Flood Gate
is wonderful! I already know how
I'm going to use it in my
husband's business. This could
bring in an extra $10k a month,
easy - Stacy Fox
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See What You Get

Flood Gate Leads
How To Access Unlimited, Targeted,
Niche-specific Leads Through The Use
of Public Records
( Includes PDF transcripts, Course Training Guide, Letter Template,
Sample Lead Spread Sheets and mp3 downloads )
Your Market With No-Cost Public
Records Leads
With the skyrocketing cost, complexity and the
huge time commitment of paid traffic, there's
never been such a high demand for a simple, no-cost leads by using
your county, city and state public records.
I've teamed up with
Ken, the best
public records leads expert in the
business and the originator of The Flood Gate
And together, we've published a seven part
system on how to easily
access and source a flood of
targeted and niche-specific leads for
your business.
It's one that
delivers an inbound stream of the most accurate
and up to date leads
to your business over and over again.
It does not matter where you live; you can make it work for you with the
right strategy.
Just set it and forget it and enjoy free leads
month in and month out without using outdated
list brokers and without paying a fortune.
Flood Gate Leads System is for you if . . .
* You have a product and you need more exposure fast.
* You sell real-estate
and need more listings and want to find seller before they decide
to sell.
* You are an investor and
want to buy land on the cheap.
* You want more leads, traffic and more
qualified buying customers.
* You love your business and are ready to take it to the
next level.
* You want to convert no-cost leads into online
sales but need a system that's
low-tech so you can set it up, keep it up, and do it yourself.
* You have a limited amount
capital and need a program that will work for you while you're out working your business.
* You have paid for leads
before, but felt they are too expensive and
the information was either out of date or
completely wrong.
* You're frustrated trying to figure it
all out on your own and you need someone to
take you by the hand and show you the ropes.
Each of the seven
modules is designed to give you the tools to
generate a steady flow of leads without having
to spend in many cases any money.
It all started when Ken spent time as a federal
employee in Pittsburgh. People who had general curiosities
about different things involving the government's operations could
submit a request and ask for information. And Ken had to
gather that data and deliver it to them in a timely manner.
So, he was actually was the guy on the inside.
After seeing how others were able to access huge
amounts of free data, he wanted to use this information as a real
estate investor.
After playing
around with public records leads he discovered there were
hundreds of thousands of public records sitting in computers across
every city, county and state in the US available to any US citizen for the asking.
He also
discovered that all states
weren’t all created equal – in other words, some were
harder to deal with while others were a virtual
goldmine. Some states have all of their records
online ready to download without even having to
formally request the information.
Now Ken uses these techniques like a faucet –
He says whenever he needs a flow of prospects,
he sends out his premade letter templates and waits for his
data to show up in his email inbox.
Own all the
training below plus all the letter templates, all the step by step
instructions and the audio mp3 file and
transcripts on
exactly how you can do it too.
At $597.00, it's
should be a total no brainer.
Click To Order
Below is the core training of The
Flood Gate Leads System plus your bonus resources.
Each lesson is offered digitally as a mp3 audio download
with an accompanying PDF complete guide showing you exactly what to
do each step of the way.
now download latter.
You can take
each lesson with you on the go.
Download or play from your smart phone, home computer, lap top or
mp3 player.
Look at what you get for only $597.00.
Click To Order
1. How To Tap a Goldmine Of Marketing
Information & Leads The Government Is Required To Give You For Free
- 58-minute audio with 42-page transcript
the full description of each session click here.
Click To Order
2. Flood Gate Leads Master Guide
- 94 Page Guide- PDF
the full description of the master guide click here.
Click To Order
3 .
Flood Gate Leads Template
- 6
Public Request Templates for your Immediate Use and Deployment
the full description of each session click here.
Click To Order
4. Floodgate Leads Market
Idea Generator
12 Page4 PDF
the full description of each session click here.
Click To Order
Appeals - Steps You Can Take If Your Public Records Request Gets
- 29 pages PDF
the full description of each session click here.
