Seven Interviews From Marketing Legends Over 70

   I have searched my archives for 7 of my most powerful audio interviews from experts over 70. I love interviewing people who have years of experience behind them. These years of experience are like gold. Each of these interviews are packed with money making ideas and specific examples of how to make your life better, fuller and richer. Enjoy.

Jim Straw Interview Free MP3 Download

How I Made 400 Million Dollars Selling Products Through Mail Order.

Jim Straw

Jim Straw Mail Order Legend

Even though he only has a high school degree and a year of college, Jim Straw has made more than $400 million selling products through the mail.

And according to Jim, anyone can get rich doing mail order -you just have to know the commandments of success. And in this question-and-answer interview with students from Michael Senoff's, you'll hear Jim Straw's advice for getting to the top of your personal ladder.

According to Jim, every entrepreneur has started in sales and marketing because, no matter what business you think you're in, if you're not selling, you're not making money.

That's why in order to be successful, it's important to learn the building blocks of business and sales. And in this interview Jim tells us all about them.

You'll Also Learn How…

• Jim makes his living working just 3 hours a day
• Why Jim says you should always test, test and retest your market - and how to effectively measure those results
• How to easily and quickly build an email list from scratch - and other ways to use the internet to enhance your business and increase your customer base
• What was Jim's biggest mistake and what he learned from it
• Why you need to learn the fundamentals of business in order to be successful and the best book for learning them
• How to get PR articles written about your business for next to nothing
• How to stop throwing away viable business opportunities by understanding the business of business - and stop yourself from thinking like a consumer
• The two things you need to know to be successful in business and in life
• And much more

NOTE: This is a recreation of Jim Straw's Voice. Jim was unable to do a phone interview because of some hearing problems. This is an actor playing the part of Jim Straw. These are Jim Straw's words from written answers to questions submitted by students. Now let's get going.

Michael Senoff Interviews The King Mr. Glenn W Turner

Glenn W Turner

Here is one of my most fascinating interviews ever. It's with Glenn Turner. It me interviewing Glenn Turner like he's never been interviewed before. Glenn in considered one of the most dynamic and charismatic speakers of our times. He's was the Toney Robbins of the 1970s. This interview is the fascinating real life case study of how a man with a physical disability, no money, and no confidence had the courage to build himself into a wealthy, greatly respected man who was, and still is a role model to thousands of people. But it is not just a rags to riches story. It contains valuable lessons in honesty, tenacity, humor, and respecting others you'll take to heart.

Glenn Turner was born in 1934 in South Carolina to an unwed mother. He was very poor. His mother's prenatal illness of scarlet fever caused Glenn to be born with a clef palate and a hair lip. As an infant, he had surgery in an attempt to correct these problems. Even so, his disability was always noticeable.

He dropped out of school in the 8th grade mainly because of the teasing about his hair lip by other children. When he was only 17 years old, he had his father sign for him so that he could join the Air Force. Unfortunately, he was given a medical discharge one year later because it was discovered that he had a perforated eardrum.

Upon exploring job opportunities, he was told that his outlook was bleak because he had no education. He was directed to and enrolled in an Opportunity School. This was a school for people who had dropped out of school or had never gone to school. This school saved his life. It gave him the inspiration to complete school and the first boost of confidence in his life.

Glenn eventually started selling sewing machines door to door. Because of his past experiences, Glenn didn't have much confidence at first. However, he was fortunate to have the ability to learn about sales from his manager who became his mentor. This mentoring relationship helped Glenn to be very successful. Glenn never forgot the importance of having a good mentor.

He was soon introduced to Holiday Magic, an MLM cosmetic sales company Glenn was mortgage the family furniture to borrow $5000 to become a distributor. In short time, Glenn surpassed fellow distributor, Zig Ziegler, and became the Number One distributor for Holiday Magic. In fact, he made a quarter of a million dollars just in his first eight months with Holiday Magic!

Glenn reveals how he transformed from having little confidence to having the confidence of a master speaker and entrepreneur. When Glenn was 26, he left Holiday Magic and began his own cosmetic MLM marketing company. It was called Koscot.

Hear how Glenn grew Koskot to a $100 million dollar powerhouse in just 36 short months. Listen how Koscot was organized and how it ran. At the height of it's growth, Koscot was larger than Amway.

Glenn developed a new company named Dare To Be Great because Koscot had a need for training materials and courses. Many Koscot salespeople left their distributorships and became involved with the Dare to be Great program. People flocked to Dare To Be Great because they were fascinated with everyone's positive attitude and success. In fact, Glenn estimates that more than 800 people became millionaires through Koscot and Dare To Be Great.

