1. The 30 Craziest Referral Systems Taylor Swift Uses… Chunked Down For Your Business - 70-minute audio, 30-page transcript For the full description of each interview click here. 2. How To Turn Customers Into Evangelists: Module Two Of The Taylor Swift Referral System Series: Systems 1-4 - 37-minute audio, 17-page transcript For the full description of each interview click here. 3. The Power Of Free Module Three Of The Taylor Swift Referral System Series: Systems 5 - 9 - 36-minute audio, 17-page transcript For the full description of each interview click here. 4. How To Stand Apart From The Competition, Grab Your Customer, And Pull Them Through The Door Module Four Of The Taylor Swift Referral System Series: Systems 10-15 - 37-minute audio, 18-page transcript For the full description of each interview click here. 5. How To Use The Power Of Free To Train Customers To Buy At Full Price Module Five Of The Taylor Swift Referral System Series: Systems 16-21 - 36-minute audio, 18-page transcript For the full description of each interview click here. 6. The Fastest Known Ways To Create Limitless Referrals: Module Six of The Taylor Swift Referral System Series: Systems 22- 27 - 34-minute audio, 16-page transcript For the full description of each interview click here. 7. Know These Secrets For Building Rapport And Your Referral Marketing Will Be On Autopilot Module Seven Of The Taylor Swift Referral System Series: Systems 28-30 - 36-minute audio, 18-page transcript For the full description of each interview click here. 8. Bonus - From Legendary Marketing Expert Glenn's a Four-Part Interview Series Called The Secrets Millionaires Spill At A Jay Abraham Seminar… And More Part One: $15,000 Seminar Seats And The Secrets Behind Them - 38-minute audio Part Two: Your Quick-Start Guide To The Sneaky Psychological Tactic Known As NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) - 42-minute audio Part Three: Why You Should Never Try To Sell Prospects On Anything But What They’re Already Buying - 39-minute audio Part Four: How To Land Business Deals With Billionaires - 37-minute audio - 57-page transcript includes all 4 parts For the full description of each of the four interview click here. 9. Bonus 3 Separate Interviews Containing Referral Getting Secrets Interview 1: Here's A Complete Marketing System To Get Referrals Without Begging - Part One - 46-minute audio, Part Two - 41-minute audio, 36-page transcript containing both parts Interview 2: How To Start Generating A Flood of New Clients Using These Proven Referral Systems That You Can Start Today - Part One - 30-minute audio, Part Two - 26-minute audio, 26-page transcript containing both parts Interview 3: Referrals - 10 Ways To Get More - 82-minute audio, 26-page transcript For the full description of each of the three interviews click here.
A well crafted referral system is
your ultimate secret weapon when it come to marketing your
business, product or service. If you're a marketing coach, copywriter, web site developer or consultant, use this system to create an endless stream of referrals for your client's business and finally get them to stop spending money on advertising. Gain an understanding about the
most underrated step of business growth know to marketing. And now it's yours for only $297 without any ongoing payments.
The Taylor Swift Referrals Gone Mad Getting System With millions of insanely loyal fans all over the world, it’s safe to say Taylor Swift is a mastermind at referral marketing. Called “Swifties,” her fans compete with one another to sing her praises the loudest because Taylor gives them incentives to do it. When her album 1989 was leaked before its official release, Swifties worked together to stop it from affecting sales. That album went on to go platinum that year, and Taylor is projected to make $200 million off her 1989 tour alone. How does she do it? She uses sponsors, giveaways, sampling, endorsements…. She builds rapport and gets into the subconscious minds of her fans. She adds value to her products, educates her consumers, builds connections… She uses ugly to her advantage and always shows her audience the reasons to buy. She does it all, and she does it well. And in this seven-module audio you’ll get an in-depth analysis of the referral strategies and secrets Taylor Swift uses to build her incredible empire… scaled down into bite-sized pieces so you can use them in your day-to-day business.Module One: The Psychological (Almost Sneaky) Ways You Can Get Into The Minds Of Your Customers When it comes to referral marketing, connections are essential, especially the psychological ones that keep your existing customers loyal while also expanding your customer base. And Taylor is a genius at using these kinds of neurological triggers, partnerships, and endorsements to successfully link herself to other stars and the personal lives of her fans. In fact, she kicked off her career almost 10 years ago with a successful endorsement when she name-dropped Tim McGraw in one of her songs, essentially piggybacking off his credibility and connecting herself to his fan base without anyone even realizing she was doing it. And in Module One, you’ll hear all about these psychological connections and how you can use them in your marketing too. You'll Also Hear...
