Special Offer Ends Monday Midnight

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Rob Gilbert professor, publisher, author

Story Magic

Steal, Copy and Profit From These 80 Star-Power Stories Today

At last, your complete done for you, easy-to-use SYSTEM built especially if you need killer stories to supercharge your sales letters, blogs, emails, speeches, social media and everyday conversations

( Includes transcripts, formatted emails and mp3 downloads to 80 incredible stories )

Simple one time charges, no extra costs, no nickel-and-diming or download fees.

Skip The Sales Pitch Michael & Take Me To The Meat Of Exactly What I Get For My Money

What Story Magic Is NOT


 "If a Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words, Then The Right Story Told to The Right Audience at The Right Time Is Worth a Million"

    What if you had a system that delivered killer stories on demand 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days a year that could . . .

* Cut your copywriting work time in half

* Help you close sales faster, for higher dollar amounts, and more often.

* Differentiates you from your competition.

What if these stories were available to you at any time to help you with writing sales letters, speeches, emails, blog posts, articles, advertising copy, videos and more.

You're in luck because I've teamed up with Rob Gilbert, master storyteller, professor, and professional speaker to show you the secrets on how to crack the code when it comes to telling, writing and using stories in your business and personal communication.

You'll have all the tools you need to start using and profiting from stories starting today.

Story Magic is for you if . . .

* You're a copywriter who has limited time and suffers from writers block

* You lack the skill to generate your own creative ideas

* You are struggling to create more memorable marketing programs

* You're a speaker, coach or salesperson who needs the right hook to motivate the troops

* You're a parent who needs to convey a lasting message to their children

* You need an effective way to engage your audience without preaching or teaching

* You want to turn your audience into raving fans

Includes rights to tell, use, print and share 80 of the world's top stories in your emails, blogs, web sites and every day conversation.

Click here to order




   Steal, Copy and Profit From These 80 Star-Power Stories Plus Own These Five Amazing Bonuses, Yours To Keep Even If You Decide Story Magic Is Not Right For You.


   Each amazing story is yours offered as an, mp3 audio download, word-for-word transcript and formatted email.

You'll own the rights to use, share and tell each story for your sales letters, emails, speeches, social media posts, talks and more.

Take them with you on the go.

Download or play from your smart phone, home computer, lap top or mp3 player.

Order now and study or download later.

This offer ends shortly

Here's what you get

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1.  Why Stories Work Audio Seminar & The Secret Power Behind Them

81 Minute Audio Seminar 41 Page PDF transcript

For the full description click here.


2. Click-N-Play mp3 Audio Swipe File

80 Audio Play Button Stories

For the full description click here.


3. Word For Word Typed Out Transcripts

80 Word for Word Story Transcripts

For the full description click here.


4. Formatted Email Swipe File

80 Formatted Downloadable Story Files

For the full description click here.


5. Memory Jogger Tool

For the full description click here.

141 Memory Jogger Cues To Generate Your Own Killer Story Ideas 6 Page PDF


6. 121 Greatest Quotes of All Time From The Most Famous People Of All Time

For the full description click here.

34 page PDF File


7. The 301 Greatest Motivational Quotes of All Time

For the full description click here.

30 page PDF File


8. The Magic Four Words Quote Library - Everything You Need To Know About Life In Four Words.

For the full description click here.

2 Page PDF File


9. Over 397 Sliding Board Phrases And Words That Keep Your Talk, Email, Copy Smooth as Silk and Connected

For the full description click here.

7 Page PDF File


10. Michael Senoff's 625 Best Email Subject Headline Collection Swipe File

For the full description click here.

10 Page PDF File



Story Magic is for you if . . .

* You're a copywriter who has limited time and suffers from writers block

* You lack the skill to generate your own creative ideas

* You are struggling to create more memorable marketing programs

* You're a speaker, coach or salesperson who needs the right hook to motivate the troops

* You're a parent who needs to convey a lasting message to their children

* You need an effective way to engage your audience without preaching or teaching

* You want to turn your audience into raving fans

Includes rights to tell, use, print and share 80 of the world's top stories in your emails, blogs, web sites and every day conversation.

