USP Magic

$597 is all you pay. There is nothing more to buy and no monthly fees of any kind. Links Will Be Sent To Your Email Instantly After Payment

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     Step in to my PLAN B Product Bundle when your PLAN A does NOT work.

     Profit from an all new product bundle that has never been offered for such a low price before!

     Own 19 never before offered letters, interviews, and tools all for a one time $597. 

     Benefit from years of useful shortcut communications, agreements and long forgotten audio interviews that have never seen the light of day.

     I've scoured through my hard drives and files and cherry picked a unique collection of useful money making and savings tools.

     I use these same tools for my businesses today and I am certain you will one or two of them very valuable.

     I encourage you to look at what I have to offer in the listing below.

     Using even one of these tools will easily pay for your investment may times over.

     Your $597 gift price is a promotional first time offer price only and will end Friday at 11 PM PST.

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     All 19 products are offered in a downloadable digital format seconds from the time you order.



1) Bumpy Mail 7 Letters Sequence Collection

You are going to love my bumpy mail letter collection. Bumpy mail is when you mail a letter and include an item that gives your mailing envelope a lump or a bump. This collection is a series of seven proven bumpy mail letters. You will have the word versions and PDF versions of all seven letters. Use them to get the attention from your existing clients. Use them to create new prospects. Use them to open a conversation for future business. The best part about using Bumpy direct mail is the marketing takes you out of the picture. You drop your bumpy mail letters in the mailbox, and you sit and wait for the business to come to you. And it's fun when you get a call and someone says .. . "Hi, I just got a little red lobster in the mail from you. What's this all about? "

Consultation #1 – Postcard

Consultation #2 – Aspirin

Consultation #3 – Puzzle Pieces

Consultation #4 – Worry Doll

Consultation #5 – Lobster

Consultation #6 – Dinosaur

Consultation #7 – Round Tuit


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2) Envelope Art Templates

I remember the weekend I slaved over the computer with a graphic designer from Bangladesh to create two dozen templates that you can print on a white envelope with any cheap laser jet printer that will increase the open rate of your letter, solicitation, or offer drastically. I paid this guy a pretty penny too. We created each of these for the one goal of getting your letter opened. Getting the letter read we'll save for another discussion. I've used these same envelope designs in my business. This artwork is unique, and I promise you, your prospects have never seen anything like it. Grabbing attention by the throat in a sea of direct mail is critical for getting your prospects to open your letter.

You'll have and own the rights to all 24 templates to use and modify. Getting only one letter opened will pay the entire fee for my PLAN B collection of tools.

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3) Telemarketing Scripps

In today's world of texting and email, getting someone to answer the phone can be challenging. But, if you can get them to answer the phone, I have proven telemarketing scripts that I offered my marketing consultants to land book appointments. If you have no telemarketing experience, these Word for Word Scripps can be read over the phone to land sales, generate interest, and book appointments for whatever you're selling. The right words are like magic, especially when you have them in the proper order.

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4) Stop Refunds Letter

In today's online world, with Amazon, eBay, Wal-Mart, and all the mass retailers excepting refunds on any product or service sold, people believe that they can get refunds even when refunds are not offered. This problem is costly for information product marketers. I know this does not include you, but many information product junkies will purposely order your product, download it, and ask for a refund. Unless I'm offering a special offer and it offers a money back guarantee, products for my website do not include a refund option. When I get a request from people who want to refund, I have a form letter called my refund letter. It's highly effective in explaining why I don't offer refunds and why they are better off using the purchased product. Use this letter for your information on product or service offers. It works. You'll have this letter as a text document.

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5) Product Thank you Letter Template with Upsell

For years, I have been missing out on one of the most effective income-boosting techniques. That technique is the one-time offer upsell. If sewing is something I understood, but for years I was too lazy to put it all together and was more focused on the short-term single sale. Finally, I got smart and started integrating an up sell one-time offer with my promotions. If you've ever purchased anything from me, you have seen them before. The up sell starts with the thank you for buying this product letter. This example is the same one I use when promoting my Jim Camp interview series product. You can use the structure and format to modify your products and or services. Over the years, I have missed out on tens of thousands of dollars worth of sales by not asking for another sale at the point of purchase.