Connections are powerful – no matter if they link you to a trusted figure in your field or directly to your customer. Glenn’s been interviewing millionaires for more than 25 years, so he knows the power of those connections and the other referral systems that work to get people to trust you, like you, and hand you their money. And in Module One, you’ll hear all about how Taylor Swift uses psychological tactics in her marketing and how you can too. This audio interview is 70-minutes and includes an accompanying 30-page transcript. 2) How To Turn Customers Into Evangelists: Module Two Of The Taylor Swift Referral System Series: Systems 1-4Taylor Swift doesn’t just tweet messages; she monitors her Twitter account. When she notices a particular fan is doing a great job promoting her brand on social media, she rewards that person with expensive gifts and personal attention. Of course, this has a snowball effect with her referral marketing when those lucky fans post the pictures and videos of the presents they get. The other fans notice, drool, and want to get their own stuff from Taylor too. And because they know they need to be a special fan to get it… soon, they’re all competing to be the loudest Evangelist. You can have that too. And in Module Two of the Taylor Swift Referral Series, you’ll hear how successful smaller businesses use this same concept of rewarding customers so that their regular customers turn into super-fans, and how you can too. You'll Also Hear…
When you give customers a reason to refer, they will. And it won’t take long for your referral marketing to skyrocket from there. Taylor Swift makes it fun and exciting to be one of her biggest fans with surprise gifts, interactive games, freebies, sampling and personalized rapport. But just because she’s a big name doesn’t mean you can’t use those same strategies with your audience too. And in Module Two, you’ll hear the first four systems, complete with concrete everyday examples of how to work them. This audio interview is 37-minutes and includes an accompanying 17-page transcript Module Three Of The Taylor Swift Referral System Series: Systems 5 - 9 It’s no secret; people like getting stuff for free. They like samples, freebies, contests, coupons, discounts, bonuses – pretty much anything. If it’s free, consumers will love it and they’ll love you for giving it to them. Taylor is a mastermind at giving stuff away to her fans, but she also uses free to her advantage when she builds partnerships with sponsors and advertisers too. It’s a great way to grow a business without spending money to do it. And in Module Three, you’ll hear how she stretches her dollars and how you can do it too with concrete “small guy” examples including how a printing business grew by 1200% in one year from just one JV they made with their local Chamber of Commerce. Deals are made between businesses all the time, and you don’t have to be Taylor Swift to do it. Here’s how. You’ll Also Hear…
Jay Abraham was once asked what marketing secret he would keep if he had to give up everything else. He answered, “endorsements.” Endorsements are powerful marketing tools because they’re like having a trusted expert vouch for your credibility. But you don’t have to be famous to make endorsements and JV deals for your business. And in Module Three, you’ll hear systems for doing that along with other ways you can make free work for you. This audio interview is 36-minutes and includes an accompanying 17-page transcript. 4) How To Stand Apart From The Competition, Grab Your Customer, And Pull Them Through The Door Module Four Of The Taylor Swift Referral System Series: Systems 10-15 If there’s only one marketing lesson you take from Taylor Swift, consider this one: Be different. While many young female artists seem to be dressing and acting in a certain way to get attention, Taylor refuses to do it. She said in an interview once that she didn’t want her grandchildren asking, “Grandma, is that your nipple?” Being different is a good thing. It’s what sets you apart from your competition. And it’s what Glenn says you need in order to grab customers and pull them through the door because it’s not enough to just “have good stuff” anymore. And in Module Four of the Taylor Swift Referral System Series, you’ll hear the kinds of strategies you can use to stand out from the rest of the pack… even if you’re selling the same stuff as everyone else. You’ll Also Hear…
