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 The Michael Senoff "How I Really Make My Money Interview Collection" - $597

( Includes PDF transcripts and mp3 downloads )

Own all eighteen (18) audio seminars below. You'll get each interview as an mp3 download.  You'll be able to take each recording on the road, play it on your smart phone, home computer, lap top or mp3 player.

"I don't know how he does it. But, that Michael Senoff gives away the farm, the chicken coup, the cows, the hey, the tractor and the land. And all for $597! What's has this boy toy been smoking?"

I'm Michael Senoff.

I'll never forget the day when my Dad asked me . . .

"Michael, how is it that you make your money?"

And I swear to g-d, I could not give him and decent answer.

He had no idea.

I've only revealed my true money making methods and strategies in a handful of personal audio interviews with other folks in the marketing game.

And after thinking about this simple yet complex question from Dad, I've decided to collect and compile my methods on exactly how I make money.

So I've organized all of my top audio interviews where I was interviewed about how I make money.

And I've even included my paid consulting interview where clients pay me big money to share my secrets on how they can to do it too.

These are interview only with me explaining what I do to make money online and off.

And I've conveniently placed them all on one simple to access download and play page forming this massive tell all money making idea collection.

And note that these do NOT include anything about how I make money buying and selling on Craigslist and eBay. 

You're going to see how I've been able to consistently make a full-time living, support a family, all while working from or very close to home.

* Learn how I've been able to see my kids grow up.

* Learn how I have not had to travel except on vacations with my family.

* Learn how I have not had to answer to any boss.

* Learn how I've been able to control my destiny and do whatever the hell I want with my time.

* Learn how I do it through the marketing of my little audio interviews.

* You'll hear exactly how I set up my joint venture deals.

* You'll understand exactly how I negotiate my licensing deals.

* You'll know exactly how I leverage my time.

It's all here in these interviews that I've collected over the last 14 years.

Study and use my advice as your one way ticket to the land of personal and time freedom.

And now you get all of this for only $597.00 without any ongoing payments. Click to order




1. How To Create “Evergreen” Informational Products That Remain Profitable… Year After Year After Year

- 48-minute audio, 28-page transcript 22-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

2. Unknown Secrets About Michael Senoff’s

- 55-minute audio, 34-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

3. How I Make My Living Off Interviews Using A $49 Digital Voice Recorder From Radio Shack Electronics

- 38-minute audio, 31-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

4. How To Avoid The Orange and White Winnebago Of Life: An Interview With Michael Senoff

- 49-minute audio, 21-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

5. How To Have A Career From Your Kitchen…Using Little More Than A Telephone And Your Voice

- 60-minute audio, 31-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

6. “How To Turn Your $28 Book Into A $3,900 Information Product...”

- Two-part audio, Part 1 is 60-minutes, Part 2 is 59-minutes, 34-page transcript containing both parts

For the full description of each interview click here.

7. I Didn’t Know I Was Withholding These Secrets About Audio Marketing

- 66-minute audio, 37-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

8. How To Make Your Audio Interviews Timeless…Without Spending A Lot Of Time On Them

- 62-minute audio, 28-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

9. How To Use Digital Audio Interviews To Make a Fortune: Michael Senoff Shares Secrets for Building a Successful Internet Business

- 35-minute audio, 21-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

10. How To Market Your Private Practice Using Audio Interviews

- Two-part audio, Part 1 is 47-minutes, Part 2 is 55-minutes, 45-page transcript containing both parts

For the full description of each interview click here.

11. A Detailed Look Into The Marketing Mind Of Michael Senoff

- Three-part audio, Part 1 is 51-minutes, Part 2 is 52-minutes, Part 3 is 50-minutes, 60-page transcript containing all Three Parts

For the full description of each interview click here.

12. Automate Your Selling Using Audio CDs

- 36-minute audio, 13-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

13. How To Use Audio Interviews To Hook Prospects In And Leave Them Hungry For More

- 45-minute audio, 39-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

14. A Jam Packed Audio Marketing Consult With Kathy From Canada

- 53-minute audio, 25-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

15. Copywriting Legend Drayton Bird Wants To Know The Secrets Behind

- 76-minute audio, 35-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

16. How To Make $10k On A $20 Product: A Quantum Leap Marketing Interview With Me, Michael Senoff

- 57-minute audio, NN-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

17. Mark Joyner Interviews Michael Senoff On How To Use Digital Audio Interviews To Talk Yourself Rich

- 55-minute audio, 26-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

18. Special Bonus Six-Part Tele-seminar Exclusively For Audio Marketing Secrets Students Introducing..... The Complete Do-It-Yourself Guide To Making Money Off Of Audio Interviews A Tele-seminar With Michael Senoff

Part One: 33-minute audio
Part Two: 33-minute audio
Part Three: 33-minute audio
Part Four: 33-minute audio
Part Five: 30-minute audio
Part Six: 25-minute audio

90-page transcript includes all six parts

For the full description of this tele-seminar click here.




         Download, listen, play and read the transcripts to all eighteen (18) parts of The Michael Senoff Interview Collection. 

         When you ordered these 18 interviews you're getting a front row seat inside my brain. You're going to see how I've consistently been able to make a full-time living, more each year than many doctors make while working all from home.

          Learn how I've been able to see my kids grow up. Learn how I have not had to travel except on vacations with my family. Learn how I have not had to answer to any boss.

