Invisible Ink Pen

$3900 Invisible Ink Pen Business System


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1) Invisible Ink Pen Marketing System - 16 Secrets To Get You More Customers In A Month Than You Currently Get All Year

173-Page PDF Document That Includes:

download invisible ink pen marketing system

2) Your Question-And-Answer Guide To Making Money At Home With Your Own Specialty Pen Business

Because ID pens are cheap and easy to make, the profit margins are huge and so are the possibilities. That's why I still make and sell them today - with recurring clients, the money can be ongoing and easy.

So in this three-part audio, you'll hear an interview I did with a couple of entrepreneurs who currently own their own cleaning business but are looking into other opportunities as well.

They like the idea of making pens because it's a quick, easy, and profitable business you can do in your spare time. But they have a lot of questions about the best ways to get started, and this 96-minute audio and accompanying 31-page PDF Transcript explains it all.

Part One: How The Business Works:

There are basically four different pens I've promoted - invisible ink, redeye reduction and vanishing ink. I've always run my pen business from home using just the Internet, a telephone, fax machine and the mail, and I can help you do that too.

So in Part One, you'll hear a layout of the entire process - from sending out press releases to preparing your product samples.

You'll also hear…
* The often-overlooked ways to find clients
* What it means to become a licensee of the program - what you get
* The best ways to collect your prospects' contact information
* Key strategies for mailing product samples what envelope works best and what to include with every sample

Part Two: The Ins And Outs (And Ups And Downs)

Every business has its headaches, even the ones where you're the boss, setting your own hours and working from home. And the pen business is no different. It's a cinch to do, but you'll still have to pack, ship and make the pens. So in Part two, you'll hear what to expect in a typical workday.

You'll also hear…
* The almost fool-proof areas for marketing the pens
* Exactly what to expect when your orders come in
* The "insider Secrets" of how I keep all my different pens organized
* What size point-tip works best for each pen, and what color I use for the plug and barrel too

Part Three: Sales And Marketing

I've used many different pen promotions and press releases over the years, and I've made copies of the ones that have worked the best. So in Part Three, you'll learn . . .

* A "can't miss" way for displaying and packaging your pens
* The most important things to know when ordering parts
* The "real life" sales and marketing support you'll receive
* All about importing to Canada

Selling pens from your own home is an easy way to make extra cash, and is probably one of the most attractive smaller business opportunities around.

They're simple to make and to market. But the best part about them is: they're a consumable product, so you'll get reorders without even trying. And because this audio answers just about every question you could possibly have about the business, it's your perfect first step.

PDF transcript

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3) Question and Answer Session With Mr. Scott Nickerson

Here it is a 14-minute recorded conversation and accompanying 9-page transcript with Scott Nickerson. Its called . . .

Incredibly Easy Ways To Make Money In The Pen Business

When it comes to business, there's no right or wrong way to make money. What works for one person may not work for someone else, so it's a good idea to keep an open mind, think creatively and just have fun with it.

This is an interview I did with a new pen licensee named Scott. Scott works in the insurance industry and is looking for ways to merge his pen business with his existing one to make twice the money. He's got a lot of ideas, so we explore some of those, and also a few he hasn't thought of yet.

One area that always seems to work for the pen business is joint venturing. So we go over some of the key strategies and benefits of building those kinds of alliances. But I don't want you to feel like you're limited to my ways alone. In fact, I encourage you to think about your own interests and options, and in this audio you'll hear how to do that.

You'll Also Hear…
* Almost fool-proof ways for marketing to convenience stores, police stations, and insurance agencies
* The number one rule you must follow when selling pens to children
* A special way to fold the flaps of your pen packaging that makes displaying the pens easy and attractive
* Exploding the myth about liability insurance
* All the details about using the pens to generate leads and make money on the back-end

From promotional products to joint ventures, there's a huge market for pens, so you should be able to find an area that interests you, and run with it. And in this audio, we explore many of those possibilities.

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4) Your Step-By-Step Training Module For Making Money In The Pen Business

Here is a detailed 74-minute sales training audio session with Wayne on how to sell id pens by phone. If you're like most people, you're probably worried you won't be able to find prospects or create accounts very easily when you first start out in the pen business. But it's actually a pretty simple process that can be done right from home. All you need is a little training, and that's where this audio comes in.

In it, you'll hear me walk a new licensee named Wayne through all the steps in real time. We look up clients using nothing but a simple Internet search. Then we call contacts, hook prospects, and go over preparing samples all in just a couple of minutes each.

And when Wayne followed up with the prospects we called, he ended up landing two out of four of them - with the other two still being possibilities. And you'll hear exactly how he did it.

