My $3900 Wal-Mart Gold System For $597

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Your Wal-Mart Gold System contains 19 audio lesson in mp3 audio files. You can play them online or download them to your ipod, cell phone or computer. You get the accompanying word for word transcripts that you'll be able to print out or read online.

For a very detailed outline of what each of the 19 lessons covers, click here

1. Five Simple Ways to Get In Wal-Mart...Even If You Have No Money

Section One consists of a 26-minute audio and an accompanying 15-page transcript.

2. How to Tell If You're Ready For Wal-Mart

Section Two consists of a 12-minute audio and an accompanying 9-page transcript.

3. How to Prepare For Wal-Mart

Section Three consists of a 16-minute audio and an accompanying 11-page transcript.

4. How to Research Your Market and Competition

Section Four consists of an 8-minute audio and an accompanying 7-page transcript.

5. How to Read a Wal-Mart Buyer's Mind

Section Five consists of a 22-minute audio and an accompanying 13-page transcript.

6. How to Create a Product That Makes Money in Wal-Mart

Section Six consists of a 27-minute audio and an accompanying 16-page transcript.

7. How to Know If Your Product Will Sell Before You Create It

Section Seven consists of a 15-minute audio and an accompanying 11-page transcript.

8. How to Use Other People's Money to Get in Wal-Mart

Section Eight consists of a 17-minute audio and an accompanying 12-page transcript.

9. How to Set Up a Million Dollar Joint Venture

Section Nine consists of a 7-minute audio and an accompanying 7-page transcript.

10. How to Start or Buy a Business with None of Your Own Money Down

Section Ten consists of a 27-minute audio and an accompanying 15-page transcript.

11. Million Dollar Packaging Secrets That Can Make You Rich

Section Eleven consists of a 23-minute audio and an accompanying 14-page transcript.

12. How to Merchandize Your Products for Maximum Sales

Section Twelve consists of a 20-minute audio and an accompanying 11-page transcript.

13. How to Get Tens of Thousands of Dollars in Advertising for Pocket Change

Section Thirteen consists of a 18-minute audio and an accompanying 12-page transcript.

14. How to Make a Fortune Selling to Non-Mass Market Retailers

Section Fourteen consists of a 15-minute audio and an accompanying 11-page transcript.

15. Preparing For Sales Calls to Wal-Mart Buyers

Section Fifteen consists of a 18-minute audio and an accompanying 12-page transcript.

16. How to Sell Your Products at Trade Shows

Section Sixteen consists of an 11-minute audio and an accompanying 9-page transcript.

17. How to Finance Your Business Without Paying Any Interest

Section Seventeen consists of a 6-minute audio and an accompanying 7-page transcript.

18. How International Businesses Can Sell to Wal-Marts in the U.S.

Section Eighteen consists of a 13-minute audio and an accompanying 9-page transcript.

19. It's Your Move - How We Can Help You

Section Nineteen consists of a 5-minute audio and an accompanying 7-page transcript.


I've been busy interviewing giants who have been able to get their products into mass retailers like Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Lows, and more. I've captured their full story from the humble beginnings to success. Listen as I dig out every step-by-step secret and method so you can get the blueprint to do it on your own. This is some of the most powerful information ever. 

1) "How I Personally Sold 45 Million Dollars Worth Of Products To Wal-Mart and Other Major Retail Giants."

This audio interview consists of a two-part audio (Part One is 54 minutes and Part Two is 58 minutes) and accompanying 62-page transcript of both audios.

For the full description of each interview click here.

2) "I Came To America At Age 15 And Now My Company Employs More Than 1,000 Associates With 5 Distribution Centers Around the Country Importing Flowers From Colombia And Selling Huge Volumes To Wal-Mart And Most Of America's Largest Mass Retailers. Learn How I Did It."

This audio interview consists of a 63-minute audio and an accompanying 38-page transcript.

For the full description of each interview click here.