Click To Order
Flood Gate Sample Lists
5 Excel format public
records lists
the full description of each session click here.
Click To Order
A Full
15-minute personalized coaching session with
Ken to identify your specific target leads and niche, and answer your unique questions, so your get powerful results fast!
For the full description of each
session click
Click To Order
The Flood Gate Leads System is for you if . . .
* You have a product and you need more exposure fast.
* You sell real-estate
and need more listings and want to find seller before they decide
to sell.
* You are an investor and
want to buy land on the cheap.
* You want more leads, traffic and more
qualified buying customers.
* You love your business and are ready to take it to the
next level.
* You want to convert no cost leads into online
sales but need a system that's
low-tech so you can set it up, keep it up, and do it yourself.
* You have a limited amount
capitol and need a program that will work for you while you're out working your business.
* You have paid for leads
before, but felt they are too expensive and
the information was either out of date or
completely wrong.
* You're frustrated trying to figure it
all out on your own and you need someone to
take you by the hand and show you the ropes.
module is designed to give you the tools you need to get you a
steady flow of leads without having to spend a bunch of money
even if you have no marketing
or internet experience.
And now it's
yours for only $597.00 without any ongoing payments.
your copy of The Flood Gate Leads System today.
Click the Yellow Buy
Now Button Below
Note: It may take a second or two
for the order window to open - be
The Flood Gate Leads System download instructions will be sent
instantly after your order is placed
The second
you place your order, PayPal will re-direct you to a page with a yellow
button that when clicked will take you to your download page.
After check out you should see
an image similar to the one below. You'll then click
on that yellow button to access your downloads.
I'll also send
you the links and the download page to the PayPal e-mail address you used
when you placed your order by e-mail.
If you have any
questions at all, feel free to text or call 858-692-9461. click here to order
Detailed Descriptions Below
How To Tap a Goldmine Of Marketing Information & Leads The
Government Is Required To Give You For Free
If you’re a
citizen of the United States, you have access to a ton of
targeted, niche-specific information through the use of
public records. All you have to do is fill out what’s called
a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, and the
government will send you whatever information you need in
whatever format you need it in (like an Excel spreadsheet)
for free or close to it.
But it’s what
you can do with that information that’s the most amazing
part. It’s a marketing goldmine. And in this audio
interview, you’ll get a step-by-step look at how to know
what kind of information to ask for, how to get it, and
where to go from there.
Meet Ken. Ken’s
a marketer now, but he used to work in a government office,
compiling this kind of information, so he knows. Marketers
spend thousands of dollars on lists like these in order to
target their products and services to the right kinds of
But information
from a list broker is usually expensive, outdated, and cold.
The government updates its lists every day and you can
usually just download them right from your computer.
It’s not hard,
and this audio will walk you through it, from determining
what list you need (dog owners in a neighborhood, people
behind on their property taxes, etc.) to how to use those
lists in marketing. You’re really only limited by your
creativity when it comes to what you can do with a public
records list.
And in this
interview, you’ll hear everything you need to get started
You’ll Also
Learn . . .
* Real-life
examples of how Ken has used these lists in real estate, his
wife’s makeup business, creating business opportunities and
products for veterinarians and swimming pool companies, his
marketing consulting practice, and more
* The “pure magic” way you can combine these lists with
Facebook advertising so that Facebook will locate your list
on its site while also replicating the audience for you,
giving you a lookalike marketing list within minutes
* The different main departments you’ll be dealing with, and
what kinds of records you can find in each
* A rare fact: Most record requests are free, but an office
can charge a nominal “administrative fee” for compiling the
records for you – here’s the range of charges you can expect
* The little phrase to include in your FOIA requests that
will still get you a ton of information even if the records
department can’t give you all of it
* The top reasons a request might be denied, and what to do
if that happens
* A quick story that demonstrates the power of merging lists
– and exactly how to do it
* The little-known program that will put information onto a
spreadsheet, even if an office tells you it can’t be done
There’s no
reason to spend a fortune on outdated and incorrect
marketing lists from brokers when there’s a goldmine of
accurate information just sitting in the public records
office that you can access yourself.