You'll Also Hear …
• A word-for-word script for selling pens in under 2 minutes
• The "big lie" about telling the truth - learn how being honest and upfront with prospects may actually work to your advantage
• A simple 3-second trick for packaging your samples that will leave your prospects instantly impressed
• The one best way to keep track of all your accounts in a database
• How to find overlooked markets for selling ID pens
• The almost-automatic way to get called back whenever you leave a message

The best part about this audio is that once you hear how simple it is to sell pens, you'll realize you can easily train someone else to do it for you. This is exactly how I've ran my red eye pen business for years - and I've sold more than 500,000 pens. I think you'll be pretty surprised at how simple it is to land solid accounts right away.

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5) Like It Or Not… Your Pen Business Is Going To Grow Without You Even Trying - Coaching Call With Gene Parker

With ID pens, you'll never just be selling the pens themselves (unless you choose to do that) because this business includes many other streams of income that will naturally pop up as you progress along - such as pen manufacturing, ink fulfillment, and UV light sales. So in this 40-minute audio with a potential pen licensee named Gene, we go over those streams of additional income and how to make the most of them.

Although Gene is very interested in becoming a licensee, he still has a lot of questions before taking the plunge. So you'll hear me go over those questions along with a breakdown of the profit margins for each aspect of the pen business and the best ways to get started as soon as possible.

You'll Also Hear…

• The most certain way to pick a market for selling your pens
• An look into the courses you'll receive in the ID Pen University
• 2 overlooked elements to consider before pricing your pens
• Key strategies for selling both wholesale and retail
• The one best way to monitor appointment setters in real time - and know for sure they're really working
• Secret techniques for tailoring your pens to a specific niche market

The reason this business works so well is because the profit margins are huge - you can literally make the pens for pennies and sell them, at wholesale, for 10 times that amount. So even if you're not interested in any other streams of income, the pens are enough to make it worth your while. But this interview will give you plenty of ideas and options to think about.

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ID Pen Consultation With Judy

How To Market Your Invisible Ink Pens To The Fundraising And Museum Industries

The best thing about the pen business is that it's flexible and easy. Mix that with a little creativity, and your possibilities are almost endless. And in this interview you'll hear a lot of creative ideas from a new pen licensee named Judy. Judy's listened to many of the interviews and has decided she'd like to market her pens to children's museums and a local chapter of the Lions Club, but isn't sure how to go about doing it.

So in this quick consultation, you'll hear my advice to her about ways she can combine the Lions Club with police stations and a local bank to make a crime-preventing, fundraising, pen-selling package. You'll also hear ways to easily create a marketing plan for selling the pens to children's museums and science centers nationwide.

You'll Also Hear...

· Examples of when to give out the "preferred vendor rate," what that usually is - and what that might mean for you

· The easiest (and cheapest) way to get a mailing list of stores, museums or science centers that would probably be interested in the pens

· The very first thing you should do before contacting any store

· All about the pricing, incentives, and discounts to consider for your pens

· The win-win combinations you can make when mixing the pens with a fundraising effort - that will give people a feel-good incentive for every purchase

· Ways to take the sting out of shipping with a simple deal you can make with UPS

Although the pen business is yours to play around and have fun with, it's always a good idea to learn as many marketing opportunities as possible. And there are a lot of great ideas outlined in this audio that will help you make the most of your business today.

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How To Jumpstart Your Pen Business
With A Few Reachable Goals And A Marketing Plan

Although the pen business is yours to craft into whatever you want to make of it, there are some key strategies that might help you turn it into a lucrative income stream right from the start, and in this audio you'll hear all about them.

This is a 20-minute consultation I did with a new pen licensee named Laura. Laura currently works as an office assistant in a school district and is hoping to make $2,000 a month with her new pen business. That's a completely realistic goal, if you have a plan and stick to it. So you'll hear some key strategies and ideas on the best ways to do that.

You'll Also Hear
• The best (and easiest) way to sell pens in large quantities
• A realistic look at what you can expect to spend on marketing - you'll be surprised at how little it takes
• Why it might be worth it to hire someone to set up accounts for you
• A word-for-word script you can use to land accounts
• An almost fool-proof way to track any telemarketer you hire in real time - -and know if they're really making calls and how well they're doing
• Examples of how Laura (or anyone) can market the pens to schools all over the nation - so they can mark expensive equipment without the hassles of an engraver

Invisible pens usually retail for $5-$8 each, but don't cost nearly that much to produce. So with a little know-how and a good plan in place, you should be able to build a nice business for yourself right away. And in this audio, you'll hear how to do that.

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6. The ID Pen Rolodex Master - Resources to Operate Your ID Pen Business

A 17-page PDF Document That Includes More Than 80 Resources In The Following Categories:

download the Invisible Ink Pen Marketing System

7) ID Pen Letters and Mailings Swipe File Master

A 63-page PDF Document That Includes:

* 20 ID Pen Sales / Product Information Letters With Titles Like:

Right click to download


ID Pen Artwork and Letter Swipe File A 32-page PDF Document That Includes:

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9) My ID Pen Factory and Some Simple Instructions On How to Make The Pens


Come with me and let me show you around. This is a little tour of my back yard "Mini-Factory". This was years later after I moved out from my one bedroom apartment. I was married now with two kids. But I was still making and selling pens The methods I use to make all my pen products are the same. In these photos you will see how my invisible ink pens are made. The only difference in making the id pen, my red eye pens, my vanishing ink pen, my money detector pen, fingerprint pens or any pen you make is what you put inside the pen. It's the ink or formula you put into the pen and the size of the pen tips that will make the difference. Everything else is the works the same way. So ask your self this one question . . . What kind of pen can I invent? What problem can it solve?