Free look at transcripts of this interview mentioned in e-mail download here

3) "C'mon! It Can't Be THIS EASY To Get Your Product Into Wal-Mart ( And Become A Millionaire)... Can It?" (Ultimate Wal-Mart Selling Secrets)

This audio interview consists of a 61-minute audio and an accompanying 41-page transcript.

For the full description of each interview click here.

4) How I Got My Product Into Home Depot

This audio interview consists of a two-part audio (Part One is 31 minutes and Part Two is 25 minutes) and accompanying 39-page transcript of both audios.

For the full description of each interview click here.

5. Discover The Amazing Winning Secret To Selling To Wal-Mart Many Will Try And Most Will Fail. Why? Because To Sell To Wal-Mart You Must Have The One Ingredient That Most Manufactures Are Missing...A Buyer On Your Side!

This audio interview consists of a 57-minute audio and an accompanying 32-page transcript.

For the full description of each interview click here.

6. The Only Web Site And Resource You’ll Need To Get Your Products Sourced, Manufactured, Imported and Sold Into America’s Largest Retail Stores.

This audio interview consists of a 41-minute audio and an accompanying 28-page transcript.

For the full description of each interview click here.

7. How To Use Master Brokers To Get Your Product Into Wal-Mart And Other Large Mass Retailers.

This audio interview consists of a 48-minute audio and an accompanying 24-page transcript.

For the full description of each interview click here.

8). 11 Ways To Make Huge Amounts Of Cash Selling To Wal-Mart… Even During A Recession!

This audio interview consists of a two-part audio (Part One is 52 minutes and Part Two is 51 minutes) and accompanying 49-page transcript of both audios.

For the full description of each interview click here.



Listen to these audio interviews and you'll gain an understanding about the most powerful retail organizations know to man.

You'll be able to increase your chances of selling into Wal-Mart and other mass retailers. And you don't have to own your own product or have your own money.

This is the same Wal-Mart Gold System I offer on my site for $3900.00.

Here's the link to the current $3900 offer. Go here.

And now you can get it for only $597.00 without any ongoing payments.



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I’m including one additional bonus that will make it even easier for you to start selling products to Wal-Mart and other major retailers.

With your order, you’ll receive instant access to...

The Wal-Mart Gold Insider's Rolodex!

It's a culmination of 15 years collecting some of the most influential people among mass retailers.

And you’ll get access to all of them as soon as you order Wal-Mart Gold.

You’ll get private access to this resource and it will save you hundreds of hours of research.

It took over 15 years to find and test these different resources. And this list can literally be worth a fortune to you.

You'll be able to crush your competition by learning about insider information like distribution channel you are considering for your product, industry trade shows, trade magazines and trade associations.

Resources included in your "Rolodex" are . . .

• Advertising, Media & PR Resources
• Direct Marketing/Mail Order Resources
• Distribution Channel Directories
• Dunn & Bradstreet Resources
• EDI Info, Supplier & Training Guide
• UPC Codes Help and Criteria
• Infomercial Contacts
• Inventor Web Site Resources
• Licensing Contacts
• Market Research Reports
• Retail Trade Associations
• Wholesale Distributor Trade Associations
• Trade Show Directories
• Wal-Mart Information and Resources
• The Top 100 Retailers

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Click on that yellow button and that will take you to the downloads. If you have any questions at all, feel free to call me at 858-274-7851.

        One more thing. If you are on your cell phone or away from internet access and can't use paypal now, you can send me your paypal e-mail address and a short note that you want the Wal-Mart Gold System for $597.

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      If you have any questions at all, feel free to call me at 858-274-7851. 


Michael Senoff

This Wal-Mart Gold System is not make available anywhere and alone is worth 1000 times the $597 I am asking. And remember, if you are not convinced that my Wal-Mart Gold System is everything described, you get your money back.




Don't delay, this price is for a limited time only! Your Wal-Mart Gold System will be sent instantly after your order is placed.