         Learn how I have been able to control my own destiny and do whatever the hell I want to do with my time. Learn how I do it all through the marketing of my Audio Interviews. These interviews will reveal my secrets. I hold nothing back so you'll hear exactly how I do it.

        Hear exactly how I set up my joint venture deals.  Understand exactly how I negotiate licensing deals. Know exactly how I leverage my time. It's all here in this interview collection. Then study and use my stories as a way to short cut your way to Business Success.

        And now you get all of this for only $597.00 without any ongoing payments.



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I Repeat -- $597 is all you pay. There is nothing more to buy and there is no money back with your order of any kind. 


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The Michael Senoff How I Make Money Interview Collection Descriptions Below

You'll be able to immediately download all 18 Michael Senoff Interviews which include . . .

1) How To Create “Evergreen” Informational Products That Remain Profitable… Year After Year After Year

When I first started doing audio interviews, I was lazy and cheap. I cut corners, and my audios suffered because of it. Now I do things right the first time. So when an interview goes on my site, I know I’m never going to have to touch it again. And the audios are “evergreen products” because they’re timeless. The topics are exactly what my listeners want to hear; the quality of the audio is the best that I can make it, and the editing is impeccable. In other words, I make sure those audios are going to make me money for years to come. So in this audio you’ll hear Michael Lamb, the host of an Internet radio program called the Money Room, interview me about making timeless and profitable informational products. And we cover it all, from how I got started to how I make money on my audios without spending a lot of time doing it.

You’ll Also Hear . . .

Why you should research your market before you do anything else – and some tips on how to do that

Common mistakes people make when trying to start an online business and how to avoid them

The two components that make up a good audio informational product

Why it’s important to make listeners feel like they’re a part of your interview conversation – and how to do that

All about the audio editing phase – and why you shouldn’t be afraid of it

How to make money off the audios you create

People ask me why I prefer audio, and the answer is simple. You can create and upload all your audios to a website for pennies. The margins on digital products are incredible – nearly 100%! People can take audios with them anywhere on their mp3 players. And if you make your audios timeless, they’ll make you money year after year after year. And in this hour-long interview, you’ll hear how to do that.  

This audio interview is 48-minutes and includes an accompanying 28-page transcript.

2) Unknown Secrets About Michael Senoff’s

Audio Marketing Secrets (AMS) student Charles wanted to use his consulting time to grill me on the lesser-known secrets of And he’s definitely done his research. He asks me questions I’ve never been asked before.

So in this interview, you’ll hear me explain all about the backend deals I get on my audios and why I don’t always reveal the last names of the people I interview. I also talk about how I’ve been burned on JV deals – and which ones. And Charles even asks me about the hours of Vincent James audio I’m sitting on (that I can’t release because of a deal gone bad). So, I tell him exactly what happened.

We also talk about why I prefer to sell business opportunities instead of skills training – and why some of my systems aren’t selling as well as others.

I Also Reveal…

What my website traffic looks like and what kinds of people buy my products – 90% of my sales come from four countries

Exactly how I control my JV/commission deals so that I won’t get burned again

Why I don’t market my information products to big corporations – even though they’d easily be able to afford my prices

My lesser known “stick strategies” for reeling in customers and bumping up products

Why I’ve never done any on-site consulting and how that has affected my business

Why I’ve changed my views about physical products vs. digital ones – and ideas for marketing your digital products so that they have a higher “perceived value”

And much more

Charles is an information-hound who likes to know every last detail. And since I’m not the kind of person who holds anything back, this interview turns out to be one of my most candid and revealing ones. Enjoy.

This audio interview is 55-minutes and includes an accompanying 34-page transcript

3) How I Make My Living Off Interviews Using A $49 Digital Voice Recorder From Radio Shack Electronics

Actually, I use a little bit more than just the recorder, but the point is – putting together high-quality audios is easy and inexpensive. And in this interview I tell you exactly how I make them, how I capitalize on them – and how the whole thing got started in the first place.

Over the years, I’ve become an expert on audio. But it didn’t start out that way. I began doing interviews as a way to attract people to my website, which at the time was all about selling old Jay Abraham seminars. Through trial and error, I soon found the right products to get the best sound, the easiest ways to conduct interviews, and the best ways to capture and edit the audio. Now I’ve got a whole production that virtually runs itself.

This interview gives you all the details about my business and how I run it in the simplest and most productive way I know how.

Key Concepts From This Audio:

The different types of interviews I conduct, how I prepare for each – and what’s in it for me

How to easily interview experts on your niche – how to find them, what the number one way of getting in touch with them is – and how to get them to agree to the interview

How to break through nervousness when conducting interviews – these quick strategies will ease your fears and help you look like an instant credible expert

How searching Amazon, Google, the news and Reader’s Digest can help you come up with the best questions for any interview

The exact equipment I use to get the best sound possible and some simple tips I learned the hard way

How I add royalty-free music to my audios

And much more

The most valuable currency in life is time. And using audio has allowed me to spend more time with my family and friends. It may look like a lot of work to run my site, but it’s pretty much automated.

So if you’re at all interested in buying back your time using the versatility and simplicity of audio, this is the interview for you. In it, fellow marketing expert Michael Elahart picks my brain for his online marketing students, and I don’t hold anything back. Enjoy.