MLM laws were non-existent when Glenn first started. But as the laws developed, Glenn started being investigated for different kinds of illegal activities, including mail fraud.

He subsequently worked with one of his former employees in the development of a new MLM, Challenge America. The company was investigated and Glenn was eventually charged with "aiding and abetting a pyramid." He spent almost five years in an Arizona prison. In this interview, you'll hear Glenn discuss his experiences in prison.

Glenn's real passion is teaching personal development and the importance of maintaining a positive attitude. He has written several books and estimates that he has sold seven million books and audio-tape programs in his career combined.

Listen as Glenn gives advice on how to protect themselves. He says that he made the mistake of not protecting himself because he was always being honest. Because of lawmakers and the legal system, simply being honest was not enough.

This interview is an absolute gem! Glenn proves how a person can go from rags to riches and from ruin to recovery through the power of positive thinking and honesty.

How To Take Back Your Mind Because Your Lost It At The Age Of Two

Glen W Turner

If you don't have the right attitude before listening to any of the audio recordings on my site, they won't do you a bit of good. So the first thing you need to do to be successful is to get your attitude right. Because if you're not right on the inside, your not going to be right on the outside. Without the right attitude what you hear on will go in one ear and out the other. And I don't want that to happen to you. Life is short and I'd rather you not be wasting your time. This short nine minute recording is about how how to get your attitude right. It's about how to take back your mind. It's about believe and faith. Faith in your self. It's the shortest audio recording on my site, yet the most powerful. That's why it's first on this page. This message has been used to motivate thousands of people all over the world. It is recognized as one of the most dynamic motivational talks ever made. I hope it will inspire you to listen to many of my other audio recordings. I hope it will give you the courage to believe in your self. All the tools for success are here at But your attitude must be right first. This clip is nine minutes. The full version of this recording is 34 minutes. The man who gave this speech took $5,000 and turned it into $300 million in five years. He netted over $30 million, created over 800 millionaires, and has created over 78 corporations. How did he do it?

Business Success Takes More than Just Effort: Michael Senoff Interviews Mr. X

The businessman in this interview prefers to remain anonymous, so we'll call him Mr. X. He is not related to the Mr. X book sold by Jay Abraham.

Mr. X is the CEO of a Silicon Valley corporation. He's also a multimillionaire. It takes a tremendous amount of drive, determination and focus to get to his level of success, and in this interview, Mr. X tells us exactly what that means. Unlike many other businessmen, he isn't afraid to discuss the "nitty-gritty" elements of the business ladder.

"You may have your body with your wife but your mind should still be with your business."
According to Mr. X, in order to be successful you've got to give "total response to it -- complete mind, body, soul, bones, bone marrow, and flesh, everything you've got." It's not enough to merely study business; you pretty much have to breathe it.

This is an honest interview with someone right smack in the middle of the business world. If you're looking for a sugarcoated version, this isn't the interview for you because Mr. X doesn't hold many things back.

Here are some of the things you'll hear in this interview…

• When to fail on purpose… and why
• The essential things you must do and look for when putting together a driven, business-hungry management team.
• Why Mr. X says you should never hire anyone who's worked as a policeman, CIA, FBI or in the field of intelligence operations.
• Why face-to-face meetings are infinitely more important than background checks when hiring executives.
• After you've put together a good management team, how to maintain teamwork and productivity in a fast and ever-changing marketplace.
• Why you should make sure your employees have the same drive and business philosophies you have.
• What a "reference group" is and why you should "live, sleep, wine and dine" in one.

Mr. X will be the first to tell you that millionaires aren't made overnight, despite what some con artists may claim. It's not always easy, and it's not always pretty. But he says it should be rewarding - in more ways than just financially. So sit back and learn what it takes to run a successful multimillion-dollar business from someone who knows.

Jay Conrad Levinson Marketing Interview

Exclusive 120 Minute Detailed Fact-Finding Interview With The Father of Marketing Jay Conrad Levinson

Jay Conrad Levinson

Jay Conrad Levinson

Here's your rare look deep into the mind and personality from this Jay Conrad Levinson Marketing Interview from the father of Guerrilla Marketing.

I am pleased to present you this Jay Conrad Levinson Marketing Interview, with Jay Conrad Levinson. Jay Conrad Levinson is the author of the best-selling Guerrilla marketing book series in history, Guerrilla Marketing, plus 30 other Guerrilla business books. His Guerrilla concepts have influenced marketers so much that today his books appear in 39 languages, and are required reading for many MBA programs worldwide.