But it’s what
you can do with that information that’s the most amazing
part, and in this audio interview you’ll hear all about it.
- 48-minute audio with 42-page transcript
Click To Order
2. Flood Gate Leads
Master Guide
- 94 Page Guide- PDF
Table of Contents
* Introduction
* What Are Public Records?
* What is a Public Records Request?
* What Do Public Records Have To Do With Buying Houses?
* What is an “Invisible Lead”?
* Why Should I Submit Public Information Requests
* You Can Buy Leads
* Readily available
* Cost
* Up to Date
* Unlimited
* Customized
* What Leads Can I Get From Public Records?
* Tax delinquent properties
* Code violations
* Evictions
* Probate
* Divorce
* Criminal
* Get Creative
* Get Familiar With These Offices
* Department of Finance
* Tax Assessor’s Office
* Bureau of Building Inspection
* Court Clerk/City Clerk/Clerk of Courts
* City Planning
* Public Records Office
* What Records Cannot Be Released to Me?
* Are There Fees Associated with Public Records Requests?
* What Content Should Be in My Request?
* Assessor’s Office
* Recorder’s Office
* Clerk of Court
* Collector’s Office (tax liens)
* Department of Court Records; Civil/Family Division
* Register of Wills
* More About Content
* Getting Started with Your Request
* Fax
* Electronic mail
* Website
* U.S. Mail
* In Person
* Get Started With These Templates
* What Will Be the Outcome of My Request?
* They may deny your request
* Not Available or Not Allowed
* Unpaid Fee
* Extension
* Victory!
* What If The Office I Sent my Request to Can't Produce?
* Paper
* If Mommy Says No…
* Screen Scrape
* Piggy Back
* Geeks Are Great!
* If You Try Sometimes You Might Get What You
* I Know A Guy
* Can’t Buy Me Love
* Automating Your Requests to Keep the Leads Flowing
* Reminders
* If It’s Worth Doing – It’s Worth Paying Somebody To Do
* Next Season Is Now!
Click To Order
Kens top-five performing letter public records letter templates!
Get Started with Ken best working Flood Gate Leads Letter Templates
Now you'll be ready to submit your public records request.
This is your personal stash of template letter available for you to
customize and deploy right away: You'll use them to make
1. Tax Delinquent Property Request
2. Code Violations Request
3. Evictions Records Request
4. Probate Records Request
5. Divorce Records Request
6. General Real Estate Information (Entire City/County) Request
Ken says use these letters because they are hard won. It took lots
of trial and error to learn what works, what doesn’t work, what
needs to be included, and how to increase the odds your request are
answered with all the data you need.
Click To Order
4. Floodgate Leads Market Idea Generator
Own this list of the many different permits and licenses that are
required in different cities, counties, and states.
Think of the possibilities!-
12 page PDF
Click To Order
Appeals - Steps You Can Take If Your Public Records Request Gets
- 29 Page PDF
Click To Order
Flood Gate Sample Lists
The best way to know what to
expect out of this training is all below in these sample lists. If
you listen to the interview with Ken, you will hear him talk about
each of these lists. Ken wants you to know this is legit information
all for the asking. You'll be able to download and open in Excel
each of Ken's list to strudy and know what's waiting for you.
- 4 sample lists in Excel
1) Flood Gate Sample Lists
2) Tax Delinquent Properties in Cedar Rapids Iowa
3) Iowa Real Estate Agents
4) Allegheny County Pennsylvania Assessor Information
Scott County Iowa Swimming Pools
Click To Order
Bonus FOA Letter Requests
Own two additional last minute FOA requests that you can use as a
template for your own requests.
The first is for a dogs list, and the other is to get a national
list of all the drone owners in the USA.
Ken submitted the request to the FAA.
