The Official Art Hamel Million Dollar Business Buying System - $997

( Includes PDF transcripts and mp3 downloads )

Simple one time fee, no per-month charges, no extra costs, no nickel-and-diming or download fees.

I'm Michael Senoff, and I've teamed up with John Hamel, the son of the late Art Hamel to bring back the famous Art Hamel Million Dollar Business Buying System.

Arthur Hamel has bought over 200 businesses in the last 40 years. He started back in the 1960's, with a small 25 unit motel in Modesto, California that took all of his time, energy and money and today buys only multi-million dollar businesses that require almost none of his time, energy and money.

Art has since shown tens of thousands of other people -- via seminars and his own unique home study course -- how to do the same thing.

Believe it or not, you can buy a business – even in today’s economy. In fact, business-buying expert Art Hamel says he likes to buy businesses during recessions because owners are more motivated to sell, which could mean easier and more profitable deals for you.

And in this Business Buying System, you’ll hear exactly how to make the recession work for you. According to Art, one of the biggest mistakes you can make when buying a business is complicating the process.

If you follow his plan, you won’t need extensive knowledge, fancy concepts or even research about your market.

So in your Art Hamel Business Buying System you’ll hear an outline of the entire process, from selecting a successful business to choosing an exit strategy.

Art's system is broken it into digestible sections . .




1. The Complete Art Hamel Business Buying System

12-Part Seminar broken down into audio lessons with Art Hamel plus accompanying word for word transcripts

For the full description of each lesson click here.

2. Art Hamel System Workbook 139-page workbook

The workbook is to be used in conjunction with each lesson in 1. The Art Hamel Business Buying System audios and transcripts.

For the full description of each lesson click here.

3. Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Buying A Franchise Interview With Art Hamel

50-minute audio, 98-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

4. If You Invest In Real Estate, Then Here's A Fast And Easy Way To Multiply Your Profits By 1600% And Get Instant Cash-Flow You Can Use For Anything You Want To Invest In

27-minute audio and the accompanying 13-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

5. Detailed Answers To Questions From Existing Art Hamel Students

51-minute audio, 50-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

6. How To Get The Money You Need Fast For Your Business When The Banks Says No

43-minute audio, 44-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

7. Why Even IRS Agents And Small Business Administration Officials Attended Art's Business-Buying Seminars

81-minute audio, 31-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

8. Everything You've Ever Wanted To Know About Buying A Business Using Other Peoples' Money - Even If You Live Outside The United States - But Were Afraid To Ask!

Part One is 41 minutes and Part Two is 63 minutes, 94-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

Part One: How To Get Started...Even If You Don’t Have Any Money Or Connections

For the full description of each interview click here.

Part Two: The Best Types Of Businesses To Buy And How To Find Them

For the full description of each interview click here.

Part Three: Evaluating And Determining The Value Of A Business

For the full description of each interview click here.

Part Four: Obtaining Investors Or Bank Loans

For the full description of each interview click here.

Part Five: Negotiating The Deal

For the full description of each interview click here.

Part Six: Running The Business

For the full description of each interview click here.

9. How A Ten-Minute "Chat" With Art Hamel Turned Into A "Mini-Seminar" Revealing Some Of His Most Jealously-Guarded Secrets!

32-minute audio, 60-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

10. How A “Business Angel” Can Get You The Money You Need For Your Next Business

42-minute audio and the accompanying 42-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

11. How To Use “Business Angels” To Get All The Money Your Need For The Business Of Your Dreams

Two-part audio, Part One is 53 minutes and Part Two is 22 minutes, 52-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

12. Introduction to Arthur Hamel Business Evaluation Program

53-minute audio, 34-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

13. How To Get Financing For A Business You Want To Buy In A Fraction Of The Time It Takes Everyone Else!

61-minute audio

For the full description of each interview click here.


14. Don't Buy A Business Until You Hear This- Important Advice From Art Hamel Student

53-minute audio, 54-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.


15. Can Spending $150 Talking With Art Hamel Save You $4.5 Million? For This New York Man, It Almost did...

13-minute audio, 37-page transcript

For the full description of each interview click here.

16. Art Hamel Business Plan Web Links

Web Links to create your own business plan

For the full description of each interview click here.

17. Sample Letters And Scripts

Proven samples of letters, emails, scripts, and messages that you can customize

For the full description of each interview click here.

18. Downloadable "Complete Do-It-Yourself Guide to Buying and Owning a Winning Business: A Tele-Seminar With Art Hamel"

7-Part Tele-Seminar with Art Hamel and accompanying transcripts

For the full description of each segment click here.

19. Bonus Telephone Consultation - Free 15 Minute Business Buying Consultation With Art Hamel, son, John. Working With Art Hamel's Son John Hamel

For the full description of each segment click here.



