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Guerilla Internet Marketing

We have a simple one time $597 fee. Easy to afford, no per-month charges, no extra costs, no nickel-and-diming or download fees. So, order now! It won't cost any extra.

I Repeat -- $597 is all you pay. There is nothing more to buy and no monthly fees of any kind.

Step By Step, How To Grow Your Online Business 20% in 20 Days Guaranteed.

Free Bonus With Your Order

Sensible Pricing

Finally, a internet marketing system developed by an online business owner to help you grow your Internet businesses 20% in 20 days without spending money on advertising.

Learn how Nick Gilbert, owner of Internet hosting firm, learned about marketing while hosting tens of thousands of web sites.

Based upon his Internet hosting and marketing experience, Nick shares the online marketing techniques based on his “Guerilla Internet Marketing” home study system. A system he's developed to help you be successful online.

This comprehensive internet marketing system is like no other. It will teach you what you need to know and tell you how to do it.

Having owned a web hosting company for 7 years, starting it from scratch with zero clients and a couple hundred dollars then building it into a multi-million dollar company with thousands of clients with e-commerce Web sites, Nick knows what works and what doesn't.

You are going to find out the Modules Nick learned along the way to maximize profits, you will learn a number of secrets from a veteran web master.


In this course I bring you the most important parts of the 6 main areas of online internet marketing, plus a 50 page workbook, with written and online exercises to ensure you understand and to help you implement the material.

In each audio download you'll hear my conversations with Nick Gilbert, explaining the following Internet marketing topics:

Module 1: Guerilla Internet Marketing Weapons: How you can market online with a tight budget

53-minute audio and the accompanying 125-page transcript of all eight (8) Modules.

For the full description, click here.

Module 2: The Hidden Secrets about Google Ad Words

38-minute audio and the accompanying 125-page transcript of all eight (8) Modules.

For the full description, click here.

Module 3: Creating an Online Affiliate System

17-minute audio and the accompanying 125-page transcript of all eight (8) Modules.

For the full description, click here.

Module 4: Money-Saving and Conversion-Boosting Tips for Paid Online Advertising

21-minute audio and the accompanying 125-page transcript of all eight (8) Modules.

For the full description, click here.

Module 5: Web Analytics to Increase Website Conversions

29-minute audio and the accompanying 125-page transcript of all eight (8) Modules.

For the full description, click here.

Module 6: Websites to Help You Build Your Internet Business

12-minute audio and the accompanying 125-page transcript of all eight (8) Modules.

For the full description, click here.

Module 7: Getting Your E-Mails Though Spam Filters

34-minute audio and the accompanying 125-page transcript of all eight (8) Modules.

For the full description, click here.

Bonus 8: Interview with an SEO Expert

50-minute audio and the accompanying 125-page transcript of all eight (8) Modules.

For the full description, click here.

9. Downloadable 53-page Workbook and Downloadable Audio Transcripts of all Modules (125 pages)



    You'll gain an understanding about Internet Marketing techniques to make you more profitable online and off.

    We've added a number of items in addition to the audios to help you get over 10 times the value from this course, such as the word for word transcripts, downloadable and printable course workbook with review and written exercises, online exercises, and more.    


 Your Guerilla Internet Marketing System will be sent instantly after your order is placed.

Click the Yellow Buy Now Button Below

Note: It may take a second or two for the order window to open up. Be patient

I Repeat -- $597 is all you pay. There is nothing more to buy and no monthly fees of any kind. 

      The second you place your order, Paypal will re-direct you to a page with a yellow button that when clicked will take you to your download page.

      See the image below and click on that button to access your downloads.  I'll also send you the links and page to the Paypal e-mail address you used when you placed your order by e-mail.

      If you have any questions at all, feel free to call me at 858-692-9461. 



Michael Senoff


 The Guerilla Internet Marketing Detailed Product Descriptions Below:

Be sure to listen to all eight-part audio recordings. You will be amazed by what you learn when you hear about the marketing tools and techniques that you won’t be able to find anywhere else:  

Module 1 - How To Find And Decipher Code Words

In the first audio clip, Module 1, you'll learn the tools and techniques of Module 1, Guerilla Marketing Weapons: How You Can Market Online with a Tight Budget. This is the first of the five audio recordings to help you get the most out of your Internet business.