Ken also bought a drone a few months back and they make you
register them.
So, he figured if he could get that list of everyone in the US
who registered a drone, he might be able to sell it to the drone
supply stores across the country since drones are really hot right
1) Dog List Letter Request
2) Drone List Letter Request
7. Yours, a full 15-minute personalized coaching session with
Ken to identify your specific target leads and niche, and answer your unique questions, so your get powerful results fast!
Accelerate Your Learning
Curve by Having Ken Conduct His Lightening Fast Research On Your
Market For Your City, County or State List."
If you like what you've
read and want to short-cut the process, you're in luck. For a
limited time, Ken is offering a handful of students a no cost
15-minute consultation.
In this phone or email
consultation, you can share your best ideas, the business you're in
and the product or service you offer.
Ken will use his decade of
experience to discuss and formulate a blueprint strategy to get you
off to a fast start. He's even agreed to conduct some quick online
research for you in your own City or County or State.
After the call, you'll
receive a blueprint for moving forward with your required leads, and
you'll have the opportunity to book additional consultation time or
project management directly with Ken.
To qualify for this
15-minute call, you must agree that the call can be recorded and
used as training for other Flood Gate Leads students.
You'll be sent a digital
file of the recorded call as a no cost bonus. There's no need to
take notes. All of Ken's best advice will be captured in audio for
you to listen to over and over again.
Ken currently consults with businesses on this topic, still works
full time and has other family commitments, so his time is limited.
This is a no risk, no cost
15-minute call and is limited to the first students who reply so don't
Click To Order
Want to create a steady ongoing flow of accurate new prospects
without having to spend a bunch of money?”
The Flood Gate Leads System is for you if . . .
* You have an product and you need more exposure fast.
* You sell real-estate
and need more listings and want to find seller before they decide
to sell.
* You are an investor and
want to buy land on the cheap.
* You want more leads, traffic and more
qualified buying customers.
* You love your business and are ready to take it to the
next level.
* You want to convert no cost leads into online
sales but need a system that's
low-tech so you can set it up, keep it up, and do it yourself.
* You have a limited amount
capitol and need a program that will work for you while you're out working your business.
* You have paid for leads
before, but felt they are too expensive and
the information was either out of date or
completely wrong.
* You're frustrated trying to figure it
all out on your own and you need someone to
take you by the hand and show you the ropes.
Each module is
designed to give you the tools to generate a
steady flow of leads without having to spend in
many cases any money and
even if
you have no marketing or internet experience.
And now it's
yours for only $597.00 without any ongoing payments.
Grab your copy of The Flood
Gate Leads System today.
Click the Yellow Buy
Now Button Below
Note: It may take a second or two
for the order window to open - be
Your Flood Gate Leads System download instructions will be sent
instantly after your order is placed.
The second you place your order,
PayPal will re-direct you to a page with a yellow button that when
clicked will take you to your download page.
After check out you should see
an image similar to the one below. You'll then click
on that yellow button to access your downloads. I'll also send
you the links and the download page to the PayPal e-mail address you used
when you placed your order by e-mail.
If you have any questions at all, feel free to text of call
me at 858-692-9461.
Praise From
Ken’s Students
About the Author
Ken E. has worked for the Government for
over 10 years and has been a real estate
investor since 2011. He l earned from the
inside how public information requests can
be submitted in
order to get amazing no cost leads—directly
from public records. |
Praise From
Ken's Students
I t
From Mr. Jerry Kisasonak, Real Estate Agent
"I used your course to get tax delinquent leads for an
entire county and I ended up with an excel mailing list
that had over 60,000 leads and it was FREE! Amazing!"
Great content!
From Mr. Charlie Pellegrini, Real Estate Investor
"This course will change your real estate business for good!
Great content! This is definitely one of the most original,
valuable courses I have ever seen with regard to lead
From Mr. William Hook, Real Estate Agent and Investor,
“This was valuable stuff! Thanks for sharing your insider
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