Clyde Bedell's How to Convert WHITE SPACE into ADVERTISING THAT SELLS USP Magic

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( Includes PDF transcripts and mp3 downloads )

Simple one time $597
, no per-month charges, no extra costs, no nickel-and-diming or download fees.

     This is your chance to study the life's work of the advertising genius of the century, Clyde Bedell. I guarantee you will love what I've put together for you.

     I've teamed up with Barrie Bedell, the son of the great ad man, Clyde Bedell and for the first time we've digitally published . . . The Greatest Advertising Course Ever Created.

     It's called "How to Convert White Space into Advertising That Sells".

     Here's the story.

     I interviewed Barrie Bedell after learning about this training from a box of old Jay Abraham materials I purchased 20 years ago.

     In this box was a huge maroon spiral bound course 11 X 14 inches and the title was embossed in GOLD foil lettering

     This was back when I was buying and selling used Jay Abraham seminars on eBay.

     It's how I got my start in this crazy marketing business.

     "Advertising Mastery" was the name Jay Abraham gave for the same training you are going to learn about below.

     I was so impressed with this course that I contacted Barrie Bedell, the son, and recorded a hardcore, five-part interview with him about his father.

     Keep reading to get this interview.

     I kept in contact with Barrie off and on over the years mainly because I knew first hand of the intellectual GOLD he had inherited from his Dad.

     Barrie was essentially retired and he was not doing much in advertising.

     From conversations with him, I knew Barrie's son had no interest in the advertising game.


     If something happened to Barrie this advertising gold would be lost forever.

     I HAD to do something to preserve it for future generations who want to learn from the masters of the advertising craft.

     Previously, Barrie lived on an avocado and lemon farm.

     On that farm he had a huge garage to store all his father's original "How To Convert White Space Into Advertising That Sells" courses.

     Unfortunately, Barrie was forced to move from the Ventura California farm and was only able to take a limited supply of his fathers archives to his new place.

     But, most of the remaining courses were dumped into the trash because Barrie had nowhere to store them in his much smaller place.

     What a crying shame, I thought to myself.

     Saddened by this, I propositioned Barrie to let me digitize his father's most important work in to easy to read PDF files.

     And then, I negotiated for a limited time license to offer this training to YOU for a tiny fraction of what the original courses were sold for.

     I fought tooth and nail to get Barrie to agree to let me offer this training for the ridiculous low price of only $597


     In the 1960s, hundreds, maybe even thousands of copy editors and ad men paid up to $3000 for this same training.

     Adjusted for inflation, $3,000.00 back in 1963 is the same as $24,792.73 in today's money.

     Of course, Barrie's no schmuck.

     He wanted his piece of the action from this promotion too.

     I told Barrie, that if he allowed me to offer this to you, I would invest my own money to digitally reproduce his father's training to today's digital download standards.

     Once you get your hands on this digitized training, you'll appreciate all I've done in publishing and making this historic work available for such a low cost.

     From the interview that started it all 9 years ago.

     To the expensive and labor-intensive process of deconstructing the printed course material and scanning of each oversized page one by one.

     The printing was close to 70 years old, so we had to digitally enhance the color and resolution so when you zoom in on each ad and each lesson, it looks better than the original printed version.

     Plus, having this as digital PDF files is so much better and more convenient than lugging around these giant manuals.

     The only way you could study this material was to be sitting at your kitchen table or sitting on the floor.

     You can read about famous advertising men in books for under fifteen bucks. You can hear others teach and talk about them at over priced marketing seminars costing five to twenty-five thousand dollars a head.

     But you can't experience and gain an intimate understanding of these advertising geniuses until you study their life's work.

     So who is this Clyde Bedell guy and how can he help me?

     Firstly, Clyde Bedell wrote his own textbook, How To Write Advertising That Sells, which McGraw-Hill published first in 1940, followed by a second revised edition in 1952. It became a hot best seller among teachers and practitioners, and entrepreneurs because of its informal style and plentiful examples.

     The book is out of print however, you can find a few on Amazon ranging in price from seventy to over one thousand dollars.

     I've got permission from Barrie Bedell to gift you this book at no additional cost with your order.

     By 1963 Clyde Bedell's advertising techniques were so successful in so many different industries that the Newspaper Advertising Executives Association begged him create an easy-to-use, systematic course.

     And that's what I have here for you.

     It's called How To Convert White Space Into Advertising That Sells

     This advertising training course consists of 14 oversize manuals (11″ X 14″) which contain 15 parts.

     If you scroll down to the bottom of this page I have scanned in each and every page so you can see at how dense this training course is.

     Anyway, the content within these pages reveal the most profitable and proven advertising strategies and marketing techniques that any business could ever hope to find.