From flying cows to lottery tickets, you’ll hear how Glenn always looks for the weird when he’s running his marketing because it pays to stand out from the competition. And in this audio, you’ll hear why it’s so important to show customers how you’re different, ways to emphasize those differences, and how to make it all work to get customers through the door. This audio interview is 37-minutes and includes an accompanying 18-page transcript. 5) How To Use The Power Of Free To Train Customers To Buy At Full Price Module Five Of The Taylor Swift Referral System Series: Systems 16-21 When a struggling health food store asked Glenn for marketing help, it didn’t take long for him to figure out their problem. Customers were only coming in during the store’s big sales. They had essentially been trained to only buy at discounts. But the good news is – you can retrain them. When Taylor Swift made the decision to pull all of her songs off the streaming music giant Spotify, she was basically retraining her fans to see music as something with value that shouldn’t be free. And in Module Five of the Taylor Swift Referral System, you’ll hear how to retrain customers to buy at full price by showing them the value.Glenn was able to help the owner of the health food store turn that business around – and retrain customers to buy out of cycle and at full price – by giving away samples of the store’s best products in a fun and interactive way. And in this audio, you’ll hear all about it along with the other ways you can get customers through the doors… and not just during sales. You’ll Also Hear . . .
Music artists like Taylor Swift can’t just show up and sing anymore. They have to put on a whole show with elaborate choreographed dancing, costumes, and lights. And you can’t expect to just put out a product or put up a store and have people show up without giving them something extra too. But that doesn’t mean it has to be a sale. If you create a unique and special experience for customers, they’ll buy more, refer more, and keep coming back – even if it’s not at a discount. And in Module Five, you’ll hear how. This audio interview is 36-minutes and includes an accompanying 18-page transcript. 6) The Fastest Known Ways To Create Limitless Referrals: Module Six of The Taylor Swift Referral System Series: Systems 22- 27 At one point in his career, Glenn was making $50,000 a year on one newsletter alone – and he built his following using only referrals. He says referrals don’t have limitations. You just have to know how to create different referral-marketing streams so they multiply from all directions. and in Module Six, you’ll hear how. Glenn says one the most effective strategies is using what he calls the Golden Rule of Reciprocity, which means if you give stuff away for free, people will feel obligated to return the favor by buying stuff from you. And you’ll hear ways to incorporate that strategy into your marketing, along with other strategies you can use to create unlimited referrals. You’ll Also Hear . . .
Joint ventures, endorsements, freebies – the same strategies Glenn used to promote his newsletter, or Taylor Swift uses to send albums to platinum level, will also work in any industry. And in Module Six, you’ll hear all about the powerful tools designed to create the kind of limitless referrals that grow businesses fast, and how to apply them to your business. This audio interview is 36-minutes and includes an accompanying 16-page transcript. 7) Know These Secrets For Building Rapport And Your Referral Marketing Will Be On Autopilot Module Seven Of The Taylor Swift Referral System Series: Systems 28-30 Like it or not, there’s a barrier between you and your customer that you have to break through before they will trust, like, refer, and buy from you. And building rapport is the fastest known way to do that. Taylor Swift is a mastermind when it comes to creating the kind of personal connections that turn ordinary fans into super-fans. She does it by essentially entering the minds and living rooms of her audience with her song lyrics, social networking, interactive apps, etc. Her fans feel like she’s a trusted friend who cares about them. And in Module Seven, Glenn analyzes the many systems Taylor uses to do this while also showing how small businesses can use those same concepts too. You’ll Also Hear . . .