I've teamed up with Rob Gilbert, master storyteller, professor, and professional speaker to show you the secrets on how to crack the code when it comes to telling, writing and using stories in your business and personal communication.

You'll have all the tools you need to start using and profiting from stories starting today.

Includes rights to tell, use, print and share 80 of the world's top stories in your emails, blogs, web sites and every day conversation.

Grab your copy of Story Magic today before the price goes back up.


Hey Mike,

"I'm a writer and copy editor and I understand the importance and impact of stories.

When I saw Mike's Story Magic offer, I knew it was something I HAD to get.

Having access to 80 stories as well as a library of quotes was not something I could afford to pass up, especially at the price he's charging for access.

Once I downloaded the package last night, I spent about 20 minutes listening to several of the stories.

I've started a folder for my absolute favorites, and I think that folder will host at least two-thirds of them, based on the ones I've listened to thus far. I especially liked the Four Word Quote Library.

The stories and quotes will definitely help me in writing emails, and I can see where they will help in training and developing my daughter as well.

Whatever you do, I would suggest that you get this package. It's a fabulous investment, because at some time, we all need to have a story to tell, and to use as a teaching tool.

And Story Magic gives you 80 of them, and the quotes are wonderful as well."

-Suzanne S Farmer



Special Offer Ends Monday Midnight

  Your Story Magic download instructions will be sent instantly after your order is placed.

Click the Yellow Buy Now Button Below

Note: It may take a second or two for the order window to open up. Be patient

I Repeat -- $20
 is all you pay. There is nothing more to buy and no monthly fees of any kind. 


       The second you place your order, PayPal will re-direct you to a page with a yellow button that when clicked will take you to your download page.

See the image below and click on that button to access your downloads.  I'll also send you the links and page to the PayPal e-mail address you used when you placed your order by e-mail.


  If you have any questions at all, feel free to text of call me at 858-692-9461. 


Michael Senoff



Story Magic



1.  Why Stories Work Audio Seminar & The Secret Power Behind Them

80 Minute Audio Seminar 41 Page PDF transcript

    Learn the power behind stories from this exclusive training audio seminar from Rob Gilber. If you get up in front of an audience and start talking about your credentials, see how long it takes for someone to yawn and look at their watch. People are there to be entertained, so the quicker you get them to smile, the better.

And the fastest way to do that is with a story. Stories make everything better. It doesn’t matter if it’s a speech, a job interview, an advertisement, a wedding toast, or just a simple phone call to your Aunt Bertha – if you add a story, you suddenly have an interested audience. And you suddenly become interesting. It’s a very powerful thing.

But you can’t just tell any story. You’ve got to tell the right story to the right people at the right time. And in this audio, you’ll hear how to do that from a man who’s been studying, collecting, and telling stories for more than 20 years, Professor Rob Gilbert. He says, when he meets a former student, it’s never the theories they remember from his class. It’s always the stories. They’ve made him unforgettable. Here’s how you can use the power of stories too.

 * The biggest mistake people make when storytelling – not differentiating the narrative from the dialogue parts of the story – get this technique down, and you’ll tell a great story every time

*  The five key elements that go into a powerful story, and quick example stories you can take with you anywhere

*  The one opening story that gets applause every time: put this story in your toolbox in case you’re ever asked to be a speaker (and the easy ways you can modify it to meet any audience)

*  A weird (but effective) way to practice your storytelling before a big event

*  A 5-second exercise that shows the power of the pause: the way you pause during a story can change its meaning

*  The quickest way to lose your audience (making a story unintentionally offensive): an example of what that means and how to make sure that never happens to you

*  The very simple tactic you can learn about storytelling from watching the daily news

*  The two almost unknown secrets that will make your stories more memorable (using the power of threes and the power of yet). Here’s how to do it

*  The 4 speakers who have influenced Rob the most because of their amazing way to tell motivational stories – and where to find their stuff

*  A little-known fact: Temple University was founded on a story – one minister used one story to raise all the funds he needed -- here’s that story and how he did it

*  Why Rob says you should save your best story for last no matter how much you’re dying to tell it (treat it like an encore song) – and the story Rob chose at the end of this recording

Rob says the biggest industry in the world is stories. We use them all the time – in movies, books, commercials, TV shows, newspapers, everyday conversation – and we instinctively look for them as we go about our day.