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Call toll free in US Only  - 800-237-0634 ~ 858-274-7851


 Wal-Mart Gold Detailed Interview Descriptions Below

You'll be able to immediately download your copy of The Wal-Mart Gold System which includes:

* 19 audio lessons in mp3 downloads you can play on your ipod or cell phone.
* For a very detailed outline of what each of the 19 lessons covers, click here
* Word for word typed transcripts in PDF you can read online or print out.
* Hours of bonus audio interviews with Wal-Mart experts in mp3
* A Business Analysis Solutions Worksheet
* Transcripts of the Best Wal-Mart Gold interviews
* The Wal-Mart Gold Insider's Rolodex!
* ...and more tools to help you succeed!


1) "How I Personally Sold 45 Million Dollars Worth Of Products To Wal-Mart and Other Major Retail Giants."

Every product inventor, developer and manufacturer dreams of landing their product into retails giants like Home Depot, Wal-Mart and Target Stores. You have truly hit the big time when one of these stores takes on and succeeds selling your product.

But most believe this is a pipe dream only available for someone luckier then them. But not for my friend Joe. Joe has done it and you can learn how to do it too. So who Joe?

Joe has had many years of experience in the product development and marketing of consumer products to mass merchants like Wal-Mart & Target as well as with selling to independent retailers in many different distribution channels.

25 years ago he learned the inside workings of one of the the world's largest consumer products company as a product manager for Kimberly-Clark (the manufacturer of Kleenex, Huggies diapers and other familiar products). After leaving Kimberly Klark Joe found his first company to manufacture and sell children's products to retailers.

Over the last 25 years Joe has founded and grown 4 companies. Two of them sold over $45 Million of products that he invented to chains like Wal-Mart, Target and other retailers. He developed and sold 3 complete product lines consisting of hundreds of products to both Wal-Mart & Target and one year received the "Best New Vendor" award from Target's Stationery and School Supply Department.

Within the children's products company he set up a kids club promotion that got 900 stores and 900,000 kids to participate.

The promotion resulted in an additional $145 Million is sales for the participating stores in just one year.

Joe also built and sold a mail order catalog company and a promotional products company. Joe also has extensive experience in other distribution channels besides retail.

You are about hear Joe's story and how he did it. It's a wild ride so hang on tight. Look out Wal-Mart, your next big product may be supplied by the person listening to this interview now. Lets do it!

This audio interview consists of a two-part audio (Part One is 54 minutes and Part Two is 58 minutes) and accompanying 62-page transcript of both audios.


Free look at transcripts of this interview mentioned in e-mail download here

2) "I Came To America At Age 15 And Now My Company Employs More Than 1,000 Associates With 5 Distribution Centers Around the Country Importing Flowers From Colombia And Selling Huge Volumes To Wal-Mart And Most Of America's Largest Mass Retailers. Learn How I Did It."

This is an interview that I did with a gentleman named Edgar who has been dubbed “The Latin King of Flowers.” Although he seems a bit embarrassed by his nickname, the success story that he tells will prove that it is quite justified and well-earned.

Born in Bogotá, Columbia, Edgar came to the United States as an exchange student when he was 15 years old. He was looking for good opportunities and wanted to live in the United States. He eventually settled in Miami to attend college and graduated with a degree in International Business and Management.

While he was in college, he started toying with flowers. A friend of his father’s in Columbia was a grower and exporter of flowers. Edgar began his career by importing small amounts of flowers from this farm. He would then go around and sell the flowers, mainly roses, to local flower shops.

His business really started to take off in 1985 when he hired an expert in the flower export business. His goal at this point was to really understand the business. He learned that, instead of selling small amounts of flowers to local florists, by importing large amounts of flowers and then selling them to large wholesalers, he could make more money. You’ll hear Edgar explain the step-by-step daily routine for importing and selling his flowers during this time. You’ll also hear some horror stories about how a good number of flower shipments were totally lost.

Throughout the interview, Edgar discusses the evolution of the flower industry and the many innovative steps that he took in his own business to have the best quality products and the most satisfied customers.

You’ll be especially interested to hear about Edgar’s successful partnership with Wal-Mart. You see, he bypassed dealing with Bentonville by partnering with a company that sold potted plants and that was already in Wal-Mart and several large supermarket chains. The floral programs he helped develop in conjunction with the Wal-Mart team were an immediate success for the large retailers.