This audio interview is 38-minutes and includes an accompanying 31-page transcript.

4) How To Avoid The Orange and White Winnebago Of Life: An Interview With Michael Senoff

My Dad worked hard. He had two jobs, four kids to support and was during the week lost of the time traveling around the South in an orange Winnebago full of clothing samples. I knew at an early age that his kind of life wasn’t going to be mine. Now, I work from home doing something I love. The Internet has allowed me to leverage my time, set my own schedule and be with my family. And in this interview, you’ll hear exactly how I did it.

The key for me has been audio. On my website, I give away more than 100 hours of free audios on just about every sales, marketing, and business topic out there.

I also use audio interviews to create my own digital information products and to direct people to my site. But I didn’t start out with this business model in mind. In fact, I kind of stumbled onto it. And in this interview you’ll hear the whole story sitting on the sidelines to helping others succeed in business.

You’ll Also Hear…

How I build trust and rapport with prospects – and drive traffic to my site

How I create my products and the strategies I use to market them

How I get my interviews with the big guys

What you need to know before you even think about your first interview

Marketing lessons I’ve learned the hard way

How to multiply your sales message through the Internet

Ways to keep your margins high and your value higher

And much more

Salesmen sell solutions, and I’m no different. That’s why as long as there are problems there will be products, but in order to make money, you need to know key marketing and business strategies. And in this interview you’ll hear how I do it, along with some of the best lessons I’ve learned along the way.

This audio interview is 49-minutes and includes an accompanying 21-page transcript.

5) How To Have A Career From Your Kitchen…Using Little More Than A Telephone And Your Voice

Raven Blair Davis hosts a radio show called Careers From The Kitchen Table that showcases practical home-based business opportunities for today’s economy. She recently discovered from her sister and wanted to interview me so her listeners could learn how audio interviews can help them make significant income from the comfort of their own home.

And the beauty of audio is that it costs very little to produce, can be used in many different ways to make money, and is convenient for users who want to fill up their Ipods and listen while they multitask.

And because Raven says many of her radio listeners have either lost their jobs or are looking to advance their businesses with little to no money, I tell her the cheapest ways I know how to put together quality audios, along with some real-life examples of how to land interviews and make money right away.

You’ll Also Hear . . .

Ways to combine audio interviews with affiliate programs – such as how to look for products with high margins, how to negotiate a good deal with the owner of the product and how to use audios to make yourself a nice little affiliate check every single month

How to land interviews – exactly what to say to let them know you’re worth their time

Ways to repurpose your audios including book collections and e-courses

All about contracts and how I keep it all legal and ethical

How to price your products and audios

Quick and easy ways to find a hot market

How to make a joint venture with another business and use their list to email out your promotions – and why you should never be concerned if someone says “no”.

If you’re considering a career from your kitchen table, there are many “recipes for success” you can look at. Creating audio interviews is just one of them. But because it’s an easy, cheap and versatile option, it’s one you should definitely consider. And in this interview, you’ll hear all about it – the whole meat and potatoes.

This audio interview is 60-minutes and includes an accompanying 31-page transcript.

6) “How To Turn Your $28 Book Into A $3,900 Information Product...”

When it comes to doing audio interviews, I’m an expert. I don’t claim to be an authority on any other subject but that one. And with more than one hundred hours of audio on my site, you can probably tell I’ve been doing it for a while and that I enjoy it.

But you might not know how I make money off my audio interviews or how easy they are to create.

So in this interview, you’ll hear how I do it. You’ll hear about my products and how I took a dying $10 book on Amazon, negotiated an Joint Venture deal with its author, enhanced the product with audio interviews so it could sell as a “system,” and now sell it for thousands of dollars on my site.

And all I did was take someone else’s expertise and run with it. It was unbelievably easy. And there are plenty of experts like that one out there – with books they’re not exactly sure what to do with.

Believe me, they’d jump at the chance to have someone add life to their products.

But creating these kinds of high-end products isn’t the only thing I share in this tell all interview.

In Part One, you’ll hear all about how I create compelling audios interviews. You’ll hear how I find experts to interview and how I negotiate for the exclusive rights to those interviews – without ever asking anyone to sign a deal-killing contract.

You’ll Also Hear . . . 

Examples of how I’ve turned something simple into an expensive product just by adding audio interviews.

Why you should be recording all of your phone consultations.

How I prepare for my interviews – You’ll never run out of great questions to ask if you follow these quick and easy steps for planning research.

How I deliver the kind of interview questions I know my audience is dying to hear.

Why stories sell – and how to make sure the expert you’re interviewing comes to the table with plenty of them to tell.

In Part Two, you'll learn some of the pitfalls I’ve seen people stumble into and some ways to avoid them.

You’ll Also Hear…

Why I would never publish a boring interview – especially not one I give away free.

How I make sure all the CDs I send out have every inch of their “audio real estate” covered.

What Marquee Value is and how to use it to easily boost the value of your products.

How to keep your ego in check so that you don’t unintentionally ruin a good interview.

Why you should make sure every audio you publish is edited to perfection and tips on how to do that.

How to negotiate a backend deal for all of your interviews.

Producing audio interviews is by far the best way to deliver information in the 21st century. With Ipods and MP3s, you can listen to recordings whenever and wherever you want – unlike videos where your undivided attention has to be on the screen.