Video of Juana making pens Part One

Video of Juana making pens Part Two

Video of Alma Getting The Filters Ready For Making Pens

Pen Business Marketing System 1) This is the back of my house (My Pen Making "Mini-Factory") All you need is a work table or work bench to make thousands of pens a day.
ID Pens 2) These two boxes contain enough pen parts to make 5000 pens. Small enough that you can store them in a cabinet in your garage -- even in a hall closet. (5,000 pens at a $2.50 wholesale price each earns you an amazing $12,500!) Your cost for the parts about $500. Not too shabby!
Invisible Ink Pens 3) Here's all the parts of an invisible ink pen: Barrel, Cap, Filter, Tip, and Plug. You just put the tip into the pen top, then the filter into the pen back, ( after you get the ink in it) and the plug and cap on each end. DONE!
ID Pen 4) This is Alma preparing the filters for the loading of the invisible Ink. For just $21 in labor you can get about 2,000 pens completely assembled and ready to go.
Invisible Ink ID Pens 5) This is probably the hardest part of the pen making process. Putting a rubber bands around the filters. You can do it!
Pen Business 6) Meet Alma. She was my sons baby sitter during the day back then. When my son napped, I have Alma assemble and make invisible ink pens.
Pen Marketing 7) This small jug of invisible ink will make nearly 3,000 Invisible Ink Pens.
Pens 8) It only takes about 30 seconds to load 300 filters with ink. I told you this was fast and easy.
Ink 9) Ready, set, aim. Now all you do is drop the filter into the pen barrel.
Pen Ink 10) Then you "snap seal" your invisible ink pen with an air tight plug. You can also use a rubber mallet. I get mine from the dollar store.
Police Pens 11) You are looking at a bulk order for 500 invisible ink pens. This order is going out to Westerville Police Department for a crime prevention program. (A retail order like this at just $2 a pen brings you $1,000! And you can fulfill orders like this daily if you work at it.)
Customizable 12) Here's a "Clam shell" packaging I used when I would sell to retail. Your retail customers usually want a nice individual retail package. These just snap together in seconds! You don't have to use this clam shell. You can also use a small zip lock clear bag too.
13 13) I routinely sell one Invisible ink pen with a small UV light for as much as $25 each. My profit is $22. You set the price as you like. It's totally up to you. You're in control with these huge margins. You can find all kinds of black light on line now for cheap. Check ebay. All these UV lights come in from China.
14 14) This is your ultra violet (UV) light. This makes the Invisible Ink "Visible". This little light will become another source of income for your business. You'll use this to demonstrate your Invisible Ink Pen
15 15) All the tools you'll need: some tape, a glue stick, and a few other supplies for your pen business. You don't have to have all of this to sell. This is just how I did it. You can sell the pens bulk without any fancy art. I do it this way today.
16 16) Here a retail counter top display box of 100 invisible ink pens. (You can wholesale this box all day long for $250 each!)

Bonus ID Pen Audio Training

The Best ID Pen Business Strategy They Don't Teach In College: Joint Ventures 101

If you're like the millions of people out there who've been hit hard by the economy, it probably seems like you can't get ahead no matter how hard you try. But according to marketing genius Bianco, even if you've only got $10 in change left in your piggybank right now, you can turn your life around just by knowing the power of joint ventures.

Although the possibilities are endless, joint venture marketing is basically a business strategy where you leverage off someone else's credibility. Picture a high-end hotel that endorses a certain jewelry store to its customers. The hotel will collect a percentage of whatever sales come from its endorsement. And the jewelry store gets a bunch of new customers it normally wouldn't have received. So it's a win-win situation for both. But you don't have to be the hotel or the jewelry store to make money off this scenario. You could also be a third party who gets a percentage of the sales just by putting the deal together.

So in this audio, you'll hear exactly how to set up the kind of joint ventures that will drive tons of new customers to your business, help you generate leads, or simply allow you to make a living off of third-party deals.

You'll Also Hear…
• Secret techniques for thinking like your prospect - so you'll know which businesses to target for the best joint ventures
• Real-life examples of how joint ventures make money and exactly how you can set up those kinds of deals too
• An almost fool-proof way to use freeebies to draw customers in from someone else's list
• The real reason paid advertising doesn't work for a lot of businesses and how joint ventures can easily be used instead
• How to legally protect yourself in a partnership without having to use an intimidating "legalese" contract
• A step-by-step guide for finding the best lists with SRDS and why you actually don't need a huge list to make money
• All about the tracking software you can use to make sure you get paid for every JV sale
• The major flaw in 99% of all marketing books in stores today and where to turn for the best advice
• The details about the amazing deal Bianco made with Jay Abraham himself

According to Bianco, the best way to get started is just to get started. You don't want to get caught up in what he calls "analysis paralysis," where you're analyzing something to the point where you're not doing anything. You didn't start out knowing how to run. You had to take the first step, gain experience, build your confidence, and then take another. It's the same with joint ventures. And because this audio walks you through the whole process, it's your perfect first step.