     I consider Clyde Bedell to be one of the greatest advertising minds our world has ever seen.  And I'm proud to be one of his students.

     Bedell’s powerful, high-response techniques have sold billions of dollars worth of cars, furniture, real estate, consumer goods, memberships, professional services, and more… all during the 1930′s, 40′s, 50′s, 60′s and beyond to today.

     For the first time ever, you can grab this complete set of his rare, amazing, profit-generating, advertising training manuals in color.

     This advertising training course contains the secrets that can literally EXPLODE YOUR PROFITS overnight.

     They have done so for countless others.

     And when applied, they will do so for you. Click to order




     Below is the outline of your core training of "How to Convert White Space into Advertising That Sells" 

     You'll enjoy each module as a high quality digitally reproduced PDF download.

     You'll be able to use Adobe's robust browser to, read every printed word, zoom in and out of each ad and study each of over 394 illustration ad examples.

     You can take these lessons with you on the go.

     You can read them from your smart phone, home computer or lap top.

     You can listen to the audio interview segment I conducted with Barrie Bedell nine years ago.

     There is no man alive today to share the great and rich history of one of the world's greatest advertising experts.

     Barrie, the son knew his father best and you can listen to him share the story on your computer, iPhone or mp3 player.

     Or you can read the word for word printable PDF transcripts of the interview with Barrie because these are made available too with your training.

     Now you'll own all the tools and training you need to Convert White Space into Advertising That Sells.

     Look at what you get for only $597

. (A fraction of what you would pay for one tiny ad!)

     Don't wait another minute. It's taken me close to a decade of keeping in contact with Barrie to finally convince him to let me offer this to you for such a ridiculously low price in readable downloadable PDF form.

     Compared to the huge printed course it's so much more conducive for the study of your advertising craft.

     And I know you'll appreciate the time and investment in getting this training published in this manner.

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OVERVIEW 5 Part Audio MP3 Interview With Barrie Bedell About His Father Clyde Bedell


- 162-minute audio with 61-page transcript

 For the full description of each interview and bonuses click here.

Next Are The PDF Modules Of The 15 Part "How to Convert WHITE SPACE into ADVERTISING THAT SELLS" Course.


- 16 pp. of which 8 are type--8 are illustrations, ads, cases. CD

For the full description of each interview click here.


-PART 2.SIX FOUNDATION TRUTHS 16 pp. of which 7 are type--9 are illustrations, ads, cases.

For the full description of each interview click here.


3. Module Three - RAW MATERIALS OF ALL GOOD SELLING 16 pp. of which 7 are type--9 are illustrations, ads, cases.

For the full description of each interview click here.



-16 pp. of which 8 are type--8 are illustrations, ads, cases.

For the full description of each interview click here.


A. Whetting & Sharpening Desire

-16 pp. of which 6.5 are type—9.5 are illustrations, ads, cases.

For the full description of each interview click here.



A. Carrying Conviction

B. Being Believed

16pp. of which 6 are type--10 are illustrations, ads, cases.

For the full description of each interview click here.



C. Asking for Action & Business

16 pp. of which 7 are type--9 are illustrations, ads, cases.

For the full description of each interview click here.


-16 pp. of which 6 are type--10 are illustrations, ads, cases.

For the full description of each interview click here.


-16 pp. of which 6 are type--10 are illustrations, ads, cases.

For the full description of each interview click here.



16 pp. of which 6 are type--10 are illustrations, ads, cases. 

For the full description of each interview click here.



16 pp. of which 4 are type--12 are illustrations, ads, cases.

For the full description of each interview click here.


12. Module Twelve - FOLLOW-THROUGH. In-Store efforts that Supports Ads and Increases Sales and Profits

-16 pp. of inter-mixed type, illustrations, and ads.


For the full description of each interview click here.


13. Module Thirteen - STANDARDS, RULES, MINIMUM CHECK LISTS and How to Use Them

16 pp. of which 10 are type--6 are illustrations, ads, cases.

For the full description of each interview click here.



-32 pp. of which 9 are type instruction and information. 22 are illustrations, data, tests, and miscellaneous.

For the full description of each interview click here.


Bonus #1 - How to Write Advertising That Sells Book - 2nd Ed PDF

This is the same book selling on Amazon prices ranging from $80 to over $1200

539-page document

For the full description click here.




   Once you order this course and study it, you will know more about what makes advertising sell than anybody else in your field or community.

   You will learn how you can make your advertising sell and bring you more money for less cost, consistently.

   And that’s because the course was written by a master student of advertising that accessed millions upon millions of dollars worth of results-tested advertising.    

   These results were compiled and revealed in a system that takes you step-by-step from how to think about advertising before you even start the ad, right down to the final pitch to get the money.

