Hatch Talk Little, Listen Much So go and get in touch
with your people. Don’t lose that. Talk to every cab driver you meet.
Speak to everyone you can. Be the best listener you have ever met.
Talk little, listen much. That is your market talking.
You don’t have to have great ideas if you can hear
great ideas. Marty Edelson is the owner of Boardroom, Inc., which is a
business about the same size as yours: $100 million a year. He came to
me with $3,500 in his pocket, and I told him I’d have to charge him
$2,500 as a copy fee, which embarrassed the devil out of me but didn’t
bother him at all. And he said, "Okay, what do we do?" And I said,
"Well, we can start it right now. I’m going to sit and I’m going to listen
and you’re going to talk." He talked about four hours
about this crazy concept of having a thing called Boardroom - a
newsletter called Boardroom. And I just sat there like you’re sitting
there right now, taking notes.
And when he said things I just took it down.
And about 30 minutes into it he said one sentence. And
I took it down, and then we finished. And I said, "Well, thank you."
He said, "When can you have the copy for me?" And I said "about two
weeks. "He walked out. I went home. My wife takes a long time to make
up. While she did that, I wrote the ad. I put in the ad from stern to
stern. I couldn’t give it to him the same night because he would think
it was worth nothing. So I then put it away for two weeks. And in two
weeks, I sent it to him and he ran it.
Now, my copy was 70% his conversation. The headline
was, "How To Get the Heart of 370
Business Magazines in Just 30 Minutes a Month. "It was his thing. It
was his idea. It was
his conception. It was his vision. All I did was write it out and give
it to people. Okay. You
must be in contact with your market. You must listen. You must let the
ideas come to you. If
you don’t let the ideas come to you, you’re going to rely too much on
your own creativity.
These are all fundamentals.
The number one rule of success in anything -
marketing, football (which I’m going to talk
about a lot today), chess, etc. - is work. And it’s so funny. It’s so
easy to say, "Work, work,
work, work, work." But I have to emphasize that to you. I was telling
Richard that I have a
very peculiar life. I live at home. I have no boss. I’ve never had one
since the second year In was in business. In am a West-Coast person
who doesn’t relate very well to the East-Coast clock, and so every
morning In get up about ten and by 10:30 or 11:00, I’m ready to go to
work. I work every single day of the week. I work on Saturdays and
Sundays, too. I have never had a writer’s block, an editorial block,
or any other kind of block. I create 12 to 15 mailing pieces a year. I
never have any trouble getting started on them. I work between three
and four hours a day. I work extremely intensely. I work in half-hour
spurts as I’ve already told you.
I’ll tell you how I manage to get the work combined
with creativity. It’s very simple. And I have about an 85% hit ratio.
That means 85% of the ads I write pay out.
The Creativity Is Not In You... Never Mistake That Now, I am of the
opinion that the absolutely most talented copy writer in the world,
who doesn’t work very much, will be beaten by a copy cub who puts in
four times as much work, because the creativity is not in you. Never
mistake that. The creativity is in your market and in your product,
and all you are doing is joining the two together. And the only way
you can get the creativity out of your product and your market is to
dig it out. And the only way you can dig it out is dig it out more
than anybody else digs it out.
I’m better, result-wise, than many great copywriters,
who are better writers than In am,
because In work harder than they do - and In can actually see the gaps
in their working. Let me explain that. We have what In call the Super
Bowl of copy. In use football metaphors, because they are apt, and In
hope everybody here understands them. If you don’t, I’ll translate
them into other metaphors, but they work very well for me.
Take Rodale. I’m not going to talk about Phillips Publishing at all
here. You’re great, you’re sensational; you’re one of the greatest
companies I’ve ever seen. I’ve studied you intensely, but I’m not
going to talk about you because I’m going to talk about other
experiences so you can relate the other strange experiences to your
own and therefore broaden your scope of creativity.
Rodale made $315 million in sales last year. It should
come close to $400 million this year.
That’s just Rodale Books. A very good company. It’s done many
innovative things,
produces excellent books, etc. They hire two copywriters for every
single new book they do. The two copywriters are sent the manuscript
of the book, and they write ads. (Now, you can call them mailing
pieces or anything else. I call everything ads, because I like to use
short words.)
We then submit the two pieces. They are laid out by
Rodale’s layout department. They send the copywriters a sort of
preliminary layout j - then the artist and I talk about it, fix it up,
get it right. It’s sort of a Super Bowl because these are the
highest-paid copywriters in America. We all get lots of money. I have
done that four times this year so far. It’s not a Super Bowl where
it’s once a year - it keeps going all the time. And you keep running
up against these terribly, terribly, terribly great writers.
To compete in it, I read the Rodale book. Seven
hundred pages. Four times. I underline the book so intensely that I
get 40 or 50 pages of notes out of those readings. Those notes are
then sent out to a secretary and she types up those notes so I get a
precise "vocabulary." I then go over the vocabulary and begin
structuring an ad. We’ll talk much more about that in a few moments.
When In am finished, and I am working on the copy, I know more about
the book than the editor who has produced it. Because many times at
Rodale, they’ll come back to me and say, "This is not correct. This is
too exaggerated, and I will say, "In combined something from page 116
with 531" and the editor goes back and he says, "Yeah, okay! It can be
Finding Those Hidden Desires Find your readers’ hidden
desires. They are hidden, because your reader doesn’t want to really
talk about them, but they are n the subculture, hidden culture,
under-culture of our civilization. That’s why you’ve got to read the
things that people buy. Anything that people buy. Vanity Fair. You’ve
got to read Vanity Fair. You won’t know what’s going on unless you
read Vanity Fair, People Magazine, The Weekly World News. I don’t know
whether you are advocates of the Weekly World News. You’ve got to read
that because it shows the extent of people’s ability to believe.
When you start working on the project, you go to the
person who has initiated the project and you listen. You listen two
ways. A person in books and publishing has probably done a lot of
words on paper, so you read those. And then, if you can, you sit down
with him and you just kind of turn on the tape recorder and you
listen, listen, listen. Nobody’s going to know more about it than you.
Then you listen to people every single day of your life. You’re paid
to listen. It’s a very bad profession. Very lonely profession. Because
it gives you almost no chance to brag or talk about yourself. You
really listen. Martin Edelson gave me a headline and theme for a whole
new series of books which we have not even prepared yet because he
said something at lunch the other day.
You listen, you pick up ideas from people. That’s
where they are. If you get them talking, they will come out. Know The
Product To Its Core Because I have to know that product right down to
its core in order to get every single sales appeal out of it, I work
harder, and therefore I make 85% winners. Okay, I guess the best guys
are much better writers than I am. I’m not really that good. I haven’t
got their flair. Jim Punkre’s a hundred times better than I am. So you
work. You work, you work, you work. You leave nothing out. No step
undone. What the client gives you may be inadequate. If it is, you
challenge the client. You have no client but the audience. You really
don’t care about anything but the market or the process. When I’m
finished I send my copy in, he sends his copy in, she sends her copy
in, whoever it is.