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Get Sales Faster by Changing your Cold Calling Methods-a Challenge to Traditional Thinking!

Cold Calling King

Old "tried and true" cold calling and sales techniques that were once successful have completely lost their effectiveness over the years. Here's a completely new sales mindset and cold calling approach that will quickly and automatically put you ahead of the game and instantly in a league above your competition.

This 45-minute interview will challenge your thinking and change your mind. You will hear from Arrie, an experienced sales trainer, who designed and developed sales training for inside and outside salespeople in very large companies--companies that increased sales because of these techniques.

The purpose of this audio-interview is to provide new cold calling tools and techniques to get sales faster by…

• Diffusing pressure and removing suspicion
• Changing from the "dreaded salesperson" to trusted advisor
• Transitioning from selling "product" to problem solving.

You will learn about the following topics:

• Opening the call
• Talking to customers in a non-aggressive way
• Examples of what to say that are different from traditional scripts
• Avoiding customer negative responses-words to avoid
• Avoiding objections and "putting you off" comments
• Handling gatekeepers and voice mail.

By applying the techniques you will hear on this audio-tape, you will eliminate fear and reluctance in making cold calls and build trust, help prospects, and build sales.

Press the green play button to download the mp3 below. You can also download the transcript and mp3 audio files to reinforce your learning.

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Ben Gay III Interview From The Closers

Ben Gay Introduced The Sales World To The Closers, The Most Popular - Most Powerful Sales Training Material Ever Produced

Ben Gay III Interview, Part I

Ben Gay

35 years of top-level, professional selling experience has made Ben Gay III a legendary figure in the sales world. A world-famous salesman, sales trainer, author, consultant, and speaker, he still sells on a daily basis! Gay has been the #1 salesperson at every single company with which he has been associated. It's not surprising that his book, The Closers, which explains selling the way it really is, is the most powerful book on selling ever written with over 3,000,000 copies sold.

In this interview, Ben Gay III reveals how his selling success sprang from a childhood fascination with the yarns of a former-slave and local Civil War veterans in mid-Century, which spawned an unquenchable passion for meeting interesting people. At his father's knee, he learned the amazing ability of a master closer to move people to action through the sheer power of talk.

After a successful career as a youthful buyer at Macy's, he moved into direct sales and discovered the power of multi-level marketing where he met and worked with renowned salespeople, including the greatest Master Closer he ever worked with, James H. Rucker, Jr., J. Douglas Edwards, Fred Herman, Earl Nightingale, Zig Ziglar, Bill Dempsey, and Ray Considine, among others. In this no holds-barred interview, he shares the absolute unvarnished truth with you.

While sharing fascinating anecdotes about his career, Ben dispenses selling tips, techniques, and secrets. You'll discover:
• The key to sales success: always sell a competitively priced, quality product to qualified customers
• How a closer thinks: the secret of Sales Closing Power
• How to get the sale that day!
• How your success depends on the effectiveness of your sales presentations, telephone sales scripts, and direct mail letters
• And much, much more!

So meet Ben Gay III...the person with the unique ability to explain selling in down-to-earth terms you can easily understand and apply. The Closer is the sales closers bible, the one book you must have in your personal library.

My interview with Ben Gay, the master closer, is one you shouldn't miss either.

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Discover The Mother Lode Of Marketing And Sales Lore

Ben Gay Interview, Part II

Although my first interview with Ben Gay III was chock full of fascinating stories and invaluable selling secrets, believe it or not, there's more! On top of his legendary status as a world-famous salesman, sales trainer, author, consultant, and speaker, Ben Gay is the founder and executive director of the National Association of Professional Salespeople with a membership in 8 figures.

And talk about inspirational! Ben spent 12 hours a weekend for five years at San Quentin with his People Builders program that successfully enabled his students get off the prison merry-go-round, reducing recidivism by over 80% and "did time" with Charles Manson. On top of that, he was attitude coach for the crews of Apollo 15, 16, and 17, working with astronauts Alan Shepherd and Jim Irwin.

While his stories about his brushes with the famous and the infamous are captivating and inspirational, you can't afford to miss the nuggets of sales and marketing wisdom that pepper this interview.

In This Interview, Ben Reveals:
• The secrets of closing and how to become a Master Closer
• Why confidence is your most important asset and how to build it
• How he took a catch phrase and turned it into gold
• How to take an objection and turn it into a benefit
• How to become a sales infiltrator
• How to use the Internet to multiply your sales
• The Step-by-step phases of his foolproof sales process
• The magical ingredient that separates The Closers from all the other sales training programs
• And much, much more!

