"Your Joint Venture Magic"
Fast Start Downloads & Audio Training

(Note: Please bookmark this page right now.  We are always adding new content that will make your joint venture deals go down smoothly and profitably.  And you should try to check in as often as possible.)

Dear Friend,

        Below you will find both a link to download your Joint Venture Magic system, and  a series of audio interviews, training and seminar clips I have prepared for you to listen to. 

        These audio files will get you off to a "fast start", and contain some of the most intense "insider" joint venture secrets ever discovered.

        In fact, the experts featured below earn tens of thousands of dollars per year simply by setting up joint venture deals. I myself use these secrets every day as well.  They will work for you too if you put in the effort and take action.

 -Michael Senoff

P.S. I highly recommend listening to the audio clips below in the order in which they are listed before going through the manual. Please don't try and digest all of this training in one day. Your best bet is to listen to one or two interviews day.

Right Click On The File Below To Save To Your Desktop. or Click To Open The File.

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Business Analysis Solutions and Worksheet

How Oprah Winfrey Created A Multi-Million Dollar Stream Of Income With One Simple Joint Venture…And How You Can “Adapt” What She Did And Do The Exact Same Thing!

Bianco is a skilled joint venture marketer and one of the best at explaining joint ventures. Listen as he shares his experience with joint venture marketing and the benefits of setting up this highly leveraged business strategy.

The purpose of this 55-minute interview is to share strategies on how to set up joint ventures so you can make more money using the assets of others to grow your business.

In this interview,  you are going to learn….

  •   What is joint venture marketing

  •   Advantages of joint ventures compared to lead generation

  •   How to find prospects for joint ventures

  •   How joint venture marketing works and examples

  •   How to get started

  •   How to establish agreements

  •   How to weed out winning deals from losers

  •   The importance of market testing

  •   Where to get more information.

Learn how apply Bianco’s strategies for joint venture marketing in your business.  When you do, you will be able to make more money with less effort.  Follow along and use these same strategies to set up a joint venture of your own. I know you will learn valuable inside secrets in this intensive interview.

Press the green play button for each part and download the mp3 below.  You can also download the transcript and mp3 audio files to reinforce your learning.

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How To Make Cold Call Selling Into A Fun And More Profitable Activity Over Night

If you are going to do Joint Ventures, you better make friends with your telephone. I've been using cold calling pretty effectively over the last 15 years for many of my selling activities. And It's what I call pounding the phones. It has been one of my most effective methods for selling. But I hate it for the same reasons most people hate selling by phone. I am very fortunate to have just found a radically new honest sales approach based on integrity and common sense to get clients by phone. It challenges traditional sales thinking and will help you achieve better results. It's the missing link -- a new mindset and language that converts selling by phone into a natural conversation between you and your prospect. It offers you a new way of thinking about cold calling -- the most dreaded selling experience of all -- to the end of the sales process. You don't have to abandon the selling skills you already know -- This interview will give you a new approach and new tools to help you get better results. It's incredibly effective. Best of all, it's easy to learn and you can start instantly. In this interview, you'll learn how to make less calls - and get better results. --Rip up your sales script and easily get your message across-- Change from the "Dreaded Salesperson" to a trusted advisor in a matter of minutes--Get rid of your "Fear of Phone" once and for all--Stop chasing prospects and gain the respect you deserve. This recording is 45 minutes.

Press the green play button for each part and download the mp3 below.  You can also download the transcript and mp3 audio files to reinforce your learning.


Do You Let These “Thinking Problems” Get In Your Way Of Making A Profitable Joint Venture Every Time?
An Interview With Marketing Expert Vanish Patel (AKA Mr. JV)

Marketing expert Vanish Patel says when people blow it in business it’s rarely the result of money problems. It’s usually the result of thinking problems. Most people have been conditioned to believe you have to work hard, put in long hours, and risk a lot in order to make money. But the reality is these days everything you need, including every resource you could possibly want, is already available through somebody else. By forming partnerships, called joint ventures, you can leverage off of other people’s money, time, access, databases, reputation...everything.  

And in this audio, you’ll hear everything you need to start making profitable JVs a part of your business. Vanish says that generally begins with the right mindset and the right focus. Statistics show that 87% of businesses fail within the first five years, and it’s usually because business owners limit themselves to the products or services they sell. By redirecting your focus to include businesses and services you can link up with on the backend, you’ll automatically be expanding and growing without much effort. And in this audio, you’ll hear all about how joint ventures work to do this.