The ads run. Direct mail pieces are mailed out. And I
get a report back from Rodale and
they say, "You out pulled Jim Punkre 146% on one ad, and he out pulled
you 31% on
another." You then get his copy, his mailing piece as well as your
mailing piece. You then go over in great detail his approach and
compare it with your own approach. It’s a very good way to learn. Very
humiliating. Very enlightening. I can see where they didn’t do enough
work. I can see where they lost facts. And the loss of those facts
stands out so clearly because I had the facts; they didn’t have the
facts. Usually, I win. When you are dealing with someone of real
brilliance and they do a headline, that’s absolutely beyond all
belief, then you are going to have a hard time. Probably you’re going
to lose then no matter how many facts you have. But nevertheless, 70%
of the time if the facts aren’t there, they’ll hurt you. It’s exactly
as if you don’t have a piece of concrete in
your building, and it collapses.
These are fundamentals, but they are universally
applicable. If you don’t get in the facts,
you’re just not going to do a top job. When you marshaled the facts,
you then begin writing the copy. Now, we are specially privileged
people. All of us. Because we are working in publishing. And what is
given to you is not a product, but words. You’ve got a constant flow
of words that you are investigating. So much of your copy is already
written for you.
So you start with their copy and your comments and additions and
inspirations from their
copy, and it’s there on these 40-some pages. In your computer, on your
screen and you start at the very top and you work your way down
sentence by sentence and paragraph by
paragraph by paragraph. It’s very easy.
A Very Simple Way to Make Sure You Get Down to Work Let’s talk about
the value of it being easy. Many very brilliant writers - as well as
other workers in all fields, physical and especially intellectual -
have trouble getting started. They have what is probably known as a
writer’s block, which is a Western phenomenon and does not occur much
in the East. In Zen Buddhism for example, it doesn’t occur at all. Why
does it occur here and not occur there? It’s very simple. Zen
Buddhists about 4,000 years ago invented a very simple way to make
sure you get down to work. And to make sure you don’t have a block.
What happens when a Zen or a, let’s say, me - I’m
partially Zen - starts to work? What he does is he takes out the piece
of copy, and he calls it up on the computer. That is the vocabulary.
All those little quotes. He then takes out a cup of coffee. The same
cup of coffee every day. He swirls it around and mixes the sugar.
Mixes the cream and swirls it around. Then takes out a pad and a
pencil and puts it in exactly the same space. He’s not doing anything
very much. Then he takes out a little timer - that crazy little device
- - and punches in 33:33. I’ve been talking for 13 minutes so far. I
know exactly where I am. Okay. He puts in 33 minutes and presses the
start button.
When I press the start button, I can do anything I
want. All willpower is dissolved. I can do anything I want as long as
it relates to the piece of copy in front of me. I can ignore it. I
don’t have to touch it. I don’t have to look at it. But I can’t get up
from the desk, and I can’t do anything except ignore or relate to the
piece of copy. I am not trying to write a wonderful ad. I am not
trying to earn and extra million dollars. I am not trying to do
anything. I have no goal whatsoever as to what that particular piece
of copy is going to do for me. All I know is that I’m going to work on
the copy, and I have no responsibility to the client, the copy, the
prospect, the market, myself and my future except to work.
So finally, after a good deal of looking around - I
can’t get out of the chair now, I am trapped in that chair for 33.33
minutes, I get bored. So what do I do? I start reading down the copy!
As I start reading down the copy, the copy says to me, "Oh, hey,
aren’t I beautiful? Why don’t you pull me out and put me on top? "Or,
"Why don’t you change this phraseology? It’s extremely ineptly put.
Why don’t you put it into advertising terminology? "So what happens is
that I begin to get into it. And without about five minutes I am
working on the copy, making the ad from the copy. Okay. No block,
because I am really not doing very much at that time.
Forty pages is a lot. The computer doesn’t like 40
pages. New computers like them better - they’ve got more bytes. But
they don’t handle them well, and so we are going to have to start
subdividing them into categories. The categories are going to become
your letter, your flyer, and in a magalog they’re going to become one
page - the little sidebars in the magalog, etc. So you begin to sort
it out, and you begin to get it. As you sort things out into
categories, things leap out at you. When they leap out at you, you
capture them at that moment. The computer has a thing called a
highlighting device - the bold key - you hit the bold key, and you
make them into a headline or a sub-headline. They are the points of
contact, the most dramatic points of contact you have with your
prospect, with your market.
I hope you can all see this ad. It says, "Burn
Disease Out of Your Body. "Crazy. A really wild piece written in
1979. The full, headline is "How Modern Chinese Medicine Helps Both
Men and Women Burn Disease Out of Your Body Using Nothing More Than
the Palm of Your Hand. "Okay. This ad has been running for 14 years
now, selling the book, which sold for $6.95 when it first ran and
sells for $33 now. It will sell more copies this year than it ever did
before. And we paid the author well over a million dollars. I wrote it
as a special favor for the author because he had done a special favor
for me - he gave me back the use of my right hand after I had my
stroke. I paid $125 for the layout. It’s as crude as can be. I never
thought the thing would sell. Layout, letter, very crude, very small
type. A lot of violations. We’re going to go over this in some degree
of thoroughness later on. I couldn’t get anybody to run it, so I
started my own business to run it. And there I was.
How Modern Chinese Medicine Helps Both Men and Women
BURN DISEASE OUT OF YOUR BODY Using Nothing more than the palm of your
"How to treat high blood pressure, bursitis and
arthritis - and prevent them from degenerating further, or even
reverse them - simply by massaging the outside of the legs in a
downward way. This pose helps reduce water retention and excess
weight.....cures and prevents hemorrhoids, and cures problems of the
prostate, such as ...enlargement and cancer.
"Eventually throw your glasses away, and never need to
see an eye doctor again, simply by rubbing around the eyes for a few
minutes every day. "If one has strong..., they never grow old..."
By applying the ...faithfully, he regulated his bowel
movement, lost 40 pounds, and was filled with new energy."
"In just a few weeks, she had lost five inches in her
waist, hips and thigh area." MAIL ENCLOSED CARD FOR FREE COPY. I got a
call from him...and he told me...that he had already lost...his best.
EFFORTLESS TWO-MINUTE EXERCISE. "By such apparently simple means, the
superfluous areas of the stomach and abdomen are literally rubbed
away. MAILER: Instant Improvement, Inc.
PACKAGE: Dr. Chang’s Book of Internal Exercises
COPYWRITER: Eugene M. Schwartz FIRST MAILED: 1979 The 9" x 12" outer
Okay. "Burn Disease Out of Your Body Laying Flat on
Your Back, Using Nothing More Than the Palm of Your Hand" are not my
words. They’re the author’s words. I wrote seven paragraphs of this
letter. But I had the ability to let this man speak for himself. And
he still speaks to millions of Americans. We are mailing more in
January than we mailed for the first eight years of the mailing. And
it goes against very, very strong, strong, strong wonderful copy,
including your own copy. And it still continues to do well.