Later Edgar sold his company to US Floral Products. However, he was given the opportunity to buy back the Bouquet Division when USA Floral Products went into Chapter 11 in 2001.

Listen as I probe for Edgar’s experiences and success with Wal-Mart:

• He has set up an experienced and knowledgeable group of associates to specifically cater to Wal-Mart on a day-to-day basis.

• He gives advice on how companies should work with Wal-Mart – what Wal-Mart expects and what you must deliver.

• Why Wal-Mart is an excellent company to deal with.

• How Edgar takes advantage of technology such as EDI with Wal-Mart to invoice and get paid.

• What his philosophies are when dealing with Wal-Mart and other large retailers.

• How his company participates in Wal-Mart's commerce program, where orders are placed on Wal-Mart's web site and how deliveries are made directly to the end customer by Edgar’s company.

• Edgar currently services approximately 900 Wal-Mart stores east of the Rocky Mountains and would like to reach out to the West Coast by opening a strategic regional facility.

This entire interview is packed with great information on topics such as import/export, innovations to the flower industry, business strategies, and how to be successful at operating a business dealing with perishable products.

It’s an enjoyable interview that I encourage you to take the time to listen to. Not only will you learn a great deal about getting your product into Wal-Mart and working with Wal-Mart, but you’ll hear the story of how a young man from a third-world country came to America and, with hard work and ingenuity, turned his passion for flowers into a multi-million dollar business.

This audio interview consists of a 63-minute audio and an accompanying 38-page transcript.


3) "C'mon! It Can't Be THIS EASY To Get Your Product Into Wal-Mart ( And Become A Millionaire)... Can It?" (Ultimate Wal-Mart Selling Secrets)

Here’s an interview I did with a man named Lanny who is an expert on the topic of getting products into large retailers – especially Wal-Mart. During this discussion, you’ll hear the realities of getting a product into Wal-Mart based on Lanny’s experiences which spans 15 years. Lanny’s education began as a sales rep for Proctor and Gamble. At the time, there were still many independent grocers that he dealt with directly. This was the best education Lanny could have received because, with the independent grocers, he was able to learn all areas of retail businesses.

You learn the two critical types of distribution methods for packaged goods:

• Warehouse

• Direct Store Delivery (DSD)

The definitions of these distribution methods are important when Lanny explains why some companies prefer (or demand) DSD over Warehouse. The next definition, “Category,” is integral to the interview. Listen as Lanny explains what a category is in retailing and why good category management is essential to maintain good revenues. Additionally, Category Management is what enables small manufacturers to compete with large manufacturers in retailers such as Wal-Mart.

If you have a product that you would like to get into Wal-Mart or some other major retail outlets, you must do the following:

• Have the manufacturing capabilities to supply your product to the major retail outlet.

• Determine how your product can help the overall category.

• You must know everything about the store you wish to approach and about that category.

• Be able to prove that there is a glaring need in that category that is not being met.

• Be able to give the buyer a compelling reason to buy your product (the product’s USP)

After leaving Proctor & Gamble, Lanny worked for Frito Lay and subsequently became a consultant to help retailers become more profitable by integrating more efficient systems in place. You can get your product into Wal-Mart. It’s not true that only major companies get into Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart has put processes in place to ensure that smaller companies can get into Wal-Mart. However, every company must follow the business process. You’ll learn the seven best ways for people to get their products into Wal-Mart. You’ll hear about why it’s easier to get a food item into Wal-Mart than, say, an electronic item. Learn about Wal-Mart's “Store the Community” program where Wal-Mart supports local vendors whose product have community appeal and exposure.

Hear how get your product into Wal-Mart by presenting your product to the buyer as a potential Value Producing Item (VPI). You’ll learn what the VPI program is and how every buyer must participates in it.

Learn why the best and fastest way to get a product into Wal-Mart is if the product is environmentally friendly. Learn why Wal-Mart is concerned with the environment.

This audio interview consists of a 61-minute audio and an accompanying 41-page transcript.