And audio interviews are easier and cheaper to create than video because it doesn’t require a big expensive production with scripts and cameras.

And I’ve found that the more audios I add to an existing product, the more money I make off of it – plain and simple, The More You Talk The More You Make. You can latterly talk your self rich. So sit back and listen to copywriting expert Ben Settle grill me on the specifics of audio. You’ll be amazed at how easy and lucrative it can be. Enjoy.

This audio interview consists of a two-part audio (Part One is 60 minutes and Part Two is 59 minutes) and an accompanying 34 transcript of both audios.

7) I Didn’t Know I Was Withholding These Secrets About Audio Marketing

Paul Stack is an Audio Marketing Secrets student who wanted to grill me on the finer points of creating audios, and I have to admit I was a little surprised. I thought I’d been asked every question about audio information products that could possibly be asked. But Paul came up with some new ones.

By having me give advice to myself as if I were starting all over again, Paul essentially forced me to look at how I’ve improved not only my interviewing style over the years but also my efficiency with time and money management. And I share all of these lesser-known secrets in this interview.

Some Of What You’ll Hear In This Audio. . .

How outsourcing can help you leverage your time – I haven’t worked a full 40-hour week in ages

What aspects of creating audios are the most time-consuming and ways you can lighten that load

Tips on getting interviews with even the biggest names in any field

Examples of how to “set the hook” when fishing for Joint Venture deals

Ideas for packaging interviews to create higher-end products or enhance a subscription-based website

Why I don’t waste my money on the most expensive recording devices out there and what I use instead

How my interviewing has improved over the years

How many interviews an AMS student can realistically expect to be able to do in one week

And much more

One of the main goals in Audio Marketing is to create less hassle for yourself and more value for the customer – while still maintaining healthy profit margins. There are many ways to do this including outsourcing your labor and making joint venture deals. And in this interview, we go over some of the most efficient ways I know how. Enjoy.

This audio interview is 66-minutes and includes an accompanying 37-page transcript.

8) How To Make Your Audio Interviews Timeless…Without Spending A Lot Of Time On Them

Nowadays it seems like everybody is concerned with time. That’s why I call it life’s biggest currency. And that’s also why I like working with audio. Audio interviews allow people to maximize their time because you can listen to them anywhere – outside, in the car, in the gym, anywhere. But making audios has also allowed me to free up my time as well.

So in this interview you’ll hear AMS student Dixie grill me on the ins and outs of audio interviews. She asks very specific questions that get me to reveal step-by-step, detailed answers. And I end up explaining the whole process of making an audio recording from conducting the research to the amount of megahertz you’ll want to save your files under.

But you’re dreaming if you think you’re going to be able to do everything yourself. It’s time-consuming enough to research and conduct interviews. You’re not going to want to edit, transcribe or write descriptions as well. That’s why you’ll probably want to assemble a team to help you with all of that. But if you don’t know where to look for good cheap help, you might end up paying more than you need to. So in this interview you’ll also hear how to compile the best team for the best price.

You’ll Also Hear…

The techniques I use to make my interviews “timeless”

All the tools for interviewing that you’ll need – what kind of phone to use, how to capture the audio, what kind of editing software is best and cheapest, how to get fancy music for free, and much, much more

How to recognize the different types of interviews you’ll be conducting and how you can easily use each one to your advantage

Idea generators for every kind of interview

The number one, most important thing to remember when conducting interviews

How to use audios as marketing tools

People are always looking for more – especially more value for their money. That’s why the more audio interviews you conduct the more value you’ll be adding to your products (and the more you can charge for them). You can literally talk yourself rich. But the trick is to keep your business as streamlined and time-efficient as you can. And this interview gives you all the ideas and techniques you’ll need for doing just that. Enjoy.

This audio interview is 62-minutes and includes an accompanying 28-page transcript.

9) How To Use Digital Audio Interviews To Make a Fortune: Michael Senoff Shares Secrets for Building a Successful Internet Business

I have created over 200 information products over the past five years including one that sells for $5,970. And I did it without being an expert on the subject or spending a lot of time and resources. Do you want to know how I make a full time living year after year? Well, here's your chance to find out for free.
Britney, one of my audio marketing system students, has no capital, the seeds of an info product, and loads of questions for me. In the course of our interview, I explain to her how to turn info concepts into valuable, high priced audio information products she can be selling in just weeks - even days! I ask her the key questions she MUST answer to be sure her information product will make money for her AND be high value to her clients.

Listen as I help Britney turn her idea for a humdrum cookbook into the ultimate recipe to develop cash!
I reveal how to:

Categorize options, gauge the hunger of the market, and search for the right passion and niche

Leverage time using Joint Ventures and easily boost any business without adding advertising expenses

Get digital rights and turn your book or eBook into an audio product

Set up a web site for limited outlay, even if you have almost no technical ability

Easily interview experts in your niche – how to find
them, contact them, and convince them to agree to the interview

Record and sell your information product quickly and simply

And much, much more!

Just follow the secrets I give you in this interview and you can have a product in just a few days, maybe even in just a few hours that you can start selling. Enjoy!

This audio interview is 35-minutes and includes an accompanying 21-page transcript.