That just about finishes the fundamentals.
After 33.33 minutes happen, this thing goes crazy and
rings all over the place. You stop. You push the stop button. You
don’t do anything from that moment on. If you are in the middle of a
sentence you really leave that sentence go. If you lose it, you lose
it. That’s too bad. You are under the command of something higher than
you. It’s so funny to use these metaphors. You pull yourself and push
yourself back. You stand up. You now have five minutes of compulsory
leisure. You are not to create any more! You are not to work anymore.
You have five minutes. Now. Coffee low? We’ll have to make a new cup.
Dog? Play with the dog. Go shave (if you’re a man, of course). Okay.
You do something.
You see, you have to do something, but you can’t work.
You have to engage your mind. You have to engage your intelligence.
But you can’t engage your mind or your intelligence on what you have
been doing. Why? Because you are about to create. You have been
working until that point. Now you are about to create.
How Does One Create?
Now let’s talk about creation. How does one create?
How does one become creative? How does one get new ideas? How does one
solve problems that are intractable and cannot be solved? That you’ve
worked on for weeks and thrown your hands up in despair? Well, that
again is quite simple. We’ll take a few minutes on this because it’s
really so valuable, and it’s so much a habit that can become
cultivated, and then become rather automatic and give you a
statistical proportion of hits. That means new ideas, in this case.
Your conscious mind is actually your focus of
attention. The conscious mind is absorbed with what you are paying
attention to. I’m paying attention to all of you when I’m speaking at
this particular moment. Your conscious mind can only hold about seven
memory bytes. That’s pretty small, so you have to focus. Your
conscious mind is where you focus your attention. It’s very narrow.
It’s wonderful. It’s fantastic for working out syllogisms,
consequences, etc. It will not create for you.
What is creation? Creation is a lousy word. It’s a
lousy word that confuses what you really do to perform a simple little
procedure. Creation means create something out of nothing. In the
beginning, God created Heaven and Earth. Okay, only God can do that.
We can’t do that: We’re human. So let’s throw creation out, and let’s
talk about connectivity. What you are trying to do is connect things
together. You’re trying to practice connectivity. You’re trying to get
two ideas that were separate in your mind and culture before, and you
are trying to put them together so they are now one thought. You want
something new to come out, but new doesn’t mean it never existed
before, it means never joined before. New - in every of discipline -
means never joined before.
You’ve got to trick that conscious mind because that
conscious mind isn’t big enough to connect all these widespread
phenomena. So what you do is you take your conscious mind and you
focus it on making a new cup of coffee! That holds it there, and then
ideas can kind of bleed into the back of your mind and come into the
front of your mind.
The best example is Mozart - a most creative man, who
was writing symphonies at six, seven, eight. I don’t know whether you
saw the movie Amadeus. It shows very truthfully and very well how he
wrote. He never, ever, rewrote. He never changed. He wrote his scores
in pen and ink. He never changed a note of them. They were always
perfect and the highlight of his genius of course, but that doesn’t
mean a thing.
How did he do it? Well he did it very simply. He
composed at a billiard table. He would stand at the billiard table,
and he would have a single white billiard ball. He would have a pen
and an inkwell, and he would have the score. And he would take the
white billiard ball in his left hand while he had the pen in the right
hand and he would throw the white billiard ball out against the three
cushions. And it would bounce off the three cushions. It’s random, how
it comes back, to a certain extent. It never comes back exactly at the
same place, so he had to focus on the trajectory of the billiard ball
until it came back.
When it came back here or here or here, he had to focus
on that hand being at the exact right place. Meanwhile, while his
conscious mind was over here, his unconscious mind slipped the note
back to him and then he had the next note. Every note was a billiard
ball traveling. Every note was a distraction. Every note was an
addition. You’ve got to break out of that conscious prison to be
unconsciously creative, which means to connect unconsciously things
that haven’t been consciously connected before.
My greatest inspirations or creations come when I’m
shaving. I am the poorest shaver. I cut myself continually, and I’m
always running back and forth between the bathroom and my desk. They
are right next to each other because I have to get it down before it
slips away.
I’ll draw one of my great connections for you. A very
successful ad. It says, "71-year-old man has sexual congress five
times a day!" Problem? This was a sexual health product. There are
many sexual health problems and health products around. Everybody
constantly talks about super-potency, etc., etc. They all say you can
gain back everything you had. How was that going to compete in a
market with a very simple, very crude mailing piece?
And I found I could do it by two ways. Number one, I
used "sexual congress" which is a very strange way of phrasing this
particular act, but which was a very typically American way in the
1890s. And number two, I talked about a 77-year-old man when I’m
selling products to 40 - year-old men. I gave the extreme. I did not
think of this. I had no idea of thinking of this. It came to me, in
fact, when I was shaving. I put it down, and it pulled 9% on the first
Okay, those are the fundamentals. Let’s go over them
The first, most dominant, absolutely incontrovertible
and indispensable fundamental is that you work harder than anybody
else, therefore you make more money than anyone else. A one-to-one
connection. Red Blake - coach of Army, during WWII, a great coach -
said the will to win depends on the will to prepare. You gotta
prepare. Prepare, prepare, prepare. You got to go over it. And on the
sixth reading you’ll see the great stuff.
Second is the ability to get to work. If you don’t get
to work you can’t make money. And you get to work simply by using
techniques for thinking creatively.
Richard-Stanton Jones: What are some of the techniques
you use for tuning in or listening well?
Schwartz: Number one: One hour a day, read. Read
everything in the world except your business. Read junk. Very much
junk. Read so that anything that interests you will stick in your
memory. Just read, just read, just read. Subscribe to Ladies Home
Journal Cosmopolitan, Vanity Fair. Get all the very low stuff. Low
culture makes big money. Got to remember that! There is your audience.
There is the language. There are the words that they use.
Remember, when somebody does a picture, about a kid
who gets lost over Christmas, and makes $300 million, a lot of people
like that! If you have to go to that well not once, but twice, and you
have to say to yourself, "What makes this reach these people?
Assume People Are Wonderful
Assume, as your constant assumption, that people are
wonderful. You might read Dale Carnegie’s book How To Win Friends and
Influence People again. That book is one of the greatest books ever
written. And everybody should read it every two or three years. The
assumption is that everybody you’re out there writing to is a good
soul. As my father used to say, the sale of the earth. They really
want to be nice, honest and successful. They want to be happy. And
they want to have friends. And assume that’s there and then see what
they’re very interested in at this time.
When you are at parties - and this is extremely
difficult - listen. Sit down and listen. The technique of listening is
extremely simple, and most people - 80% of people - don’t really
practice it. You look the other person in the eye and you say, "Gee,
you’re wonderful." You say, "Well, isn’t that interesting. What do you
do?"" Oh, I’m publishing." "Who do you work for?" "Phillips
Publishing."" Oh, terrific! What do you do there?" And you sit and you
listen and you listen and you listen. And every time they say
something, you nod. And memorize specific statements, so you can feed
them back to them in the same conversation. In that way, the person
goes into a talking frenzy.
