You're Not Just Another Dollar Sign... With a site that gives so much value away for free, you may find it hard to believe that I'm in business to sell products and services. |
And here's something else you might not know. The dollars I make from your orders don't go to fancy cars, (however I did just lease a Kia in April of 2013) exotic homes, lavish vacations, drugs, hookers or gambling. In other words, I'm a pretty normal guy and your dollars are respected, appreciated and not squandered. For the most part, your dollars go right back into this site. Here's the way I want you to look at it. Hardtofindseminars.com is really not my site. It's your site. It's your dollars that buy me the time to work on more free expert interviews. It's your dollars that allow me to pay for audio transcription, editing, writing services and web site hosting. It's your dollars that pay for designers, CD duplication, printing, taxes and all the other expenses that go along with running an online business. Your order is what makes all this possible. I know you don't read stuff like this before you buy, but I wanted you to know, nevertheless. So thank you, in advance for whatever you order, if your order, and whenever you order. Below are some description of the products and services that I must sell to finance YOUR site www.hardtofindseminars.com At the end of each description, you'll find a link to a very detailed letter showing you exactly what you get with your order. If I've done my job right, you'll become an important and appreciated contributor to www.hardtofindseminars.com, not just another dollar. Information Product Creation Audio Recording And Interview Services I can help you put together a valuable information product. |
Your customized audio-creation service will feature five separate, high-quality, media-friendly recordings. That means I will conduct a series of five interviews with you. And together, we'll uncover the valuable information you might not even know you possess. I've been interviewing people on my site for years, and I'm always receiving letters from website visitors who can't believe how many "insider secrets" I get people to reveal in my interviews. I know if you let me interview you, you'll have a truly valuable informational product when we're finished. And, believe it or not, this series of interviews will only take a few short days. And, I'll help you every step of the way. For full details click here (back to listings) Internet Audio Infomercial Service It'll be like you have an army of salespeople all on autopilot. Audio can sell anything. The spoken word has been the sales method successfully used for thousands of years. |
And it's even more useful now with the popularity of the Internet, iPods and mp3 players. But, audio infomercials take the traditional spoken word one step further by allowing you to talk to prospects one-on-one while you're not even there. Just send out a CD with your infomercial on it or put a download on your website. It's as easy as that. And, the beauty of audio is that it can be listened to anywhere - in the car, on a plane, while cooking or exercising. The possibilities are endless. So, you could be selling your product or service to people anytime or anywhere without you even being around. And, research shows that audio is actually one of the most powerful tools of persuasion because the areas of the brain that process and remember sound are directly connected to the area of the brain that brings people to take action. Together, we'll create the perfect audio infomercial. It's so quick, easy and effective. You'll be amazed. And I'll interview, record, edit and format it all for you Read This Completely FREE Report NOW... "The 7 Hidden Ways Audio Can Powerfully Control The Minds Of Your Prospects And Clients..." more here (back to listings) Audio Marketing Secrets How I Turned A $28 book Into A $3900 Information Product Introducing my $3,900 Information Product Creation System |
With this system, you can turn a "good idea" or book into a moneymaking informational product. Books don't sell for very much - maybe $20 or $30 each. Informational products typically sell for 10 times that - sometimes 100 times that or more! By incorporating audio into your book or idea, you'll be adding value and creating an informational package that could sell for hundreds, even thousands, of dollars. And, this system will show you exactly how. I've been selling informational packages on my site for a long time. But, when I first started putting them together, I had no idea what I was doing. And I made more than my fair share of mistakes. Now, I've got it down to a science, and I'm sharing that science with you. I've put together a system that practically takes all the guesswork out of creating informational products. It walks you through the process step by step, making sure you avoid all those pitfalls along the way. And, this system is designed to be quick and easy. You could have your informational product ready and selling in just a few days. See for yourself just how big your simple idea can become. Click here for full details. (back to listings) (HMA) Hidden Marketing Assets Marketing Coaching/Consulting System Finally, a marketing consulting system for the average guy… |