10) How To Market Your Private Practice Using Audio Interviews

Just about every business can benefit from audio marketing because the potential is practically endless. But unless you know how to do it right, you’re just going to be wasting your time and money. So in this interview you’ll meet Angela Treat Lyon. Angela is a teacher and practitioner of EFT, a therapeutic healing method known as Emotional Freedom Techniques. She also hosts a radio program on And in this two-part audio, you’ll hear her interview me for that radio program.

Angela’s students have prepared very specific questions for me to answer about marketing their EFT businesses. So I let them know how they can easily, quickly and strategically create audio products that will grow their private practices.

Part One: It’s All About “The Attitude”
It’s important to have confidence when asking for audio interviews. Remember, you’re the one doing them a favor. Even if you don’t feel like you have enough of a “following” to entice the bigger names, there are steps you can take for landing any interview, and in Part One you’ll hear how to do that including:

How to be the “boss” of the interview – and why you’ll want to set the agenda right off the bat

How to land the guru interview – techniques and approaches that work

How to ask the kinds of questions your listeners want to know – without offending the person you’re interviewing

Where to find cheap transcriptions

How to get sponsors and advertisers

Ideas for packaging your audios for promotion and profit – success-story audios, expert packages, a consumer’s guide, and more

How to know what to charge for your audios

Part Two: The Importance Of Over-Delivering
The key to making money on audios is to over-deliver. If you respect your listener’s time by making your audios interesting and valuable, you’ll be building a lasting relationship with your audience – and that will more than pay off over time. So in Part Two of this interview, you’ll hear ideas on how to add value to your products.

You’ll Also Hear…

How to get your audios to sound entertaining and professional – but not “staged” or phony

How to make JV deals that will allow you to market your services to someone else’s list

How to get qualified prospects to your site

Why you’ll want to start collecting names and email addresses of the people who visit your site – and what to do with your list

How to turn your e-book into a high-end product – no matter what it currently sells for

Guidelines for finding an honest marketer – and some easy ways to check their credibility

Why you’ll want to “sell results” and how to do that

Time is a commodity you can’t get back. That’s why my marketing techniques always stress ways you can make more money while spending less time making it. And this interview is no exception. It’s full of ideas that will not only enhance your private practice but also simplify your life.

This audio interview consists of a two-part audio (Part One is 47 minutes and Part Two is 45 minutes) and an accompanying 45-page transcript of all Three Parts.

11. A Detailed Look Into The Marketing Mind Of Michael Senoff

You may have seen this interview on the first page of my site. But I have included it here for you the student of Audio Marketing Secrets. Why? Because this is the big picture and the strategy of my audio interview business. If you have not listened to this interview yet, do so at once. Now lets get going...So why is this interview first. Am I some sort of egotistical, attention-seeking nerd? Do I love to just hear myself talk? Am I in love with the sound of my own voice? The answer is YES to all of the above. But I am also in love with you. You, the person who seeks a better life. You, who are willing to work and willing to sweat. I want to push you into doing more, being more, dreaming more and taking more action than ever before. I am in love with filling your mind with the promise and possibility of a better life. In this interview, I hope to accomplish all of the above. It is a rare interview because I rarely grant interviews. I was being interviewed by Jim Peak from a marketing website. Jim interviews experts on marketing, advertising, and personal development. Similar to me, Jim offers his audio interviews for free. In November of 2006, Jim asked me to do an interview for his web site visitors. At first I said no. But Jim was persistent and finally won me over to his way of thinking. He was giving back to the world in an unselfish way through his work. Jim and I came to an agreement that I would grant him an interview. I agreed to prepare for and deliver my best live interview on the true inner workings of how I run and market my online web business, I agreed to reveal and talk about anything Jim wanted to know. I agreed to hold nothing back. I agreed I would deliver content that I could charge thousands of dollars for. Some of this content you will not find anywhere on my site. Learn what is waiting for you at Learn the secrets that make my audio marketing business, product development, interviewing secrets and much more really work.

This audio interview consists of a three-part audio (Part One is 51 minutes, Part Two is 52 minutes, Part Three is 50 minutes) and an accompanying 60-page transcript of all Three Parts.

12. Automate Your Selling Using Audio CDs

In this short audio, you’ll meet Tony. Tony thought that face-to-face meetings were the best ways to generate leads. Of course, this meant he was chained to about an hour’s drive of his house. And the worst part was -- once he’d finally get to the businesses in his area, he’d often find that the decision makers were busy, in a meeting or weren’t even there. So, his long drives were actually getting him nowhere.

A while back, I suggested he automate his selling campaign by creating an audio infomercial and using it to generate leads.

So Tony interviewed his boss and created a hard-hitting audio infomercial. And that audio led to a whole new home-based approach that now includes the Internet, a letter-writing campaign with a free incentive CD, faxes, phone calls…and absolutely no driving!

And, it’s working better than he ever thought possible.

He’s already doubled his income, he’s freed up his time by doing a lot less work and he’s looking at new and exciting ways for expansion -- all from the privacy of his own home and mainly because of that audio infomercial.

And he says the best part of his new business approach is that he’s only dealing with people who are already interested in his services. He’s no longer trying to force people to become interested.

So sit back, relax and listen to how a simple audio helped one man turn his whole life around. Enjoy

This audio interview is 36-minutes and includes an accompanying 13-page transcript.

13. How To Use Audio Interviews To Hook Prospects In And Leave Them Hungry For More

Mike Blossom makes a good living buying and selling land in the UK. He also sells products and seminars that teach others how to make those kinds of profitable deals. But his products aren’t doing as well as he’d like, so he’s come to me to learn more about the benefits of incorporating audio into his business.