    Listen to the lessons in your Art Hamel System and the bonus audio interviews below and you'll gain an understanding about the most powerful wealth secret known to man.  Owning your own profitable business

You'll be able to locate, evaluate, negotiate and acquire any business that fits the Arthur Hamel formula. You'll understand the power of owning cash-flow, the world's best income. 

And you'll be able to take advantage of Art's business buying secrets that will short-cut your way to owning your own business.

This is the same exact Business Buying System that I've sold for up to $1497 on my site.

And now you can get it for only $997 without any ongoing payments after you place your order.

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I Repeat -- $997 is all you pay. There is nothing more to buy with this offer.

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      If you have questions call or text at 858-692-9461. 


Michael Senoff

      This Art Hamel Business Buying System is not make available anywhere and alone is worth 10 times the $997 I am asking. 


Art Hamel Business Buying System Detailed Interview Descriptions Below

You'll be able to immediately download The Business Buying System which includes:

1) The Complete Art Hamel Business Buying System

Here is the Official Complete Art Hamel Business Buying System in its entirety.

It is broken it into twelve (12) easily digestible sections and here’s a rundown of each:

Lesson One - Introduction

This audio lesson consists of a two-part audio (Part One is 8 minutes and Part Two is 9 minutes) and accompanying 12-page transcript of both audios.

Lesson Two - Finding A Business

This audio lesson consists of a two-part audio (Part One is 21 minutes and Part Two is 20 minutes) and accompanying 27-page transcript of both audios.

Lesson Three - Profit And Loss

This audio lesson consists of a two-part audio (Part One is 19 minutes and Part Two is 19 minutes) and accompanying 24-page transcript.

Lesson Four - Balance Sheet

This audio lesson consists of a two-part audio (Part One is 15 minutes and Part Two is 15 minutes) and accompanying 19-page transcript.

Lesson Five - Pricing

This audio lesson consists of a four-part audio (Part One is 36 minutes, Part Two is 35 minutes, Part Three is 37 minutes, and Part Four is 33 minutes) and accompanying 88-page transcript.

Lesson Six - Financing

This audio lesson consists of a two-part audio (Part One is 36 minutes and Part Two is 36 minutes) and accompanying 48-page transcript.

Lesson Seven - Creative Financing

This audio lesson consists of a two-part audio (Part One is 43 minutes and Part Two is 31 minutes) and accompanying 56-page transcript.

Lesson Eight - Location

This audio lesson consists of a 16-minute audio and accompanying 11-page transcript.

Lesson Nine - Location

This audio lesson consists of a 20-minute audio and accompanying 13-page transcript.

Lesson Ten - Franchises

This audio lesson consists of a two-part audio (Part One is 16 minutes and Part Two is 16 minutes) and accompanying 22-page transcript.

Lesson Eleven - Leases

This audio lesson consists of a two-part audio (Part One is 12 minutes and Part Two is 12 minutes) and accompanying 16-page transcript.

Lesson Twelve - Purchasing & Escrow

This audio lesson consists of a two-part audio (Part One is 23 minutes and Part Two is 22 minutes) and accompanying 29-page transcript.

2. Art Hamel System Workbook 139-page workbook

The workbook is to be used in conjunction with each lesson in 1. The Art Hamel Business Buying System audios and transcripts.

3) Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Buying A Franchise Interview With Art Hamel

I get so many questions about franchises that when I had the opportunity to interview business-buying expert Art Hamel about franchising, I jumped at the chance! I send out an email to my entire list about the upcoming interview and asked people to email their questions so that I could pose them to Art during the interview.

At the beginning of the interview, you’ll hear how Art got started in franchising in the mid 1960’s. Since then, he’s been both a franchisee as well as a franchiser.

This audio is a goldmine for anyone who is considering buying a franchise! Art gives a down-to-earth, honest opinion of each question. You won’t want to miss listening to how his years of experience has truly made him an expert in franchising.

Here are just a few of the questions:

• Why should a person consider buying a franchise as opposed to buying an existing business?

• What type of person should buy a franchise and why?

• What type of person absolutely shouldn’t buy a franchise?

• Are there federal regulations to prevent fraud in the franchise business? If so, where can I obtain information on this subject?

• If I’m set on buying a certain franchise, what types of research should I do before making my final decision?

• Do all businesses charge their franchisees monthly franchise fees?

• Are franchise fees regulated by the government?

• What do I get in return for paying the fee?

• Is it wise to start my franchise in “virgin territory” wise?

• This would be some area of the country where there are no other franchises like mine.

• How many hours per week will I have to spend when I’m first starting up my franchise?

• Is buying a restaurant franchise, such as McDonald’s, a good idea?

• Do I have any recourse against the parent company if my franchise is a failure?

Art doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to telling it like it really is! I know that you will enjoy this 50 minute interview that contains such a wealth of information about franchising!

This audio interview consists of a 50-minute audio and the accompanying 98-page transcript.

