Learn How To Write B-Mail The "Ben Settle Way" ( Includes PDF transcripts and mp3 downloads)
Without e-mail, my business would be non-existent. E-mail marketing is the only way I make money online. And if you'd like to ramp up your sales by as much as
100%, 200%, even 300% (or more)... using simple little emails you can
type out in 5-10 minutes (or less), then this special $597 offer is one
you don't want to miss. Ben's e-mail copy has sold tens of thousands of dollars of products over the years. Ben's copy has been one of the best investments of my business career. He's the most serious student of copywriting that I've ever met. One time, he read one book on copywriting 23 times! He's also a high paid direct response copywriter and email marketing specialist. Some of his clients have included Ken McCarthy (7-figure email marketer, and Internet marketing "pioneer")... Mike Dillard (multi-million dollar info-marketer who also has consulted Robert Kiyosaki's website team)... and Captain Chris Pizzo (world leader in the hyper-competitive self defense niche). He's also currently re-writing
emails for CarbonCopyPro -- one of the Internet’s biggest marketing
education and resource companies.
You'll get the easy to download audio mp3 files and the online play buttons with typed transcripts in PDF format. Don't worry, if you don't know how to download a file, you can just go to the link I send you and press a play button. It's simple as pie. Each PDF transcripts can be read online, or you can simply download and print them out. You'll own the answers to 135 of the most wanted to know questions on the subject of how to make a fortune writing emails.
Each question was selected from a
pool of over 500 questions asked by my marketing students. Part 1) Don’t Just Get Your Emails Opened… Get People To Search For Them In Their Inboxes - 27-minutes, Download and Printable PDF transcripts For the full description of each interview click here.
Part 2) The Art Of The Rush Limbaugh Email - 30-minutes, Download and Printable PDF transcripts For the full description of each interview click here.
Part 3) The Do-It-Yourself Guide To Managing Your Lists - 31-minutes, Download and Printable PDF transcripts For the full description of each interview click here.
Part 4) Getting Action From Your List: How To Create Movement And Responses - 21-minutes, Download and Printable PDF transcripts For the full description of each interview click here.
Part 5) How To Be The “Welcomed Email” - 23-minutes, Download and Printable PDF transcripts For the full description of each interview click here.
Part 6) Key Strategies For Keeping Things Interesting… And Efficient - 17-minutes, Download and Printable PDF transcripts For the full description of each interview click here.
Part 7) List Building 101: Creating A Snowball Effect - 20-minutes, Download and Printable PDF transcripts For the full description of each interview click here.
Part 8) How To Make Money On Even The Smallest Of Lists - 20-minutes, Download and Printable PDF transcripts For the full description of each interview click here.
Part 9) Where To Find A Never-Ending Supply Of Story Ideas - 34-minutes, Download and Printable PDF transcripts For the full description of each interview click here.
Part 10) Once You Become An Expert At Email Marketing… It’ll Be Like Typing Out Money Whenever You Need It - 16-minutes, Download and Printable PDF transcripts For the full description of each interview click here.
(Special Bonuses)
Bonus 1: With your $597
order, you'll get my 400 best email swipe file to use, modify, copy for
your own e-mail promotions. The only thing you can't do is sell it. Bonus 2: The Email Marketing Techniques That Double Sales A Three-Part Interview With Copywriting Legend Ben Settle Part One: 56-minutes, DownloadPart Two: 55-minutes, Download Part Three: 55-minutes, Download Download Printable PDF Transcripts of All Three Parts: 76 pages For the full description of each interview click here.
Bonus 3: What Does It Really Takes To Sell Like Big Foot Using Your Sales Letters, Emails And Other Direct Response Ads - 63 minutes, Download and Printable PDF transcripts: 39 pages For the full description of each interview click here.
Bonus 4: How Legendary Copywriters Stack The Odds And Get Winners: An Interview With Former Boardroom Vice President Brian Kurtz - 82 minutes, Download and Printable PDF transcripts: 35 pages For the full description of each interview click here.
Download, listen to or read the transcripts to all ten lessons (135 Questions Covered ) of The Ben Settle Email Selling System Audios. Then study and use these techniques with your subscribers. If you don't have your own list to mail to, than you can use it on your clients list. If you don't have any clients or an e-mail list, you can use these same ideas in physical mail. Lear what we teach and you'll gain an understanding about the one of the most powerful marketing tools known to an online marketer. Email Marketing the Ben Settle way. Learn how to write . . . And now you get all of this for $597.00 without any ongoing payments. HERE'S HOW TO ORDER . . .