A regular, everyday guy named Richard invented this system after attending a training session by Jay Abraham in the 1990s. You see, because he was an ordinary guy, Richard was nearly broke. In fact, he was so broke he had to borrow money from his dad in order to attend the training. So, when Richard went out in the field to test Jay's teachings, he failed. But what developed from his failure is priceless. Richard learned that while Jay Abraham is a marketing genius, his system just wasn't geared toward the average guy just starting out with little contacts, little credibility and very little money. It took Richard 15 years and tens of thousands of dollars to perfect, but he's got a system that anyone can use to successfully make money as a marketing consultant. And the beauty of it is-- it's so easy to follow and simple to learn. With Richard's system all you do is use the tools he's created for you the exact way he says to use them. And within just a few weeks (maybe even a few days), you can have a strong, secure and stable marketing consultant business with paying customers and large fees that will dwarf anything you could make at your regular job. Other popular marketing systems, with only a tiny fraction of the features in the HMA system, cost $30,000 plus ongoing fees and even royalties on the money you make. In fact, that is standard practice -- to take a cut of the money you make with their systems. But with Richard's HMA system you won't be paying any royalties or fees. Nor will you be paying $30,000, $20,000, or even $10,000. Click here To See What Your HMA System Includes… Barter Secrets System I stumbled across this secret by accident one day while playing Monopoly with my friend. If you've never played Monopoly, it's a game where you buy and control real estate. It has its own currency ranging from $1 to $500 "bills." |
Anyway, that night I was winning big. I had piles of $100 and $500 Monopoly bills stacked in front of me. Of course, this was driving my friend -- who really hates to lose - crazy. Next thing I know, he whipped out his wallet, pulled out a real $50 bill and offered it to me in exchange for half my fake Monopoly money. That incident stuck with me, and I found myself looking for other ways people could pay me real dollars for "fake" ones. Until one day someone told me about a weird club I'd never heard of and how joining it would save me a ton of money. He called it a barter or trade club. And, I immediately saw a golden loophole - one worth thousands of dollars. Because like the game of Monopoly, Barter clubs have their own internally used currency. Barter is a worldwide, multi-billion dollar industry where literally every kind of business you can think of - in almost every country in the world - does business in a large network called a "barter exchange." These exchanges are exactly like huge buying clubs, where all the different member businesses are automatically inclined to buy from one another. For example, When a web designer joins, everyone in the exchange gets a notice about it, and whoever needs a web designer is probably going to hire him. And the same goes for everyone else who joins - the plumber, the lawyer, the dentist, the copywriter, etc. As you'll see, almost every single kind of product and service provider that exists is in these exchanges. And believe me, I've saved tens of thousands of dollars using this loophole for my business over the years. It took a lot of time-consuming research on these clubs to find out the best ways to take advantage of this system. But I've got it down to a science. And what I found was that certain types of businesses seem to always be sitting on tens of thousands of trade dollars that they don't use. And because these businesses have so much extra money, they'll sell you their "barter-club" dollars for real pennies. Then, you can turn around and use those barter bucks, dollar for dollar, within the club for services you'd normally buy… but at a fraction of the price you'd normally pay. It's true. It's easy. And it's perfectly legal. But it's also ridiculous how much money you can save because practically anything you need can be found in these barter clubs -- from lawyers and TV. ads to restaurants and formal wear. And because you can buy your barter bucks for pennies on the dollar, you get these products and services at huge discounts. And the real beauty of it is… you can resell these products and services to your customers for a nice little profit. Let's say, you buy a product for 20 cents on the dollar and resell it at 50 cents on the dollar. Your customers will love receiving a 50 percent savings, and you'll love receiving a hefty profit for doing nothing but being the "middle man." It really is that simple, but you have to know the best ways to do it. Like I said before, I did a lot of research and "trial and error" on this before I got it perfected. But, I can save you all the headaches I had to endure. I've compiled this short informational course that'll teach you my entire system quickly and easily. With the Barter Secrets System, you'll learn… Which businesses are sitting on thousands of extra barter • Which barter companies to join • How to trade within a company without being a member • Who to talk to and exactly what to say • What products are best to sell and exactly how to do it • And much more Now, this system really is a secret that you won't find in a e-book or e-newsletter. And, the few people who know about this are fanatical about keeping it a secret. Click here for full details. (back to listings) Joint Venture Magic The magical power of having "connections" has been known since ancient times. For example, someone who happened to be friends with both a local blacksmith and one of the king's advisors could easily capitalize on his relationships. His blacksmith friend would gladly pay him to talk to his other friend, the king's advisor, in order to set up a lucrative blacksmith contract with the king. It would have been a simple way to make money fast without really having to do very much. |