Jay was the Senior Vice President at J. Walter Thompson and in Europe as Creative Director at Leo Burnett Advertising. He writes a monthly column for Entrepreneur Magazine and articles for Incorporated Magazine.

Here is what's in this interview.

Discover what Jay Conrad Levinson's first job was in advertising. Discover the secret Jay learned from Hugh Hefner when he worked at Playboy. Hear how many hours a week Jay worked, and why it has never changed for 32 years. Wait until you hear what Jay's father did in his 9:00 to 5:00 job. Hear the story of how Jay got a 33% response with a one-page, direct mail sales letter. Hear a little secret of what Jay considers the most important thing he has ever learned in marketing. See Jay's favorite two books.

Did you know that Jay plays Poker? Find out on what night. Find out how a literary agent can help you sell millions of Guerrilla books. Hear how much Jay made in royalties on his very first Guerrilla book. Find out what edition of Jay's Guerilla Marketing book is his biggest seller. Implament the key to how to get your book published, printed, and looking as good as any book in the bookstore for only $10.

Get the 800-number to the best postcard pack people in the United States. Here's the reason why 90% of all marketing campaigns fail. You'll discover the best day of the week for making money online. You'll get the links websites for Internet market research. Hear the truth about the Got Milk commercials? Guerrilla tips on how to write a 7-sentence Guerilla Marketing plan in five minutes. You'll hear Jay's philosophy on money.

Finally, learn Jay Conrad Levinson true Guerrilla I.Q. personality and take the same exact personality test as you listen to this business interview. Have a pen and paper ready. Put on your seatbelts, Hear from the father of Guerrilla Marketing, Jay Conrad Levinson. Business Interview is 112 minutes.

82 Year Old New Yorker Reveals Lifelong Marketing & Selling Secrets Before He Dies

You can be sure that this interview with Uncle Mort will become one of my most memorable. You will hear how Mort has been an entrepreneur for more than fifty years. Listen as he gives details of his long jack-of-all-trades career in a saucy style that only Mort can tell.

After serving in World War II as a CB, Mort got into sales. He owned and managed a tire store at an early age and also got into the business of selling unique scooters.

Many of Mort's early sales experience was the direct, in-the-home sales of products such as:

  • Home improvement products

  • Pots and pans

  • Vacuum cleaners

  • Exercise machines

Wherever Mort worked, he was always became the top salesman very quickly. He had unique sales techniques that he refers to as "secrets." According to Mort, his unique marketing styles just about guaranteed every sale he attempted.

Mort tells of sometimes opposing the sales techniques used by company owners. Listen as he describes how he out-sold even the company owners through ingenuity and his personable style. Mort explains why direct sales is the best sales training for the new salesperson.

Later in his career, Mort began to get into the sales of business opportunities. He goes into great detail selling a swimming pool business opportunity. You will hear him describe his sales methodology and how he quickly became the top swimming pool salesman. His secrets are simple to remember: Be a good listener, be personable, and be honest. Mort was proud to tell me how he made twenty people who bought the swimming pool business opportunity from him became millionaires because of Mort's advice in marketing, advertising, and sales. He also relates several anecdotes associated with the swimming pool business. You will smile more than once.

Following his departure from the swimming pool business, Mort invented the mobile dog grooming business. He tells the story of how he came up with the idea and some of the trials and tribulations he had during his start-up period. However, the business was a smashing success and was written up in many, many magazines. Additionally, Mort was actually a guest on the television show, "To Tell The Truth." Yes, Mort's mobile dog grooming business got tons of publicity.

Another of Mort's ventures was promoting a swimming pool enclosure named the Stratadome. Listen to the deal the Mort made with them and he ultimately made the company successful.

Mort explains why his prefers selling business opportunities as opposed to franchises. He gives a great example when he sold a business opportunity for auto parts, specifically brakes. At his height, Mort had almost six thousand dealers. There aren't many people that can make that claim!

At the age of eighty-one, Mort is still very active in building businesses. He has the strength of growing businesses fast. He tells how to determine a good product that can be grown quickly and how can help you. Mort says that, if you use his formulas, he will make you rich. He also will tell you how to find high-ticket business opportunities.

Mort and I talk about a fascinating venture that he is currently involved in. He has partnered with a tour organization to sell great little glass-bottom tour boats to be housed at prime locations around the world. It sounds pretty lucrative. You will be amazed with how this deal works and may wish to look at Mort's web site for more detailed information

Mort tells of a few other ventures that he has headed up and how he feels that sometimes he chose bad partners. I know that you will enjoy the banter that goes on between Mort and I. It was certainly an experience for me listening to Mort's life stories and I'm sure you'll enjoy them too

Eugene Schwartz

No kidding. Having Been An Ad Man For Over Fifteen Years, I Wish I Could Have Heard This Eugene Schwartz Recording Sooner.