Ben Gay tells you about selling the way it really is and not the way we wish it were. As Ben would say, "It's the presentation, stupid!" So tune in to radio station WII FM (what's in it for me?) and prepare to be dazzled by the master!

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How To Crank Up The Heat On Your Cold Calls So You Can Land More Qualified Sales Appointments

Sales Tips

Even though cold calling can be a valuable marketing tool just like any other, if it's not done correctly, it can be a huge waste of time. So in this audio you'll meet cold calling expert, Scott Chanel. Scott is going to tell you how to revamp your cold calling process so that you're eliminating drudgery, spending less time on the phone, and landing more appointments.

And Scott knows what he's talking about. Using his cold-calling techniques, he's set more than 2,000 appointments with CEOs of large corporations. And according to him, it doesn't matter what industry you're in. The principles of effective cold calling apply everywhere.

Key Concepts From The Audio
• Why making too many phone calls is the biggest mistake you can make when cold calling - and how to calculate the perfect amount
• How conducting simple research and creating client profiles can help you weed through your phone lists and reduce rejection
• Why you need a contact manager, how to effectively use one and where to find the best (and cheapest)
• Why you always need to use a script when cold calling and how to create attention-grabbing ones that jump right to the point
• Why you should never start a phone conversation with "how are you doing" or "is this a good time" - and what you should be saying instead
• What to do if someone gives you the brush off and tells you "this isn't a good time" or "why don't you send me some information"
• How to leave effective voicemails - and avoid being just another deleted message
• Two essential things you can get from gatekeepers - and why you shouldn't try to just get around them
• And much, much more

This hour-long audio is basically your comprehensive guide to productive cold calling. And you'll easily be able to apply the concepts to your HMA practice because they work in any industry and every economy.

So if you're having trouble cold calling or you just aren't sure if you're doing it right, this is the interview for you. Scott's proven techniques have landed million-dollar accounts for his companies. And if you follow his advice, it won't be long before you're turning your cold calls into hot prospects.

Get Your FREE SEMINAR "7 Cold Calling Secrets Sales Guru's Don't Want You To Know" Go to for more details.

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The Real Secrets to Selling:
An interview with Tom Hopkins

Tom Hopkins Marketing

Needless to say, Tom Hopkins is a legend. More than three million people around the world have attended his seminars on selling, and more than 35,000 corporations are using his sales training materials. But believe it or not, when Tom first started out in sales he couldn't even bring in $50 a month in salary.

So in this interview, you'll hear how Tom went from being that sales-weakling to having a sales empire. You'll hear why he believes that people who say they can't sell are usually the best salespeople. And you'll hear how developing trust and personality, along with having the right attitude, is the "real secret to selling."

You'll also hear…
• How adding personal touches to your sales techniques can turn your prospects into loyal clients
• How to overcome the fear of rejection and develop that thick skin for success
• What "NEADS" stands for and why you'll need to know it before your next sales meeting
• How to use the phrase "Not to be personal" to relax prospects and get personal
• Phone tips that'll help you slide through to the decision maker more times than not
• All about the hardest challenges in sales and practical ways to overcome them
• How going after the old customer is just as valuable as going after the new one - and ways to do that
• Ways to improve your presentations so that you're making the most of the words you choose without sounding scripted or corny

The best thing about Tom is that he lives by what he teaches and believes in what he sells. You'll never catch him pushing hyped-up flashy gimmicks. He simply gives out the kind of solid advice that people trust. And it's those tried-and-true methods in life that will stand the test of time, every time. So sit back and listen to the real secrets of selling from the man who knows - the one and only Tom Hopkins. Enjoy.

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Stan Billue Interview On Selling

Exposed! The Real Truth About The Deep-seated Psychology Of Face to Face and Telephone Selling

Business System
Stan Billue has been called the most copied, respected, and referred-to sales trainer alive. He has built a 30-year reputation as a recognized expert in sales training, telemarketing, motivation, mentoring, marketing, and copy writing.

He's doubled his own income each year for five consecutive years selling over the phone. Stan has taught more 6 and 7 figure a year income earning mega-buck sales pros than any other trainer. Tom Hopkins and Zig Ziglar use his training materials when selling seats to their own seminars.

Listen as Stan Billue reveals his ten most fascinating stories about his biggest sales, each one containing a valuable lessons you can use starting today.

In this interview, you'll learn how to:

• Identify and use a prospects defense mechanisms to your advantage
• Close more sales with instructional statements and continuation phrases
• Build up benefits to get the customer to prepay
• The secret to get prospects to beg for your product
• How to position yourself as big fish
• Become a master of your craft by spending one hour per day of study
• Use a tape recorder once each day to increase sales
• And much, much more!

Stan exposes the deep-seated psychology of selling and salesmanship. It's no surprise that his power-packed audio and video programs, Double Your Income Selling On The Phone and 90 Telemarketing Selling Skills, are sold in 45 countries worldwide. Get ready to learn lessons in sales that you'll be able to remember. Enjoy. This is part one of a two part interview. Enjoy.