It worked then and it works even better now. As you'll see, we can easily bring the above example into modern times. Most likely, an auto mechanic and an auto detailer are both in your town. The auto mechanic probably has a large list of loyal customers who trust him and go to him on a regular basis, even if it's just to get their oil changed. You could strike a deal with the auto detailer and auto mechanic where the mechanic sends all his customers a flier or short letter (he can insert it in his regular customer mailings if he wants) telling them how wonderful the auto detailer is, how his prices are fair and all the reasons why they should take their cars to him to get detailed. And then, for each customer the mechanic sends to the detailer, you split the money three ways, with you getting a slice of the profits in exchange for "setting up the deal." Everyone's happy because everyone wins. The mechanic makes money without lifting a finger, the detailer gets dozens of new customers he wouldn't normally have gotten - many of which will continue to spend their money getting their cars detailed with him in the future - and you get paid Just For Bringing The Deal Together. Technically, this is called Joint Ventures, and if it sounds like a simple way to make money, that's because it is. But even though there's little cost, almost no risk, and a lot of money to be made… You should know a few things before you jump in…Like: • How to tell a profitable deal from one that's not • What to say and how to prove that Joint Ventures work Even though this concept has been around for thousands of years, most people have never heard of Joint Ventures and are a little skeptical about them. So you have to know how to approach the subject, especially if you don't have any experience. • How to Track Sales • How to get investors if you need them After consulting with several experts in the field, I've compiled the easiest, most lucrative and foolproof way to do joint ventures. I call it my . . . Joint Venture Magic System In JVM you'll find everything you need to make joint ventures fast. This is tightly written material - you won't find any theories or "filler" material here -- just the cut-and-dry, hard-nosed information you'll need to make things happen. In addition to the course, you'll also get prewritten sales letters, agreements, joint venture proposal letters, website addresses, classified ads and checklists you'll need. And it's all so easy, too. It's just like following a recipe. You start with step one and follow along, taking the tools you need right out of the course as you go. And before you know it, you'll have your first deal up and running, and putting money directly into your pocket. And, That's Just Section One. There are also three additional sections. Each has an exclusive interview with one of the richest, most successful joint venture marketers on the planet. And these experts hold nothing back in these interviews. In fact, each of these interviews is like a mini-seminar on joint venture marketing, with several "real-life" joint venture case studies you can use as "guides" for your own deals. Click here for full details (back to listings) The Eugene Schwartz Copywriting-for-Cash Master Pack Turn yourself into a Cash-Producing, Copywriting Machine… |
A while back, a business owner with only $3500 to his name asked Eugene Schwartz to write a sales letter for his company. Eugene's fees for the letter were $2500, and without hesitation, the man paid it to him. That night, Eugene wrote the letter while waiting for his wife to put on her make-up so they could go out to dinner. When the letter was released, sales for the company exploded. And now that company, Boardroom Inc., makes $50 million in sales a year. Saying you have "Eugene Schwartz-like copywriting skills" is like saying you're one of an elite group of top-notch, highly paid, sought-after, "gun" copywriters. It's like saying you're the best of the best. And, you'll be surprised at how easy it is to become one. This Master Pack gives you everything you need. You could be up and running, writing fantastic copy just minutes after downloading your Copywriting-for-Cash Super Pack. Click here to see what the Master Pack Includes…(back to listings) More of the Best Copywriting Interviews $31,500 Links Package "Your Online Gold Mine" A couple of years ago, I interviewed an Internet expert and he blew my mind with all the free resources he'd uncovered online. I couldn't believe it when he showed me site after site just packed with thousands of dollars worth of awesome value. Then he went one step further... |
He revealed all the insider secrets of how to search for and find those kinds of sites…faster than I ever believed possible... Needless to say, I was awestruck at the possibilities. And, I debated about whether to keep this "secret treasure" to myself. But then I remembered one of life's laws that's never let me down - "the more you give, the more you receive." So, I decided to share this Internet fortune with you. I have to be honest, though. These links are so good I'm not sure how long I'll be offering them at this price. Also, I'm not sure how long these links will be active. So, go ahead. Click here for full details (back to listings)ick here (back to listings) The Art Hamel Million Dollar Business Buying System Ok, we've all had the dream. |