4) How I Got My Product Into Home Depot

Here is a recording that will excite both inventors as well as anyone who likes a good story. Get ready for an education in invention and marketing that you cannot get anywhere else!

John has been the inventor of many successful products. One in particular is a product named EasyGlide, which is basically a polymer that John had packaged into an aerosol can. When sprayed into drapery or sliding door tracks, it facilitates the movement of the draperies or sliding doors by more than 50%.

He worked very hard and actually got his product into the giant Home Depot chain of stores, where his product’s price undercut all of the competition. It was, and still is, a very successful product.

John explains to me that a large company that had almost two hundred products in Home Depot, had approached him to not only buy the rights to EasyGlide, but to hire him at a handsome salary plus royalties to operate that division as well. John accepted their offer and, although his current salary is lucrative and his job is enjoyable, John wants to do something new and different.

You see, John not only loves inventions – he also loves to help people. For years, he has been approached by people who have invented products and want to know how to get that product into Home Depot or its largest competitor, Lowe’s. If John believes the product is right for the market, he becomes a consultant to the inventor, giving the inventor all of the tips and secrets that he knows to get the product into the desired marketplace.

The problem was that John always gives his information away for free!

One of his good friends and trusted advisors kept telling him that he had to stop giving this information away for free. In calling around for advice, he ended up calling me. John tells how his EasyGlide product came to fruition and new plans for the polymer in other industries. You will also hear about some of the other products invented and sold by John – and you’ve most likely heard of all of them.

In this recording you will hear me do a consultation with John, asking him what ideas he has about what he wanted to do with all of his experience.

As I ask John what specific questions people have asked him (it is mainly, “How do I get my product into Home Depot?”), it occurs to me that the answers to all of these questions would make a GREAT information product!

Listen as I give John some ideas about what his information product could consist of and how he could generate leads and market it. We also discuss how I could help him to actually develop his information product with audio interviews and perhaps copywriting for sales letters and written content. I also give him some ideas about pricing the product.

John digresses to an incident experienced by one of his mentors, the actual inventor of the vice grips sold by Sears/Craftsman and several other stores. Listen to how this unfortunate gentleman actually lost the rights to this now popular product and only received a pittance for all of his hard work.

Even though John was aware of what had happened to his mentor, John actually got into a similar situation with a key-based product that he had invented and produced. He got involved with another company who contracted with John to sell them millions of this product. Listen as John explains that he now believes that they had absolutely no intention of paying for the products. Instead, they offered to buy his company. John refused and the result was that they went to court. You’ll hear how this large company tried to settle with John and how John refused. John’s story is a lesson in itself in what to look out for when doing business with big, ruthless companies.

Going back to an information product for inventors, you will hear me explain how this type of product could be immensely successful because of all of the people who have patented inventions and would give an arm and a leg to know how to market their product to giants like Home Depot.

You’ll hear my best advice about how John might market his information product, including conducting seminars versus other types of lead generation techniques without having to travel constantly.

As John tells me of some of his recent experiences helping other inventors package and market their products, another idea comes to mind. Perhaps instead of creating an information product, John should become a consultant as an expert in the field of successfully marketing new products. You will hear my ideas and advice about how John could have a fun and lucrative business as a consultant. How about combining consulting with an information product? With all of the high-powered contacts that John has in several industries, what a perfect business this would be!

At first, John is doubtful that his knowledge is worth anything. But as we talk, John starts to realize that he is undervaluing his services and needs to start charging for his work and advice. John definitely sounds excited, wants to think about it and promises to call me back about where he wants to go from here. John needed to go over his contract with his employer with a fine-tooth comb to make sure that being a consultant or developing an information product would not go against any provisions in the contract.

Unfortunately, I never did hear from John again. My educated guess is that, after looking into his contract, John probably found that anything he develops would be owned by his employer.

Although the outcome of my interview with John is unfortunate, I must say that the interview, itself, will make you realize many things about inventing, marketing your invention to large companies, selling the rights to your product to large companies, and I hope that the mistakes made by John as well as his fellow inventors will help you to be aware of the good and the bad things to look for on your road to success. Enjoy!