You will learn . . .

 * 25 must-have guerilla internet marketing weapons
 * 11 key items you must include to increase web traffic
·* Importance of a guerilla internet marketing plan before you begin
·* How marketing methods can apply to your online business.
·* Web site tools for monitoring competitors. activities
·* Tools for setting up, managing, and enhancing your site
·* What to include on your home page and other layout tips
·* Icons, branding, frequently asked questions (FAQs)
·* Customer incentives and payment plans, and more.

The marketing weapons and must have. items that you will hear in this module provide a wealth of information to help increase sales and build a successful internet business.

This audio interview consists of a 53-minute audio and the accompanying 125-page transcript of all eight (8) Modules.

Module 2 - The Hidden Secrets about Google AdWords

Your Internet business will be successful only if prospects and customers have easy access to your site as they search for relevant information.

Module 2 continues explains the importance of using Google AdWords tools to increase traffic to your Website and increase sales.

You'll learn the steps necessary to set up and get the most out of your advertising campaign, enable you to get more .clicks. to your Website for little money, and to learn how to use Google AdWords for testing.

You'll also learn . . .

·* What a search engine is and Google as No. 1
·* Steps to access AdWords and add your site
·* Page ranking, click through rates, and pricing
·* How Google determines relevance and placement
·* Timing for setting up a Google ad
·* Types of key words
·* Bidding and determining how much to spend
·* Importance of testing number of clicks to your site
·* Other uses of Google AdWords.

If you follow these steps, you will get the most out of using Google AdWords tools to advertise your business, increase traffic to your Website, and make more sales. To get the program's full value, be sure to listen to the three remaining audio recordings!

This audio interview consists of a 38-minute audio and the accompanying 125-page transcript of all eight (8) Modules.

Module 3 - Creating Your Online Marketing Affiliate System

In Module 3, Nick and I continue by explaining how online marketing affiliate systems are critical to the success of your Internet business. In fact, the motto, "Affiliate or Dissipate," is important to remember! When you listen to this audio recording, you will be surprised when you hear how easy it is to set up and manage this safe, revenue-generating marketing system for your online business.

The purpose of Module 3 is to explain the importance of an online marketing affiliate program and how to increase sales by setting up the program, finding good affiliates, and managing the program successfully.

You will learn

·* What an affiliate program is
·* Benefits to you and your affiliates
·* Four payout methods you can use
·* Four ways to find and recruit good affiliates
·* How to approach possible affiliates
·* Marketing your affiliate program
·* Managing your affiliate program successfully.

The success of your Internet business depends upon a good affiliate marketing system, which can account for as much as 50 percent of your company's revenue. Listen to the entire audio recording to hear about this safe, low-cost marketing method, so you can increase sales and make more money!

This audio Module consists of a 17-minute audio and the accompanying 125-page transcript of all eight (8) Modules.

Module 4 - Money-Saving and Conversion-Boosting Tips for Paid Online Advertising

While free advertising is good, if you want to ramp up traffic to your Website more quickly, paid advertising may be your answer. It is important to be sure that you get the most out of each dollar you spend, but how to do it may be a challenge. In Module 4, Nick and I continue by sharing tips and tricks from his.

The purpose of Module 4 is to help you save money and drive more traffic to your Internet business by providing strategies for determining the best advertising sites, negotiating pricing, monitoring traffic, and checking return on investment (ROI) from paid advertising.

You will learn  . . .

·* Five secrets to select the best locations
·* How pricing works and negotiating pricing
·* Tips about Banner ads
·* Enlisting an ad broker
·* Monitoring traffic and return on investment (ROI)

Whether you are starting up a new marketing campaign or enhancing a current one, you will be glad you listened to this recording. The old adage, .It takes money to make money, is true only if you follow the tips and tricks you will hear on this recording.

This audio Module consists of a 21-minute audio and the accompanying 125-page transcript of all eight (8) Modules.

Module 5 - Web Analytics to Increase Website Conversions

Just as you thought you finally finished work on your Website, your work has just begun! Listen carefully to Module 5 as Nick shares his programming and Web hosting experience to explain the Web statistics that are a .must. to access and understand. I carefully explains the importance these statistics to continuous testing of every aspect of your site.

The purpose of the audio recording is to explain the key Web statistics that will help you continuously test your Web site and explain an easy way to find them, what they mean, and how they affect your profit.