4) If You Invest In Real Estate, Then Here Is A Fast And Easy Way To Multiply Your Profits By 1600% And Get Instant Cash-Flow You Can Use For Anything You Want To Invest In

In this interview Art Hamel and I discuss real estate investing and how to use his unique methods to multiply your real estate profits by 1600% and get your hands on massive amounts of cash-flow you can use to invest with in more real estate.

Art also talks about Robert Allen's real estate methods and how you can use what Robert Allan teaches in conjunction with his secrets. Robert Allen actually recommends Art Hamel in his book, Nothing Down, and when you listen to this short audio'll see why.

This audio interview consists of a 27-minute audio and an accompanying 13-page transcript.

5) Detailed Answers To Questions From Existing Art Hamel Students

More and more people are buying Art Hamel’s course on business buying. As a result, more specific questions are being asked that have not been covered in some of the other of my interviews with Art. Here’s a new recording to cover more questions that have been asked by Art’s students and detailed answers from Art himself.

As you listen, you will hear detailed answers to questions such as:

What is the percentage of return for the investors, Art’s fee, and what percentage of the business will the buyer own? Hear Art answer this question giving detailed examples and the math behind the examples based on his personal experience of more than fifty years of business buying.

What kind of involvement in running the business is the buyer going to have if Art becomes involved? Basically, it depends on the buyer’s management experience. Art gives great examples in answering this question as well as what his involvement would be when a deal is made with his assistance and services.

What kind of businesses should potential buyers look for? Should it always be a manufacturing company? Listen as Art explains why manufacturing businesses are his favorite because the risks are less than buying a service business. Find out why service businesses can not only be riskier, but more reasons that they may not be your best choice.

What does Art think about buying an offshore manufacturing company – specifically one based in China? Art explains that it can still be a good deal, but how more negotiation may be necessary in China or in the Middle East.

Would Art be interested in financing a movie project? Well, with all of his business buying and financing experience, you can probably guess that Art has, indeed, been involved with the financing of movie projects during his career. Listen as Art talks about the deals that he has been involved with in the past and what his personal opinion is currently about getting involved with more of these.

In a buyer’s first meeting with the seller, what should the buyer ask for? The details that Art gives while answering this question are a “must listen” for potential business buyers and you’re going to want to take notes. Art stresses that in a first meeting with the seller, the buyer’s main goal should be to establish rapport and a relationship with the seller. He goes on to suggest a few important questions that should be asked by the buyer in that first meeting and the most important information that the buyer should request from the seller.

When talking to a seller, is Art available to explain his credibility and services to obtain financing? This is the part that I like best: Art suggests that the buyer send the seller to my web site, to read or listen to the volumes of information available about Art Hamel. My web site really will establish Art’s credibility and will tell the seller exactly what to expect if Art becomes involved with the deal.

I encourage you to add this recording or transcript to your collection of business buying resources. Again, Art leaves no stone unturned as he answers his students’ questions in plain English with easy to understand examples based on his years of experience, real-life examples, and a wealth of business buying knowledge.

This audio interview consists of a 51-minute audio and an accompanying 50-page transcript.

6) How To Get The Money You Need Fast For Your Business When The Banks Says No

If you’re a small or medium sized company and you need money for growth, acquisition, or turnaround, this interview could be the answer you’re looking for.

In this forty-minute interview, you will learn how Barry, a financing genius has carved out a niche in the financing field. He is so good at what he does that many of the leading banks send their customers to Barry as a last ditch effort to get the needed money. Here’s why… Barry and his team have contacts that represent hundreds of millions of dollars in lending power. Barry and his team have the ability to arrange financing because of their strong relationships within the financing community. When it comes to getting the money you need, it’s not what you know but who you know. These industry insider allow Barry to deal directly with the decision makers of these select lending institutions.

You will hear Barry give an in-depth explanation of each of their services along with example case studies where they acted as the intermediary to the process.

This is a fascinating new approach that will broaden your knowledge of the requirements necessary to engage a person with connections like Barry to help you to achieve your desired business growth.

This audio interview consists of a 43-minute audio and an accompanying 44-page transcript.

7) Why Even IRS Agents And Small Business Administration Officials Attended Art's Business-Buying Seminars!

Want more business buying secrets? This was my first 58-minute conversation with Mr. Arthur Hamel is essential listening. Arthur may be the best expert in how to buy an existing business successfully. I met him through an eBay ad. He was selling his business—buying training courses on eBay. I called him up, turned on the tape recorder and captured every fascinating minute of our conversation. This recording will probably shock the life out of you - as it says "Bull" to everything the "mainstream" business teachers and "experts" you see on TV have ever said about buying businesses. Tens of thousands of people - including IRS agents and Small Business Administration officials who were made to go in order to be promoted - would flock to his national seminars, sometimes dropping a couple thousand dollars just to make it. His training program was the top-selling, number one business-buying seminar nationally. Be a fly on the wall as you listen to more of Art's amazing story. He is a very genuine man and really loves what he does. He wants you to succeed. I know you will enjoy this talk with a true master on how to buy an existing business successfully. Start listening to Mr. Arthur Hamel.