The second you place your order, PayPal will re-direct you to a page
with a blue button that when clicked will take you to your Ben Settle
Download Page.
Questions text or call 858-692-9461. Your Ben Settle Email Selling System Detailed Interview Descriptions BelowDon't Miss Out. Once I receive your payment, you'll be able to immediately download the Ben Settle Email Selling System which includes these details below. 1) Don’t Just Get Your Emails Opened… Get People To Search For Them In Their Inboxes Very few people are looking for informative articles in their email boxes anymore. That may have been big in the early part of the 21st century, but now there are millions of places on the Internet people can go to find content. And since everybody has a personal favorite, you may want to save yourself the frustration and stop trying to compete. Still, you’ve got to give people on your list a reason to open your emails. And the best way to do that is to make your messages so much fun, people will actually look forward to getting them – and won’t even mind that you’re selling them stuff. And in Part One of this Q-and-A section, you’ll hear the best way to do that – by taking personal stories from your life that will convert into sales. You’ll Also Hear…
• The kind of emails that deliver value – what gets opened, what gets
sales, and how to make sure you have what it takes When it comes to email marketing, you’re always selling. Not every email will have a call to action, but they will all help you build trust and credibility, bond with your audience, or promote yourself. And in this audio, you’ll hear how to take the kind of strategic approach to your content that will keep your email list interested, connected and searching for more. Part One is 27-minutes and includes an accompanying Download and Printable PDF transcripts Order Today 2) The Art Of The Rush Limbaugh Email Email marketing is a dynamic medium. What works today might not do much tomorrow. So it’s important to keep things a lot like Rush Limbaugh. Rush wouldn’t nearly be as popular if he sounded like everyone else, or if he talked about the same stories, jokes and headlines over and over again. And neither will you. In order to make money, you have to stand out from the other 20 emails sitting in your client’s inbox at any given moment. But that doesn’t mean you have to give away valuable stuff for free, or that you can’t constantly be selling. And in Part Two of this Q-and-A session, you’ll hear what works to set you apart from the rest – without ever having to go the “constant freebie” route. You’ll Also Hear… • The simple, one-sentence secret to persuasion –
do this and you won’t need any Black Hat or NLP stuff When it comes to email marketing, a lot of experts will tell you that you have to give away a bunch of valuable stuff for free before you can “earn the right to sell” to your list later. Don’t listen to them. In fact, you’ll actually be doing your list a disservice if you don’t sell to them often… and right away. But in order to do that, you have to keep them entertained in the process. And in this audio, you’ll hear what works to do it. Part Two is 30-minutes and includes an accompanying Download and Printable PDF transcripts Order Today3) The Do-It-Yourself Guide To Managing Your Lists Everyone on your list is different. They look different, act different, have different interests, desires, dislikes, and bank accounts. It can sometimes seem like there’s no way to know who will respond to what, or how to manage their responses. So in Part Three of this Q-and-A section, you’ll hear the smartest ways to manage your lists using auto-responder-techniques that will help you split, segment, and keep track of every client, and every lead. You’ll Also Hear… • The ins and outs of the 3 most popular auto-responders – which ones are easy to use, how to use them, what you can expect to pay, and what kinds of lists they’re best for• Exactly how to use an auto-responder to track, segment and split your list – and how the top moneymakers generally segment theirs • Why you may want to pare down your list so you have a “lean-mean” ATM machine, and the best strategies for doing that • Quick and easy ways to test your list and your price points • The scary side of the “free auto-responder” – and 2 free options that will actually work • The ugly little secret about being considered “spam” – and how to minimize your chances of receiving that label • The best place to go to get one-on-one, personal help setting up auto-responders and email marketing – and how to NAME YOUR OWN PRICE to get it! (Even if you’re so low-tech, you hardly know how to turn a computer on) • The art of the daily email – how to use it to gain credibility and make more money
And in this audio, you’ll hear how to manage your lists so you make the most (and easiest) money possible. Part Three is 31-minutes and includes an accompanying Download and Printable PDF transcripts Order Today 4) Getting Action From Your List: How To Create Movement And Responses Like most anything in life, when it comes to email marketing, timing is everything. But that “right place, right time” will be different for everyone on your list because they’re not all sitting at the computer when your email comes in. That’s why it’s possible to send out the same exact email more than once, and get different responses each time. But there are strategies you can use to analyze your list and increase your action. And in Part Four of this Q-and-A session, you’ll hear how you can easily use a daily email to do that including…