You will learn  . . .

·* Tools for obtaining key online traffic statistics
·* Key stat areas to analyze and what they mean for profitability
·* Example analysis to obtain a 30 percent increase in orders 
·* Examples of what to test and why
·* Suggestions for changes based upon analysis results
·* 10 Reasons Why Your Visitors Are Abandoning The Shopping Cart
·* The 5 stats you must keep track of when sending a newsletter

Rather than guess at the changes you should make, this information provides scientific data as a basis for determining the number of .hits. to each page, part of each page, or your entire site. You will then be able to make the changes necessary to increase your Web conversions and increase profit.

This audio Module consists of a 29-minute audio and the accompanying 125-page transcript of all eight (8) Modules.

Module 6 - Websites to Help You Build Your Internet Business

Now that you listened to the first five parts of the “Guerilla Marketing” program, this audio is provided as another add-on bonus! Nick shares his favorite Web sites—links that review what you learned in the first five parts and much more!

The purpose of this audio recording is to provide 25 links to important Web sites that you will find invaluable to help you build your Internet business.

You will hear  . . .

·* How to find out how popular your site is
·* How to find a fairly priced Web hosting company
·* How to search for ads and find headlines and letters to model
·* How to sell and accept payments easily
·* Purchasing promotional products with your logo
·* How to find the best free internet tools
·* Set up a way to receive an e-mail with caller ID when you miss a call.
To build a successful Internet business, you will be glad to know about the 25 Websites that helped Nick build and market his business. The invaluable links he shares will help you achieve the success you are seeking!

This audio interview consists of a 12-minute audio and the accompanying 125-page transcript of all eight (8) Modules.

Bonus 7 - Getting Your E-Mails Though Spam Filters

Do you sometimes have the feeling that your marketing e-mails are not getting through? With spam filters getting increasingly stricter, learn how to be sure your e-mails are reaching everyone on your client list!. In this bonus recording, Nick shares his expertise about this important topic.

The purpose of this bonus Guerilla Marketing audio add on is to explain secret tricks and techniques to ensure that your marketing e-mails get through spam filters.

You will learn  . . .

* What to have in place before sending e-mail mailings
* How to avoid getting “filtered out.”
* How to get “white listed.”
* How to get your email through to the major providers.
* How to keep your marketing list clean
* What to avoid
* What to do if you are blacklisted.
* Other help available.

To ensure that your marketing e-mails are getting through, this is information you will not want to miss. You will be surprised by the tips and tricks Nick shares to help you ensure that your
e-mails reach your intended audience.

This audio interview consists of a 34-minute audio and the accompanying 125-page transcript of all eight (8) Modules.

Module 8 - Search Engine Optimization

This audio clip is provided as an “add-on” to the “Guerilla Marketing” audio program. Nicholas and I are fortunate to interview Greg, the owner of a search engine optimization firm. In this interview, Greg shares secrets about search engine optimization based on his experience helping large and small companies grow.

The purpose of this bonus recording is to provide guidelines to help you get the most out of your search engine to drive more customers to your Website.

You will learn . . .

·* Differentiating scams from good search engine
·* Two SEO websites that Greg visits on a daily basis
·* Differentiating scams from good search engine optimization companies
·* Common mistakes to avoid
·* Best ways to get links from others
·* Tags, metatags, keyword placement, hyperlinks, etc.
·* What Google provideses
·* Avoiding spamming and negative points
·* Helpful software tools
·* Importance of keeping customer list fresh.

If you set up your Website and pages by following the guidelines you just heard, you will be able to get the most out of your search engine, drive customers to your Website, and make more money.

This audio interview consists of a 50-minute audio and the accompanying 125-page transcript of all eight (8) Modules.


 Your Guerilla Internet Marketing System will be sent instantly after your order is placed.


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Note: It may take a second or two for the order window to open up. Be patient

$597 is all you pay. There is nothing more to buy and no monthly fees of any kind. 


     The second you place your order, Paypal will re-direct you to a page with a yellow button that when clicked will take you to your download page.

      See the image below and click on that button to access your downloads.  I'll also send you the links and page to the Paypal e-mail address you used when you placed your order by e-mail.

     If you have any questions at all, feel free to call me at 858-692-9461. 


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