This audio interview consists of a two-part audio (Part One is 31 minutes and Part Two is 25 minutes) and accompanying 39-page transcript of both audios.


5) Discover The Amazing Winning Secret To Selling To Wal-Mart Many Will Try And Most Will Fail. Why? Because To Sell To Wal-Mart You Must Have The One Ingredient That Most Manufactures Are Missing...A Buyer On Your Side!

Here’s an exclusive interview with a Wal-Mart consultant named Richard G. With over 35 years of experience, Richard and his team provides business development consulting services to international manufacturers who want to enter the US market.

Richard also works with domestic manufactures to enhance their business either by finding new channels of trade or finding better ways to communicate their company’s message.

Richard has helped his clients sell their products to America's mega-retailers such as Wal-Mart, Kmart, Toys-R-US, Kroger, Safeway, and CVS.

You'll learn the best ways to work with the buyers at Wal-Mart and about one little known pricing strategy that will help you get your product in before your competition.

Hear the dirty little secret why Wal-Mart buyers only work with companies who already have successful, proven products.

If your a manufacturer and your worried about damaging existing sales with your other customers, don't worry too much. Richard will show you how to keep these customers and still be able to sell to Wal-Mart.

You’ll hear Richard explain why distributing your product to Wal-Mart is a smart way to build brand equity in your product, even if you make very little profits.

Richard gives other important advice like...

• How to understanding both the potential supplier’s corporate culture and the retailer’s corporate culture and how it will let you know what to expect before a sale is made.

• What the true role of the ambassador is and how to ensure that there will be no surprises during final negotiations.

• How to get the attention of a buyer by quoting revenues rather then unit profits.

• How to learn what motivates buyers to accept or reject products.

• How use licensing to increase the sell-through for your products

• What an importer should keep in mind with regard to ports of entry in the United States.

• Learn ways to ensure that the retailer will receive your products in a timely manner.

This interview with Richard is packed with valuable information. It contains years of trial and error and a wealth of understanding for anyone who is considering getting their product into Wal-Mart or any of the other large mega-retailers. Listen and enjoy!

This audio interview consists of a 57-minute audio and an accompanying 32-page transcript.


6) The Only Web Site And Resource You’ll Need To Get Your Products Sourced, Manufactured, Imported and Sold Into America’s Largest Retail Stores.

The Federation of International Trade Associations (FITA) was founded in 1984. Its mission is to foster international trade by strengthening the role of local, regional, and national trade associations.

In this interview with Barney, FITA’s web master and advertising expert, you will learn about how the FITA web site is the Number One portal for both export and import international trade. Barney and I begin by discussing how to use the FITA web site (

The site contains over 500 different links to different products and services to help American manufacturers to safely export their products to any country in the world. Additionally, if yours is an international company wanting to import your products into the United States, the web site is the source for questions, answers, and logistics on bring your product to the United States.

One important term that Barney introduces is the “trade lead.” Trade leads were started in 1993 by the United Nations to get the word out about products that third-world countries had for sale. At that time, the Internet was still in its infancy and was not used. Rather, there were offices called Trade Points set up in strategic cities of the world where a person could go to obtain the latest list of trade leads.

Now, with the advent of the Internet, the Trade Point offices have been bypassed and everything is handled online. Further, now anyone can post a trade lead and Barney and I discuss how there are a lot of trade lead scams online and what to look for to identify a scam.

There are currently approximately 700 web sites that contain trade leads. In China, it’s really become a big business. The two main Chinese trade lead sites are AliBaba and Global Sources and they basically do what the UN used to do. However, instead of their services being free, they charge factories to list their trade leads.

The FITA web site has 500 associations having to do with international trade as members. You will hear Barney give examples of some of the associations that are members of FITA.

FITA’s web site is free for people to browse but only members who pay a small fee get access to their database of respected trade systems. This is one way the FITA qualifies its trade association members, such as AliBaba, Global Sources, and Trade India.