This audio interview consists of a 81-minute audio and an accompanying 31-page transcript. 

8) Everything You Have Ever Wanted To Know About Buying A Business Using Other Peoples' Money - Even If You Live Outside The United States - But Were Afraid To Ask!

Another insightful two-part interview with business-buying expert, Art Hamel. In these audios, Art concentrates on how you can buy a business with investor money. This isn’t something that he just thought up. All of the content you are about to hear is based on Art’s actual experience for over twenty-five years.

You'll hear questions and Answers from my students about buying businesses.

When you buy a business using investor money, there are some great advantages. First of all, you pay for your business entirely by cash! That gives you an advantage over other buyers. The other important aspect is that most investors don’t expect you to pay them some kind of a return every month or quarter. They will ride with you for five years or more until they expect their return. That means that you get to use all of that investor money for the entire investment term!

You will also hear Art’s opinions on business brokers and how to know a good one, how to value a business, buying businesses which fit into a consumer buying cycle such as businesses that fit well with baby boomers, how to protect yourself from overpaying for a business, and much, much more!

Near the end of this Q & A session you’ll hear Art’s anecdotes about how he got into the seminar business in the early 1970’s, how he started teaching marketing and business buying sessions that were both IRS and IBM approved, and how his one-hour infomercial on a shopping network made him such a recognized personality wherever he went.

BONUS! I have added an audio clip on how you can qualify to work with Art to buy a business with investor financing. Art has about fifty years of business experience and more than twenty-five years of business-buying and seminar experience. His track record is so great that people (buyers, sellers and investors) listen to him!

Art can help to make sure that your homework is done. He can insure that everything is in place and that all of the paperwork is completed to a status of excellence. He can insure that you have a “million dollar” business plan to present – one that will leave no stone unturned for any investor.

He discusses how his fee structure works and what investors really want out of the deal. He tells you what he requires from you to develop the business plan, what types of businesses that investors like to invest in, and those types of business that they don’t like to invest in.

In short, working with Art Hamel personally to buy your business takes the guesswork out of what you need and what needs to be done. With his track record of success, you are almost guaranteed success.

This audio interview consists of a two-part audio (Part One is 41 minutes and Part Two is 63 minutes) and accompanying 94-page transcript of both audios.

9) How A Ten-Minute "Chat" With Art Hamel Turned Into A "Mini-Seminar" Revealing Some Of His Most Jealously-Guarded Secrets! 

I just got off the phone with Art Hamel, asking him a question about dealing with business brokers and getting around having to "jump through hoops" just to get in touch with the seller of a business you want to buy. And what was meant to be just another ten minute "chat" turned into a "mini-seminar" on buying businesses! I don't know if he intended to do this or not - but he ended up revealing many of his most jealously- guarded secrets.

Secrets he doesn't talk about to anyone anymore. Secrets that will quite literally blow your mind. Luckily, I recorded this call and have uploaded it online for you to listen to. The only thing is Art may not let me keep this file up long, so you might want to check it out right away:

This recording is 31 minutes. Below are the word for word transcripts of this recording and a sample letter, a phone script and a letter you can post on your web site to get business sellers contacting you.

This audio interview consists of a 32-minute audio and an accompanying 60-page transcript.


10) How A “Business Angel” Can Get You The Money You Need For Your Next Business.

Here is an interview I did with Christine Kaine, the founder of Business Angels, Pty Ltd in Melbourne Australia. This is a fascinating call in which Christine explains the concept of Business Angels, or Angel Investors, who are looking to help a business grow by utilizing their business expertise and established networks in return for a percent of ownership. Some Angels invest in a growing company as well as becoming an integral part of the company.

Business Angels Pty Ltd is a service that matches Business Angels with companies who want to grow their business by associating with an Angel who has experience and is an expert in their type of business. It’s almost like a dating service for businesses and investors! Christine explains her screening process and the many scenarios of how and why Business Angels and businesses can work together to accomplish the ultimate goal of making a business very successful. You will be amazed with the possibilities!

This audio interview consists of a 42-minute audio and an accompanying 42-page transcript.


11) How To Use “Business Angels” To Get All The Money Your Need For The Business Of Your Dreams

YES YOU CAN gain ownership in the business of your choice if you know what to do. This recording is with Lawrence from Company Partners based in the United Kingdom. Company Partners are specialists in matching Angel Investors and/or Venture Capitalists with businesses who want to grow or who need financing.

Additionally, they offer services such as business plan development and consulting. You will learn what an Angel Investor is, the reasons why they wish to invest in businesses and the different levels of involvement in a business that an Angel Investor may wish to have. You will also learn the importance of developing a thorough business plan, whether you are a starting a new company or you are looking to partner with an investor.

