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Writer, teacher, author Claude Hopkins

Claude Hopkins Rare Ad Collection

I Repeat --  $597 is all you pay. There is nothing more to buy and no monthly fees of any kind.


Claude C. Hopkins (1866-1932) was one of the great advertising pioneers, he believed advertising existed only to sell something and should be measurable and justify the results that it produced.

He worked for various advertisers, including Bissell Carpet Sweeper Company, Swift & Company and Dr. Shoop's patent medicine company. At the age of 41, he was hired by Albert Lasker owner of Lord & Thomas advertising in 1907 at a salary of $185,000 a year, Hopkins insisted copywriters researched their client products and produce reason-why copy. He believed that a good product was often its own best salesperson and as such he was a great believer in sampling.

To track the results of his advertising he used key coded coupons and then tested headlines, offers and propositions against one another. He used the analysis of these measurements to continually improve his ad results, driving responses and the cost effectiveness of his clients advertising spend.

His classic book, "Scientific Advertising," was published in 1923, following his retirement from Lord & Thomas, where he finished his career as president and chairman. He died in 1932.

Now available over sixty of the Claude Hopkin's original ads that I have compiled based on his classic books, "My Life in Advertising" and "Scientific Advertising."  This ad collection includes many of the actual ads Claude Hopkins wrote:



1. The Claude Hopkins Rare Ad Collection And Study Guide

Claude C. Hopkins (1866-1932) was one of the great advertising pioneers, he believed advertising existed only to sell something and should be measurable and justify the results that it produced.

He worked for various advertisers, including Bissell Carpet Sweeper Company, Swift & Company and Dr. Shoop's patent medicine company. At the age of 41, he was hired by Albert Lasker owner of Lord & Thomas advertising in 1907 at a salary of $185,000 a year, Hopkins insisted copywriters researched their client products and produce reason-why copy. He believed that a good product was often its own best salesperson and as such he was a great believer in sampling.

To track the results of his advertising he used key coded coupons and then tested headlines, offers and propositions against one another. He used the analysis of these measurements to continually improve his ad results, driving responses and the cost effectiveness of his clients advertising spend.

His classic book, "Scientific Advertising," was published in 1923, following his retirement from Lord & Thomas, where he finished his career as president and chairman. He died in 1932.

Now available over sixty of the Claude Hopkin's original ads that I have compiled based on his classic books, "My Life in Advertising" and "Scientific Advertising."

This ad collection includes many of the actual ads Claude Hopkins wrote:

For the full description of each ad, click here.

2. BONUS #1 Put away your glasses ad images.

You'll get all the images of the ads in a separate folder to study up-close.  Pick apart every word. Scrutinize the adjectives used. Emulate the offer in each ad. Read every word! Immediately apply what you find and use it in your own offers.


3. BONUS #2 Typed and formatted transcripts of all 60 Hopkins ads.  

You get the transcripts of each ad in this collection. Once you read the words of Claude Hopkins, you'll want to use them for your benefit. Typing and transcribing these ads are time consuming and a hassle. We've spent several hundred dollars to transcribe each ad in its entirety so you can use them as you wish. Find a section you like in an ad, highlight it, copy, paste and modify the words to fit your product or service. Claude's words live! They are as applicable today as they were when he wrote them ... even more so since he has a fresh, direct, no-nonsense approach that grips you. Put Claude on your staff and bring life profits back into your losing promotions.

4. BONUS #3 The 1903 dead-man's manuscript.
Here's the story about a rare advertising manuscript. Wait till you get your greedy little hands on this. It's a rare manuscript by Claude Hopkins' arch enemy and number one rival, J. Walter Thompson. In this 1903 rare 57-page advertising manuscript , you’ll learn J. Walter Thompson’s teachings on the cardinal principles of advertising, marketing and salesmanship. Every lesson and word are still applicable today.

You'll learn how The Lord & Thomas advertising agency and the J. Walter Thompson agency were extreme rivals during Claude Hopkins’ day. You'll compare what Claude Hopkins' teaches and what J. Walter Thompson was doing during this bitter rivalry. You'll have the inside tactics on how both competitors approached challenges of marketing and advertising goods and services in the early 1900s. There's nowhere else you'll be able to find this gem. In my opinion, the skill with which these two leading agencies were doing advertising a century ago is better than any time in history. Once you dive into the secrets in this manuscript, you'll know why. 

5. BONUS #4 647 secret ad swipe file.

You'll also receive access my new and exclusive web site on hard to find ads containing the most effective classic ads from the largest circulated publications during the1950-1960 era (most are over 50 years old). These are the ads used by The Wall Street Journal, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, General Electric, Ivory Soap, Kellogg’s Rice Krispies, American Express Travelers Cheques, New York Stock Exchange, Quaker Oats, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Motorola, The Sugar Information Inc., Green Giant Company, Postum by General Foods Corp., Reynolds Wrap, Beltone Hearing Aid Company, Listerine mouthwash, and many other companies ... BEFORE they fell into the trap of "Image Advertising."