Eugene Schwartz

Awesome! I have paid thousands of dollars to study the material of all the well-known copywriting masters and while some elements Eugene Schwartz presents are similar, there is something completely different & amazing about his info. In a nutshell, I would say he speaks with conviction based on phenomenal copywriting success. Also, he does it in such a way that you truly feel like you are sitting in on a personal coaching session and hearing insider secrets that will set you apart from 99.99 percent of the marketing world!

Your rare recording of Eugene Schwartz's speech is an OUTSTANDING piece of marketing genius. In this recording, Schwartz offers amazing insights into his personal methods which any copywriter or marketer can benefit from instantly. I've never heard anything like this before, and I highly recommend that any serious direct response marketer stop what they are doing right now, and listen to this entire speech. It is pure genius! Kind regards, Bill O'Connell.

How To Get Investor Financing For Your Own Million Dollar Dream Business Using Little Or None Of Your Own Money Without The Hassles Of Snobby Bank Lenders And Credit Checks

Art Hamel

Welcome to another insightful two-part interview with business-buying expert, Art Hamel. In these audios, Art concentrates on how you can buy a business with investor money. This isn't something that he just thought up. All of the content you are about to hear is based on Art's actual experience for over twenty-five years.

You'll hear questions and Answers from my students about buying businesses.

When you buy a business using investor money, there are some great advantages. First of all, you pay for your business entirely by cash! That gives you an advantage over other buyers. The other important aspect is that most investors don't expect you to pay them some kind of a return every month or quarter. They will ride with you for five years or more until they expect their return. That means that you get to use all of that investor money for the entire investment term!

You will also hear Art's opinions on business brokers and how to know a good one, how to value a business, buying businesses which fit into a consumer buying cycle such as businesses that fit well with baby boomers, how to protect yourself from overpaying for a business, and much, much more!

Near the end of this Q & A session you'll hear Art's anecdotes about how he got into the seminar business in the early 1970's, how he started teaching marketing and business buying sessions that were both IRS and IBM approved, and how his one-hour infomercial on a shopping network made him such a recognized personality wherever he went.
Get ready to learn ...
* How to value a business
* The truth about government funding.
* How to buy a business with no money of your own?
* How to value a business using a third grade math formula.
* How to determine if there are unpaid bills before you buy.
* How to measure and value the "public good will worth" of a business before you buy.
* How do you keep employees from jumping ship after the sale.
* Why everything you have ever been told about business is a big lie.
* Learn Art's best technique for finding profitable but under valued businesses.
* Why never to trust a business brokers in the Midwest, specifically Indiana?
* How to get the banks to work with you as a last resort
* How to get 100% financing for existing businesses?

Each recording is 25 minutes. Sit back and listen to some of the most sought-after information in the world. So be sure to print the transcripts and read them over and over.

Here's The Exact Plan Of How A 70 Year Old Nashville Man Turns $120 Into $10,000 Twice A Month

Have you ever considered owning your own consulting business? In this interview, I talk with Sam Bowman, a successful marketing consultant from Nashville, Tennessee, who was trained in a sales and marketing system that is almost identical to the Hidden Marketing Assets (HMA) system. Based upon his experience with real face-to face selling and all the planning that goes with it, Sam explains what it takes to be successful as a marketing consultant.

The purpose of this audio tape is to share Sam Bowman's key strategies for starting and operating a successful consulting business and how he applied a sales and marketing system that works.

During this discussion, you will learn about

• Required traits and competencies of a successful consultant
• Getting started and projecting revenue
• How to get clients, number of calls, and ratio of calls to appointments
• Identifying the right clients and which clients to avoid
• Setting appointments and pre-qualifying
• Pre-call planning and handling appointments
• Importance of a client needs assessment and what to look for
• The proposal, agreement, pricing, and getting paid.

Once you listen and learn from Sam's consulting experience, you will be able to apply these methods to your own consulting business and reap the rewards of owning this type of business.

Press the green play button for each part and download the mp3 below. You can also download the transcript and mp3 audio files to reinforce your learning. .

Follow Sam's advice and you'll learn how to turn $120 into $10,000 twice a month. For more information on marketing consulting like this go to

Become A High-Paid Marketing Consultant

HMA Marketing Consultant System