That’s why learning the art of storytelling will bring power to everything you do. And in this audio, you’ll hear how to do it.

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2. Story Magic mp3 Click-N-Play Audio Swipe File

80 Audio Play Button Stories

Own rights to use, play, copy, download and modify 80 of Rob Gilbert's top performing stories. You'll own access to 80 mp3 audio play buttons. You'll be able access each audio play button by cell phone, home, office, iPad or laptop computer. You'll click-N-play each story to master it's content and sequence. You'll click-N-play each story to master it's content and sequence.

You'll want to use this as a tool to memorize how to tell each story perfectly. Click-N-Play each story over and over again so you can master it for your next speech, sales meeting or social situation. Repetition is the mother of skill and your path to becoming a master story teller. All audio Click-N-Play buttons are included with story magic.

This is an image of what each mp3 Click-N-Play button will look like.

Below is the list of the 80 stories included in your Story Magic System

1.   Muhammad Ali Story
2.   Hurt, Pain, Agony
3.   Stephen King Story
4.   Story About Trust
5.   President Reagan's Favorite Story
6.   Coach Gelson's Only Rule
7.   World's Most Confident 4th Grader
8.   Frank Bettger Enthusiasm Story
9.   Harry Houdini Jail Break Story
10. The Lumberjack Story
11. The Saddest Story in Sports
12. John Steven Akhwari Story
13. Tom Brady Story
14. The Magic Finger Story
15. Be A Brother Like That Story
16. Olympic Gold Dan Gable Story
17. The Milt Campbell Story
18. Nike Just Do It
19. Paul Harvey The Great
20. Roger Bannister 4 Minute Mike Story
21. Sinclair Lewis On Writing Story
22. The Story of Three Frogs
23. Charley and Bill on the Railroad Story
24. A Big Enough WHY
25. Bending Steel The Bud Jeffries, Strong Man Story
26. Derek Jeter Baseball Story
27. Don't Let Anybody Steal Your Dreams
28. Empathy and a Puppy Story
29. Flying Penguins Story
30. Violinist, Niccolo Paganini Story
31. No Such Thing as Impossible Story
32. Positive Thinking Story
33. A Procrastination Story
34. Studying Time Management Story
35. Thomas Edison Light bulb Story
36. You Never Know Story
37. Sara Blakely Billionaire Story
38. Leonard Bernstein Story
39. Joe Reddick Black Jack Jail Story
40. Important, Not Special Story
41. Dolly Parton High school Reunion Story
42. Ernest and Julio Gallo Wine Story
43. Franklin Jacobs Jump Story
44. Greatest Songwriter Ever Lived
45. The John Morris Rule
46. The NOW Watch Story
47. Belief in Yourself - Ty Cobb Story
48. Belief in Yourself - Pete Rose Story
49. Billy Hawkins Story
50. Larry King and Richard Nixon Story
51. Shake it Off and Step Up Story
52. Shun Fujimoto, Gymnast Story
53. Ted Williams' Broken Arm Story
54. Gene Kelly Singin' in the Rain Story
55. John Kenneth Galbraith Story
56. How Tom Mapehoffer Became a Superstar
57. The Wise Man Story
58. Willie Stargell, Baseball Player Story
59. The Story of Sid Bernstein
60. The Lady in a Picture Framing Story
61. The Italian Family on a Cruise Ship Story
62. Having a Passion Story
63. Bill James and the Boston Red Sox Story
64. Have a Calling Story
65. Garth Brooks' Unanswered Prayer Story
66. The Tragic Story of Lyn Bias
67. Steve Jobs and Calligraphy Story
68. Dan Gable, 1972 Olympic Champion Story
69. Dennis Rogers, Strong Man
70. The World's Oldest College Graduate Story
71. Do More Than Expected Story
72. Will Smith Story
73. You Are Not Judged Story
74. Michael Pollack and Billy Joel Story
75. The Chuck Wepner Story
76. Knute Rockne Notre Dame Story
77. I Love Diamonds
78. Run For Your Life
79. The Henry Peterson Story
80. Olympic Bob Sled Competition Story