    Although there are many other useful advertising books and training, nowhere else is there an entire proven, tested system laid out for you step-by-step that will enable you to turn what would typically be an advertising expense into a money generating annuity to pay you over and over.

    Download and study all fifteen (15) modules of How to Convert White Space into Advertising That Sells. Listen to the five-part bonus interview I recorded with Barrie Bedell.  Devour the revised 1952 second edition best selling textbook
, How To Write Advertising That Sells published by McGraw-Hill.

    And Imagine cutting your actual cost of advertising in half or more— by doubling your response rates.  Imagine your ads being so compelling that your prospect saves them and use them later to sell a spouse (or another decision-maker) on purchasing your product or service.

   This course will teach you exactly how to make your ads accomplish all this and a great deal more. And now it's yours for only $597

 without any ongoing payments.

   Way less than a fraction of what one typical ad cost, Amazing!

   A full-page ad would easily cost you $5,000 to $10,000 or more in most average size towns.

   AND a Google or Facebook Ad Words Campaign could cost you $5,000 for a $1 per-click (pay-per-click).

   AND— If you got just ONE idea out of the course which gave you 10%… 20%… 40% better response rates… you would more than easily recoup your money instantly.

   BUT, you will be thrilled to know that Bedell’s manuals will give you a lifetime of HOT, PROVEN, TESTED, PROFITABLE… SELLING IDEAS. Amazingly, all for less than you pay for a single small ad!

  Act boldly!



"You have a FULL 365 Days to use this incredible system for yourself and prove that it does EXACTLY what I say it does." 

Your How to Convert White Space into Advertising That Sells download instructions will be sent instantly after your order is placed.

Click the Yellow 'Buy Now' Button Below!

!Note: It may take a second or two for the order window to open up. Be patient

I Repeat -- $597
 is all you pay. There is nothing more to buy and no monthly fees of any kind. 

      The second your order is confirmed, PayPal will re-direct you to a page with a yellow button that when clicked will take you to your download page. You'll quickly own a time tested, perfected and practical advertising system proven to slash costs, multiply results and optimize profits for any business, product service or profession.

      After your order is placed you will see the image below. Then simply click on that button to access your downloads.  I'll also send you your download links to the PayPal e-mail address you used when you placed your order by e-mail.




If you have any questions text or call me on my cell phone at 858-692-9461. 


Michael Senoff

Your Clyde Bedell's How to Convert WHITE SPACE into ADVERTISING THAT SELLS Descriptions Are Below

You'll be able to immediately download everything below once you order

OVERVIEW - 6 Part Intensive Interview with C. Barrie Bedell, Son Of The Great Advertising Genius Clyde Bedell.

     I had the lucky fortune of interviewing the son of this great advertising genius. And oh what and interview it is.  You will get a detailed and personal account of the history of this great Advertising legend.  Hearing the story from the man who loved him most brings Clyde back alive for you to learn from.

     The first name recorded in the National Retail Advertising Hall of Fame was Clyde Bedell’s.

     Among six nationally known nominees he was given 65 percent of all 2000 votes cast from sales and promotion executives. 

     Born in 1898, Bedell found himself in the forefront of the advertising industry by the 1930's and 40's. He taught businesses to sell and advertise more effectively and intelligently, always in accord with his basic belief: "all good selling is serving". 

     In his first advertising agency job Clyde raised by mail about $50,000 among the nation's osteopaths -- over 75 years ago! 

     He sold the Curtis Publishing Company on accepting the only advertising they have ever run on any system of therapeutics -- a series of half pages in the Saturday Evening Post.

     Additionally, Clyde wrote the ads, too. He was 22 at the time. You won't find this interview anywhere but here.

     Highly effective advertising is a dying art and these five recordings have preserved some of the long time secrets of the trade from one of it's all-time best.

- 162-minute audio with 61-page transcript

Click here to order the 15-Module Clyde Bedell Course!


Next Are The PDF Modules Of The 15 Part "How to Convert WHITE SPACE into ADVERTISING THAT SELLS" Course.


-16 pp. of which 8 are type--8 are illustrations, ads, case histories.

In module one, The Advertising Job, you'll . . .

●     Discover the hard truth behind great selling and the 3 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS every ad you run should meet 

●     The biggest (and easiest) secret three ways to sell something

●     The pure shock of the Marshall Field ad designed to discourage reading 

●     You’ll understand the secret psychology behind this Frigidaire ad that frustrated manufacturer– until responses start rolling in!

●     Spot the outrageous difference between LAZY ads and ads that WORK

●     An almost fool-proof way to know how much to spend on your advertising

●     The Little Dress Ad and the thrilling secret how it sold 21 times space cost!