Wearing an expensive outfit, you strut into your high school reunion and announce to all your old snooty classmates that you own a multimillion-dollar business. Their mouths fall open as you tell them about the healthy six-figure income you're taking in for doing nothing… but goofing off and playing golf. And your life couldn't be better. Believe it or not, that doesn't have to be a dream. An elite businessman named Art Hamel has been doing just that for more than 40 years. He's perfected his formula for buying businesses, and for a limited time, he's teaching it to others. But don't think this system is just for the "elite" or the "privileged." His step-by-step course is so down to earth and easy to follow, anyone can use it to buy businesses and earn six-figure incomes -- without banks, credit or even any experience. Click here and see what you'll get with this system. (back to listings) The Claude Hopkins Rare Ad Collection And Study Guide It'll be like having the legend of advertising sitting on your desk… |
Claude Hopkins was not only an advertising genius; he was an advertising pioneer. Every marketing promotion, advertisement and business concept in the market today has in some way been done before, and Claude Hopkins originated much of them. That's why experts turned to him again and again and continually sing his praises. David Ogilvy claimed Claude's work changed his life. Others, such as Jay Abraham, have made their fortunes by studying Claude Hopkins, reading his books over and over again and applying his principles wherever possible. You would be crazy to create a "from scratch" marketing promotion, campaign, advertisement, mailing or website without referencing Claude Hopkins' work. And because he died more than 60 years ago, few have ever even seen the original Hopkins ads. But, I wanted to do more than just see them. I wanted to study them and use his headlines. I wanted to copy his famous guarantee and suck out every last marketing principle I could find. In other words, I wanted to make a collection of Claude Hopkins ads that would be so complete, it'd be like having him there on my desk as my own personal mentor. But let me tell you, getting a collection like that together was no small task. First, I had to track down the dates of when and where Claude Hopkins worked. Then with the help of an archival historian, I researched and located, preserved and purchased the world's largest collection of original Claude Hopkins ads. With the amount of time, money and effort I put into this search, it would be impossible for anyone to duplicate this rare collection. But after collecting the ads, I went one step further. I hired Bill Bodri, a marketing specialist out of New York, to craft specific lessons and match them to the ads. These lessons will lead you through Claude Hopkins' work, showing you how to adapt his principles to your sales efforts while also keeping you updated on the most modern teachings of Jay Abraham, David Ogilvy, Dan Kennedy, Gary Halbert, Ted Nicholas, Joe Sugarman, Jeff Paul, Bill Myers, Yanik Silver, Roy Williams, Brian Tracy, Denny Hatch, Michael Masterson, Bill Bonner, Joe Vitale and other marketing gurus who would charge you thousands of dollars for their seminars. This simple but comprehensive course features over 60 of Claude Hopkins' most famous ads. And if you order now, I'll include these 6 Bonuses. Bonus #1: "Put Away Your Glasses" Ad Images - You'll get the images of the ads in a separate folder to study up close. Pick apart every word. Scrutinize the adjectives. Imitate the offer in each ad and immediately apply it to your own work. Bonus #2: Typed and Formatted transcripts of all 60 Hopkins Ads - You'll receive the transcripts of every ad in this collection. Typing and transcribing these would be a time-consuming hassle. But, the work's done for you. So they're ready to use right away. Bonus #3: "The 1903 Dead Man's Script" -- Wait till you get your greedy little hands on this one. This is a rare 57-page advertising manuscript written by Claude Hopkins' archenemy, J. Walter Thompson. With it, you can compare Claude's teachings with J. Walter's and follow their rivalry as the competition unfolds. Once you dive into the advertising secrets held in this masterpiece, you'll see why advertising a century ago was better than any other time in history. A $59 Value Bonus #4: 647 Secret Ad Swipe File - You'll receive a 12-month Special Membership to my new and exclusive website on hard to find ads. This extra collection contains the most successful ads from the largest circulated publications during the 1950-1960 era. Each ad was carefully selected and had to meet all 5 of the following criteria: it had to have a powerful headline, compelling copy that was written in an editorial style, featured a classic product still around today and was a pure example of "salesmanship in print. A $297 Value Bonus #5: Your ears will Burn with Excitement - You'll have access to 101 extremely rare audio recordings of early radio advertising from the Lord and Thomas Advertising Agency. Claude Hopkins worked for this company and helped to create the amazing radio copy you'll hear in these recordings. A $119 Value So order now and see what having the Claude Hopkins Collection can do for your advertising today. **But hurry. I'm not sure how long I'm including all the bonuses because this is such a good deal even without them… and people are telling me I must be crazy to throw those in too. Click here for full details (back to listings) Transcripts Over 427 Of The Most Powerful Editorial Ads Ever Written The "Lazy" Copywriter's Dream Come True |