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3. Story Magic Typed Out Transcripts

80 Word for Word Story Transcripts

   In addition to the mp3 Click-N-Play audio buttons, you'll own the word for word typed out transcripts of each story as it is told. You can use these transcripts without having to retype up the entire story saving you a tone of time. You can copy and paste the text into your notes for your next speech, your next slide presentation, your next blog article, or your next sales meeting. These typed up transcripts will come in handy up until the time you've internalize and memorized each one of the stories contained in Story Magic.



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4. MP3 Download File Swipe File

80 MP3 Downloadable Story Files

   Enjoy being able to download the MP3 audio files to have with you even without and internet connection . Being able to download each one of the stories offers you the ability to take them with you on the road. You can listen to each on a long plane ride, before you go to sleep in bed, or out on a walk with your smart phone or mp3 player. Burn each story onto a CD ROM, cassette tape for replay use. Download them onto a thumb drive and use later. Have them with you at all times even if you don't have an Internet connection. You'll have full download access to all 81 stories as mp3 audio files with your order.


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 5. Story Magic Formatted Email Swipe File

80 Formatted Downloadable Story Files

   Email can be one of the most profitable ways to use stories. However, email copy should be formatted in a way that read and looks inviting to the eye. Formatting is a labor-intensive and time consuming task.  Each one of your 80 stories have been formatted for email marketing. All you do is open up the formatted story email, copy and paste into your email.  Using stories in email has been one of the best decisions I've ever made. Here's a sample of what one of your formatted emails will look like below.


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6. Story Magic Memory Jogger Tool

141 Memory Jogger Cues To Generate Your Own Killer Story Ideas 6 Page PDF

   The 80 stories that come with Story Magic are great, but they will only take you so far. Your own personal stories are the stories that are going to bond you like Super Glue to the minds and harts of your audience. The best storytellers look to their own memories and life experiences for ways to illustrate their stories.  And that's the reason we've compiled a list of 125 major life events that are guaranteed to get your story juices flowing. Any of these events are guaranteed to trigger and interesting emotional entry points to your own personal story. You'll use this tool over and over again to compile and build your own stories. Never again will you find yourself staring at a blank screen or piece of paper. Just open your Story Magic Memory Jogger Tool, look at the listings, and get ready for a flood of personal story ideas to start flowing out.  These story topics are designed to gain you the attention, interest and the admiration you deserve from your audience. Finally, become a Story Magic making machine.

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7. 121 Greatest Quotes of All Time From The Most Famous People Of All Time

34 page PDF File

   When you use a quote from a famous person, you get hitch your wagon to all of their credibility. And you can use this to your advantage in your speech, story, email or sales meeting.

Using a famous person quote makes your message sticky and one that is remembered by your listener or reader.

From 1993 to 2001, Rob Gilbert was the chief editor of one of the largest and most successful story telling newsletters in the world.  It was owned by The Economic Press and was called Bits and Pieces. At their peak, they had over 250,000 subscribers and it was published in three languages. Rob was the one person who had to come up with all of their stories for the publication.

Every year he would spend $10,000 dollars buying books on stories, quotes and antidotes. This was before the Internet. Rob claims to have probably the world's biggest collection of quote, anecdotes and story books in the world. Rob never went into a bookstore without buying a book. 

This complication of the 121 of THE best quotes of all time are THE best quotes you can find period.

You can sift through thousands of free quotes online but you won't have a collection like this. It would take you years and tens of thousands of dollars to compile what Rob has for you in this collection. 

It's yours free with your Story Magic order.