●     What you need to know about “complete selling” and how this old school drapery ad will drive the message home. (p. 14)

●     Demystifying the truth about how one store sells more fishing lures with one tiny ad than most retailers can sell with full-page spreads.

●     A key strategy revealed by the contrast of the Sloane ad (on p. 12) with the less expensive, hard-working Horton ad on (p. 15)

●     An example of excellent copy  in the “LAST CHANCE” ad on (p. 15) and what made it sell its head off.


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16 pp. plus 51 ads of which 7 are type--9 are illustrations, ads and case studies.

     The truth about SELLING and SERVING

     The true reason people BUY (if you don’t know the answer you will lose before your begin)

     Why people are suspicious about advertising and what you can do about yours

     How to get prospects to believe you. It's not what you think.

     Exactly how much you should say about your product or service— how much will they read—when do you stop

     When should you advertise—the exact time is revealed in module two

     How to use the 6 truths to skyrocket your sales and profits.

     If you don’t follow this measuring system, your selling force will be a fraction of what it could be.

     Compare and contrast Ad #54 and see how it’s like Ad #7 from Part 1 – you’ll look at it in a whole new light!

     See what women want from an ad – a timeless lesson in seeing inside her brain. Wouldn't it be nice if we could do this?

     By the time you’re halfway through this part of the Course, you’ll be among a relative few who understand selling at such a deep level.

     Without this 4-part TRUTH process, your advertising will never be as strong as it could be.

     Contrast the selling power on the same page as this small but mighty DAVID JONES ad takes on this big but weak MACY’s ad.

     Look at some current furniture ads in your paper or online. Are they as good as the kind that gave Goodman's $250,000 EXTRA VOLUME?

     On page 4 you’ll learn why GOOD ads are GOLDEN RULE ads.

     You’ll see how this blockbuster ad (discussed in Part 1), and how it puts 20 times as much selling power on a pair of gloves as the Schroeder ad puts on an entire suit of clothes (PART 2, p . 9)

     If you don’t follow this measuring system, your selling force will be a fraction of what it could be.

     Compare and contrast Ad #54 and see how it’s like Ad #7 from Part 1. – You’ll look at it in a whole new light!


CONSTANTLY remind yourself that all good selling is SERVING

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16 pp. of which 7 are type--9 are illustrations, ads, cases.

In this module, you'll learn how to dig these essential (raw) materials out of your product/service and put them to work for you. 

     HOW can such weak advertising as Cadillac's (p. 2), be justified economically? Read the copy for Ad #76 and see one of the best classified ads ever run.

     Read Ads #69 and #70. Are things what they appear?

     Can you sell ANYTHING effectively without analyzing it for the RAW MATERIALS of GOOD SELLING?

     See this shocking case study of 3 chairs which confirms our “copy gospel.” Absorb it on p. 9.

     Have a look at the sensational case history of Honda… Very few ad people can prepare such simple, powerful advertisements

     CHECK YOURSELF! Did p.14 teach you something new about how to start creating an ad?

     Who is conducting the research and analyzing the raw materials of your merchandise? Are they even capable of capturing the full selling power?

     See how easily good copy can be developed from a proper list of BENEFITS and PRODUCT POINTS (p. 8)

     Be sure you appreciate the ridiculous aspect of the Cadillac ads shown – remember, you can’t bore anyone into buying from you.

     Always avoid THIS weakness like the plague.

     MOVEMENT! Advertising should propel action – not hitchhike. See how to spice things up. 


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-16 pp. of which 8 are type--8 are illustrations, ads, cases.

The headline is the 2nd most important part of your ad • Does your headline have a concealed message? This Module will help you write headlines that jump off the page and grab your prospects before they have a chance to get distracted.

Whether you PAY for ads or CREATE them you should know these 5 headline ingredients plus the 12 rules for strengthening your headlines.

     The ugly truth why countless dollars are wasted by ad creators who believe "everyone" reads an ad with a concealed or obscure message (if you confuse, you lose!)

     Why you need to MEMORIZE the 5 great headline ingredients. Every great executive should know these.

     Shocking examples of how few New York ad people know anything about headlines! (p. 6)

     The card shuffle trick for strengthening ALL the headlines in your advertising.

     Why small minds have little hope in advertising and the ugly secret why they still get paid to write.

     Why an illustration is desirable in an ad.

     “DYNAMITE” in advertising: defined!

     Don’t just read, but STUDY these great Story ads. (p.15)

     The amazing ad that sold 20 TIMES space cost in one week… without even showing the price on the page!


     The only way to create a great business, web site or retail store name.

KNOWING all about headlines gives an ad man and his business a great competitive advantage, so make it a point to MASTER these Bedell headline ingredients detailed in this section.