Every ad was selected for this collection only if it satisfied all 5 of the following criteria: it had a powerful headline, compelling copy, was written in editorial style, featured a classic product still around today and was a pure example of "salesmanship in print." 

I created this additional web site for my personal use to study great marketing ads, and to access a huge bank of killer ads and headline ideas. Now this extra collection of classic ads can be your own personal digital swipe file that you get for FREE when you order this course.

I may stop this bonus altogether at any time because -- in all honestly --  A single ad can not only save you hundred if not thousands of dollars in copywriting fees, but when you use it as a model for your own ads it can send your sales conversions through the roof.

6. BONUS #5   101 Vintage Radio Ads  

Claude Hopkins worked for Albert Lasker, owner of the Lord and Thomas advertising agency, which pioneered radio advertising and created some of the first instances of "salesmanship on the air." Lord and Thomas placed nearly half of all national radio advertising on NBC in 1927-28 and in the first four years of radio network operation purchased an astounding 30 percent of all national network time. It created shows for RCA, Cities Services, Pepsodent, Palmolive and yet other accounts Hopkins worked on. Albert Lasker experimented with many radio approaches (he introduced Bob Hope and Amos 'n' Andy to the airwaves, was the first to introduce a daily radio contest, and promoted Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra and others) but initially insisted on using the same "Reason Why" tone and spirit that permeated Hopkins' copy.

When you invest in the Claude Hopkins Rare Ad Collection and Marketing Study Guide, you not only will be able to see the long lost Claude Hopkins print ads, but will be able to hear over 101 extremely rare audio recordings of these early forays into radio advertising that sometimes used the Claude Hopkins copy! (a $119 value)

7. BONUS #6 The greatest speech on copywriting ever.

Eugene Schwartz Speech

No kidding. Having Been An Ad Man For Over Fifteen Years, I Wish I Could Have Heard This Eugene Schwartz Recording Sooner


Writer, teacher, author Eugene Schwartz

One of the best known direct mail advertising practitioners of all times is Eugene Schwartz, who wrote the hard to find classic "Breakthrough Advertising." Search the web and you can find a reprint of this classic for $95. As part of your bonuses, we've found a very rare speech by Eugene Schwartz on his years of experience in advertising and copywriting. He will teach you all the lessons he has learned about what you need to do to write heart-stopping copy. Here's the kicker. We've even hired a studio actor to make an audio recording of this speech. When you order the Claude Hopkins material, you'll also be able to sit back and listen to these lessons just as if Eugene was talking to you alone. To know more about this fascinating bonus, click here (How can I put a value on a lifetime of winning copywriting advice?)

This is a 3-part audio (Part One is 35-minutes, Part Two is 34-minutes, and Part Three is 21-minutes), Full word for word typed transcripts 87 pgs.) 



    Study and modify Claude Hopkins' print ads, learn from the other copywriting masters and you'll gain an understanding about the one of the most powerful money making secret known to man.


Your Claude Hopkins Rare Ad Collection will be sent instantly after your order is placed.

Click the Yellow Buy Now Button Below

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 $597 is all you pay. There is nothing more to buy and no monthly fees of any kind.


The second you place your order, Paypal will re-direct you to a page with a yellow button that when clicked will take you to your download instructional page.

If for some reason the redirect does not work, I will personally send you a link by email to your download instruction page shortly after your order is received.

See the image below.

You'll click on that button to access all your Claude Hopkins downloads. And I'll also send you the links to the Paypal e-mail address used when you placed your order.



If you have any questions at all, feel free to text of call me at 858-692-9461. 

So don't wait, click here to order.


Michael Senoff


1. The Claude Hopkins Rare Ad Collection Detailed Product Descriptions Below:

You'll have and be able to immediately download all these Claude Hopkins Ads Below . . .


* Six Books for the Sick - What I Learned After 30 Years
* It is Free if it Fails


* Perfection of 50 Years
* The Home Beer
* Schlitz Indian Girl Calendar for 1909
* Ask Your Doctor
* The Beverage of Health
* Purity is Supreme
* Doctors of Two Nations Agree as to the Benefits of Beer

3. LIQUOZONE - 10 Ads

* $2,000,000 Have Been Spent to Let the Sick of America Try Liquozone Free
* 336 HOURS Are Required to Make Liquozone – Yet the First Bottle Is Free
* “I’m Well Because of Liquozone,” is Now Said the World Over
* It is Wrong To Suffer From a Germ Disease, When Liquozone is Free
* Let Us Pay For a Bottle of New Liquozone, and Give it to You to Try
* Millions Know That Liquozone Does What Medicine Cannot Do. A 50c Bottle Free
* Nine Nations Now Use Liquozone. Won’t You Try it—Free?
* We Offer $5,000 As a Guarantee on Liquozone. The First Bottle is Free
* WE WILL BUY A 50c. bottle of Liquozone and Give it to You to Try
* You Can’t Kill Inside Germs With Medicine. Won’t You Try Liquozone—Free?