You will also learn the differences in business plan formats depending upon the type of investor you are looking to partner with. Company Partners have developed a whole psychology of business plan development and Lawrence gives great examples in this interview.

 Lawrence gives in-depth advice for any startup business or businesses in general, whether you are looking for investors or not. The important thing to know is at his site and other angel investing sites around the world, you can approach key business secession makers and make consulting deals.

I have been to the site and was impressed with what I saw. It’s free to look at all the businesses that want help. And you can be the one to help them grow by trading your marketing services for ownership in the business. This interview is definitely a “must listen” and I know you will learn a great deal.

This audio interview consists of a two-part audio (Part One is 53 minutes and Part Two is 22 minutes) and accompanying 52-page transcript of both audios

12) Introduction to Arthur Hamel Business Evaluation Program

Many years ago Art developed the Arthur Hamel Business Pricing Program. It helped people to understand many of the things that went into a business value.

In the past 25 years he worked with many investors and buyers. He had many subjective areas that helped me to analyze a business purchase. Art never attempted to organize it, he just knew what to do.

In the past year Art has been working with buyers and investors that wish to invest with the buyers. It has been very difficult to explain the many subjective items that make up the difference between a good business purchase and a bad one.

Five years ago Art started to work on a method to pass on the subjective items that make up a good business.

It is a very simple approach and Art did not attempt to tie in weighted values to make it more accurate. He has a start in the area of weighted values and will use it in the future if it is necessary.

Benefits to Buyers:

Ability to do a better job of analyzing the business purchase.
Number rating of all businesses for comparison (Maybe eventually A,B,C,D,).
Improve my ability to explain the good and bad of each business
Benefits to Investors:

Ability to do a better job of analyzing a business investment.
Use total number rating of all businesses for comparison.
Improve my ability to explain the good and bad of each business investment.

This audio interview consists of a 53-minute audio and an accompanying 34-page transcript.


13) How To Get Financing For A Business You Want To Buy In A Fraction Of The Time It Takes Everyone Else! 

This is the single most valuable interview I've done with Art yet. Why? Because it introduces a brand new "tool" Art created to help people get investor financing for businesses in a fraction of the time it would normally take. In fact, Art considers this information to be so valuable, he won't even let me sell it to the general public! (I can only give it to certain people who qualify.) You can listen to it right now by clicking on the "play" button below (make sure your computer speakers are turned up):

This audio interview consists of a 61-minute audio.


14) Don't Buy A Business Until You Hear This- Important Advice From Art Hamel Student 

This is a very informative two-part audio that students of Arthur Hamel will be very interested in listening to. It came about almost entirely by chance. A gentleman by the name of Dale had studied the Arthur Hamel course on business buying and was about to take the important step of meeting with the owners of the business he was interested in buying.

It was an imperative time for Dale to begin to be coached by Art personally. Since Dale’s meeting was to be the very next day and Art was currently out of town, I thought that perhaps another student named Eric could advise Dale about how the meeting should be approached, information that Dale should request, as well as other important aspects of this first meeting.

By coincidence, Eric called me to give me an update about his own business buying deal. After hearing the details, I asked Eric if he would be willing to speak to Dale in Art’s absence in an effort to make Dale’s next day meeting as successful as possible. Eric agreed and we got Dale on a three-way call.

Eric is a very astute student of Arthur Hamel and you will hear him echo many of Art’s methods. The difference between these audios and those you may have heard between Art and I is that Eric brings a different perspective to buying a business because he has had different life experiences and has experienced some up’s and down’s in buying his business that are not covered in the Arthur Hamel course – things that a person can only realize when he or she goes through a specific experience.

I believe that this is what makes these audios so unique and important to people who are thinking of buying a business.

Here are just some of the highlights of Eric’s advice to Dale for the meeting and the business buying deal that are based on Eric’s personal experience:

Probably the most important things you need are the company’s financials and its tax records. They basically tell the whole story of the company.

* Learn how to present yourself as the buyer of the business: What to say, how to conduct yourself, and what to expect the current owner’s attitude toward you to be.

* Hear the importance of observing the business first hand. Attend as many internal meetings as possible and obtain as much written information as possible since this information will help you to complete your Due Diligence phase.

* See how getting a great attorney and a great CPA to assist you during the entire buying process is of the utmost importance.

* Learn the necessity of creating a “million dollar” business plan as soon as possible for your investors. Hire someone to write it if you are not sure of what it should contain.

* Make sure to get aging and payables information in writing from the current business owner. This information is of the utmost importance and should be addendums to your business plan.

* Research your business’s competitors.

* Realize the need for a key management team which may include the business’s current consultants.

* Hear just some of the negative things that can occur when you are trying to buy a business from Eric’s personal experience.

* Listening to how Eric has applied what he learned from the Art Hamel course is so interesting and so informative! You won’t want to miss a minute of it.

* You’ll also hear me explain how I revamped the Art Hamel course and added a whole section about buying a business, bringing in marketing resources, and looking for hidden marketing assets.