He begins to feel very important, very comfortable,
very happy and he loves you and he will confide in you. That gives you
his inner secrets. I have - pardon me for saying this - but I have had
a dinner conversation with a woman I have never met before at which
the entire table around us - 12 people - stopped when she said, "I
tell you my cervix is no larger than my little fingernail!" This is
because people will become hypnotized by their own stories.
Write To The Chimpanzee Brain
All the exposure books. Every single one of them.
Barbarians at the Gate. You know, all the ones that said, "These are
the way people got away with it." Get that book. Everything that tells
you how to be crooked - as an investor I would devour them. People are
two-sided. I mean, there are so many ways we can go. You are all
chimpanzees. I’ve got terrible news for you!
There are three kinds of chimpanzees invented by
nature: the regular chimp, the pygmy chimp, and this thing called man.
Man was the third. He came along a couple of hundred thousand years
So you have three brains! You have a reptilian brain,
a mammalian brain and human brain: the cerebrum up here which thinks
logically. You don’t use the human brain that much in reading copy.
You really use the chimpanzee brain in reading copy. You are an
animal. When it gets you in the gut, what does that mean? It gets you
in the chimpanzee brain. That’s why you use very simple and very vivid
words when you’re dealing with investment copy, I think. In any other
kind of advertising I’ve ever run I used very simple words.
Inside of us we have this hidden chimpanzee. It gives
us a lot of trouble. But it provides a lot of opportunities for
marketers. The person who buys investment material wants to make a lot
of money very, very, very fast. He may logically know he can’t do
that, but he would love to do it. And believe me, he goes home and
presses that TV button and sees right in there. That is your junk
reading. Now, he’s going to look for the best, most rational and most
honest approach possible. But he’s also going to have that little sly
side of him and you are going to have to appeal to that to sell to
Copywriting is simple writing
I also just want to quickly throw that into another
dimension. I guess you all supervise or work with the copywriters. And
you all write copy. You all speak copy. You’re all trying to sell
somebody something - if it’s only a raise or going out on a date, or
having somebody do what you want them to do.
Copy writing - as well as all effective writing - is
simple, transparent writing. It is not literary writing. The surest
way to know that something is failing as copy is to have someone come
in and say, "God, that was great copy! Oh, I love the ring of that
sentence! And that phrase you put in there moved me!" Uh, uh! What
happens is that you want them to come in and say, "Jesus Christ, am I
in that much danger?" Or, "is there really a way that I can have
sexual congress fives times a day?" That’s what you want.
You are presenting a showcase for your product. Just
like a store showcase on Fifth Avenue. You want the person to be able
to look through the copy like the person is able to look through the
glass in the showcase and see the product inside. If that glass
becomes dirty, reflective, or calls attention to itself in any way,
you have failed. If you want to write a novel, go write a novel. And I
have! But don’t write novel copy!
Simple, dramatic, move-gut copy. There’s also enormous
room for logical terminology in ads. And you should use it
continually. But that is logical, terminology and structure. Don’t use
hard words in ads - words with more than three syllables - unless you
want to give a certain flavor at that moment. You’ve got to be simple.
The Headline Does Not Sell
Let’s get into specifics. This desk here is a good
example of what your table at home looks like every day and what your
prospect’s table at home looks like every day. Here I come in, and
I’ve had a tough day. And I’m pretty tired. And I’ve got one, two,
three, four, six, seven, eight, nine or more pieces of mail. What is
my movement when I open these pieces of mail? I go this way and this
way and this way, okay? My actual rhythm - and your actual rhythm - is
you pick them up like this. You may pick them up like this, and you
look. The envelope has ten seconds. You, as a company, as an
executive, as a copywriter, have ten seconds. The hand comes up, the
hand looks, the hand throws away.
Or, the hand stops. Something gets him. You have ten
seconds for your headline to stop that hand from throwing your piece
away. So what is a headline? That’s very important. And a headline is
a very simple device that has a very easy job to do. Except that
people make it extremely hard.
The purpose of this headline: "Burn Disease Out of
Your Body" - which is the first thing they see in those ten seconds -
is to get them to read the next paragraph. That’s all it is. Nothing
else. It sells nothing. It confirms nothing. It argues nothing. It
establishes nothing about the firm. If it stands by itself it would do
nothing in the world, but all it’s gotta do is, it’s got to get them
to read the next paragraph.
Second, how long should a headline be? That’s a
classic question in copywriting. And, of course, the answer is, "No
determined length." The headline depends strictly on how long it gets
you to stop the person and get them going.
And the third question is, how many headlines can
there be in a mailing piece? And that, of course, is as many as you
get on the page and make work.
In the old days, people used to think that there
should be one great headline. One super, marvelous headline that was
only words - five words, six words, seven words - that would stop, and
everything came out of that. The classic example is, "Why Men Crack."
It’s a great headline - ruled for years. Three words, and that was it!
It is represented by this one. "A 71-Year-Old Man Has Sexual Congress
Five Times a Day." Then you begin to realize you got all this paper.
You’re paying a fortune for all this paper, so why don’t you use it in
any way you can.
All you want the person to do is pick up the envelope,
see what he’s got, read it, say, "Umm, that looks interesting - turn
it over on the back - there’s something on the back - read the back -
says, Umm, that looks interesting," and he opens it. So all you’re
asking him to do is move through your copy. Nothing more. You’re not
trying to sell. The headline sells the first line. The first lines
sells the second line. The second line sells the third line. And the
third line sells the fourth line, etc.
There’s a tremendous advantage there. There are things
that you can say in the middle of an ad which will be believed because
you prepared them for it. But, if you said it at the top of the ad, or
in the envelope, it would be thrown away. The guy would say, "This is
ridiculous, this is insulting my intelligence, I’m not going on. "If
you can get him into the middle, if you can get certain facts to him,
then he is prepared to believe. And if he is prepared to believe, he’s
prepared to buy.
There’s a headline. Should it be tremendously big?
Overwhelming? Not really. This is an envelope. Just take a look at it.
What it says is, "If a Disease Is as Crippling as This, Then You
Certainly Have To Treat It With Drugs. Or Do You? Decide For Yourself
From the Startling Facts Below." Well, that’s the whole headline.
It’s pretty much that. If they start reading, "if a disease is as
crippling as this," then they will probably finish this. And if they
do that they will go on to that. If they do that, they will go on to
that, they will go on to that. There must be what, a hundred words
here? I don’t know. And then you turn around
"Is Premature Aging
the Most Universal Unconquerable of All the Common Diseases Listed
Inside? Not at all. For startling, up-to-the-minute evidence that it
is not, see inside!"