Taylor Swift has millions of crazy-loyal “Evangelist-like” fans all over the world because she knows what she’s doing when it comes to referral marketing. She uses everything from sponsors and endorsements to NLP and giveaways. But the good news is – you can take those same concepts and twist, modify and make them work for your business too, whether it’s online or offline. And in Module Seven, you’ll hear how. This audio interview is 36-minutes and includes an accompanying 18-page transcript. 8) Bonus - From Legendary Marketing Expert Glenn's a Four-Part Interview Series Called The Secrets Millionaires Spill At A Jay Abraham Seminar… And More Sometime ago, while Glenn was at a $15,000 Jay Abraham seminar chock-full of successful marketing millionaires, he noticed a trend. Millionaire after millionaire would get up in front of the crowd and say things like, “Thank you, Jay, I just made 400 million by incorporating thank-you cards into my marketing.” Everyone would applaud, and the guy would sit back down. This happened time and time again, and drove Glenn crazy because Glenn wasn’t there to applaud – he was there to get information. So while everyone else moved on with their day, Glenn would go to the back of the seminar and interview millionaires for specifics on the things they were bragging about – he wanted to know how they made that 400 million using thank-you cards, or how they got a 70% response rate after the fifth direct mailing. And they usually told him. So in this four-part interview, you’ll hear all about the secrets Glenn learned at those seminars along with more tips and tricks from this legend including sneaky ways you can incorporate NLP into your marketing, how to use your best clients as a “bank,” the only effective way to do telemarketing -- and even how to do a handwriting analysis. - 57-page transcript includes all 4 parts Part One: $15,000 Seminar Seats And The Secrets Behind Them Glenn sold seats at Jay Abraham seminars, and he was good at it. With his approach, he could sell seats to just about anyone because he realized prospects were already sold on the seminar; they just didn’t have the money to go. So he would look for ways to make them the money. And in Part One of this audio, you’ll not only hear how he did that, but you’ll also get a behind-the-scenes look at the hidden secrets only the insiders at a Jay Abraham seminar know including… • The one secret Jay Abraham said he would
keep if he had to give away all of his marketing secrets… except
for one - 38-minute audio Part Two: Your Quick-Start Guide To The Sneaky Psychological Tactic Known As NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) When Glenn’s friend was in a poker tournament, Glenn taught him a few NLP tricks to take to the table. In the middle of the game, Glenn had his friend ask the other players about the good times in their poker careers. By anchoring those good feelings to a gesture, Glenn’s friend easily won the tournament – and his opponents never figured out they were simply playing “looser” when they were subconsciously instructed to. And in Part Two of this audio, you’ll hear exactly how he did it. You’ll also hear… • The basics of NLP including examples of
how to create an anchor without anyone knowing it - 42-minute audio Part Three: Why You Should Never Try To Sell Prospects On Anything But What They’re Already Buying According to Glenn, whenever you call a prospect on the phone and try to sell them on anything except what they’re already buying, they’ll just hang up on you. Everyone wants to stay in their comfort zone, and they’ll instantly tune anything out that asks them to do otherwise. So if you’re selling consulting services, tell them you can double or triple what they’re already doing. Then when you’re in there, you can approach them with something new. And in Part Three of this interview, you’ll hear how to do that along with… • The hidden psychological trap you fall
into every time you use the word “proposal” and the only phrase
you should use with clients instead - 39-minute audio Part Four: How To Land Business Deals With Billionaires When a billionaire calls to do business, pretend you’re too busy and reschedule for later. According to Glenn, you have to “credential” yourself like that by forcing billionaires to follow you. Otherwise, they probably won’t do business. It’s all part of the “psychological” game that works when you’re dealing with the affluent. And in Part Four of this interview, you’ll hear all about that including how Glenn helped one of his friends use NLP on Steve Jobs – and it worked despite the fact that Steve was a huge NLP user himself. The guy ended up selling his free site to Apple for millions. You’ll also hear… • The secret way Glenn analyzed Steve Jobs’
handwriting, what he found out, and the sneaky way he used that
information to “sell Steve on his own ego” Glenn has pretty much seen and done it all. As a worker at Jay Abraham’s seminars, he’s heard the kinds of inside secrets, tips, and tricks that go a long way in sales and marketing. He’s grilled millionaires for years on how they make their fortunes, and he’s a whiz at the “mind control” psychological tactics you can use to persuade people without them even knowing it. And in this four-part audio, you’ll hear it all. - 37-minute audio 9) Bonus 3 Separate Interviews Containing Referral Getting Secrets Walt Disney said if you want
referrals, do what you do so well that others can not resist
telling others about you, and that’s the basis of referrals. And they will brag to this family, their brother, their collages and business contacts. When you have a friend that recommends you to someone else, those people will listen to their friends and they are more open to listening to you. People are skeptical, and when
all of a sudden you have somebody who opens the door These special recordings are sure to get you off to a fast start. Interview 1: Here's A Complete Marketing System To Get Referrals Without Begging Immunize yourself from difficult
economic times by having a strong referral system in place. The
top sales producers, in any industry, get most of their income
through referrals. He had the same poor results
everyone else had. Paul searched for, found, and interviewed 48
sales superstars in a variety of industries. His 'superstar'
criteria included earning a million dollars or more annual
income, at least 50% of their business is from referrals, and
they must be in a relationship driven industry. Not only did he create the system...but he uses it to help people in their referral only of course! You'll hear several case studies in
this seminar.