• A simple phrase to add to the end of emails that will let you know
exactly who’s alive and paying attention
With the methods outlined in this audio, you won’t be seen as the “run-of-the-mill” marketer. You’ll actually be the highlight of many people’s day, and they’ll look forward to opening your emails… and taking action on your offers. Part Four is 21-minutes and includes an accompanying Download and Printable PDF transcripts Order Today
5) How To Be The “Welcomed Email” If your neighbor’s house is on fire, and you knock at their door to tell them about it – even if it’s 2:00 in the morning – you’ll be a welcomed guest at their house. And that’s the way you have to think about your email marketing. In order to be the welcomed email, you have to help solve a problem that your list is currently suffering from. But being the “welcomed email” doesn’t mean you can’t (or shouldn’t) aggressively promote to your list. As long as you’re talking about their problems and are in their world, you can’t go wrong – no matter how many emails or promotions you send out. And in Part Five of this Q-and-A session, you’ll learn some strategies for writing the types of emails that do that. You’ll Also Hear…
• Why you should never believe any “hard-and-fast” rules about email
marketing, and examples of how to test your list to find out for
yourself what really works Most people worry about un-subscribers, when they shouldn’t. There’s really no way around them when you’re promoting to a list – and the only thing that really matters is profit. Still, there are key strategies for minimizing un-subscribers while maximizing profits. And in this audio, you’ll hear how to do that… by being the welcomed email. Part Five is 23-minutes and includes an accompanying Download and Printable PDF transcripts Order Today
6) Key Strategies For Keeping Things Interesting… And Efficient Think about those little variety-pack boxes of cereal. They’re so popular because people like having something different every day. They like colorful, fresh “open-me” packaging that makes their day fun. That’s the way your emails should be – they should take people on a little adventure, and make them wonder just what you could possibly be up to today. But that doesn’t mean you have to spend a huge chunk of your time writing. In fact, there are strategies you can use that will help cut the creative process in half. And in Part 6 of this Q-and-A session, you’ll hear all about them – including where to find the best topics for emails that will have you writing them in as little as 20 minutes, subject lines and all. You’ll Also Hear… • Exactly what to do to get experts
to spill their secrets in an interview -- and what you can expect to
happen if you go too far and ask a question they don’t want to answer Keeping things interesting is the key to success when it comes to email marketing – because if you bore someone even once, you could lose a customer for life. But that doesn’t mean you have to overanalyze every sentence. You just need a plan. And in Part 6, you’ll hear how simple that plan can be. Part Six is 23-minutes and includes an accompanying Download and Printable PDF transcripts Order Today 7) List Building 101: Creating A Snowball Effect When it comes to list building and traffic, it may only take a few good strategic moves to cause the kind of snowball effect that can instantly transform a business. Every email you do or article you write will have more power than you think, if you run them correctly. And in Part 7 of this Q-and-A session, you’ll hear how to repurpose your content and make the kind of strategic moves that will build your list quickly. Although it can be a time-consuming process if you’re doing it yourself, there are shortcuts that will make the process much easier. And you’ll hear all about them including… • 5 of the hottest, most proven ways to get the
best mileage out of every e-zine article – write the article once, and
let it be your hardest worker Growing your list is all about showing up and doing something. It’s about finding opportunities and making things happen because there’s no hotter list than your own. And because small moves can cause a significant chain reaction, getting started is by far your most important step. Part Seven is 20-minutes and includes an accompanying Download and Printable PDF transcripts Order Today 8) How To Make Money On Even The Smallest Of Lists Many people think they’ll only be able to make money if they have a humongous list, when size actually doesn’t matter very much at all. It’s quality. Even if you only have a few hundred people on your list – if they know you and have opted in to receive your emails – that’s worth much more than a list of 60,000 or more that have no clue why you’re emailing them. And in Part 8 of this Q-and-A session, you’ll hear how to maximize your marketing and make the most of your list, no matter what the size. You’ll Also Hear… • How to get a good response rate without “yelling the loudest” or making outrageous claims and obnoxious emails• Why you shouldn’t worry about Facebook or