* To Open-Minded Woman and The Men They Like To Please
* Scientists - Not Chefs - Why No Other Kitchen Anywhere Can Match a Van Camp Creation
* Your Way … Our Way
* They Work to Help You Keep Young
* “My dear, these surely are Van Camp's”


* A Wonderful Business Story
* It is Easy to make advertising
* What an Engine Did
* More people are talking about this Fine Car than any other car in America
* A Real 1913 Car
* Each a Lucky Car
* If I Bought a Car
* Your Last Chance to Get A HUDSON This Year
* Overland - The Americans by reputation are pretty shrewd buyers
* Reo the Fifth - $1,055 - It Took 25 Years to Build it
* The 1912 REO for $1,000
* Do you judge a play by the price of the ticket – or by the performance you see?
* The Class Car Now At Top
* Let's Reason Together - about Price
* Studebaker - How Will Your Car Be Built?
* Overland - How To Make An Automobile Valuation
* Advantages of Low Tension Magneto and Make-and-Break Spark as Employed on the Model H Studebaker
* My Farewell Car
* The Car That Marks My Limit


* Goodyear No-Rim-Cut Tires Cost Nothing Extra Now
* The Tale of Goodyear Tires
* Better Tires - Better Sold
* Note How Goodyears Dominate in Every Street


* Use Palmolive Soap
* “My Sweetheart”
* Five New Joys Await You in Palmolive Shaving Cream


* Food Shot from Guns!
* How Much of This Difference is Due to Oatmeal?
* All America This Week Helps Itself to Puffed Grains
* A Twilight Story About Puffed Wheat
* Where Children are Fed with Oatmeal
* Does your food cost too much?


* Now! A New Way to lighten cloudy teeth
* Why That Tarter If You Keep Teeth Clean?
* Make This Test - See how teeth glisten then
* Five New Ways To whiter, cleaner, safer teeth
* This 10-Day Test Has shown millions the way to white teeth
* The Mistakes That Ruined Millions of Teeth


* Strategy In Advertising
* Safe Advertising
* Mr. Advertiser, What Does This Mean To You?
* How Fortunes Are Made In Advertising
* New Lord & Thomas Book
* Telling Men How To Make Money



Your Claude Hopkins Rare Ad Collection will be sent instantly after your order is placed.


Click the Yellow Buy Now Button Below

Note: It may take a second or two for the order window to open up. Be patient

$597 is all you pay. There is nothing more to buy and no monthly fees of any kind. 

The second you place your order, Paypal will re-direct you to a page with a yellow button that when clicked will take you to your download instructional page.

If for some reason the redirect does not work, I will personally send you a link by email to your download instruction page shortly after your order is received.

See the image below.

You'll click on that button to access all your Claude Hopkins downloads. And I'll also send you the links to the PayPal e-mail address used when you placed your order.




If you have any questions at all, feel free to text of call me at 858-692-9461. 

So don't wait, click here to order.


Michael Senoff

Claude Hopkins

Claude Hopkins (1866–1932) was one of the great advertising pioneers. He believed advertising existed only to sell something and should be measured and justified by the results it produced.

He worked for various advertisers, including Bissell Carpet Sweeper Company, Swift & Company and Dr. Shoop's patent medicine company. At the age of 41, he was hired by Albert Lasker owner of Lord & Thomas advertising in 1907 at a salary of $185,000 a year, Hopkins insisted copywriters research their clients' products and produce "reason-why" copy. He believed that a good product and the atmosphere around it was often its own best salesperson, and as such he was a great believer in sampling.

To track the results of his advertising, he used key-coded coupons and then tested headlines, offers and propositions against one another. He used the analysis of these measurements to continually improve his ad results, driving responses and the cost effectiveness of his clients' advertising spend.

Hopkins is one of the father's of modern day marketing. While working for the Bissel Carpet Sweeper Company, at Hopkins' sent out five thousand letters offering carpet sweepers as Christmas presents - one thousand people sent in orders. He also convinced Bissel manufacturers to offer more variety of carpet sweepers, such as making them with twelve different types of wood. Immediately after these changes, Bissel sold two hundred fifty thousand in three weeks.

His book Scientific Advertising was published in 1923, following his retirement from Lord & Thomas, where he finished his career as president and chairman. He died in 1932. Charkes Duhigg credits Hopkins with popularizing tooth brushing, as a result of Hopkins' campaigns for Pepsodent.  This book was followed, in 1927, by his autobiographical work My Life in Advertising.

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