You’ll learn how to use these additional resources to identify the hidden assets of your business prior to purchase so that you will have a better knowledge about how you can grow the business even more.

Since Dale is at the beginning of the process of buying his business, the three of us promised to play this out as a full audio case study after Dale’s activities are complete – whatever the outcome. Additionally, I know that you will want to hear rest of Eric’s story and the outcome of his business buying experience.

This audio interview consists of a 53-minute audio and an accompanying 54-page transcript.


15) Can Spending $150 Talking With Art Hamel Save You $4.5 Million? For This New York Man, It Almost Did...

I just got off the phone with Michael Chin from New York. Michael ordered Art Hamel's business buying system in April. He has studied the system and by using the advice on one of the recordings, he found a 4.5 million dollar business worth pursuing. He took the next step and invested $150 to consult with Art for one hour about the business.

Listen to Michael's story and hear the shocking experience he had with Art. This recording is 11 minutes. NOTE: Art at this time may not be working with students.

This audio interview consists of a 13-minute audio and an accompanying 37-page transcript.



16. Art Hamel Business Plan Web Links

Web Links to create your own business plan


17. Sample Letters And Scripts

Proven samples of letters, emails, scripts, and messages that you can customize


18) The Complete Do-It-Yourself Guide To Buying And Owning A Winning Business: A Tele-Seminar With Art Hamel

Believe it or not, anyone can buy a business – even in today’s economy. In fact, business-buying expert Art Hamel says he likes to buy businesses during recessions because owners are more motivated to sell, which could mean easier and more profitable deals for you.

And in this tele-seminar, you’ll hear exactly how to make the recession work for you. According to Art, one of the biggest mistakes you can make when buying a business is complicating the process. If you follow his plan, you won’t need extensive knowledge, fancy concepts or even research about your market.

So in this tele-seminar you’ll hear an outline of the entire process, from selecting a successful business to choosing an exit strategy. But because there’s an extensive amount of information, the tele-seminar runs slightly more than five hours long. So I’ve broken it into seven easily digestible sections and here’s a rundown of each.

Please note that all seven sections have been transcribed into one 159-page transcript.

Part One: How To Get Started...Even If You Don’t Have Any Money Or Connections

It seems like everyone is talking about the economy, and Art is no exception, except he’s saying you don’t need to worry about it. And in the beginning of Part One, you’ll hear why. He addresses all the questions and worries about how the economy has affected business buying.

And he should know. Art has been buying businesses for more than 50 years and has also helped countless others to buy them too. According to him, the number one thing you need to succeed is confidence – everything else is easy. In fact, he says if you start the right way and stick with the basic rules, you’ll be just fine. And in Part One, you’ll hear the right way to get started along with…

• Exactly what to look for in a business to buy and where to start looking

• What a “reverse earn out” is and how to use one when negotiating for businesses during the recession

• Why you’ll want to avoid private equity companies and business brokers – and what to do instead

• Two businesses you’ll never want to get involved with and why

• How to contact the owners of prospective companies – just like the brokers do

This audio interview consists of a 58-minute audio and the accompanying 159-page transcript of all seven (7) segments.

Part Two: The Best Types Of Businesses To Buy And How To Find Them

According to Art, you never want to be known as the “turnaround guy” because it’s just not worth it to fix up a business and turn it around – and it’s certainly not worth the headaches. It’s much better to find a business that’s already doing well. So in Part Two, you’ll hear all about the ideal business to buy and also…

• How to contact the owners of businesses and ways to make sure you get taken seriously

• How to use your local library to find businesses to buy

• What kinds of questions to ask when you’re buying a business

• The 3 best characteristics of a business to buy and what types do best during a recession

This audio interview consists of a 37-minute audio and the accompanying 159-page transcript of all seven (7) segments.

Part Three: Evaluating And Determining The Value Of A Business

Art says one of the worst things you can do when evaluating a business is to go in there with a Pollyanna attitude. You need to assume there are problems and look for them. Remember, it’s “buyer beware,” so quit worrying about impressing the owner and worry more about your research.

If this is your first business sale, you’ve got a lot to learn. Fortunately, according to Art, none of it requires a background in rocket science. And in Part Three, he’s going to tell you how to make sure you don’t get ripped off. You’ll also hear…

• How to use a profit and loss balance sheet to help determine your maximum bid for a business

• How to evaluate a business’s financial record and judge its future viability

• All about due diligence and how to put together questions that will let the seller know you’re not a pushover

• Why you’ll need a CPA and accountant when you first start out

• The best way to cash out investors after their five-year run

This audio interview consists of a 46-minute audio and the accompanying 159-page transcript of all seven (7) segments.

Part Four: Obtaining Investors Or Bank Loans

According to Art, if your deal makes sound economic sense, you’ll find financial backing, no problem. But finding investors might be difficult if you’re a new business buyer with no track record. Fortunately, there are other routes you can take like leverage buyouts and owner financing. And in Part Four, you’ll hear all about them. You'll Also Hear...