This is my consultation with Mike. Mike’s already recorded interviews with many of his associates, so I show him how to take those interviews and use them to build desire and interest for his higher-end products

If you give prospects just enough free information to get them interested and hooked – almost to the point where they’ll be able to do it themselves without buying your products – it will leave them wanting more and will generate more sales. And in this interview, I tell you exactly how to do that.

More Key Information You’ll Get From This Interview:

When to use audios to add value to an existing product, when to use them to upsell on the front end, and some tips on pricing products

Ideas for minimizing the amount of returns you get on products

Mike’s guarantee – after he started using this simple phrase, his sales skyrocketed

Why I’ve moved from physical products to digitized ones – and why I’ll never go back

How to easily find out what products are hot here in America – and how to negotiate the rights, add more value and make more money

How to maintain control of your JV projects so that you’re keeping track of leads

How to get people to allow you to record them – and what to do if they sound too stilted

Exactly how I use audios on my site to promote my higher-end products

How to build a “virtual team” for your business – and stop doing everything yourself

Mike has a lot of possibilities for enhancing and promoting his business with audio, and we explore many of those ideas in this hour-long consultation. But I think his best bet is to use his existing interviews to promote his higher-end seminars. It’s easy, profitable and just makes the most sense for him.

So if you’d like to know more about how to use audio to enhance your products while also generating excitement over them, this is the interview for you. After you listen to it, you’ll understand why I give away so much free information on my site.

This audio interview is 45-minutes and includes an accompanying 39-page transcript.

14. A Jam Packed Audio Marketing Consult With Kathy From Canada

Kathy had been wanting to create audio information products on the subject of internal cleansing and detoxification of the body to improve health for many years.  Because of her dedication to the subject, you would certainly say that she was passionate about it!

She found my web site, and my Audio Marketing Secrets (AMS) course while she was listening to a conference call interview that I recently did.  Although my AMS course looked like something that could help her to create her own audio information product, the really enticing thing was its risk-free trial period.  Once she ordered and studied the AMS course, she was delighted with all of the valuable content that it contains and considered it a most valued investment.

As Kathy digested the AMS product, she began to develop her own business model very quickly.  Her goal was to do a series of live teleconferences with internationally known experts on the subject of internal cleansing and detoxification.  She had really hit the ground running and took me up on my offer of a telephone consultation to help answer many other more in-depth questions that she had about marketing her product.

In this consultation, you will hear her ask those in-depth questions and your will hear me give her my best advice based on my years of experience with creating audio information products.  Just some of the topics that we discuss are:

How to have a back-up plan when using a teleconference service so that no valuable interview content is lost.

The drawbacks of having live teleconferences

How to obtain the names and email addresses of qualified leads

Once she has several interviews with experts, how to segment and/or niche the interviews to specific methods of detoxification.

Different types of joint ventures that you can do with the your interviewee experts and how to control the flow of leads that they get through your web site and/or your interview with the expert.

In-depth joint venture strategies that you can capitalize on.

This consultation answers most of the questions that you will have about marketing your own audio information product and setting up joint ventures.  It’s a “must have” recording that I highly encourage you to absorb to help you with the success of your audio information product.

This audio interview is 53-minutes and includes an accompanying 25-page transcript.

15. Copywriting Legend Drayton Bird Wants To Know The Secrets Behind

If you’re on my list then you know – I send out a lot of emails. And some of them have pretty crazy subject lines, like “Ever Smell Dead Crickets?” or “The Boy Who Shaved His Brain.”  

And that's how UK copywriting legend Drayton Bird found out about me. He says he doesn’t open anyone’s emails as much as he opens mine.

He asked me for an interview on how I run

Yep, Drayton wants my secrets.

So in this audio interview, you’ll hear him grill me on how I use email marketing and interviews to open as many doors as possible. You’ll hear how invent my email stories, how I tie them into my marketing, how they make me money.

I'll share how I find experts to interview, license products, and what got it all started.

You'll Also Hear . . .

Why I started doing interviews

The magic happens in the editing - how long it takes – and how much I pay someone else to do it for me

The "no-brainer" way to personally respond to 300 emails per day – without letting the work take over my life

How I get experts to spill their secrets in interviews – and the quick story about how Vic Conant from Nightingale-Conant once shared “insider intelligence” from his multi-million-dollar company with me

How many emails I send and why fear of sending too many is costing you money

The scary side of MLMs (that both Drayton and I agree on) that you should know before you even consider one

Real-life examples of how I keep my antenna up for story ideas to use in promotions – and a quick “no-holds-barred” dissection of three of my most successful promotions

How to find turnkey products to license for pennies

A little known fact: You have to be interested in other people in order to be successful – so give, give, give, (but don’t forget to sell), here’s how

Secrets to making passive income: I earn money while I sleep and you can too

Drayton’s big secret – (he laughs, but there’s a lot of truth in what he’s saying)

A detailed look at the recent change I made to my email marketing that has brought my response rate up

How I've been able to up the dialogue rate with my subscribers and why that's important

I've got an incredible amount of free time because I’ve built the near perfect business.

My interviews do most of my selling for me.

I outsource the work I don't enjoy.

And my products sales support me with their incredible margins.