Okay, this is a dirty envelope - "ugly, as Richard
calls it. This is an ugly layout. I’ve been driving Rodale crazy for
over 15 years giving them this kind of envelope. This sold 50 million
(five-zero) million dollars worth of books. That’s a lot of books to
sell on a single folded piece of paper. Why? Because it reaches out
and touches somebody, and they’re willing to see and pay for these
little miracles.
I wrote this to see how much copy I could get for an
envelope on a single piece of typewritten paper single spaced. Then I
threw it down to the design department. And what they did is they took
the top of it which said, "tricks of the trade so powerful they could
change your life." And then we gave 20 of those tricks of the trade
right there on the envelope. Right there in the headline. "A form of
ordinary water that, by itself, can relieve cold symptoms. Page
273.""Simple, do-it-yourself ways to not only burglar-proof your door,
but also have invincible windows. Page 159."
This ran as a control for 15 years. When it finally
faded out, they went into this, which is prettier. Because it’s on
coated stock, in color. And this says, "Old-timer tricks do the
impossible around your home." So you’ve gotta learn that a headline
doesn’t sell. It has nothing to do with selling.
Who Are You Writing To?
You are not writing to a private person. You are not
writing to a bunch of people. You are writing to a number of people
who share a private want. Remember that. If they don’t share the want,
they are of no use to you. If there aren’t enough people that share
the want deeply enough to spend the fifty bucks for a newsletter or
$30 for a book, they are of no use to you.
You are writing to a number of people who share a
private want, and you are addressing them as if they were the only
person in the world. What is the most powerful word in advertising?
Not "free!" "It’s "you!" And yet so many times you see "these symptoms
appear." How about "your symptoms appear?" What you are talking about
is you. The person who has got this piece of paper in their hand and
is on the other side of your copy. You, you, you, you, you, you, you,
you, you. If it doesn’t have the word "you" a hundred times, I really
don’t like it very much.
Now, when you are writing to a public that shares a
private want, they may share subsections of the want. And therefore,
what the hooks - the promises - are doing is pulling out a subsection
and putting it in. I’m trying to pick up five percent in this hook,
10% in another hook, etc. And you’ve got to have an overall way of
getting everybody to read through.
Notice that the headline says, "If A Disease as
Crippling as This." Well, that includes arthritis victims, bursitis
victims, emphysema victims.
Headline Elements: Promise = Intrigue, Mechanism =
Let’s talk about finding the headlines. We’re getting
very technical now. Very specific. You have your 40 pages of notes.
And you are going through your 40 pages of notes. And you begin to see
a picture emerging. There was a book that Rodale had a lot of trouble
with. And they kid of figured that maybe they shouldn’t have published
it. It was a book on arthritis. And Rodale is extremely good - the
best in the country, I think, at doctor remedies, hidden doctor
remedies. And this book went way off from that because it wasn’t
written by doctors. And, of course anybody that buys Rodale books, buy
doctor remedies.
This was a book about people who cured their arthritis
by themselves that the doctors didn’t really agree with. 766 different
people who had different cures which they found by themselves. How are
you going to reach them? So the headline is,
"Sneaky Little
Arthritis Tricks. Natural Foods and Do-It-Yourself Secrets That
Pain-Proofed Over 100 Men and Women Like You."
I figured that these people were sneaking around
doctors. And they felt guilty about doing it. Nobody said this,
incidentally. It isn’t in the book. And the people who went to the
doctors or the market for this were still in pain. Arthritis is a very
intractable disease, and we haven’t cured to it yet, even though I
hope we will in the next five years. So I thought the only way we
could do this was "sneaky little" - both words you don’t usually use
in advertisements like this.
Now, in this particular case, when we said "Sneaky
Little Arthritis Tricks," this grabbed attention. Then what’s the next
step? - What are they? "Natural Food and Do-it-Yourself Secrets That
Pain-Proofed over 100 Men and Women Like You."
Notice how it’s step-by-step. You grab their
attention; you send them into the mechanism. That is the foods and
secrets. You send them into the first reward: pain-proof. Then we have
these pictures and all these testimonials one, two, three, four, five,
six, seven; there were seven quotes from seven of these 776 people.
One says, "I enjoyed a total remission of my arthritis." Another says,
"I have not had sciatica since 1971." Another said "All symptoms
disappeared and have not returned." Okay. What you’ve got is intrigue
in the first part, a mechanism for giving you something you can’t get
in the second part, and proof in the third part.
You’ve also got enormous gut emotion in the envelope
because of those exceptional pictures that they put. Look at that
beautiful woman at the bottom. You can’t help relating to her. Look at
the man with the little child kissing him at the top. This is what you
want. You have this woman. Look at her stride. Very strong. This is
what you want. So you have great promise, intrigue. You have a
mechanism - a new mechanism that delivers that promise. You have proof
that that promise has been delivered to people like you. And you have
deep emotion. That’s what you need. All of them combined, get the
prospect to read.
How to Uncover Great Headlines
Let’s about how we build an ad. I’m going to read you
this; this is very successful, the second-longest running direct mail
We start with "How Modern Chinese Health and
Medicine Helps Both Men and Women." That is the small type above
the headline.
What does that do? In the first place, it establishes
the point of difference. They’re going to be running to about 150
lists; 150 lists all have their own product. How do you establish a
point of difference between this product and their product? Especially
when it’s a book as old as this one? By talking about Chinese medicine
which is ancient, but at the same time it’s modern. Most people
haven’t heard about it, but they’re intrigued. We all know how
powerful the East is. And both "men and women" is an inclusion
headline which looks like an exclusion headline. "Both men and women"
means if you’re a man you can read this; if you’re a woman you can
read this. It’s very crude, but it works.
Then you go to "Burn Diseases out of Your Body
Lying Flat on Your Back Using Nothing More Than the Palm of Your
Hand." Why is this effective? Because, of course, you’d like to
get rid of disease, but how can you burn disease out of the body? And
then the contradiction immediately comes up, "Lying Flat on Your Back
Using Nothing More Than the Palm of Your Hand." Again, you’re not
taking drugs, you’re not seeing your doctor, you’re not undergoing
surgery, etc. This sounds extremely easy. So what you’ve got is
inclusion; a very powerful claim and a very easy mechanism.
Now notice what you have given the reader. You have
given a great deal of information in three sentences. And the person
is now ready to go on. "This may be the most startling news you’ve
ever read. And we are going to let you prove its merits yourself
without risking a single penny. It is that different. They’re
powerful, they’re provocative and controversial."
We are going to let you prove its merits yourself
without risking a single penny. Thus the guarantee comes to the front
of the piece. Once you have said "without risking a single penny", it
means you, the publisher, are taking a chance on them, the reader,
liking your product. Then you can say it is that different, it is that
powerful, that provocative and controversial. If you had said at the
front without any preparation, "it is that different, that powerful,
that provocative and controversial", it would not be believed as
readily as if you say, "I’ll put my money on it that this will give
you these benefits."