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A. Whetting & Sharpening Desire

-16 pp. of which 6.5 are type—9.5 are illustrations, ads, cases.

Once you have captured attention, this is the beginning of how to convert prospects to your offer. In this modele you'll learn how to sharpen and whet desire for your product or service • The AIDCA formula and it’s impact on your message • Four major selling rules you don’t want to forget • Ads for watches, furs, lipstick, auto repairs, TV’s and crabgrass killer. What were the results? How to improve them!

     See how running weak ads can be only 5, 15, or 20% as good at “selling" as a single store and yet they still come out all right.

     Is this a good excuse for running weak, hard-to-read ads?

     Discover how often the AIDCA formula can help you.

     Why a good ad is like a living organism and how all the MODULE should be present (and in right relationship).

     Understand these disciplined SELLING RULES. Standards make the difference.

     The gang’s all here! Glance back through and note the variety of ads shown so far. Everything from real estate to TV to men's watches to pea jackets to furs to lipstick to auto repairs and crabgrass killer

     You’ll sharpen your understanding when you realize these principles underneath ALL good advertising.

     Apply this criteria and you are unlikely to make serious advertising mistakes.

     Your aim is to be effective rather than "creative."


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6. Module Six - BODY COPY WHERE THE SELLING GETS DONE Carrying Conviction

B. Being Believed

-16pp. of which 6 are type--10 are illustrations, ads, cases.

How to carry maximum conviction and have your message believed. The 7-fold-Problem your ad faces and how to conquer it. Four more selling rules that you must abide by or suffer financial loss. More ads analyzed for their effectiveness, plus case histories.

     Read the VITAL point on p.1 of cover: If the message in an ad doesn't translate the item advertised into real value at the price, the ad isn't good – and FEW ads ARE good.

     STOP at the 7-Fold Problem shown on p. 2 and THINK

     Realize this is a job for pros–not amateurs!

     Can you count how many ad people could tell you the rules used to make their copy believable?

     Here’s a good lesson for you! Contrast #197 which is creative and weak, with #198: forthright and powerful!

     Isn’t it shocking to see how great stores like Fields, run such weak ads? (pp. 4-7)

     Examples from around the world... The ads in this PART are from Atlanta, Phoenix, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Bangor, San Francisco, Toronto, Detroit, Greensboro, Sydney, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Raleigh, Auckland, Bloomington, Nashville.

     No excuses! You can get a rich and varied advertising education anywhere – And this one is universally proved and applicable. Make the most of it!

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C. Module Seven Asking for Action & Business

16 pp. of which 7 are type--9 are illustrations, ads, cases.

7-vital-rules for ad-writing • How many syllables per 100 words should your ad contain? •What approach can you take to sell something everyone is tired of hearing about? • Don’t create or pay for ads that do not follow the directives of this section.

     If an executive who pays for advertising grasps the fateful truths in this PART, he won’t have any patience for wishy-washy ads which wind up indifferent in the mind of the reader.

     If you create ads, here’s how you can prevent being a parasite.

     How to be a propeller – this will point the business you advertise where it wants to go.

     Could the creators of any of these ads be considered professionals? 

     Why should management tolerate ads that sell for all the stores in town instead of specific locations?

     WHAT makes ads sell? Use of proved precepts and principles of persuasion.

     Many people creating weak ads for strong stores are ignorant of these principles… But small stores that use strong ads become bigger, stronger stores!

     See the excellent ads from Grand Forks on p. 2 as well as the ads from Halifax on p. 10 – they should lead you to an appreciation for copy and the right approach.

     Ad creators who bask in unearned glory – simply because their stores are popular – might well study p. 14.

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16 pp. of which 6 are type--10 are illustrations, ads, cases.

This can make the difference between the life or death of your ad:

     DON'T create ads and don't pay for ads with hard-to-read copy.

     Many ad creators are completely unaware that certain criteria must be met for easy to read writing.

     Here’s how to check the readability of your advertising comparing and old Kodak ad and with Polaroid.

     You’ll scratch your head and wonder why ad people are so uninformed after you see this… One issue of Sunday N. Y. Times can furnish enough bad ads to illustrate a whole text on advertising and A LIBERAL translation of “soiree symposia" by a “stuffed shirt copywriter” (p.11).

     If your copy has “enormous value” , it’s as important for top management to know it as well as the ad creators to know it – Unfortunately, in many businesses, retail and manufacturing, NO ONE knows it. Hence, the enormous waste in advertising.

     Copy that doesn't fit "YOUR LIVING PROSPECTS" will hardly sell them.

     Study these rules for writing and you’ll produce  “easy reading.”

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- 16 pp. of which 6 are type--10 are illustrations, ads, cases.