• Why owner financing should only be 30% to 40% of the deal, how to get it, and how to make up the rest

• Why you won’t want a private equity company to finance the deal – and where to go instead

• How to prospect for investors

• How deals are usually structured – when investors get paid, how long they stay, and if you need to buy them out

• All about the “preferred position” – what it means, how it’s arranged, who gets it and why

This audio interview consists of a 38-minute audio and the accompanying 159-page transcript of all seven (7) segments.

Part Five: Negotiating The Deal

If you’re like most people, you worry about going into an important meeting and negotiating a big deal. Art says he’s been there too, but owners are never as horrible to work with as you think, and the meeting always goes pretty smoothly. But there are some things you’re going to want to look out for, and in Part Five you’ll hear how to make sure every “T” gets crossed.

You'll Also Hear . . .

• What issues to look out for when dealing with multiple partners

• How to sell the owner on seller financing

• How to look over the business and meet with the owners when you’re working a 9 to 5 job – and whether or not you should even disclose that

This audio interview consists of a 20-minute audio and the accompanying 159-page transcript of all seven (7) segments.

Part Six: Running The Business

With Art’s system, he suggests you go the absentee owner route and stay as far away from the business as possible. But even if you choose to be a little closer, you should never go into the business and make a lot of changes right away. And in Part Six, you’ll hear how to keep your management team happy while maintaining your finger on the pulse of the company.

You'll Also Hear . . .

• All about incentive programs – what to use, what to avoid, and what happens if the owner wants to stay on and manage – does he get an incentive too?

• How Art keeps track of all of his businesses, how he easily spots problems that arise, and how he maintains control – even when he’s far, far away

• All about exit strategies and “going public” with a company

• What you can expect if you’re considering a business far from your home – or even outside your country

• Why you may want to think twice before you buy a C Corp

This audio interview consists of a 51-minute audio and the accompanying 159-page transcript of all seven (7) segments.

 19. Bonus Telephone Consultation - Free 15 Minute Business Buying Consultation With Art Hamel, son, John. Working With Art Hamel's Son John Hamel

Art’s been teaching people to buy businesses for 47 years, and his program is so simple he’s never met a person who couldn’t get it. You may have to go through the information more than once. But if you put the time in, you’ll have a net profit that could easily set you for life. And in Part Seven, you’ll hear about his home study course along with…

Free 15 Minute Business Buying Consultation With Art Hamel, son, John.

The apple does not fall too far from the tree, and that's the case with John Hamel. John has agreed to honor a 15-minute free consultation as his father, Art Hamel, did for students.

John A. Hamel is a seasoned business advisor, owner, operator, and entrepreneur. Having spent almost 20 years as a corporate finance investment banker, John has advised hundreds of companies on over $5 billion in capital raise transactions, company acquisitions, sales and restructurings.

In the last five years, John has founded two companies, one of which he successfully sold and the other raised outside capital prior to his departure. During that same timeframe, John continued to manage day-to-day financial and capital markets transactions for two different mortgage companies. John enjoys strategically advising companies in the same fashion that he approaches any challenge as an operator. Diagnose the problem, through proper identification of the symptoms, and then develop a detailed, multi-phase plan to fix the problem and any related issues.

Whether raising capital, entertaining a strategic change, acquiring a company or selling your life's work, it all starts with solid financial analysis and modeling and an executable, metric-based strategic plan.

You can use the contact information listed below to reach John and he's also included a link to my Calendly, which provides an easy call time scheduling system. You don't need to use it if you think it's too complicated, but it's pretty useful. 

There are hundreds of ways to buy a business. You could really complicate the process if you wanted to, but why?

Art has been buying businesses for a long time and has it down to a tried-and-true, simplified science. So if you’re looking for difficult theories, you won’t get them here.

Art's system gives you what works in practice, out in the real world, exactly where you need it.



    Listen to the lessons in your Art Hamel System and the bonus audio interviews below and you'll gain an understanding about the most powerful wealth secret known to man.  Owning your own profitable business

You'll be able to locate, evaluate, negotiate and acquire any business that fits the Arthur Hamel formula. You'll understand the power of owning cash-flow, the world's best income. 

And you'll be able to take advantage of Art's business buying secrets that will short-cut your way to owning your own business.

This is the same exact Business Buying System that I've sold for up to $1497 on my site.

And now you can get it for only $997 without any ongoing payments after you place your order.

You'll get an email that confirms your order almost immediately.

You'll also get details to you on how to download your Art Hamel System right away.


Your Art Hamel Business Buying System will be sent instantly after your order is placed.


Click the Yellow Buy Now Button Below

Note: It may take a second or two for the order window to open up. Be patient

I Repeat -- $997 is all you pay. There is nothing more to buy

       The second you place your order, PayPal will re-direct you to a page like the one in this image below with a blue button or gray button. Make sure you scroll down to the bottom of the page and when you click it will take you to your download page.