Wouldn't it be nice to run successful, effective ads without the hassle of creating them? With this ads package, you can. I wish I'd have had a collection like this when I first started out. Back then, I didn't have the time or money to produce effective ads. So, I kept running the same old lousy ones that didn't make any money. And I naively believed my ad rep when he told me the reason I wasn't seeing results was because I wasn't running the ads often enough. So, I kept running those lousy ads over and over again, waiting and waiting and waiting. And after a while, when nothing happened, I'd finally had enough. That's when I decided to build Hardtofindads.com. This site is perfect for the "lazy" copywriter who, like me, wants a moneymaking ad but doesn't have the time or money to construct one from scratch. But, putting together this site wasn't easy. First, I had to search out the best ads known to man. These had to be proven, moneymaking ads from the world's best copywriters. Then, I paid more than a thousand dollars to transcribe and format them. But it was all worth it because this collection is so complete and easy to use, I'm certain you won't be able to find it anywhere else. Here's what you'll get… You'll receive the word-for-word typed transcripts of 409 of the most powerful editorial ads ever written. Ads you can easily copy and use for your clients' advertising or for your own business. And there's so many, you'll be able to find ones that apply to just about anything you're working on. In this collection, you'll receive transcribed ads from copywriting legends like Gary Halbert, Ben Suarez, Eugene Schwartz, Maxwell Sackhiem and more. You'll even get ad transcripts from the great Claude Hopkins, every word already typed out. And each ad is formatted and keyed with an identification number that matches its image at hardtofindads.com, making it almost effortless to modify them for your own use. You'll also love that this is a completely digital product. There is nothing to mail, and you'll have this collection immediately. So, you can start producing those winning ads right away. Trust me, I know how hard it is to create effective ads. Most business owners have a limited budget and can't afford to run lousy ads that don't generate money -- but also don't have the extra money to produce effective ones. I know every marketing dollar has to count; that's why I created this package just for you -and that's also why I'm offering it at such a ridiculously low price. I know that if you start making money on just one ad…you'll make a lot more than merely your investment back. That ad can pay out month after month and year after year - it could make you a ton of extra money. It could be your ticket to a whole new life. There's absolutely no sense in "reinventing the wheel" when it comes to advertising. These ads work. They're proven. They're easy-to-use, and they're ready to go. Order yours ads today and see how painless and productive your advertising can be. Clcik here for full details (back to listings)
Wouldn't you love to make sure you're legally covered on every deal - without spending a fortune to do it? |
Running a business is hard enough without throwing contracts, lawyers and legalese into the picture. I don't know why, but lawyers seem to like complicating things with their lengthy, expensive contracts thicker than a phone book and chocked full of gibberish. And trust me, very few prospects want to deal with all that, either. It seems like after all the long days and sleepless nights you spend just to put a deal together, once you break out that four-inch contract in order to seal it, your prospect freezes up and runs for the hills. Contracts are, by far, the biggest deal killer around. But what's the alternative? Everyone knows you can't just seal the deal with a handshake anymore because if ANYTHING goes wrong, it'll be your word against his…and you'll be on the road to ruin if that ever happens. So, unless you want to lose your shirt, you've got to play the "legal game" - no matter how much of an expensive hassle it is. And trust me, it can be expensive. In order to support the extra Mercedes or two, most lawyers overcharge for their services. Ask any one of them to draw you up an everyday, normal contract and your mouth is probably going to hit the floor when you hear the price. Come to find out, you don't even need all that legalese anyway. Contracts are just as binding without the mumbo-jumbo. You just have to be absolutely sure you don't leave ANYTHING out of them. One false move in the legal game, and you can kiss your shirt good bye. That's why I've compiled a set of contracts written in plain English and guaranteed to work every time, and I'll let you try them all for free. Here are just a few of the many Contracts and Letters you'll get with this System… Click here for full details (back to listings) |
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