Prepare the Ground for Each Claim
What you’ve done is you’ve taken a claim and made it
powerful by preparing for it. You must prepare. Again, you have the
time to prepare because you certainly don’t have to sell now. You’ve
got a whole mailing piece to sell. The more time you have, the more
you can sell. "Let us explain. The Chinese do not believe in surgery
or medicine for major illness. They prevent such illnesses instead
with a series of mild, almost effortless internal exercises." What you
have been relying on is no longer necessary. Surgery and medicine are
expensive, dangerous, and painful. Also embarrassing. But the Chinese
don’t believe in it. They prevent. Instead of treat, prevent. With a
series of mild, almost effortless internal exercises. It sounds like
"If you do not have an open mind, please stop reading
here, for this letter’s about to introduce you to a new, although it
is 4,000 years old, a different type of self-healing. Born in China,
over 40 centuries ago, it’s called Taoist medicine. And we will let
the foremost practitioner of it in the Western world, Dr. Stephen
Chiang, gave you a brief and startling introduction to these
effortless exercises."
"Brief." "Startling." "Effortless." Look at adjectives.
Adjectives are where you carry your emotion. Adjectives are gut words.
Adjectives are description words. Adjectives are feeling words. Look
at your adjectives. Do an adjective check when you’ve done your copy.
Very important words.
You can say something with adjectives and without
adjectives and have absolutely two different things. And then Dr.
Chiang comes in, and the rest of the entire mailing piece is quotas
from the book. Except for one or two sections which I am going to get
to next.
Now, he makes extremely powerful claims. All of which
are exceptionally pleasant. "Clicking the teeth, as shown to you on
page 132, will help tighten the joints in the body and keep the teeth
healthy." Now how can your teeth help tighten your joints? This is the
precursor of Rodale’s "Doctors’ Home Remedies", in which we gave these
silly little things like putting a tea bag up to your eye to improve
eyesight. Twist, twist, twist? The more twist, the more powerful.
"The muscles in the abdomen and body will tighten and
become toned and strengthened. Excess water and flesh will be
eliminated and the belly is shrinking. And you are doing all this with
the palm of your hand."
Biography Builds Belief
Once you have claims this powerful, people are going
to say, "Isn’t that nice? I don’t believe a word of it." You can’t
make powerful claims unless you can prove them. You have to prepare
for them, and you have to prove them. You’ve got to stop them and make
them believe. So what we had which we didn’t have in almost any other
ad at that time, 14 years ago, was a little section up here in the
biography. Got a great, Chinese face. He’s 67 years old; he looks
about 40. Great Chinese face.
Well, what do we say about him. I’m going to take a
few minutes to read that, because it’s very important. "Stephen
Chiang, Ph.D., M.D. comes from a family which has practiced medicine
for more than 400 years. Dr. Chiang’s great-grandfather was personal
physician to the Empress Chai Chi and the first ambassador to the
United Kingdom. Dr. Chiang has a Ph.D. in philosophy, holds two law
degrees and received his medical degree from China, from the Yung Chee
University Medical School, where he was trained n both Western and
Chinese medicine.
Okay, so we’ve got his background. Now what has he
been doing recently?" Currently he is on the faculty, consulting and
conducting classes in Chinese medicine in such universities as
University of California, University of Oslo; the United States Health
Service Hospital, San Francisco; the University of Oregon; college of
San Mateo; Golden West College; center for Chinese Medicine and
Continuing Education.
"In addition, Dr. Chiang has given many workshops
where I promise you every word of that is read. It’s in eight-point
print type. It’s read, because people want to believe...
You’ve Got to Demonstrate the Product
Okay, now that you have proof, you’ve got to
demonstrate. Demonstration and proof are extremely powerful. You do
this by saying, "Let us give you the simple internal exercise that
energizes the heart. This exercise shows you immediately how
incredibly simple, how incredibly easy, how incredibly comfortable
these internal exercises are. When you receive Dr. Chiang’s book to
prove or disprove it at our risk turn immediately, without preliminary
reading, to page 140."
Important, because you’re going to give something they
should do with the book. You don’t want them to send it back. And
also, it sounds very good. It’s convincing them. They are now using
the book with you in the letter. There you will be shown the exact way
to hold your body while energizing your heart. No movement. We’ll
repeat. No movement is required. All you do instead is this: sit or
stand in a comfortable position with your hands simply extended in
front of your chest at the level of your shoulders. Make sure that the
fingertips of each hand almost touch. But keep about a quarter of an
inch between them. Keep your eyes focused on the top of your fingers.
That is all there is to the entire exercise. Nothing else. No further
effort. Not even the simplest movement of the body is required.
Nothing more. Nothing more to do. Not a single strain in any part of
your body. Your heartbeat doesn’t rise a single beat. And yet, what
happens is this: "The exercise creates a flow of energy."
You have just demonstrated the book. You have taken
one exercise, one paragraph out of a 270-page book, and you have said
to the person, "Get on the floor and try this. Feel what happens. If
you don’t like what happens, don’t send for the book. If you do like
what happens, you have already demonstrated the first part of the book
and you can now order and can get everything else."
Every Sentence Is a Branch of a Tree
The ad is built as a mosaic. Every sentence in the ad
is built as a mosaic. First you give a proof. You give a claim. You
give a mechanism, which is how the claim is achieved. You give a
proof. You give documentation. You give demonstration. Every sentence
is a branch on a tree. And the words in the sentence as the leaves on
the branch. First the branch comes; that’s bare outline of the
sentence. And then you see out of the branch, the leaves popping up.
The leaves give the branch color. They give the branch beauty. They
give the branch strength and power because they collect the energy
coming from inside. That’s what you do.
You Channel Demand
I find as a personal phenomenon advertising to be an
extremely easy discipline. It can be very hard if you work at it too
hard. It can be very easy if you flow along with it. What are you
doing when you market something? You are not creating demand for a
product. If you think that you are creating demand for your product,
you’ve doomed yourself to a lifetime of hard work and failure. You
can’t create demand for anything because demand is too large for you
to create. The demand has to be out there. The demand has to exist
before you even walk into the picture. Think of yourself as an atomic
scientist. You find a tiny thing called the atom, which has got
enormous, enormous, enormous stored-up, locked-in power, and you find
that if you take two atoms and bind them together, you can release the
power. That’s what you’re doing.
You’ve got a market out there that wants security in
retirement. You’ve got a market out there that wants alternative
healing outside of the pain and embarrassment inflicted upon them by
the medical profession. But they want the authority of a doctor. What
you are doing is you are taking that demand from every one of those
persons, individual people, private people who comprise that market.
And you are simply turning it or focusing it or channeling it onto
your product. That’s all! It’s so much easier. If the demand isn’t
there, no matter how great a copywriter you are, you are going to
You cannot create demand. You can only channel demand.
Demand is there. Demand is enormous. The bigger the demand, the better
your ad is. You are getting in a boat and letting the stream carry
you. Just don’t think that you can paddle up against the stream.