You’ll Also Hear…

  • The one best way to use coupons and codes in your joint ventures to double your options, keep track of sales, and develop multiple streams of passive income (Vanish gives an example of one JV he did with 20 businesses)

  •  A step-by-step look at how to be the middleman in a joint venture – set up the deal with two or more businesses and get paid – without having a business yourself

  • Examples of how joint ventures can be used as powerful tools for breaking into a new market

  • Can you really use eBay to buy someone else’s marketing list?

  • Common red flags to watch out for when it comes to joint ventures, and the one definite time you should just walk away from a deal

  • Exactly what Vanish means when he says “a good JV broker is like a tollgate collector” – and how to begin collecting tolls for yourself

JVs are formed all the time between businesses because they’re a proven way to not only “stay afloat” but also grow in any economy. But you don’t need to own a business in order to form a profitable joint venture. Middlemen make money just for setting up the deal. Anyone can do it. All you really need to get started is a solid understanding of how it all works and the right mindset to get it done. And in this audio, you’ll hear all about it.

PDF transcript

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How To Become A Business-Idea Magnet: Attract The Right Ideas, Grow Them, And Know When To Walk Away An Interview With Marketing Expert Vanish Patel

When it comes to business, most people have a tendency to try the kinds of things they think are going to be the easiest. But according to marketing and business expert Vanish Patel, you should know your own personality and the skills you bring to the table first then look for opportunities that complement them. He says if you do that, your best opportunities will also be the ones you don’t have to put very much effort into.

It’s also important to recognize when to walk away. Having a successful business is a numbers game. If you have a good idea, nothing will stop you from succeeding. But if you have a bad one, no amount of money, effort, or perseverance you throw at it will make a difference. And in this audio, you’ll hear how to find the kinds of business ideas that’ll work, how to grow them once you do, and how to recognize solid opportunities from the ones you should walk away from.

You’ll Also Hear…

  • How to avoid “typical failures” in business so you can figure out ahead of time if an idea will scale, what kind of negotiations and partnerships you’ll need to make it work, and how to determine someone’s credibility just from the size of their business plan (and what a successful business plan even looks like)

  •  Real-life examples of the power of testing (not just business ideas but marketing campaigns too) and how to do it

  • The stages of investing: how companies usually grow – from hitting up family and friends for money to going public

  • An insider’s look at “angel investors” – what they are, how to find them, and the best ways to vet companies and become an angel investor yourself

  • A little story that illustrates why it’s so important to “look behind your investment” before you put your money into a deal, and how to do that

  • The one best (and probably least known) place to find solid companies to invest in

  • A simple “laundry list” of things to go over when it comes to your backend sales that will make sure you’re getting the most from every marketing effort

  • Money-saving tips you can use for every event (including conference calls) – so you know the most effective times to send out reminders, how to make problems easier when they come up (and they will), and the best ways to communicate with a group

  •  Strategies for warming up your list before a big marketing campaign

Vanish says when you’re first starting out in any business, one of the most important things you can do to attract the right kinds of ideas is to put yourself out there – meet people and take action. If you find successful people in your area of interest, hang out and build friendships with them. Once you do, it’ll just be a matter of time before people want to do business with you and start handing you ideas and opportunities. And in this audio, you’ll hear all about how to do that, and how to make the most of those ideas when they come along.


How High To Raise The Price Of Your Joint Venture Commissions And Fees Without Your Joint Venture Partner Batting An Eye.

The commissions and fees you negotiate for your joint venture deals can be the determining factor of weather you succeed or fail in your joint venture deals. It is one of the most important decisions you'll make and unfortunately most people act like sheep when pricing their fees.

They instinctively look and copy what their competition is doing. In this interview, you'll learn why this is the worst thing you can do when determining what you get paid when setting up a deal. Your going to hear from Larry, a strategic pricing expert. Larry specialize in sales and marketing training with a primary focus on selling at prices higher than your competitors and maintaining profitable margins for your company.

Larry is a Ph.D. and former professor who has become famous for his work in getting profitable results in business. His specialty is in the areas of how to successfully raise prices and maintain high profit margins. Larry has educated hundreds of thousands of businesspeople both public and private seminars and is considered one of the nation's foremost authorities in getting top dollar for one's products and services.

In this interview you'll learn.. How to stop racing your competitors to bankruptcy court and start selling at prices that actually earn you a profit. Why business is a game of margins, not volume. Why competing on price might be a surefire way to run your business into the ground.  Why your problem isn't your competition; it's Your thinking. The truth about why people buy, only one of which is price.

You'll also learn other proven strategies for selling based on value rather than price, how to price products or services correctly in the first place, how to withstand pressure to cut prices. This interview is 58 minutes.