No matter what you say in your ad, if you don’t create an ad for maximum readership you will not get maximum readership! The wrong layout will kill readership and thus your response.

This section tells you how to lay out your ad for maximum readership:

     SEE how most advertising people as simply playing with their employers' $$$ (p. 2)

     Find out the difference between creative exercises and selling messages.

     What kind of stores should have dirty show windows and dirty show cases?

     A tough definition of “layout” so you can begin appraising your layouts against it.

     You’ll see the most reliable of all layouts and how so many layout artists conceal the story the writers are paid to reveal.

     Ask yourself why the errors in ads on p. 14 (made many years ago) are still being made today.

     Learn the difference between Note ad vs. Editorial readership.

     The fact remains, if AD CREATORS knew the importance of their work they might strive to EDUCATE THEMSELVES in advertising's great body of timeless truths.

     Money Math: Note the “noted” scores of news items (p. 14), against the "noted scores" of even the weakest ads


     What a pity to get a reader's attention, then DO NOTHING WITH IT… here’s how to fix it.

     You'd think the Macy shoe ad (p. 5), was created by people determined on destroying the business – How would you easily double this ad's readership?


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- 16 pp. of which 6 are type--10 are illustrations, ads and case studies.


     The 2 simple questions on this cover should help ad creators and those who pay for advertising AVOID many of advertising's most common errors

     It ain’t rocket science! Ads on p. 5, from New York and Washington, D. C. are proof of the non-academic, highly intuitive approach of retail ad people to their jobs.

     Pretty shocking how recent Cadillac copy fits a 1914 Ford, isn't it?

     SERIOUS ad people need to study this part, and Executives who pay for ads need to understand it.

     Ads on p. 5 were all created by relatively “high-priced” professionals, but the ads are not PRO in INTEREST, PERSUASION, or COMMUNICATION – see why.

     These observations are not just poking fun – but to point out VITALLY important lessons in ad creation

MANUFACTURERS of all kinds would save money and serve their dealers better if they USED the questions on p. 11 to guide their products and advertising.

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16 pp. of which 4 are type--12 are illustrations ads cases.

     Stop stealing from yourself! Find out why an ad creator who gets half the response he should really be getting from an ad, is actually doubling space cost for his employer, and why you could argue this is a mild form of theft.

     Since management doesn’t know how to demand better than fractional response – that’s what it generally gets.

     Are your ads free of the 26 LAYOUT and COPY PERVERSIONS listed on p. 7? Are you sure?

     Creepy Copywriters… Are those who create ads like #474 and #476 professional ad people or “SUBVERSIVES”?

     Consider the terrific selling power in Ad #478 and take note of these factors that affect ease of selling.

     WARNING! Every Executive who pays for advertising should carefully read p.5, then examine his own ads with a critical mind and eye.

     Here’s why a surprising number of ads run for otherwise good businesses which in no sense of the word could be called “good advertising”.

     Weak components, weak ad! It is not enough to say “they are is good”, or “the arrangement is neat” because an ad is a composite of all its component parts – One or two good features cannot save it.


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12. Module Twelve - FOLLOW-THROUGH In-Store effort that Supports Ads and Increases Sales and Profits

- 16 pp. of inter-mixed type, illustrations, and ads.

In-store and in-house sales support can add volumes of profits to the strength of your advertising. This section shows in great detail how to plan it, orchestrate it, and profit from it • Step-by-step case history of one business that followed Bedell’s methods and watched the cash-flow skyrocket.


     As a consumer – WHICH of these ads would you prefer to try to get information from? Consider the ads on p.12 and try to decide which one pulled a higher response: left or right?

     Is it smart to run ads which don’t relate to other aspects of a store’s or manufacturer’s selling?

     Good luck finding an ad in your local paper that uses good copy to sell a “sale” as well as the one on p.7.

     Do your ads miss such wise selling power?

     Management has to initiate dynamic and aggressive FOLLOW-THROUGH or else everything “falls through”.

     Have a look and actually ANALYZE the copy in Ad #501… Despite the fact it’s a sale ad, note the use of selling copy loaded with BENEFITS all the way through – Think this had anything to do with its powerful pull?


     Does your advertising conform to the TRUTH that “ALL GOOD SELLING IS SERVING”, as well as the advertising in this PART?

     The PROOF is in the pudding – An Executive or Ad Creator who UNDERSTANDS FOLLOW-THROUGH is unlikely to neglect it once he has experienced its real worth.

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13. Module Thirteen - STANDARDS . RULES . MINIMUM CHECK LISTS And How to Use Them

16 pp. of which 10 are type--6 are illustrations, ads, cases.