The Associative Process
Lorna Newman: I have a question. This comes back to
the vocabulary of the list of quotes. When you look at the product, do
you only pull the product to make the list or do you add from
elsewhere as you go along?
Schwartz: Copywriting, of course, is an associative
process. The list becomes an associative stimulus list. And as you go
down through the list, you’ll get ideas! Okay, you hit the end of bar
twice, that gives you a space, and you write it in. Now, you may want
to disassociate your own ideas from the quotes, so you can put your
ideas in bold, underline, italics, anything else. The more
disassociative ideas you get, the more chance you have of getting a
stronger ad. But, you will find that authors are not writing copy;
they are writing text. Their vocabulary is different, and their entire
conception of what it means to write is different.
So you come up with a paragraph about half a page
long. A real big paragraph. And you’ll see this great idea in there.
So make it bold and write a headline. That’s a wonderful way to do it.
Write a ten-word headline. That makes you condense the thought, and
makes you search for advertising terminology to parallel the thought.
When you get through doing that, don’t read what
you’ve just written. It’s not worth reading. Just keep going. Now,
what you want to do, is get yourself into a creative frenzy. Like a
feeding frenzy. You want to get the ideas flowing so thoroughly, that
pretty soon you’re not condensing what he or she has written, but
pretty soon you are coming up with entirely new concepts that will
You remember Gecko? In Wall Street? Let’s say that
he’s kind of burnt in your memory and you’re selling an investment
letter, and you remember something he said at the trial, on the stock
market. And all of a sudden, that idea is floating there, that image,
Gecko, and here is the investment letter you’re working on. And as
you’re doing this pulling and condensing headlines out of the text
you’re given, all of a sudden, you get something from that, and Gecko
suddenly joins. It fuses. Like an atomic reaction in your mind. And
you have a powerful line to sell your product.
Then, when you’re through with everything, go away for
a day, and come back. Then, you judge. Always remember, incidentally,
that you cannot judge. I’ve been doing copy now for 35 years. I’ve
sold millions and millions and millions of things. What does my
experience allow me to say about the power of an ad? What does your
experience allow you to say about the power of an ad before it’s run?
Absolutely nothing!
You must remember that. You don’t know anything about
how an ad is going to pull. The only way you can tell is to get a test
I don’t believe in focus groups or anything else. I
think they’re wonderful, but they don’t give you an indication.
Sometimes the things that they think you should throw away are the
things that really go. Only the test can decide. All the previous
experience in the world tells you nothing - because you are
introducing something absolutely new.
And that leads to the next thing, which is, "Go for
the touchdown pass." In football, if you are behind by six points and
you have 30 seconds and you’re on your own 20 (and that means you have
to go 80 yards), and they’ve got everybody except the coach facing you
on the line, what you do is you fall back. The quarterback falls back,
he sends out the ends and everybody else as fast as they can, and he
throws a 60-yard pass. If you catch it, you win; if it drops, you
lose. When you’re in that situation, go for the touchdown pass. The
only way to be a good copywriter is to get great results. To think of
yourself as going for the breakthrough. And nobody can tell its
power until the orders come in.
Always think statistically. You do not work with
words. Think in terms of percentage points. That’s what you should do.
Freshness Difference
Lorna Newman: Our controls run dry. A good control for
us runs a year and a half to two years. We’ve never had a 17-year-old
control. Why is that?
Schwartz: There are two things. Number one, your new
format in selling in direct mail, the magalogs, is a very powerful
format. Ergo, you are getting enormous numbers of people using the
same format. The more people that use your format, the more dangerous
for you, because after a while, the person who gets your piece is
having trouble distinguishing it from others’. And, of course, the
mathematics are now known, and so even small companies realize that
they can do it. That presents a constant challenge. Number two, I
specialize in "ugly." I’m the lousiest layout man in the world. I do
ugly layouts. Why do I do ugly layouts? Because beauty looks much the
same. It has a very narrow definition. Ugliness is randomness, which
means that it’s spread out. So there are a hundred different ways to
be ugly and only two or three ways to be beautiful. So, the ugly thing
in a world of beauty stands out.
Estee Lauder discovered that. Twenty years ago, when
Revlon was just knocking them dead with this four-color printing and
then everybody else came in, Helena Rubenstein, etc., Estee herself
said, "Well, if we run four-color, we’re gonna look like everybody
else. Nobody’s going to be able to tell us. How about sepia?" And she
got a series of sepia ads that were stunningly beautiful but
completely different. And when you open the magazines there, wham!
There is Lauder.
So yes, the life of controls is probably shorter, and
you are just going to have to innovate faster.
Think About Your "Doesî Product
Question: Supposing we have a strong control that we
think we have exhausted the market for. The message itself is strong.
How much will a format change help?
Schwartz: You can get 20%-30% extra pull. That may not
do it.
Let’s think about it in a different way.
Take your product. Let’s say it’s got some pictures in
it, and graphs. Maybe just plain type. It’s eight pages. That’s your
physical part. That’s all there is. Nobody in the world is going to
buy that, though. Nobody in the world cares about that.
Now let’s push that physical product aside and let’s
get into the functional product. Functional product is what the
physical product does for you. You’ve got a product there that does a
certain number of things for you. Never think of what the product "is."
horse is an animal with four legs. It doesn’t do anything for you.
Think of what the product "does. "When you define something with a "does,
it becomes a functional definition instead of an academic definition;
a dog that runs up and licks your face when you come home every night.
Your functional product - your "doesi product - has
immense number of "doeses." You have been tapping one specific strain
of those "doeses. "And that’s been successful for you. But, you have
pretty well exhausted that strain of "doeses." You have to go into the
other "doeses." And that gives you an entire new mailing piece which
may reach the same audience but from a different direction.
In my book, Breakthrough Copy, I give 27 different
ways that you can "doesî a product. Let’s take one of them right now.
If you are talking about money-making, why not bring in an audience?
What does the product affect besides you? Who’s going to look at you
when you do this? We ran an ad for flowers 20 years ago that sold so
many flowers we exhausted nurseries. And what it said, was,
ever head of 17,000 bloom from a single plant? We said, "When you put
this into the Earth, and you jump back (quickly), it explodes in
flowers. And everybody in your neighborhood comes and they look. And
people take home blooms because you’ve got so many you could never
find a house big enough to put them in. And you’ve become the
gardening expert for the entire neighborhood.
Multi-blossom plants had been selling fairly well
before, but we brought the audience into copy as actors within it. So
get another "does." There are all kinds of doeses. Just redo your
Is "Instantî Credible?
Stanton-Jones: Your company is called Instant
Improvement. And all of the ads that I’ve read of yours promise
improvement that is almost instantaneous. Also, in your Retirement
Letter package that you are developing for us now you say, "Invest 45
minutes a month." But in our area, to demonstrate a result often takes
months or even years. Your copy says, "No, no. It is instantaneous."