Barney gives us a hypothetical example of how a US manufacturer can use FITA to get into Business to Business exporting. First, the manufacturer would put his trade lead information into the databases of several trade associations. Within a few weeks, the manufacturer would begin getting emails from interested parties around the world and you may begin negotiating with them. Barney warns that you have to make sure that the buyer can and will pay you. There are many complications with international trade and in fact, most transactions don’t get completed because of these complications.

We discuss how international trade, especially in Asia, is very different than doing business only in the US due to the cultural aspects of the country of the person you are dealing with. It’s all about building relationships and trust. Barney advises that the most important thing a new importer or exporter must learn is patience. Additionally, it would behoove an importer or exporter to learn all of the “hidden” obstacles that he may be faced with in different countries.

FITA’s web site has lots of information about doing business internationally. When you look at, you will be amazed with the amount of useful information in addition to the trade association links that you will find such as:

• Detailed international market research reports.
• FITA’s Really Useful Sites for International Trade email newsletter.
• How Export Management Companies will perform all of the tasks necessary to export your product. FITA’s web site has a list of Export Management Companies.
• Detailed reports of the business environments of most countries.
• Links to export training.
• Links to sites that will help to get your product into another country.
• Lists of Foreign Trade Zones, how they are useful and can save you money.
• Different kinds of trade software to assist with logistics
• Links to companies who deal exclusively with international travel.
• Books promoted by FITA about international trade.
• Government security issues
…and tons of other great resources!

Barney and I discuss many other topics, such as outsourcing and how it can be dangerous to US companies. You’ll want to listen to the entire interview so as not to miss any crucial details.

The bottom line is that, in our growing Global Economy, US manufacturers cannot afford to only sell their products in the US. Exporting products to other countries will soon be a necessity.

Everything you need to do importing and exporting can be found on It could be time for you to investigate what other companies are doing in the way of trade and how you, too, can get involved.

This audio interview consists of a 41-minute audio and an accompanying 28-page transcript.


7) How To Use Master Brokers To Get Your Product Into Wal-Mart And Other Large Mass Retailers.

In this interview with Bill, you’ll hear about an alternative tactic to get your product into Wal-Mart, Costco, Kroger, or any of the other mass merchandisers in the US. Bill refers to himself as a “scout” but his expertise is in dealing with Master Brokers. He scouts for product opportunities. When he finds a good product, he contacts and hires a Master Broker to try to get the Master Broker to pick up the product as a project.

A Master Broker represents you and your product and lobbies mass merchandiser purchasing agents to get your product into their stores. Bill explains that there are less than one hundred Master Brokers in the US at this time and that each Master Broker specializes in one category, such as dietary supplements, produce, etc.

Bill explains that a common misconception of manufacturers is that they believe that their own product will, indeed, sell. The truth is that, when approaching a single mass merchandiser, the supplier has a 1% chance to get their product into the store! Bill goes on to explain that if your product already has advertising AND you are being represented by a Master Broker, that you have a 90% chance of that initial 1% chance to get your product into the store. Further, if your product does not already have advertising and you do not have a Master Broker, you only have a 1% chance of that initial 1% chance to get your product into the store. Yes, it’s a bit confusing but suffice to say that the chances are slim that your product will be picked up by any mass retailer.

So what does a Master Broker do once he accepts a product? Master Brokers have sub-brokers all across the US in different regions. These sub-brokers specialize in lobbying purchasing agents of mass retailers. If a product is approved by a retailer’s purchasing agent, the Master Broker makes a commission and pays each of his sub-brokers a commission.

The advantages of using a Master Broker are many:

• The Master Broker and his sub-brokers do research and develop a marketing plan for your product.

• Since multiple sub-brokers under a single Master Broker are working on your behalf, the marketing plan is easier to maintain than if you hired many different brokers.

• Once a Master Broker approves a project, your product gets immediate exposure to every mass retail chain in the US.

• When a sub-broker deals with a purchasing agent, most often, the purchasing agent is already familiar with the sub-broker. Thus, appointments to present products occur more quickly and are more organized because the purchasing agent knows that the sub-broker has done his homework and is ready to do business.