In-store and in-house sales support can add volumes of profits to the strength of your advertising. This section shows in great detail how to plan it, orchestrate it, and profit from it • Step-by-step case history of one business that followed Bedell’s methods and watched the cash-flow skyrocket.

     HERE is a gold mine for the executive or conscientious ad creator.

     This part summarizes a great deal of the preceding PARTS – and if you read and understood the earlier PARTS, the words here have vital significance to your success as an ad creator.

     It all boils down to this! The PRECEPTS and PRINCIPLES you have been given are truly the ENDOCRINES (life-blood) of professional selling-in-print.

     Become thoroughly familiar with what this PART sums up, and you will be able to analyze almost any ad for weakness and strength.

     STUDY Ads #516 and #519 on p. 2 and contrast them with #317 and #320 – at this point, you’ll effortlessly comprehend what makes this advertising sell!

     Forget about winning any awards if you want to make money: Advertising awards are still being given as related on p. 3. Avoid these costly mistakes!

     Heed this advice – Execs who spend money for advertising can eliminate much of the “phony” , "specious" advertising that is so common… don’t get tricked into plausible but actually wrong advertising advice, no matter how attractive!

     PROOF on p. 3! Executives who do not understand advertising may get 5% effectiveness, while competitors get 60% – a handicap no one can afford.

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32 pp. of which 9 are type instruction and information. 22 are illustrations, data, tests, and miscellaneous.

     Here you’ll LEARN the 3 principal functions of language.

     Do your ads use language in the least effective way – or the most important?

     Here's how to get the "Best of All" selling ideas into your headline.

     You’ll discover proven ways of  "Involving the Reader".

     Find out what group of advertisers are the worst wasters of ad money.

     If you KNOW what this program teaches, you can easily pass the test on the yellow pages, and it will be worth your while to take it regularly!

     Discover how you can apply these methods to NATIONAL ADVERTISING.

     Don’t be fooled – MANY ad creators kid themselves and their employers – that advertising isn't supposed to sell… that it’s just supposed to make favorable impressions—create favorable attitudes. BALONEY!

     Advertising is one of the only 3 SELLING FORCES on earth, and it should always go as far as possible to complete a sale, always! (WEAK ad people dislike this view)

     When you KNOW HOW TO USE advertising effectively you'll like it, and you’ll NEVER be satisfied with less than all the "sell” you can get for the money.

     Plus own more than 90 additional ads reviewed in this issue.

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Bonus #1 - How to Write Advertising That Sells Book PDF - 2nd Ed  ~ This is the same out of print book selling on Amazon for hundreds of dollars. One seller is even asking over $1000!

Clyde wrote HOW TO WRITE ADVERTISING THAT SELLS (McGraw-Hill) immediately after leaving Marshal Field's and while lecturing at Northwestern University (5 yrs.) This genuine "HOW" book was the best seller on copy for over 20 years. 539-page document

Click here to order




        Once you order this course and study it, you will know more about what makes advertising sell than anybody else in your field or community.

        You will learn how you can make your advertising sell and bring you more money for less cost, consistently.

        And that’s because the course was written by a master student of advertising that accessed millions upon millions of dollars worth of results-tested advertising.    

       These results were compiled and revealed in a system that takes you step-by-step from how to think about advertising before you even start the ad, right down to the final pitch to get the money.

       Although there are many other useful advertising books and trainings, nowhere else is there an entire proven, tested system laid out for you step-by-step that will enable you to turn what would typically be an advertising expense into money generating power.

       Download and study all fifteen (15) modules of How to Convert White Space into Advertising That Sells. Listen to the five-part bonus interview I recorded with Barrie Bedell. 

       Devour the revised 1952 second edition best selling textbook, How To Write Advertising That Sells published by McGraw-Hill. On Amazon Cloud-9-Books is selling one in like new condition for $1120.70 plus shipping. You'll get a digital version from me at no cost with your order. So there, I've saved you a few buck already!

        Imagine cutting your actual cost of advertising in half or more— by doubling your response rates.  Imagine your ads being so compelling that your prospect saves them and use them later to sell a spouse (or another decision-maker) on purchasing your product or service.

       This course will teach you exactly how to make your ads accomplish all this and a great deal more. And now it's yours for only $597

 without any ongoing payments.

       Way less than a fraction of what one typical ad cost, Amazing!

       A full-page ad would easily cost you $5,000 to $10,000 or more in most average size towns.

       AND a Google or Facebook Ad Words Campaign could cost you $5,000 for a $1 per-click (pay-per-click).

       AND— If you got just ONE idea out of the course which gave you 10%… 20%… 40% better response rates… you would more than easily recoup your money instantly.

      BUT, you will be thrilled to know that Bedell’s manuals will give you a lifetime of HOT, PROVEN, TESTED, PROFITABLE… SELLING IDEAS.