Do you think that this is credible?
Schwartz: I have a different view of your product this
moment from this discussion, I think, than you did. I think what you
hired me for was to give you a different view and infuriate you. Let’s
go back to my little Change piece. The Chang piece sells a book. Now
you can’t prove the book until you get the book. Ergo, there is no
instant benefit.
Well, that’s not true! I took an exercise from the
book and I said this is the way you (the reader) proved the book.
Practice it a second.
Remember, your selling piece is always part of your
product; disconnected from the product and sent out advance of the
product. It is the functional product that it includes, not the
physical. In each issues of Retirement Letter you’ve been giving
instant gratification. You’ve been telling people that these are the
three top bank stocks; there are the three top insurance stocks; this
is the way to buy annuities; something XYZ annuity fund. That is
instant gratification.
You have two powers in your present format. Number
one, you have something that I call camouflage which means the first
time a person picks up your magalog they think this is a magazine.
That power being diluted at this time. The second is you this
incredible power of demonstration. Demonstration is form of proof
which takes place at the present moment. The person picks it up. He
looks at it. I’m talking about your pieces now and he says, "Yes! I
can prove this! You are giving instant gratification just as you have
been giving instant gratification for years.
You have this incredible, strong, proven, product. It
has all kinds of unique advantages nobody else has. It’s been around
for 20 years. It’s never had a losing year. You’ve got 200,000 people
who subscribe to it more than anyone else in the world. The man has an
extremely powerful credential list. All that is there. But then, it’s
dealing with an incredibly sensitive subject: retirement. And the fear
of being a failure at retirement. That’s the worst fear any older
person has. And what I tried to do and I’m not sure I could do it or
I’m not sure you have accepted it, or I’m not sure it will pay off, is
I try to make your benefits absolutely instantly accessible in ways
that you have not made them before, by inventing a series of forms for
you that the person simply sends in. And then I can give an extremely
threatening headline and put an extremely great promise as its cure at
the same time.
Almost anything that we do as publishers can be made
instantaneous. And people believe them. They are extremely powerful
because nothing feels better than being proved right. And if you give
them something that they can prove, they will really love it. That’s
what I’m trying to do. I think everything is instantaneous.
Bob King: When you think about it, there is only
instant gratification in the present tense. No one goes to, say,
medical school and says, "Gee, what I’m gonna work hard for ten years
in school so I can be a doctor. "Instead, you think about "Why do I do
that today? Why am I doing that? "I do it because it feels right to me
today to do that. If it didn’t feel right, there’s no way you’d work
in the dark for ten years. So I think that you’re constantly doing
things that give you instant gratification. And really all the
gratification really is in the present tense.
Schwartz: Very true, and very profound.
Think In Decimal Points
Copywriters should be completely conversant with
statistics and returns. The worst thing you can do to your copywriters
is to separate them from the returns of every list and every test and
every cell. Copywriters who write copy for the sake of copy and words
alone are doomed to failure. If you keep your copywriters away from
their results and their comparative results on every single test,
they’re not going to do very much for you.
Boardroom sends me thick packages of results. And I
will spend three or four or five hours going over the results in
detail for them. I think of myself as a person who creates 20%
difference in returns. And I like decimal points. You’ve got to get
those results. You can’t know something from the outside. You have to
know it inside.
1st Sale Must Build the 2nd Sale
Stanton-Jones: There’s a piece of the puzzle that
doesn’t quite fit for me at the moment. And all the things that we do
are trying to build toward the second sale. Does that violate this
idea of instantaneous, miraculous change and improvement.
Schwartz: All mail order is dependent upon the second
sale. Nobody really makes money on the first sale. You can, but it’s
an awfully strange way to run a company. If you get too much profit on
your initial mailing, you immediately expand it to lists which are not
doing quite as well, so that you can get more names and sales. When we
sell books, we would very much love to have the people absolutely
delighted with the book, because with the book comes a brochure
advertising the next book! So our second sale is there. And we mail
them every month. So our carrier is much like your carrier. Your
newsletter is a carrier for further advertisements. That is so for us,
Why Infomercials Work
Think of television. In 1949, our agency bought time
in that new medium called television, on ABC, on a half-hour program.
We didn’t know how to fill it so we wrote a program a day. How do you
write a program a day? The only way you can write a program a day is
to take the product and translate it into the program. There was a
program called "The Answer Man, which was a regular program. People
sent in questions; he answered them. So we decided, let’s take the
product - a piano course - and let’s ask questions about the product
for the entire 30 minutes, and then sell the product in the one-minute
middle. And so we said, "Ca my kid play? Can a five-year-old kid play?
Can a five-year-old kid without arms play, etc.? "And we turned out one
program a day! All talking about piano courses. Well, we didn’t know
it, but we invented the infomercial! Okay. We sold so darn many piano
courses. And why did it work? Because we were demonstrating the
product on the air.
Television infomercials really sell, but they also
demonstrate. Everybody should get a copy of the slicer commercial! The
slicer is a demonstration. That is the product. And what is coming
across the mail in your package is not the physical product, but the
functional product. Demonstrations are sending the products to the
Selling to Current Subscribers
Newman: Our editors write special reports, and we sell
them in inserts. It’s not as spectacular copy. Mostly because we write
it. Do you talk to subscribers differently from prospects, do you
Schwartz: I would test it. I would get the copywriter
who wrote the promotion copy to write some of the subscriber
follow-ups. Have them use the same copy. And see, whether it pulls
more. If you have not tested it against another approach, perhaps
y9ou’re losing an opportunity.
Unknown: Every ëdon’t’ is an opportunity. Just
remember that. Now, it’s an opportunity which is slippery. You may
fall flat on your face because if you test another newsletter to the
newsletter that you’re selling, you may cut your renewals done. So
you’ve got a two-stage test. Number one, what does this pull now?
Number two, does it hurt renewals later on?
Are You Failing Enough?
Stanton-Jones: We recently had an experience where we
used a well-known magazine copywriter with many soft-offer controls
for magazines. He wrote us a package that did terribly. What’s your
advice? Do you think that that type of copywriter cannot work in our
field? Do you think soft-offer copywriters can never work on
hard-offer newsletters? Or is there a way to work with them
Schwartz: I can give a few theories. Number one, maybe
he just didn’t have any rapport with your particular product at that
time, and he missed. Number two, perhaps he’s going for the jackpot.
He tried harder; you took a bigger chance. It’s very discouraging to
work something that pulls within four or five percent of another
offer. Then something’s wrong. You’re not taking enough of a chance.
If you are running tests which are giving you small improvements, and
if you are not running enough tests that are really flopping, then you
are not doing your job.
Copywriters are crazy. And you want them crazy. They
go for the big kill. And I would rather flop badly and succeed greatly
than I would coming in with that little five percent boost. A very
good copywriter is going to fail. If the guy doesn’t fail, he’s no
good. He’s got to fail. It hurts. But it’s the only way to get the
home runs the next time