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6) Jay Abraham Tapes Buy Letter

Twenty-five years ago, I started buying and selling old Jay Abraham Tapes. This tool was the letter that started it all. It was a simple one-page letter that I could send out to a list of Jay Abraham seminar attendees. The letter asked if they had any old Jay Abraham Tapes seminars, videos, or books to sell. The wording was straightforward in the call to action was easy. The mold buying letter was an offshoot of this letter. Use this simple one-page letter to solicit the sales of any item you can think of that you want to resell using direct mail. Only one response from just one letter will quickly pay for my Plan B collection

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7) Plastic Injection Mold Buy Letter With Audio Recording Of Calls

This was a simple one-page direct mail letter that I sent out to a list of plastic injection mold manufacturing businesses. It was a sideline business where I was looking to acquire costly plastic injection molds used to manufacture products. This one letter was responsible for my phone ringing off the hook and getting responses from business owners who wanted to offer and sell their plastic injection mold. If you're looking to buy any inventory from a specific business, this letter could be modified and effectively used. You can play the messages now to hear the flood of calls this letter produced. Click to hear now

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8) Cease and Desist Letter

In business, you're going to have people who will try and steal and sell your stuff. Over the years, this has been a compounding problem for me regarding my digital information products. It's almost like the game whack-a-mole. When an infringing party is finally taken down, another one pops up. This cease-and-desist letter has been precious in taking counterfeit and infringing information products sellers off line. The wording is strong, compelling, and gets results. If you have someone violating your intellectual property rights, you can use this effective letter to get them to stop. You'll have this letter as a text document, ready to modify and use for your use. Getting an attorney to write you a letter like this would cost you hundreds of dollars, and many of them would not be as effective as this one has been for me.

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9) Gigantic Snail Mail 90% Offer letter

Own a two-page direct mail letter that I sent out to a portion of my mailing list. You have probably seen an offer where I offer 90% off any digital information products. I've made this offer both online using an email promotion and regular good old snail mail. If you have a product compilation, you can modify this offer to fit your products or services and do very well. The 90% off offer was profitable. You will own this letter as a downloadable word file.

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10) PayPal Dispute Case Letter

Business is not all rainbows and unicorns. When selling information products, you will have a few bad apples who will take advantage of your generosity. They will order your products and instantly file a claim against you with PayPal. It's just part of the business. And, if you don't fight back, they will win every time. PayPal, EBay, Banks, Credit card companies will mostly side on the buyer, unless you challenge a dispute. I win most of my chargeback cases and I am including this winning letter/template with this offer.

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11) Junk Man Mike letter

I find, buy, and sell junk for fun and profit—items like old wood doors, windows, appliances, and anything that I can turn into a profit. I've developed a simple one-page letter that can be mailed, handed out to neighbors, or left on doors that have effectively found a property in my local area to sell. Starting today, you can modify and use in your area to find items to flip for fast cash. You'll never know how handy this little moneymaker can be in today's uncertain times. You'll have this letter in a word file to download and print.

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12) Private 20 Minute Phone Consultation

I like meeting my subscribers and especially talking to them by phone. I include a $175 value, just you and me 20-minute phone consultation with this offer. This consultation entitles you to a 20-minute coaching call with me; we can discuss anything you want. I won't hold back, and I'll offer you my best advice. For a small additional fee, I will even record the call and send you a copy to use and listen to over and over again. You'll have six months from the end of the Plan B promotion to use it.  I look forward to meeting you by telephone.

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13) $250 Value Product Critique

To increase the value of your Plan B product collection, you'll get a $250 product critique coupon. This coupon allows you to submit any single product by mail of your product for a critique by myself. You'll have six months from the end of the PLAN B promotion to use it. I'm always looking for unique products for possible joint venture opportunities. Indeed, if you're working on the information product and would like my advice, this could come in handy.

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14) My One Favorite Site Compilation

You get my best little-known sites on the net PDF. It includes . . . 

  • 7 breakthrough sites for entrepreneurs.  
  • 11 personal health and wellness sites. 
  • 5 best-overlooked self-development sites. 
  • 15 cutting-edge sites for finding information. 
  • 27 sites contain hot marketing strategies. 
  • 21 compelling sites that save you money. 

I use this compilation as a lead generator for my website. The PDF is 53 pages. Benefit from both the information inside and the format.



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15) Audio Interview Request Letter / Magic Subject Line

Finding the right person to interview is critical in developing quality information products. People ask me all the time, Michael, how do you get these interviews.? And I always refer them to the letter I use both in snail mail and email. The letter may not fit what you're doing, but its concept will. The one subject line I use when sending this letter to an interview prospect works almost 100% of the time. It appeals to their goals and usually gets me a response. You can use this letter and the format to modify plans. This one email or letter has worked well for me over the last two decades.