     Amazingly, all for less than you pay for a single small ad! 

     Act quickly before Barrie pulls this offer out from under me. He's old and sometimes can be crotchety so you can never tell with him.



"You have a FULL 365 Days to use this incredible system for yourself and prove that it does EXACTLY what I say it does." 

Your How to Convert White Space into Advertising That Sells download instructions will be sent instantly after your order is placed.

Click the Yellow Buy Now Button Below

Note: It may take a second or two for the order window to open up. Be patient

I Repeat -- $597
 is all you pay. There is nothing more to buy and no monthly fees of any kind. 


      The second you place your order, PayPal will re-direct you to a page with a yellow button that when clicked will take you to your download page. You'll quickly own a time tested, perfected and practical advertising system proven to slash costs, multiply results and optimize profits for any business, product service or profession.

      After your order is placed you will see the image below. Then simply click on that button to access your downloads.  I'll also send you your download links to the PayPal e-mail address you used when you placed your order by e-mail.


            If you have any questions text or call my cell phone at 858-692-9461. 


Michael Senoff

Clyde Bedell

LOS ANGELES -- Retail advertising expert confesses: "All good selling is serving."


The first name recorded in the National Retail Advertising Hall of Fame was Clyde Bedell’s. Among six nationally known nominees he was given 65 percent of all 2000 votes cast from sales and promoting executives.

Born in 1898, Bedell found himself in the forefront of the advertising industry by the 1930's and 40's.

He taught businesses to sell and advertise more effectively and intelligently, always in accord with his basic belief: "all good selling is serving".

In his first advertising agency job he raised about $50,000 among the nations osteopaths by mail -- over 75 years ago!

He sold the Curtis Publishing Company on accepting the only advertising they have ever run on any system of therapeutics -- a series of half pages in the Saturday Evening Post. And Clyde Bedell wrote the ads, too. He was 22 at the time.

In California, when Californians, Inc. was one of the countries big national accounts, he handled half of it for one advertising agency, when he was 25. Clyde counted coupons and analyzed ads in detail. He wrote ads that produced coupons from better-qualified prospects for half to two-thirds the cost of his competitor's.

At Butlers Brothers, then the world’s largest wholesalers, he sold general merchandise by mail, and had actual response on about $2,000,000 worth of direct selling advertising a year, when that was a lot of money.

He reduced mail selling costs so much he was made Director of Sales and Advertising, over about 1000 employees. Applying his principles of mail selling to man-selling, he generated enormous specialty volume, and taught sales staffs that "formula selling" pays off handsomely.

In 1934-5 for N.W.Ayer, he sold Ford the only national sales training program they had used in many years. He then created the entire program (a reversal of policy in car presentations), and this was the one year in ten before the last World War, and many years following, that Ford beat Chevrolet in sales.

Years later, Mercedes Benz was so thrilled with just one idea he gave them that they gave him a brand new car. That single idea sold tons for them.

While lecturing copywriting classes at the Northwestern University School of Commerce, Bedell could not find a book that presented a systematic, integrated approach to the creation of selling copy; not just words for words' sake. But powerful persuasive copy that would make advertising highly profitable.

He found no book based on the organized siftings of systematic research. Instead he found assorted intuitions and fragments of experience.

So, he wrote his own textbook, How To Write Advertising That Sells, which McGraw-Hill published first in 1940, followed by a second revised edition in 1952. It became a hot best seller among teachers and practitioners, and entrepreneurs because of its informal style and plentiful examples.

By 1963 Clyde Bedell's advertising techniques were so successful in so many different industries that the Newspaper Advertising Executives Association literally begged him to write down all his secrets in an easy-to-use, systematic course -- How To Convert White Space Into Advertising That Sells

In How To Convert White Space Into Advertising That Sells, Bedell reveals six foundation truths that makes marketing successful:

All good selling is serving.

People only buy to get benefits.

Benefits must be supported by product points and features.

People will read any amount of copy -- as long as it's interesting, helpful or service-rendering copy.

For consistent profitable advertising: there must be planning, and on time.

The "boss" -- the top management -- must understand, believe in and enforce these foundation truths and the principles that make advertising work.

Bedell fearlessly challenged anyone in the advertising community who based their practice of advertising mainly on hunch or intuition. He rightly challenged those who claimed to be "professionals" who wasted advertising dollars on methods long proven by research to be ineffective.


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Below is every page of your course in small thumbnail images. Look at how dense the material is. You will be able to zoon in and read every word of instruction. You will access commentary on each and every loosing and winning ad (over 521). Never before has this training been offered in such high quality digital production. And you won't find it anywhere else especially at this low price.

Scroll down to see all of the images.

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