Take Back Your Mind Speech
Take Back Your Mind Speech..."One day, by accident, I stumbled across this site, it totally impacted my life and changed my mind-set about marketing and the Internet completely. " Jim Davis a true disciple of Michael Senoff
Teacher, Author Dynamic Speaker & Trainer
The man who gave this Take Back Your Mind Speech took $5,000 and turned it into $300 million in five years.
He netted over $30 million, created over 800 millionaires, and has created over 78 corporations.
How did he do it? It all started with this message.
This short nine minute recording will be the most amazing audio presentation you ever hear. Or it can be the worst. It's about how how to get your attitude right.
It's about how to take back your mind. It's a challenge to America. It's about believe and faith. Faith in your self.
It's the shortest audio recording on my site, yet what I believe to be the most powerful out of all 157 hours.
This message has been used to motivate thousands of people all over the world.
It is recognized as one of the most dynamic motivational talks ever made. I hope it will inspire you to listen to many of my other audio recordings.
I hope it will give you the courage to believe in your self.
Glenn: Two percent of American people control a third of the wealth of this nation, and they’re jerking this thing, and the rest of us are dancing to it because we’ve been brainwashed from the first grade to the college level into believing that we don’t have a chance. That we should get out of college. Get myself a big company until we give our whole life.
Glenn: I challenge you to take back your mind because you lost it at the age of two when your mothers and your fathers, and your friends and your teachers and your neighbors begin to tell you what you could do and what you couldn’t do. Whatever they told you for the most part you began to accept and believe.
Glenn: Does it surprise you to find out that 95% of the people in this nation and in this world are financial failures at the age of 55? Does it also surprise you to find out that most people are unhappy, dissatisfied with their position and don’t believe in themselves? That they believe in an automobile. That they believe in a house, a car?
Glenn: Today I’m here to tell you why. Why? It’s real simple. Because we don’t think. Man is an animal who was put here to rise himself off of his knees by his brain. In the beginning man was like any other animal. He didn’t have any claws to fight with. He didn’t have any brute strength to whip the other animals with. He couldn’t run the fastest. Therefore man had to develop the only thing that could give him control over other animals and that was his mind. So he thought.
Glenn: What people thought was the least important part of an animal and developed a part that you can’t see and developed it and outsmarted the other animals on the earth. He learned to build his home in a cave, where he had to protect it from the back and from the top from the larger animals. So he began to think. Then in time, millions of years, man did not multiply on earth because he couldn’t think that afar ahead.
Glenn: So what happened? The population doubled in the 16th Century. Then in the 18th century it jumped another link. We’re becoming unbalanced because we have too many people. And yes, this enormous brain has now quit being developed in the last hundred years or so. It’s been turned into a computer – a computer that’s controlled by other stronger animals, other men. Two percent of American people control a third of the wealth of this nation, and they’re jerking this thing, and the rest of us are dancing to it because we’ve been brainwashed from the first grade to the college level into believing that we don’t have a chance. That we should get out of college. Get myself a big company until we give our whole life.
Glenn: I challenge you to take back your mind because you lost it at the age of two when your mothers and your fathers, and your friends and your teachers and your neighbors begin to tell you what you could do and what you couldn’t do. Whatever they told you for the most part you began to accept and believe. Because the way we’ve been programmed to think is what we produce.
Glenn: To prove my point, if you’d been born in Russia your thoughts at this very moment for the most part would be that of a communist type person. If you’d been born in a home of poverty, you don’t have but very little confidence. You don’t think you can get up or do anything. If you were born in the home of a millionaire, then if you’re listening they’ll teach you how to play the stock market and how to do this and how to do that and stay up there.
Glenn: Because the way we’ve been programmed to think is what we produce. The only difference between you and anybody in this world is it has more out of life than you do. Keep in mind that when I talk about success I’m not talking about financial success alone. Everyone doesn’t want that. I’m talking about being the best teacher, the best preacher, the best doctor, the best housewife, the best lawyer, the best of whatever it is you choose.
Glenn: We sell this course. Do you know what this course is? Do you know what we’re selling you? We’re selling you nothing? We are selling you nothing. All we’re doing is developing what’s already in your mind. Nobody wants to buy nothing and most people think they’re nothing. How can we sell a man himself when he doesn’t think much of himself? He knows about automobiles. That’s important, but you’re not going to get him too easily to invest in nothing.
Glenn: Who says he’s nothing? Not I. Not himself. His neighbors and friends have told him all his life that he is nothing. People all over the world are sitting around with a brain that’s been lost. It’s shrunk to the size of a pinhead. What’s left is that big gray mass matter that has been turned into a computer. How do you know it’s gray? I’m worth $5,000 a year because that’s what I heard. I’m worth $10,000 because that’s what they claim to be worth.
Glenn: What does it take to be a success? Using your brain. Not the computer. The computer says, “Oh you can do this. You can’t do that. You can have this. You can’t have that.” There are only two percent that can make a decision today without asking their lawyer, their doctor, their neighbor, their Aunt Nelly or Uncle John or their two-year-old son.
Glenn: You’re puppets on a string and people are jerking them. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if I could lay my head right on your heads and give you instant belief in yourself? In this day of modern age we have instant disbelief. What does it take to make and instant success? Believing it’ll happen to you. You see that’s the hard part.
Glenn: Making a million was the easiest thing I ever done. Dreaming it could happen with an eighth grade education was the hard part. That took me 33 years.
Glenn: More people are telling you it won’t work than any business you’re in or any business you want to become great in you are generally right, because most people ain’t going to make it.
Glenn: Most people who are listening to me today are going to get all jacked up all inspired and three out of four of you that take this course will never do anything with it. It won’t help you a bit because you won’t listen to it. Because you won’t use your brain but you’ll use your computer and every time I put an attitude in yours that’ll make you make it, somebody else will destroy it.
Glenn: What will it take to become a success? Associating with successful thinking people that say, “I’ll help you.” That’ll encourage you.
Glenn: I am a man who is willing to work, who’s willing to sweat, who’s willing to fight, who’s willing to never give up, who realized that anybody can make it if he’s willing to get himself an outlook on life that says he can make it in six weeks. You need an adequate source. You need an outlook on life. You need a front. You need a business for yourself if that’s your desire.
Glenn: At the age of six he’ll tell you you’re the greatest person in the world. At the age of 14 he wonders what happened to you. He understands you griping. He understands that you have no confidence in yourself. He hears you complain about high taxes. He hears you complaining about the neighbors. He hears you explaining the only reason that the road is paved from your house to work is so you won’t see yourself working yourself into a rut. The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.
Glenn: What does it take to become a success? Believing in one’s self. I’m telling you, you can have anything you want in this life. That first step is the hardest thing you’ll ever do.
Glenn: I challenge you to take back your mind because you lost it at the age of two when your mothers and your fathers, and your friends and your teachers and your neighbors begin to tell you what you could do and what you couldn’t do. Whatever they told you for the most part you began to accept and believe.