Click Here to Order

8. The 301 Greatest Motivational Quotes of All Time

30 page PDF File

   Moving people to action is not an easy thing to do. Sometimes, the right words at the right time by the right person can help do the trick.

From 1993 to 2001, Rob Gilbert was the chief editor of one of the largest and most successful story telling newsletters in the world.  It was owned by The Economic Press and was called Bits and Pieces. At their peak, they had over 250,000 subscribers and it was published in three languages. Rob was the one person who had to come up with all of their stories for the publication.

Every year he would spend $10,000 dollars buying books on stories, quotes and antidotes. This was before the Internet. Rob claims to have probably the world's biggest collection of quote, anecdotes and story books in the world.

Rob never went into a bookstore without buying a book. 

This complication of the The 301 Greatest Motivational Quotes of All Time THE best quotes you can find period.

You can sift through thousands of free quotes online, but you won't have a collection like this all in one place this simple to access.

It would take you years and tens of thousands of dollars to compile what Rob has for you in this collection after decades of research.

Yours free with your Story Magic order.

Click Here to Order

9. The Magic Four Words Quote Library - Everything You Need To Know About Life In Four Words.

2 Page PDF File


   Own and use these four word quotes to inspire and motivate. A simple four word quote can have a powerful reaction on it's audience.  And because they're only four words, they're sticky and easy to remember. With your order of Story Magic, you'll own this collection compiled by Dr. Rob Gilbert, owner of world's biggest collection of quote, anecdotes and story books in the world. These quotes will guide your audience, help them learn from the wise. Famous quotes from people we all look up to can make your message even more memorable. A spiritual quote can be comforting. Words of the philosophers and writers who have seen the world give us the hope to move forward and help inspire others to take action. And these four word quotes do it very effectively. These can be used with your story magic swipe file to make your stories even more powerful and effective at closing the deal.

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10. Over 397 Sliding Board Phrases And Words That Keep Your Talk, Email, Copy Smooth as Silk and Connected

7 Page PDF File

   Being able to connect your story to your sales offer or call to action is what separates the men from the boys. And now you'll own the secret words and phrases to making this transition smooth and effortless. Use these phrases to keep your audience on the edge of their seat hanging on to every word you write and speak to almost magically sell like crazy. Then guide them into your offer or call to action. 

Click Here to Order

11. Michael Senoff's 625 Best Email Subject Headline Collection Swipe File

10 Page PDF File

   Ever since I started writing a daily e-mail 62 months back, people have asked to see samples of my e-mail copywriting.

Also, others have emailed me, requesting something along these lines ...

Michael, I love your e-mail headlines but do you offer anything more -- a book, a list, anything that has all of your best headlines in one place? Something that will help me use email as a marketing and selling tool more effectively?

To all such inquirers, I finally have some news which, until now, I've shared only with a few colleagues and those who, early on, asked to be put on a waiting list if I ever developed such listing.

And as you'll see in my best email headlines swipe file, an important principle I teach is that if you want to get your emails opened, MAKE YOUR HEADLINE MORE INTERESTING TO READ.

And as a bonus to your Story Magic order, I'll including a swipe file of my top and most interesting email headlines.

These will be the perfect companion with your Story Magic formatted email transcripts. These headline will get your email open, and the story will drive your sales message home. Include your call to action and a link for others to order and you will own a proven format for driving home sales, day after day, year after year.

Click Here to Order



   Story Magic is for you if . . .

* You're a copywriter who has limited time and suffers from writers block

* You lack the skill to generate your own creative ideas

* You are struggling to create more memorable marketing programs

* You're a speaker, coach or salesperson who needs the right hook to motivate the troops

* You're a parent who needs to convey a lasting message to their children

* You need an effective way to engage your audience without preaching or teaching

* You want to turn your audience into raving fans

Includes rights to tell, use, print and share 80 of the world's top stories in your emails, blogs, web sites and every day conversation.

I've teamed up with Rob Gilbert, master storyteller, professor, and professional speaker to show you the secrets on how to crack the code when it comes to telling, writing and using stories in your business and personal communication.

You'll have all the tools you need to start using and profiting from stories starting today.