How Your Local Yellow Pages + A Simple Mathematical Formula + A Routine Joint Venture Agreement With A Web Designer Can Equal Tens Of Thousand Of Dollars In Monthly "Take-It-To-The-Bank" Cash Flow For You And Your Family

Listen as I talk again with Vanish Patel and learn how he earns a small fortune every month simply by joint venturing with a Web designer (who does almost all the "work" in the deal) and applying a simple mathematical formula with his copy of the Local Yellow Pages.  

This is some of the most fascinating information I have ever seen and I know you'll enjoy it. Joint Ventures are about understanding business markets. This simple yellow page secrets has the answers. Learning from Vanish will only train you to do joint ventures even better. This recording is 70 minutes.



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  download mp3 part two

  download mp3 part three

Attitude Is Everything – Learn How To Make The Best First-Impression When Approaching A Joint Venture Prospect

Your attitude and presence say so much about you. Your abilities, your potential, and your success doing and setting up joint ventures are all quickly assessed by potential business partners and you only get one chance to make the best first-impression.

I got a call from Gabriel who was interested in learning how to set-up Joint ventures. In this short but incredibly powerful conversation we explore how to position yourself and exude confidence, in order to win over your prospects and convince them that partnering with you is the best thing they could do.

Don’t get me wrong, you have to have a solid proposal to pitch, but once you’re ready to meet people and make it happen; you have to exude confidence and conviction in your project. Whether you’re the outgoing, can sell ice to an Eskimo type of person or you’re more reserved and shy; you’ll learn how to approach people and create an unforgettable presence that sticks with them and compels your potential joint venture partner to work with you. Dare to believe you're the best and you most certainly will be. Go for it.

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How To Introduce The Massive Power Of Barter Into Your Joint Venture Deals


In this interview you are going to hear about both barter and joint ventures at the same time. Using this triangle method you can be making money as soon as next week. You are going to learn how to triangulate a joint venture deal. A triangle has three sides.

A triangulation joint venture has three players. This will be an exciting interview I think will give you an even deeper understanding about the enormous potential of Joint Ventures. If you learn what this enterprising Florida man has to teach you about eBay and the barter or retail trade industry, you can make and save you and your family boodles of money for the rest of your life. You'll be astounded by this interview about the worldwide barter and trade industry.

You'll learn the best way to turn your time into an ongoing cash income stream. What transpired was an unprecedented 40-minute training class explaining how the major trade organizations operate, inside secrets of how their members obtain and use their trade dollars, the problems these members may experience, as well as the myriad of products and services traded by the members of these organizations. It’s unbelievable! More important, you'll learn how to buy top-of-the-line goods and services in the trade industry for twenty cents or less on the dollar using my personal technique.

I also reveal the best types of products and services to purchase trade dollars. After purchasing these goods and services at a low price, a person can either take advantage for his or her own lifestyle or business or can actually sell what was purchased for, perhaps, fifty cents on the dollar thus netting thirty cents or more on each dollar sold. You'll also learn about a great way to get signed up with these retail trade companies for free.




How to use 45,000 on-line PayPal shop owners and one simple e-mail letter to set up the easiest and most profitable Joint Ventures on the planet

Paypal is the online world that can make you rich using my Joint Venture Papal idea. There is no disputing the fact that joint ventures are the most powerful way to generate sales with the least amount of effort.

Your success doing a joint venture is dependent on you finding a good, reliable, accurate customer list to offer your product or service to. I have developed a way to joint venture with Papal customers that is so easy it will make you cry with joy. Listen to this recording as I teach my system to my personal assistant.

This joint venture strategy is a novel technique for creating, finding, establishing, and implementing joint ventures with ease. I provide you all my insights, all my techniques, all my strategies; I give it all away so that you too can go out and make some money doing joint ventures with Papal.


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You Will Be Shocked And Amazed To Learn How Easy Joint Venture Deal Making Can Be

Here’s an interview with a honest to goodness Joint Venture deal making master we’ll call Mr. JV. Mr. JV began his career in Joint Ventures 20 years ago in South Africa. He deals mainly with small to medium sized businesses all over the world.

If you’ve been studying business deal making or joint ventures, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by this interview. Mr. JV. presents Joint Venturing in a simple, down-to-earth fashion that you’ll understand and learn a great deal from. You’ll hear about real life deals with real people in the real world.

His international organization teaches people how to broker joint venture deals with no risk and unlimited opportunity. He teaches students how to link people together and to get paid for it by using existing resources.