Twitter killing off your email marketing – and the one best thing social marketing is actually good for • The perfect one-two punch your emails need to have – that will make them an almost unstoppable force • All the details about the business possibilities that can come from selling your skills as an email writer (once you’re good at it) and how much you can expect to pay for a good writer if you choose to outsource • The surprising opportunities service providers (like painters and plumbers) can do with email marketing to expand their businesses while making extra money on the side • Why you’ll never, ever want to worry about spam filters when you write your first draft and a simple test to run when you’re finished that will let you know where you stand • The dark truth about “safe lists” and why you may want to stay away from them If you run your email campaigns right, you’ll not only be keeping your prospects entertained you’ll also be proving your worth to them. And that kind of honest marketing is going to make you more money than blindly emailing hundreds of thousands ever will. And in this audio, you’ll hear how to do that. Part Eight is 20-minutes and includes an accompanying Download and Printable PDF transcripts Order Today
9) Where To Find A Never-Ending Supply Of Story Ideas You don’t need to stare at a blank page and wonder where your next story idea is going to come from. And you don’t need to be a genius to figure it out either. If you know your market – read the forums, stories and problems they’re having – then you’ll never have to create an email from thin air again. You’ll just be organizing, compiling and polishing up what’s already around you. And in Part 9 of this Q-and-A session, you’ll hear how to do that along with some of the best places to go to find ideas, headlines, and whole stories – just waiting for you to adapt and make your own. You’ll Also Hear…
• The little-known (but highly effective) way to use your PayPal account
to create a marketing list When you first start writing, you’re going to fumble and make mistakes. But the more you write, the more you’ll be training yourself how to write – and how to keep your antennae up for good story ideas. Part Nine is 34-minutes and includes an accompanying Download and Printable PDF transcripts Order Today
10) Once You Become An Expert At Email Marketing… It’ll Be Like Typing Out Money Whenever You Need It So many gurus get email marketing wrong – probably because they can afford to make as many mistakes as they want. But Ben writes emails for a living, so he’s had to learn what works – and not just in theory. And what he’s learned is amazing. He’s learned that there’s actually a nuance and a formula to putting offers in your emails that won’t make you sound phony. He’s also learned how to keep story ideas flowing – where to look, how to look, and how to recycle old content so it’s current and fresh. And much more. And you’ll hear all about Ben’s methods in this audio. From writing subject lines to writing the body and putting in links, with Ben’s course, you’ll have step-by-step guidance the whole way through. And in Part 10 of this Q-and-A session, you’ll hear all about that course along with the email marketing principles that work for any business. You’ll Also Hear… • The 8 different "no-sweat, no-brainer" ways to
write emails – telling stories is just one of them Your unique personality, mannerisms, and voice are a huge reason people buy from you, so you’re going to want to make sure they stand out in all your emails. And that’s one of the best things about the way Ben teaches email marketing – it’s a systemized and user-friendly approach, but you won’t sound like anybody else when you’re done. And in this audio, you’ll hear all about it. Part Ten is 16-minutes and includes an accompanying Download and Printable PDF transcripts Order Today Bonus 2: The Email Marketing Techniques That Double Sales
Ben Settle has pretty much become the leader in email marketing. His style of infotainment combines storytelling with marketing, making readers entertained and curious so they’re actually looking forward to his emails. And he sends out a lot of them too, sometimes two or three emails a day. But, he says, that’s the kind of email marketing that doubles sales if done right. And in this three-part audio with Ben, you’ll hear all about it. Ben didn’t start out knowing how to do all of this, though. When he began in sales, he was so poor, he had to live out of the office he was renting, take showers at the gym, and sneak around so his landlord wouldn’t find out – all so he could sell MLM cassette tapes door to door. He knew there had to be a better way. And in Part One, you’ll hear the amazing story of how he stumbled onto copywriting/email marketing, how he used it to make money right away, and how he uses it today to double sales. You’ll Also Hear… * Exactly
what “Attraction Marketing” is, why Ben only does the opposite so he’s
thinning his herd (of serial returners, lukewarm customers, and
cheapskates), and how to make Ben’s kind of “Repulsion Marketing” work