To give a more complete picture of the process, Bill gives us a case study of a product that he was able to get into the mass retailers – an energy bar. It already had advertising but the manufacturer was having trouble selling them. The manufacturer approached Bill and asked if he would pick up this line of energy bars. They had an expiration date that was approaching and they needed to be sold. Bill obtained samples and determined the margins on the product because the product must meet the pricing points.

Bill goes on to give an example of what would happen next. Bill would find a Master Broker to take on the product. So, if the sales price is $1.99 and the wholesale price is $1.20, the Master Broker would buy the energy bars for 25% less than the wholesale price of $1.20. Then the Master Broker would go to a mass retailer to sell each energy bat for $1.20 and tell the retailer that the sales price is $1.99. Without the right pricing, the Master Broker and his sub-brokers don’t make anything and the product cannot be sold.

Mass merchandisers such as Wal-Mart want your product to already have advertising because it will have product recognition. As Bill says, they don’t want your product to get lost on the shelf. Additionally, Wal-Mart gets free advertising when you are advertising on TV. All Wal-Mart has to do is provide a tag to buy this product at Wal-Mart. Bill refers to new products (new to the marketplace and not yet advertised) as “pioneers.” He prefers to deal with established products and finds it very difficult and time-consuming to represent pioneer products. Of course, Wal-Mart's buyers consider any product an opportunity so they will listen.

Once your product is in just one of the major mass merchandisers stores, an Information Resources, Inc. (IRIS) report will exist for it. An IRI report tracks your product’s sales and other retailers will look at your product’s IRI report. The advantage of having a product with a good IRI report is that you can show that IRI report to purchasing agents of other mass merchandisers when trying to get your product into their stores.

We go on to discuss how much capital is necessary to deal with one of these mass merchandisers. Listen as Bill gives advice about going to a bank to finance the production of the large quantities of your product that you will be expected to produce for a mass merchandiser and how a purchase order from Wal-Mart, Target or any mass merchandiser is as good as gold by the bank Bill recommends.

This audio interview consists of a 48-minute audio and an accompanying 24-page transcript.


8) 11 Ways To Make Huge Amounts Of Cash Selling To Wal-Mart… Even During A Recession!

Wal-Mart is the world’s largest retailer and I’ve secured an exclusive interview with one of the foremost experts on Wal-Mart. His name is Michael. Michael is an international speaker, author, and writer. He’s worked in Bentonville, Arkansas for Wal-Mart as the director of people for the headquarters office where he worked daily with Sam Walton. Previously to Wal-Mart, he worked for PepsiCo’s Frito-Lay division in the sales organization and headquarters staff assignments. He has experience as a turnaround specialist who’s participated in several business turnarounds. He has appeared on CCN, CNBC, FN, CBS, National Radio, Bloomberg’s TV. He is considered the authority on Wal-Mart. The giant retailer’s own public relation department has referred Bird Dog to interviewers who are interested in gaining insight into this massive company. He recently completed his second book entitled, The Ten Rules Of Sam Walton: Success Secrets From Remarkable Results.

This two hour interview is going to give you an edge over your competition to show you ways to understand Wal-Mart, to give you a competitive advantage on pricing strategies and marketing strategies in selling your product into Wal-Mart. I hope you enjoy it. We’ve got a lot to listen to. Let’s get going.

This audio interview consists of a two-part audio (Part One is 52 minutes and Part Two is 51 minutes) and accompanying 49-page transcript of both audios.


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        One more thing. If you are on your cell phone or away from internet access and can't use paypal now, you can send me your paypal e-mail address and a short note that you want the Wal-Mart Gold System for $597
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      Just make sure you write your e-mail on the check and I'll send you the link once I get it. E-mail me too so I know to look out for it.

      If you have any questions at all, feel free to call me at 858-274-7851. 


Michael Senoff

This Wal-Mart Gold System is not make available anywhere and alone is worth 1000 times the $597 I am asking. And remember, if you are not convinced that my Wal-Mart Gold System is everything described, you get your money back.



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