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16) Demand Collection Letter.

If you're running a business, you'll understand that collections are part of operating a business. I used effective communications, including a demand letter with an email to collect the money owed. This can mean the difference between getting your money or writing it off as a loss. When I first started marketing my marketing consulting HMA business, I offered a payment plan. And understandably, some of these customers stopped making payments. With the help of my assistant, I stayed after them using a series of demand letters asking for payment. I modeled these letters after a collection of demand letters that I found from the early 19th century. This one letter was very effective in collecting tens of thousands of dollars. You'll have my demand letter in the form of a word document. Feel free to use, or modify it for your use.

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17) Notice of Claimed Infringement

This is a one-page letter that I would send to people who were infringing on my registered copyright Heavehands. I manufacture and sell Heavyhands and Weighted Hands aerobic walking exercise weights—more at eBay offers registered copyright holders to take down listings unlawfully using your registered copyright. This was very effective and within EBay's guidelines. If you have intellectual property, including an information product, you could modify this notice of claims infringement to counteract infringing parties.

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18) $1000 Four Part Marketing Consultation with Steve

Steve studied all the grades and marketing for a while, so he wanted to branch out and try marketing independently with his product. He started a beard oil business about a year and a half ago, but he's running into a few problems. He's got a commodity product. His margins are terrible. His shipping cost is high because he's in Canada. He's been fulfilling orders by hand, so there's no natural way to scale up without adding even more to his bottom line, and he's already losing money trying to build a list with Facebook ads in a sampler pack. Enjoy this never before published five-part interview.

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Own all 19 of these info products for a one time $97.00

Below you'll find the links to 19 of my best selling products.

All product are in digital format.

Own full and unrestricted access to all training below after your one payment of $97.

Here's everything you get with this offer.

Description Separate Purchase
Bumpy Mail 7 Letters Sequence Collection  $297
Envelope Art Templates $97
Telemarketing Scripps $97
Stop Refunds Letter $97
Product Thank you Letter Template with Upsell $97
Jay Abraham Tapes Buy Letter $97
Plastic Injection Mold Buy Letter / Audio Recordings  $297
Cease and Desist Letter $97
Gigantic Snail Mail 90% Offer letter $97
PayPal Dispute Case Letter $97
Junk Man Mike letter $97
Private 20 Minute Phone Consultation $175

$250 Value Product Critique


My One Favorite Site Compilation

Audio Interview Request Letter / Magic Subject Line $97
Demand Collection Letter $97
Notice of Claimed Infringement $97
$1000 Four Part Marketing Consultation with Steve $297
Students Speak Out $97

Each one of these training separately total $2636.00

Own 19 of my products for a one time $597


Your PLAN B Product Bundle

Click the Yellow 'Buy Now' Button Below!

Note: It may take a second or two for the order window to open up. Be patient.

$597 is all you pay. There is nothing more to buy and no monthly fees of any kind. Links Will Be Sent To Your Email Instantly After Your Payment Is Placed




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     The second you place your order, PayPal will re-direct you to a page with a blue button that when clicked will take you to your PLAN B Product Bundle Download Page.

    Whether you order from your phone or desktop computer, you should see the image below with the blue or white "Return To Merchant" button.

    You want to click on that button to access your downloads.   If it does not work, as a backup, I will also send you the links by e-mail to the PayPal e-mail address you used when you ordered.

    Either way, only seconds from the time you order, you will have a direct link to your product downloads.

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    If you have a questions text or call my cell phone at 858-692-9461. 


Michael Senoff

Problems with PayPal, Text your name and best email to 858-692-9461 if you want it and I'll send you a PayPal invoice.



Who is Michael Senoff? He's an entrepreneur who has made his living by interviewing some of the smartest people on the planet.

Michael is one of the best interviewers in the world. Michael is also the expert on how to license, produce, record, edit, publish and market information products.

Michael uses the power of story to make his information easy to to remember. It's entertaining and students can access it at home or on the road with their mobile devices.

Michael's style of interviews are designed to be superior to any lecture out there.

His content is easy to hear and understand. It's more informative and natural and the information is more dynamic and dense.

You are going to love listening to Michael and enjoy owning these product trainings with your PLAN B order Click To Order



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