for you Ben says when it comes to marketing, everyone seems to be concerned with building a list, when that’s just part of the equation for doubling sales. If you concentrate on building an audience and a presence, you’ll have lists from all over the place – podcasts, social media, ebooks, websites, etc. – making your email marketing more strategic and targeted (while making you more money). And in this interview, you’ll hear how to do that. Part One is 56 minutes. Also included are the word-for-word PDF transcripts for all Three Parts totaling 76 pages. The Deadliest Mistakes You Can Make In Email Marketing (And How To Avoid Them) Part Two Of The Three-Part Interview With Copywriting Legend Ben Settle: Ben says, when most people think about running an email campaign with their list, they usually worry too much. They worry they’ll send out too many emails and people will get mad and unsubscribe. They worry their emails won’t be “perfect enough,” or that they won’t sound like an expert… One of the worst mistakes you can make is to let those worries change the way you do business. Ben once had 200 people unsubscribe from his list after an email promotion, but he made $34,000 on those emails. So ask yourself, what’s more important – keeping 200 people happy or making $34,000 in a few days? That’s why Ben says if everyone likes you on your email list, you’re probably not pushing hard enough with your marketing. Ben calls it “playing to win,” and in Part Two, you’ll hear how to do it, along with the common mistakes to avoid that can cause huge losses. You’ll Also Hear… * Exactly what Ben means
when he says your emails should be “a hotdog that nourishes like
broccoli” – and real-life examples of how to have that perfect
combination of infotainment The easiest way to keep your emails out of the spam folder. Ben says it’s ok to be scared about your email marketing, but you can’t let your fears cause you to chicken out and never send an email. Just make sure you’re concentrating on building an audience and connecting with them in a fun, relatable way. If you do that while demonstrating you also know what you’re talking about, people will look forward to your emails and they’ll buy from you again and again. And in Part Two of this interview with Ben, you’ll hear all about it. Part Two is 55 minutes. Also included are the word-for-word PDF transcripts for all Three Parts totaling 76 pages. How To Build A Following Part Three Of The Three-Part Interview With Copywriting Legend Ben Settle:When it comes to marketing, most people think a long list is what matters most. But Ben says, it’s actually more effective to concentrate on building a following instead. If you make yourself available on many different platforms – ebooks, Facebook, podcasts, talk radio, YouTube, blogs, twitter… your name will just start “popping up” for people. You’ll make a name for yourself, drive more traffic to your website, and actually end up with more than one list. And the beauty of this approach is – someone who listens to a half-an-hour interview with you on a podcast then clicks over to your website is a very qualified lead. So in Part Three of the Ben Settle interview, you’ll hear how to build the kind of following that includes multiple lists and audiences so you can create targeted and qualified leads, along with the other techniques that work to make the most of your email marketing. You’ll Also Hear… * Three (almost sneaky) shortcuts for becoming an expert
on a topic fast: Get to know your audience’s frustrations, fears, goals,
and passions – even if you don’t know a thing about the subject Here’s how to make sure your emails have this important element from the subject line to the offerThe thing with email marketing is you never know where your list is going to be on any given day – financially, physically, emotionally... So what gets clicked on today, may not get clicked on tomorrow and vice versa. That’s why Ben says the key to doubling sales is to get yourself out there in as many ways as possible, and as often as you can. And in this audio, you’ll hear all about it. Part Three is 55 minutes. Also included are the word-for-word PDF transcripts for all Three Parts totaling 76 pages. What Does It Really Takes To Sell Like Big Foot Using Your Sales Letters, Emails And Other Direct Response Ads Way back in 2004, I found out about direct response
copywriter named Ben Settle. Ben has since written
several winning sales letter for me including my Barter Secrets System, my
Joint Venture Magic System and my Art Hamel System. Copywriting circulates in his veins, fills his mind and pumps his heart. If you want better results from your sales letters, e-mails and direct response ads, hit the download button now for this exclusive interview. You won't regret it for one second. - 63 minutes, Download and Printable PDF transcripts: 39 pages Order Today
Download, play and listen to or read the transcripts to all ten parts (135 Questions Covered ) of The Ben Settle Email Selling System. Then study and use Ben's techniques and you'll gain an understanding about the one of the most powerful life secrets known to man. How to create winning emails. And now you can get all of this training it for only $597.00 without any ongoing payments
The second you
place your order, PayPal will re-direct you to a page with a blue button
that when clicked will take you to your Ben Settle Download Page.
If you have any questions text or call 858-692-9461.
For Your One Time Payment Of $597 You'll Own The Answers To These 135 Questions About E-mail Copywriting.