Case Study #3-
Stuart had been a realtor for 4 years when he contacted Paul in
early 2007. He was closing 1 house a month and made $50,000 in
2006. Now in 2007, he's closed 30 deals so far and is on track
to triple his income to $150,000. Once you have your own system in place you'll never have to fear a weak economy again. - Part One - 46-minute audio, Part Two - 41-minute audio, 36-page transcript containing both parts Interview 2: How To Start Generating A Flood of New Clients Using These Proven Referral Systems That You Can Start Today Here is an interview with Bill Bodri on a subject you will not find much information about. It's on proven referral systems. This information if used properly will increase your business in a big way. But first, I want to tell you a little bit about Bill's background. Bill is an expert in marketing, creativity, innovation, and peak human performance with wide international experience in a variety of fields. Bill holds a Master's Degree in Engineering, an MBA from Cornell University, and a Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition. His background before becoming a private consultant includes positions as a management for Booz Allen and Hamilton, engineer for Eastman Kodak and IBM, investment strategist for Citibank Asia, director of research for various Wall Street firms, and direct investment specialist for Hong Kong and China. Bill, now living and working between New York, Hong Kong, and Shanghai on a variety of exciting projects, has written a number of management marketing and mind training books including Kuan Tzu's Supreme Secret for the Global CEO, How to Write a Million Dollar USP and a variety of health, peak performance and business efficiency, and mental training e-books. In this next recording on creativity and brainstorming, you're going to learn a lot of practical advice that you can use in your consulting business. This recording is about sixty minutes. It's in two parts, broken down to thirty minutes each. Enjoy! You'll learn specific techniques that get referrals fast and how to keep the coming in day after day and month after month. You'll discover one referral strategy to quickly create a predictable stream of clients for your consulting practice without face-to-face asking. Now you can get all the referrals you can handle without the pain and humiliation of begging. Learn how to get better quality referrals that are more hungry to do business with you. Learn how giving away gifts to get others to send clients your way. Learn how to get customers to lend you their Rolodex for the day so you can tap their network of vendors and best customers. - Part One - 30-minute audio, Part Two - 26-minute audio, 26-page transcript containing both parts Interview 3: Referrals - 10 Ways To Get More Referrals are one of the most powerful tools for growing your business. They're cheaper than advertising and cold calling and work a lot better. And without referrals, you're pretty much just making cold calls. So in this interview you'll meet another
one of my Referral Marketing Pros who's going to show you some more
ways to use referrals for your consulting business - including how
to get more referrals, how to set up a referral system and how to
use referrals more efficiently.
- 82-minute audio, 26-page transcript HERE'S WHAT THE TAYLOR SWIFT REFERRALS GONE MADE GETTING SYSTEM WILL DO FOR YOU A well crafted referral system is
your ultimate secret weapon when it come to marketing your
business, product or service. If you're a marketing coach, copywriter, web site developer or consultant, use this system to create an endless stream of referrals for your client's business and finally get them to stop spending money on advertising. Gain an understanding about the
most underrated step of business growth know to marketing. And now it's yours for only $297 without any ongoing payments.
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