At last a leading doctor releases positive proof that you can
add up to forty health-packed years to your life -

    Here it is!  The revolutionary new Live-Longer, Look-Younger Feel Better Medical Program that you've been hearing rumours about for years!...

    ...Whose main principles have already been featured in twenty-seven major American newspapers...broadcast to the country by NBC Monitor news and the United Press...released to the medical profession by articles in medical journal after medical journal throughout the United States!

    Now brought to you in complete detail in one of the most thrilling books you have ever read!  A fascinating, down-to-earth easy to read book that shows you how to:

    1) Add up to forty health-packed years to your life.  Years filled with strength vigour and vitality!  And have the time of your life doing it.

    2) Ward off the diseases of middle and old age that cripple your friends - and do it in just a few fun-packed minutes each day!
Doctor Live To Be 100
     3) Look slimmer, younger, far more attractive OVERNIGHT!  Perform a miracle in your figure in just six seconds a day!  Develop maximum strength in whatever part of your body you wish in just six seconds a day!  

     Beat daily tensions - drain away that "always tired" feeling - eat better, work better, sleep better starting this very week!
Clement G Martin MD
Former medical director for the Continental Casualty Company, medical director of the Guarantee Reserve Life Insurance Company, Consulting Internist for the Illinois Central Hospital, member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and many other leading scientific and medical societies.  Author of the revolutionary book How To Live To Be 100.

      In other words pump up to twenty years of youth back into your body - whether you're thirty, fifty or seventy years old today!

Why Let Youth Slip Through Your Fingers
When You Can
Gain It Back
In Just A Few

Short Minutes A Day!

    Yes! for years medical science has faced one maddening question - Why do people age before their time?

    Why do men lose their vigor and vitality - develop jowls and a paunch - begin to huff and puff when they climb stairs - give away to fatigue, sickness and pain that shouldn't be there for another twenty to thirty to forty years at the least!

    Why do women turn almost overnight from slim young brides to fat heavy matrons - with all the glow gone from their complexions - with their sexual attractiveness evaporated - with their entire lives one long series of battles against aches, exhaustion and sly, creeping diseases that make them old overnight!

    Can something be done to prevent this premature aging?  Can these symbols of old age be pushed off for ten, twenty even forty years?  CAN YOUR PHYSICAL AGE WITH THE PROPER TRAINING BE UP TO FORTY YEARS BELOW YOUR CALENDAR AGE?

    The answer to all these questions is Yes!  Medical science has now discovered there are whole nations of men and women who live to be a happy and healthy one hundred and twenty-five years old! Who do hard productive physical work to the age of one hundred and ten!  Whose men actually father their children right up past the age of ninety!

    Medical science has proved in Europe that a simple self-preservation routine - in test after test - has cut the amount of bed-ridden illnesses among the participants to a mere 13%!

    Yes!  Medical science has proved - all over the Free World - that the men or women who follow this simple program of self-protection MAY ACTUALLY BE IN BETTER CONDITION AT EIGHTY OR NINETY THAN OTHER MEN ARE AT THIRTY OR FORTY!

    What is the simple self-preservation routine?  As released to you in Dr Martin's new book, it consists of two thrilling parts - both of which will cut years off your appearance, at the same time that they add years to your life.

The First Step - Exercises Without Motion
That Take
Only 6 Seconds Each!

First to give you overnight results from this amazing program, Dr Martin introduces you to the incredible SIX SECOND ISOMETRIC EXERCISES - that were reccomended by the Illinois State Medical Association. . .that are so effective that they were actually kept "top secret" when they were used in closed-door training by the United States men and womens Olympic teams!

    Think of it!  Here are simple easy-to-do exercises that you perform only three times a week, and only six seconds each time.  A total of only eighteen seconds per week for each exercise - with no motion and no sweat - simply pitting one muscle against another!  

    And here's what they do for you...

    If you are a man, these six-second-exercises will straighten your back, broaden your shoulders - and above all - pull in your stomach sometimes as much as two to three inches in the first few weeks! They'll put new drive in your legs, new wind in your chest, new power in your grip!

    Or, if you are a woman, these six-second-exercises will firm you up where you need it the most - in your hips and thighs, in that bulging tummy, under your chin and around the neck!  They'll put new grace in your step - give you a posture and a figure and a walk that can stop men in their tracks a full mile behind you!

    And you'll see the results, you'll feel the results, your friends will comment on the results, in the first few weeks alone!

    All this from just eighteen seconds per exercise per week!  Plus simple new endurance exercises that give amazing new strength to your legs and your circulation . . . that charge up your entire body with vibrant new youth . . . that gives you that wonderful "Fit-as-a-Fiddle" reserve of energy, that can work all day and play all night.

The Second Step - A New Kind Of Diet
With Diet Snacks Every Day
And Diet Holidays Every Week!

    And finally to really peel off that ugly fat . . . to get you as "slim as a teen-ager" in the shortest possible time . . . and to keep you at your healthiest and best looking weight for the rest of your life Dr Martin gives you a revolutionary Live-Longer diet that actually has "forbidden-food" cheating built right in!

    Yes!  Here is a diet that lets your Will Power crack wide open every seventh day!  That lets you eat anything you want ANY TIME you want it during that wonderful Diet Holiday!  And then when it puts you back on your regular routine for another six days it actually lets you sneak in a delicious  "extra snack" on every one of those days to keep from stretching your Will Power too far!

    No wonder this "cheater's diet" melts pounds off your body faster than you've ever known before!  No wonder it has you looking and feeling younger in a matter of a few short weeks!  No wonder it helps keep you from "slipping back" - keeps you looking young, slim, fit, FOR AS MUCH AS FORTY YEARS TO COME!

Read It
For Ten Days
Entirely At Our Risk!

    But even this complete Physical Fitness Program - which takes up to twenty years off your appearance while it adds up to forty years to your life - is only one small part of this great book!

    Here in this book is complete documentation showing you how to build a stronger heart and lungs - greater regularity - better circulation - a glowing complexion - greater sexual vigor - and a far better memory!

    Here is information you can trust on the latest methods of combating heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, arthritis and the other diseases of middle and old age!  A few simple techniques - any one of which may easily save your life - may add up to forty health-packed years to your future!

    Here are the medical facts you must know about weekend sports and your heart - smoking and drinking and why Dr. Martin does not forbid them - how ordinary callisthenics can kill you - the safe proven way to take care of your back in every lifting situation - a five second breathing-and-relaxing exercise that may double your vitality during the day - and dozens more!

    All packed into one great book - HOW TO LIVE TO BE 100 - yours to examine without risking a penny!

    This revolutionary book is only $4.98 complete!  You examine it for ten full days at our risk!  If not amazed and delighted, simply return it at the end of that time for every cent of your purchase price back!  Act today!

Look Slimmer Instantly!

     Would you invest six seconds a day - three times a week - to take inches of the appearance of your waist!
     This man is doing a simple six second exercise, which will straighten his back - pull in his stomach like nothing he has ever done before!  The full details of this exercise are given to you in Dr Clement Martin's revolutionary book - HOW TO LIVE TO BE 100. Read it for ten full days without risking a penny!  Send in the No-Risk coupon today!
Isometric exercise

Executive Research Institute
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Executive Research Institute, Inc, 1964