But my biggest achievement and the main reason it all started was so my two boys could grow up with a Dad who’s around.

In this rare audio interview, you’ll hear the secrets I use to keep the good times rolling.

This audio interview is 76-minutes and includes an accompanying 35-page transcript.

16. How To Make $10k On A $20 Product: A Quantum Leap Marketing Interview With Me, Michael Senoff

When someone asks me what I do for a living, it’s not an easy question to answer. I’m an information product publisher, which means I create and license digital products.

I’m my own boss, I work from home, I set my own schedule, prices, products, agenda… and my margins are almost 100% (so when I say I make $10,000 on a $20 product promotion, that’s almost all profit).

And making an extra $100, $1,000 or even $10,000 a week is completely doable once you know how. It really just comes down to building a list.

Let me give you an example – I sell products on my website for $195-$597, and I might sell a few a week doing that, but when I drop the price to $20 and run an email promotion about it to my list, I can make more than $10,000 in just a few days.

It’s not a hard formula to follow. Just build a list, build a relationship with your list, and consistently give them value.

You’ll have people waiting for your next $20 promotion.

And in this interview I did with Michelle for her Quantum Leap Marketing Series, I go over in detail how I do each of those steps, and also how you can easily do them all too.

You’ll Also Hear . . .

The real motive I had for doing this interview with Michelle (Hint: it’s the same reason most successful people do interviews, and why you shouldn’t be afraid to approach them for interviews either)

The one best way to find talent for interviews – and a word-for-word script to use if you’re just starting out and can’t offer much in the way of publicity

The 3 biggest mistakes I would have done differently if I were just starting out today doing the same business

Why most people miss out on the opportunity to push the boundaries in an interview – and how to make sure you ask the kinds of hard-hitting questions your audience can’t wait to know the answers to

The one piece of equipment you can get at Radio Shack today that’ll have you creating audio information products tomorrow

Why it’s so important to make commercials about yourself and your business, and the most effective ways to use them

How to make the kind of value-packed products your list will be waiting to receive

Three areas to outsource in business – and the best way to do it

“Real-life” examples of how I use emails and personal stories to build a relationship with my list – and how you can do that too

For most of my products, I’m not the expert. I just interview the experts, compile the information they give me, and sell it. Anyone can do what I do and make good money at it. And in this interview, you’ll hear how.

This audio interview is 57-minutes and includes an accompanying 26-page transcript.

17. Mark Joyner Interviews Michael Senoff On How To Use Digital Audio Interviews To Talk Yourself Rich

I was invited to be part of a live learning event for Mark Joyner. Mark Joyner is a number one, best selling author of over a dozen books, translated in almost as many languages, including The Irresistible Offer and The Second Glass.

He is widely recognized as one of the early pioneers of e-commerce, responsible for inventing, pioneering, and popularizing many of the technologies we take for granted today, including remotely hosted and tracking electronic books and more. One of his books, Mind Control Marketing, shot to number one within 36 hours of its release. One of his websites became the 37th most visited website on the planet within six weeks of its release.

Mark has put together a multi dimensional learning system for any person wanting to save time, reach goals and gain massive leverage using proven business and non business systems. I usually never agree to do live teleseminar events so this is your chance to hear Mark Joyner grill me on my inside secrets on how I have been using digital audio interviews to sell hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of products and services online.  I’ll explain some never before revealed secrets on how you can use digital audio interviews to create, market and sell information products.

This audio interview is 55-minutes and includes an accompanying NN-page transcript.

18. Special Bonus Six-Part Tele-seminar Exclusively For Audio Marketing Secrets Students Introducing..... The Complete Do-It-Yourself Guide To Making Money Off Of Audio Interviews A Tele-seminar With Michael Senoff

I make my full time living off of audio interviews. I am not good at much of anything else, but it’s the one subject I consider myself an expert at. So when I asked my list if there was anything they wanted to know about how I do it, I was flooded with responses. In fact, I received more than 250 of them. So I sorted through the replies– got rid of all the duplicates, categorized the questions, and compiled the best of the bunch. And here they are. All 86 of them.

So what you are about to hear is my most well organized, comprehensive guide to preparing, conducting and marketing audio interviews ever. It will walk you through the whole process from getting started to building your list and marketing your audios.

But because we cover a tremendous amount of ground, the tele-seminar runs about three hours. So I’ve broken it into six half-an-hour segments, and here’s a rundown of each.

Part One: How To Get Started Without Spending Money

Most people think you need to spend a lot of money to get started making audio interviews, but nothing could be further from the truth. You don’t even need to be an expert in your field. All you need is access to a computer and a telephone. You can do all your research for free and there’s even free software to help you along. So in Part One, I’m going to explain exactly how to get started even if you have no money or expertise.

I’m Also Going To Tell You…

• A quick way to tell if there’s a market for your information product
• What kinds of information products make the most money and how to package yours so that it does
• What audios get played the most on
• How to find a hungry market just waiting for the next product
• The different types of interviews and how to leverage off the expertise of your experts

Part Two: Turning Your Hobby Into A Moneymaking Audio Product

Whether it’s playing guitar or grooming dogs, you can find experts to interview in any field and ways to make those interviews marketable. But there are some markets that are hotter than others, and in Part Two, you’ll hear how to pick a good one.