Includes rights to tell, use, print and share 80 of the world's top stories in your emails, blogs, web sites and every day conversation.

Grab your copy of Story Magic today before the price goes back up.



Special Offer Ends Monday Midnight

 Your Story Magic download instructions will be sent instantly after your order is placed.

Click the Yellow Buy Now Button Below

Note: It may take a second or two for the order window to open up. Be patient

I Repeat -- $20
 is all you pay. There is nothing more to buy and no monthly fees of any kind. 


   The second you place your order, PayPal will re-direct you to a page with a yellow button that when clicked will take you to your download page.

      See the image below and click on that button to access your downloads.  I'll also send you the links and page to the PayPal e-mail address you used when you placed your order by e-mail.


If you have any questions at all, feel free to text of call me at 858-692-9461. 


Michael Senoff


Who Is Rob Gilbert

Dr. Rob Gilbert is one of the world’s leading experts on Sport Psychology. As a professor at Montclair State University, he teaches Sports Psychology and also researches athletic motivation and teamwork, studies that have helped literally thousands of athletes defeat their mental problems.

He has studied the mental skills of not only the world’s greatest athletes, but also the most successful business executives and highest-earning sales people.

From 1993 to 2001 Rob was the former chief editor of Bits and Pieces Magazine. Bits and Pieces was one of the largest and most successful story telling newsletters in the world.  It was owned by The Economic Press. At their peak, they had over 250,000 subscribers and it was published in three languages. Rob was the one person who had to come up with all of their stories for the publication.

Every year he would spend $10,000 dollars buying books on stories, quotes and antidotes. This was before the Internet. Rob claims to have probably the world's biggest collection of quote, anecdotes and story books in the world. Rob never went into a bookstore without buying a book. 

Now the Director of the Center for Sports Success, he has given over 2,000 speeches and seminars around the country on his unique peak performance methods. However, he is not limited to speaking to athletes and coaches. Business, educational, and medical groups invite him to address their meetings because they know that the same mental skills that make people winners on the athletic field are just as effective in the boardroom, the classroom or any other arena where people work to achieve success.

Dr. Gilbert motivates tens of thousands of people around the world on a daily basis through both his Success Hotline and his on-line Success Newsletter. 

As a professional speaker, he has addressed audiences as diverse as the cadets at the United States Military Academy to Fortune 500 executives.

He has joined A Vision in Motion as the resident speaking coach and trainer, with the goal of helping all speakers reach their full potential. This is something that Dr. Gilbert has done with much success over the past 25 years.

Here's what your download page will look like for all of your stories.

Click Here to Order

What Story Magic Is NOT

Don't be mistaken. Story Magic is NOT some long, drawn out, boring, creative writing course on how to write and structure a short story. It's also not a class on how to write TV scripts or the next blockbuster feature film. However, it will help. You'll own 80 killer stories that are already done for you. They are perfect as they are and ready to tell, email or share today. These stories are already formatted to have a lasting effect on your listener or audience. All you have to do is steal them, copy and paste them into your email and send them out or tell them in your next speech. So if you're looking for a compete course on how to be the next William Shakespeare, you won't find it here. But, Story Magic is for you if you're looking for a fast and effective system to fast track your copy writing projects, save a ton of time and be able to communicate in a way that's ten time more effective and twenty times more memorable. Story Magic is designed so you can use these stories with your audience, subscribers, family and friends seconds after you order. 

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Special Offer Ends Monday Midnight

 Your Story Magic download instructions will be sent instantly after your order is placed.

Click the Yellow Buy Now Button Below

Note: It may take a second or two for the order window to open up. Be patient

I Repeat -- $20
 is all you pay. There is nothing more to buy and no monthly fees of any kind. 


   The second you place your order, PayPal will re-direct you to a page with a yellow button that when clicked will take you to your download page.

       See the image below and click on that button to access your downloads.  I'll also send you the links and page to the PayPal e-mail address you used when you placed your order by e-mail.


If you have any questions at all, feel free to text of call me at 858-692-9461. 


Michael Senoff




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