       Look for the image shown below AFTER YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER. You'll scroll down after you order and click on the blue or gray button to access your downloads. As a back up, I'll also send you the download links to your PayPal e-mail address you used when you placed your order.

    If you have questions text or call 858-692-9461.


Michael Senoff

A Virtual "Cult Classic!”

I’m serious. Remember, it’s been years since it’s been available.  There are people all over the world who are still desperately seeking this information out.  Hoping it will pop up on eBay or in a library somewhere.

         And many of those who do have this system – even those who bought this course more than 30 years ago – keep it with them wherever they go in their briefcase or luggage. That way they can access it any time (and any place) a good business deal comes along.

         But don’t take my word for it try Art's system out for yourself.

This Art Hamel Business Buying System is not make available anywhere and alone is worth 10 times the $997 I am asking. 

Arthur B. Hamel

The Most Famous Guy You’ve Never Heard Of

Arthur Hamel has bought over 200 businesses in the last 40 years.  He started back in the 1960’s, with a small 25 unit motel in Modesto, California – that took all of his time, energy and money – and today buys only multi-million dollar businesses…

That Require None Of His Time, Energy And Money!

In fact, Art has discovered a system that makes it easier and cheaper to buy a ten million dollar business…than it does a ten thousand dollar business. 

It’s the most unusual and incredible business-buying system ever invented. And today Art only buys businesses worth over a million dollars and that already have an experienced management team in place that will grow the company without his presence.

Art has made so much money…and had so much success…buying businesses with his “system” that, during the 1970’s and 1980’s, he decided to share what he knew with the public.  And it wasn’t long before his business-buying seminar was widely considered to be "The Number One Business Opportunity Seminar" in the United States for over 15 years.

People traveled from all over the globe – including The U.K., Germany, France, Mexico, Australia and even the Far East – to learn his unique business-buying system.  And during those 15 years, Art put over 100,000 students through his seminars, with tens of thousands of successful graduates. Many Of Who Still Buy And Own

Businesses Today!

And although Art spent the majority of his time buying businesses during those 15 years, he also co-hosted local radio shows, had a weekly TV show, and sometimes even shared the stage with marketing legend Joseph E. Cossman and world-famous real estate investing expert Robert Allan (who plugs Art as THE “go-to-guy” for buying businesses in his best-selling book “Nothing Down”.)

At the same time, Art was getting so many calls and letters from people around the world – who couldn’t attend his seminars – he got in the studio and created a “home study” course for his business-buying system.  It remains the single most comprehensive and practical system of its kind.  And back when it sold on The Home Shopping Network…

It Was The Single Biggest Seller They Ever Had!

However, over the past several years, Art has stopped teaching his system publicly.


Because…unlike the vast majority of people who teach about buying businesses…when it comes to buying businesses…Arthur B. Hamel practices what he preaches.  The seminar business was strictly part time, as his real love is buying businesses, not selling seminar tickets. And he now spends all of his time and energy buying businesses, which he loves doing, every day of the week.

Yet, the letters, calls and emails still poured in. 

And people from all over the planet were practically begging him to teach his secrets. And so, not wanting to let his “fans” down, and not wanting to keep what he knows from those who want to learn it, Art started selling his home study course on eBay. 

And that’s when it caught the eye of Michael Senoff, a San Diego marketer who specializes in buying and selling information products.  Michael Senoff saw Art’s ad on eBay, bought the course and knew he would have to book an audio interview with Art for his subscribers at  

The result? 

We hit it off great and were friends ever since.  In fact, Art has spent dozens of hours on the phone with Michael, revealing many of his secrets for buying winning businesses.

 John A. Hamel is a seasoned business advisor, owner, operator and entrepreneur.  Having spent almost 20 years as a corporate finance investment banker, John has advised hundreds of companies on over $5 billion in capital raise transactions, company acquisitions, sales and restructurings.  In the last five years, John has founded two companies, one of which he successfully sold and the other raised outside capital prior to his departure.  During that same timeframe, John continued to manage day-to-day financial and capital markets transactions for two different mortgage companies.  John enjoys strategically advising companies in the same fashion that he approaches any challenge as an operator.  Diagnose the problem, through proper identification of the symptoms, and then develop a detailed, multi-phase plan to fix the problem and any related issues.  Whether raising capital, entertaining a strategic change, acquiring a company or selling your life’s work, it all starts with solid financial analysis and modeling and an executable, metric-based strategic plan.

Michael Senoff is a marketing strategy expert and business consultant. Click here for a detailed bio.

He is the creator of a website that offers marketing interviews with some of the most respected experts in making money, selling, copywriting, direct mail, advertising, online marketing, psychology & business buying, and more. Michael knows how to turn businesses around and is known for helping business owners grow their sales and business. He is a husband and father of two teenage sons living in San Diego, California .

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