You’ll Also Hear…

• How to automate the selling process – and spend less time making more money
• The exact equipment I use to record, edit and upload my audios and where to buy exactly what you need
• Why you should build a team and how to do it cheaply
• How to put your playable audio online

Part Three: Getting Experts For Your Interviews

Sure, it’s easy for me to get interviews now that I have a site and some credibility, but it wasn’t always that way. I had to land my first interviews too. And the easiest way I’ve found to do that is just to ask for them. People love to talk about themselves and they also love free publicity. So all you really have to do is sell them on the potential your interview could bring to them. And in Part Three, I’m going to tell you some ways to do that along with…

• Word-for-word scripts for landing important interviews – even if you have no credibility or influence whatsoever
• How to do phone seminars and save the audio as mp3s
• My can’t-fail way to get even the “Biggest of Dogs” to agree to an interview with you
• How I get most of my interviews now

Part Four: Ways To Build Your List And Attract Traffic To Your Site

Making great audios is only part of the picture. Your main purpose is to make a lot of money off of them. And in Part Four, we’re going to start talking about how to do that. One of the best ways is by using audios to attract visitors to your site. Once there, you can collect their contact information and start building a list to market your products to. And in this section, we’re going to talk in depth about how to do that and also about…

• How to use joint ventures to build a list and market your products
• How to obtain the rights to the audios you make – without formal contracts and without paying anyone
• Inexpensive ways to get your information out to the masses
• Quick and easy ideas for building a list today

Part Five: Getting Ready For The Big Interview

I wouldn’t recommend “winging it” in any interview, especially when a little prep work goes a long way. So if you want a good interview, you’ll need to do some research and have at least an outline of what you’re going to say before you ever hit the record button. Fortunately, all of that is relatively easy to throw together and in Part Five, you’ll hear how to do it.

You’ll Also Hear…

• The one thing you should never leave out of any interview
• How to know what kind of questions your audience will be hungry for
• How much of my interviews are usually scripted
• The best ways to make your sales pitch at the end of the interview

Part Six: All About The Money

People are always wondering how many audios it takes to create something of value – and the answer is simple. If you were dying of thirst in the desert and I had an audio that told where the water was, how valuable would that audio be to you? You can make money with just one interview as long as it’s something your audience is thirsty for. And in Part Six, we’re going to go over the best moneymaking strategies I know. You’ll also hear how I make money off my site and how I market my audios.

I’m Also Going To Tell You …

• How to leverage your audios to make even more money
• Proof that audio interviews work
• How to create a teaser for your interviews
• Ways to use blogging and podcasts to promote your interviews and products

Audios are such a huge part of day-to-day life because they’re so convenient. People like multitasking and, unlike videos or books, audios allow them to do that. I’ve been making my living off of audio information products for a while now. And in this tele-seminar, you’ll hear how you can do that too.

Part One: 33-minute audio
Part Two: 33-minute audio
Part Three: 33-minute audio
Part Four: 33-minute audio
Part Five: 30-minute audio
Part Six: 25-minute audio

90-page transcript includes all six parts


         Download, listen, play or read the transcripts to all eighteen (18) parts of The Michael Senoff Interview Collection. 

         When you ordered these 18 interviews you're getting a front row seat inside my brain. You're going to see how I've consistently been able to make a full-time living, more each year than many doctors make while working all from home. Learn how I've been able to see my kids grow up.

         Learn how I have not had to travel except on vacations with my family. Learn how I have not had to answer to any boss. Learn how I have been able to control my own destiny and do whatever the hell I want to do with my time. Learn how I do it all through the marketing of my Audio Interviews.

         These interviews will reveal my secrets. I hold nothing back so you'll hear exactly how I do it. Hear exactly how I set up my joint venture deals. Understand exactly how I negotiate licensing deals. Know exactly how I leverage my time. It's all here in this interview collection. Then study and use my stories as a way to short cut your way to Business Success.

         And now you get all of this for only $597.00 without any ongoing payments.



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Michael Senoff


Michael Senoff

Michael Senoff is a marketing strategy expert and business consultant. He is the creator of a website that offers free marketing interviews with some of the most respected experts in selling, copywriting, marketing, psychology, and more. Michael knows how to turn businesses around and is known for helping business owners explode their sales and grow their business.

Michael Senoff always had an enthusiasm for entrepreneurism. He ran many different businesses from retail, wholesale, direct mail, and selling. He is a student of marketing, copywriting, advertising, and business. His passion has given him a vast experience in all different areas related to business.

A few years ago, Michael did some very unique. He opened up a site called and rather than selling audio interviews he recorded with experts, he decided to give it all away for free on his site. Anybody can simply visit his site and browse through 157 hours of audios, download transcripts, and even download reports.

Michael sells many different products. If you visit his site you’ll find the Joint Venture Magic System, Art Hamel Business Buying System, Information Product Creation System, Licensing, Claude Hopkins Advertising collection, and many more.


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Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our products, recordings and their potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don't apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.  Audio Interviews may contain affiliate links and JS&M Sales & Marketing Inc. may receive commissions associated with any purchases you make on subsequent websites. Therefore, please do not rely solely on endorsements, descriptions, audio interviews contained in this web site or associated sister sites as your sole source of information in evaluating whether to make a purchase on these sites. You should always exercise due diligence before purchasing from any site online. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using any of the ideas and products sold herein.

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