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Stan Billue Interview On Selling Part Two

Stan Billue has mastered the art of selling by learned from many of the world's most famous motivators and salesman like J. Douglas Edwards, Fred Herman, Norman Vincent Peale and the sales training icon Zig Ziglar.

In the following five stories you'll discover how Stan:

• Persuaded Pac Bell to make him keynote speaker at their convention, launching a lucrative second career as a motivational speaker
• Built value and benefits to convince a company to prepay for sales training.
• Sold $12,000 in product in twenty minutes by finding out exactly what a group of Mormon MLM distributors wanted and by giving it to them.
• Enticed an investment firm to expand 3 months of consulting and training to 18 months just by asking the right questions
• Learned the secrets of profitable Internet marketing simply by investing his time in mastering the craft

While sharing these fascinating anecdotes about his career, Stan shares selling tips, techniques, and secrets. Learn..

• How to hurdle the gatekeeper
• How to make the screener your friend
• How to contact the decision maker (even when he's NOT in his office!)
• How to use the "Banker's Question" to locate one's true buying motives.
• How to turn sales into sales leads.
• How to pick the brains of the experts…for free
• And much more!

Stan's stories are memorable and his tips will empower you no matter what you sell. You can start using Stan's formula for becoming a master in selling simply by listening to his message. As Stan says, "When you're green, you grow; when you're ripe, you rot. You have to keep up."

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How To Make A Sales Presentation That Consistently Closes The Deal

Eric Lofholm

Many people resist sales scripting because they think it'll sound canned or rehearsed. But according to expert sales trainer, Eric Lofholm, even if you're winging it, you're still using a "script." Studies show that most great sales presenters open and close in the same way. So if you take your current scripts and add a few powerful techniques to them, you'll have unstoppable sales presentations. And in this audio, you'll hear some of those techniques.

Eric Lofholm, wasn't always an expert sales trainer. In fact, he started out flipping burgers and drifting through community college. And at one point, he even found himself bankrupt and homeless. So in this interview, you'll hear his incredible story of how he rose to the top and how he currently helps others get there too.

More Key Information You'll Get From The Interview

  • How to make sure you're not bringing a "negative view" of sales with you into your presentations - you may not even know you're doing it, but you could be costing yourself serious money
  • Ways to make sure your sales scripts build enough value - so you can charge more for your products, and easily get it
  • How having "comfort zones" could be hindering you from making the profit you deserve - and what to do about it
  • What a master script-book looks like and how to compile the kind you'll be able to rely on for years to come
  • All about Eric's "sales mountain" and his simple steps for climbing to the top
  • Several examples of successful sales scripting stories - you'll be amazed at the difference a little tweaking can make
  • What you can learn from the way children negotiate their deals - it's no surprise why parents usually give in to these natural little salespeople
  • A few of Eric's open-ended closing lines that seal the deal without being too pushy

According to Eric, it's important to keep a positive outlook on sales in order to be successful at it. And it's also important to have the kind of scripts that will allow you to know what to say in any situation and to any objection. But if you follow Eric's techniques, it won't be long before you're making the kinds of sales presentations that consistently bring in the big money. This interview is 60 minutes. I hope you benefit from it. Enjoy.

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Sales People Are Not Born They Are Trained An Important Lesson For Sales Managers In Pain

It may seem like some people just don't have a gift for sales…

When Ian started his first sales job, his only training for the position was, "Hang in there. You'll do fine." The job lasted two hours and ended with his boss telling him he should become a waiter.

In this interview, you'll hear how Ian went from being that no-talent kid to a highly sought-after sales management consultant in New South Wales. And he'll be the first to tell you that if he can master sales, anyone on your sales force can too -- because salespeople aren't born; they're trained.

Here's what you'll get from this interview:

• A grasp of how managerial tools and methodologies can power your sales
• Ways to analyze your staff that will keep sales production high
• Examples of how "coaching" can push sales and margins up
• How a sales force is an investment and how to make the most of it
• How to find good salespeople and how to keep them when you do

Ian understands the frustration managers feel after spending a lot of money to generate a lead only to have it blown by a salesperson. It's easy to see how this happens when, according to his research…

50% of salespeople fall short of quota
90% of sales opportunities don't close when the salesperson says they will
75% of product-launches fail, but…

The biggest factor affecting production of sales today is
Sales Leadership

When he says, "It's the head of the fish that stinks the most," Ian's really saying that effective sales begin at the top. If Sales Managers learn models, tips and tools, they'll be able to bring those skills back to their salespeople. So in this interview, you'll also hear how increasing sales production is mainly about finding a process that works. And, according to Ian, results will follow --Most people see a return of 500 percent!