In this interview, you’ll learn how to position your self as a “middle man” for setting up deals where you share the profits. If you’re a business owner, you’ll learn how to arrange a joint venture deal for yourself.

You learn how to think logically about removing cost and risk for each deal you make. Lean how to master strategic issues such as:

      · What is fair for each person involved
      · How is true profit calculated
      · How each person will be paid
      · When each person will be paid

You'll hear why joint ventures are more about psychology and human nature than mere contracts. Since human nature is so important in the creation and success of joint ventures, you’ll have to be realistic and not expect every deal to go smoothly. Each player in a deal must go into the venture with an optimistic idea that it will last for a long time.

If you want to learn a way to restore your financial dignity, joint ventures can be a great solution. If you’re a senior who wants to work but can’t get a job or a young people coming out of school or a person who has been laid off from your job or even just someone who wants to improve their lifestyle and not be locked in sitting behind a desk, keep reading.

Being an effective joint venture deal maker may be for you. You don’t have to be a salesperson. It’s really about understanding. If you can help someone to get what they want, you can get paid for it.

In addition to this interview, you’ll learn about ongoing education and support for people who want to create financial independence using Joint Ventures. Each of these resources holds a wealth of free information about Joint Ventures and about his programs and philosophies.


How You Can Make Big Money As Easily As Answering Your Phone - Even If You Are Dead Broke, Have No Experience And Have No Resources Whatsoever

This is one of the best presentations on joint venture marketing I have ever heard  John Alanis delivered it in 2000 at a Ron LeGrand information-publishing seminar called "The Information Marketing Boot Camp." It is as hard-hitting and basic as the name implies. My friend Bob Lee owns the resale and duplication rights to this 16-audio tape seminar. He leased this space on my site to give you a free sample of the quality of the seminar. Pull out your pen and take notes on this one. It is extremely practical and will give you a rare insight into how "the big boys" use joint ventures to make obscene amounts of money very quickly. Enjoy this million-dollar education on joint venture marketing.



Joint Venture Your Marketing Skills For Ownership Of Your Own Business

Even though Chris was having no problems finding clients and making thousands of dollars in his Marketing Consulting business, it wasn’t nearly the kind of money he wanted from his consulting practice. So he decided to get a little creative. Now when Chris finds a company that can significantly and quickly benefit from his consulting services, he’s no longer looking to get fees from them. He’s looking to acquire the company itself.

It all started when Chris noticed a trend in the business community. He started seeing more and more “baby boomer” owners looking to hand off their businesses and retire without losing their shirts. Chris also noticed these business owners were very realistic about their options in today’s economy and were more than open to less-than-traditional buyout offers.

That’s where the Hidden Marketing Assets Marketing Consulting System (HMA system) comes in. Chris uses only the revenue generated by his consulting steps to buy out companies. He simply makes a deal with the business owners that any money generated in excess of their current operating margins goes toward the acquisition of their company. And in this audio, you’ll hear all the details of these unusual buy-outs, and how you can easily start making them too.

You’ll Also learn…
• Exactly how Chris buys out a company from start to finish including where he finds the businesses and how he closes his deals
• What criteria Chris looks for in potential companies and how he analyzes and tests them before he jumps in
• Why you’ll want to assemble a team for your buyouts and how to do it effectively and efficiently
• What risks you can expect and ways to mitigate them
• How to tell business owners that you’d like to acquire their companies using untraditional methods and how to negotiate those deals
• All about the “out” clauses involved in a sale – and how to make sure you’re never working for nothing
• Who pays to put the money into the company to get the HMA steps going and what happens if there are silent shareholders or the business has a lien

Chris’s method essentially joins the HMA consulting system with the Art Hamel business buying system, creating a powerful combination that allows you to have access to hundreds of thousands of dollars in company profits without needing to put any cash down to do it.

The potential here is limitless. And now is the perfect time to get started – with more and more businesses experiencing cash flow problems while their “baby boomer” owners are looking to get out. So even if you’re not sure buying out businesses is for you, you may want to give this hour-long audio a listen. 

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 Free Bonus

Instant Contract Agreement Guide

Here Is Your Instant Contract Agreement Guide Download..

Dear Friend,

As I promised you, I will now give you the link to download the contracts. 

And here they are: Right click to download, left click to open and then save.

Instant Contract Agreement Guide One


Instant Contract Agreement Guide Agreements In PDF


Instant Contract Agreement Guide Agreements In WORD


And that's about it for now.  If you have any questions, comments or problems accessing any of these bonus gifts, please feel free to call or email me any time.


Michael Senoff


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