Now, management-consulting skills don't come naturally to most people and there are plenty of books out there on the subject. (Ian has over 800 of them in his library alone!) You could literally spend the rest of your career reading up on the matter, spinning your wheels trying out methodology after methodology. Or, you could start with this interview to see how sales management consulting can benefit you. Remember, Ian didn't start out with a gift for sales. He just found a process that worked for him. Enjoy.

A New Way To Sell Consulting Projects

The Psychology of Selling: How to Use People's Unconscious Decision Making Process to Make the Sale

Ken Ellsworth is an expert in hidden persuasion sales techniques, a master at detecting people's psychological motivation for buying a product or service.

And in this interview, he tells you how to use the underlying psychological needs to create potent sales messages that appeal to the target and produce customers. I guarantee that you will be as amazed by the power of subtle sales messages as I was.

Discover how Ken's experience as a prison guard, stockbroker, hypno-therapist, and keen observer of human behavior helped him unlock the secrets of unconscious decision-making strategies. Ken discovered that a prospect is like a safe: to unlock the sale, you have to know not just the numbers but also their order, their importance.

These proven techniques sound like magic, but they actually work: many of Ken's clients have gone from the bottom rung of sales in their offices to the top in only a month! Some have increased sales five-fold. Learn how you, too, can uncover and capitalize upon the unconscious decision making process we all use.

You will learn out how to:
• Tap into peoples natural decision making process by eliciting step-by-step psychological, decision-making strategies
• Establish rapport instantly with customers by matching and mirroring their gestures, language, tonality, even their breathing patterns
• Avoid the biggest mistake salesmen make when they use their own unconscious strategy instead of that of the customers
• Determine and employ the prospect's code words, their precise, personal meaning, and most importantly, their priority
• Refine code words into emotionally charged hot buttons and covertly incorporate them in your opportunity analysis to create motivational keys
• Cut down the sales cycle dramatically by focusing on your client's subtle cues
• And much, much more!

Once you've learned to map their unconscious, you can throw away your scripts and traditional selling closes.

All your reasons for buying scripts become unnecessary and obsolete.

Listen and learn how you can tap the power of the unconscious. I dig deep trying to get as much step by step information from him for you to try his method in your consulting practice without having to buy his course.

So get ready, this is something, that you'll want try at once in your next opportunity analysis. Let me know if it works for you. Enjoy the interview.


Finding the Phrase that Pays:
A Crash Course on Sales Scripting

Getting people to hand over their hard-earned cash for stuff they probably don't need isn't always easy, and it shouldn't be left up to chance. There are certain words and phrases that seem to work like magic when it comes to the art of persuasion, and any business can benefit from knowing them.

Nowadays, everything is done with research - from the phrase the greeter uses when you come through the door at Wal-Mart to the words used at McDonald's that get you to mindlessly order the large coke over the small one. You see; each business has a specific customer base with specific needs. And that customer base is studied and analyzed to find the phrases that will motivate them to spend, upgrade, seal a deal…or whatever.

This interview with Bill Brodie is all about the science of sales scripting and how you can benefit from using it in every aspect of your HMA consulting business. For example, if you use phrases that business owners want to hear, you'll be giving yourself an edge. In fact, the right words could make it infinitely easier to land even the toughest of consulting contracts.

What you'll hear in this interview:

• How you can use sales scripting to get your foot in the door with a company
• Examples of time-tested phrases that will open and close deals
• A four-step pattern HMA consultants can put into a sales script that could be worth thousands
• An opening line that storeowners can use to increase the probability of a sale by 300 percent
• How to make a sales script for a company
• Learn what "Neuro Linguistic Programming" is and how knowing it can give you the upper hand

It's amazing how many people have no idea what sales scripting really is when it's probably one of the easiest - and most lucrative -- improvements you can make for a business, whether it's your own or someone else's. And this interview is like a crash course on how to get started. Enjoy.

How To Get Your Employees To Sell More Of Your Products And Services Then Ever Before Using The Proven Secrets Of Incentive Programs.

Incentives can get your sales force selling like they have never sold before. Organizations need motivation more than ever. They need customers to buy more and remain loyal. They need prospects to opt-in. They need to inspire employees to produce more and to deliver the customer what the company may promise in sales and marketing literature. In today's intensely competitive environment, it is critical for organizations to employ proven strategies that develop intense loyalty from employees and customers alike. A proven tool is the incentive program.

US corporations spend well over $120 billion on customer loyalty and employee incentive programs to accomplish a wide range of goals and objectives. The reason is simple, incentive programs work! As a matter of fact, they are considered to be amongst the most consistently effective and profitable marketing and human resource tools employed by all types of organizations.

• Incentives are proven to increase performance, by an average of 22% or more.
• Incentives consistently deliver a high ROI
• Incentives change long-term behavior
• There is an entire industry of resources and experts and resources committed to developing successful incentive and motivation programs.

In this exclusive interview, I talk to incentives expert Paul F, who shares with me his detailed 10-step process to insure incentive success. You will see why successful incentive programs start with a plan, not with a prize.

Paul tells me about an often overlooked and ignored method of tripling the return on an incentive program. He also lets me know proven methods you can use in your business that can double the effectiveness of an incentive program. You will learn how to avoid several major mistakes that could doom your incentive programs before it even starts.

After listening to Paul in this interview, you will see why using the services of an incentive expert is one of the best investments you can make.

Story-telling Advice From A Hollywood Screen-writer

How To Effectively Use Story Telling In Your Copy To Sell More Of Your Ideas, Products Or Services

Ruben, a screen writer and a teacher of screen writing skills, was in the process of creating an information product on how to write compelling stories, screenplays, or stage plays. He was basing the content of his product on his own personal experience, various teachings from his mentors over the years, seminars, and courses.

As Ruben was creating his product, he realized that his techniques not only applied to screen writing, but many other areas such as:

· Creating more effective marketing and sales presentations.
· Helping teachers to present their lesson plans more effectively.
· Teaching lawyers how to present their cases better.
· Telling stories to children.
· Improving personal relationships.

· … and the list goes on because telling and listening to stories are such an integral part of our daily lives!

Ruben presents the parts of a successful screenplay. First, you have to have an idea for a story. After you have a story, the screenplay becomes your story in writing - what the audience will see and hear. He explains that the screenplay is a "blueprint" and gives us some simple examples.

Listen as he discusses what the best structure is for any story and presents several elements essential to create a successful, compelling story. Understanding story structure will become important as you continue to listen to this interview.

Ruben goes on to teach some other keys to creating a good story. There must be a conflict, whether it's an outer or inner conflict. An outer conflict may be another character. An inner conflict may be a character's self doubts or fears. The writer must make sure that the audience will care about the story and stay to see the end.

For example, Ruben gives a list of great techniques to make the main character more identifiable to the audience. This is the key to a successful story.

Subsequently, Ruben reveals that the same principles used to create a great screenplay can be applied to just about any facet of business or personal life.

For example, in a business situation where perhaps you are a sales person trying to make a sale to a potential buyer, you can become what Ruben terms "a Dramatic Strategist." This involves a mind shift that makes both you, the sales person as well as the potential client both "characters" in a story. In fact, Ruben suggests that you keep in mind that each of you would be the main character in your own lives - each of you with a different goal.

When there are two characters, there may be a conflict. In a selling situation, things such as price, terms, and conditions can become the conflicts.

Ruben suggests that you will be a more successful sales person or marketer if you aware of both your role as a protagonist in your own drama paradigm and your client's role as the protagonist in his or her own drama paradigm. Further, you should not try to hide or minimize the conflicts of the situation. Instead, identify and resolve these conflicts with the client.

Make yourself identifiable to your client, just as an audience should identify with the main character of a story. Develop the trust and rapport with the client so that he or she sees you as an authority and that there is a feeling of affinity between the two of you.

This interview really presents a unique approach to understanding human nature and dealing with conflicts in a very imaginative way. I know you'll enjoy it! This recording is 46 minutes.


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82 Year Old New York Jew Reveal Lifelong Marketing & Selling Secrets Before He Dies

You can be sure that this interview with Uncle Mort will become one of my most memorable. You will hear how Mort has been a salesman for more than fifty years. Listen as he gives details of his long jack-of-all-trades sales career in a saucy style that only Mort can tell.

After serving in World War II as a CB, Mort got into sales. He owned and managed a tire store at an early age and also got into the business of selling unique scooters.

Many of Mort's early sales experience was the direct, in-the-home sales of products such as:

  • Home improvement products

  • Pots and pans

  • Vacuum cleaners

  • Exercise machines

Wherever Mort worked, he was always became the top salesman very quickly. He had unique sales techniques that he refers to as "secrets." According to Mort, his unique marketing styles just about guaranteed every sale he attempted.

Mort tells of sometimes opposing the sales techniques used by company owners. Listen as he describes how he out-sold even the company owners through ingenuity and his personable style. Mort explains why direct sales is the best sales training for the new salesperson.

Later in his career, Mort began to get into the sales of business opportunities. He goes into great detail selling a swimming pool business opportunity. You will hear him describe his sales methodology and how he quickly became the top swimming pool salesman. His secrets are simple to remember: Be a good listener, be personable, and be honest. Mort was proud to tell me how he made twenty people who bought the swimming pool business opportunity from him became millionaires because of Mort's advice in marketing, advertising, and sales. He also relates several anecdotes associated with the swimming pool business. You will smile more than once.

Following his departure from the swimming pool business, Mort invented the mobile dog grooming business. He tells the story of how he came up with the idea and some of the trials and tribulations he had during his start-up period. However, the business was a smashing success and was written up in many, many magazines. Additionally, Mort was actually a guest on the television show, "To Tell The Truth." Yes, Mort's mobile dog grooming business got tons of publicity.

Another of Mort's ventures was promoting a swimming pool enclosure named the Stratadome. Listen to the deal the Mort made with them and he ultimately made the company successful.

Mort explains why his prefers selling business opportunities as opposed to franchises. He gives a great example when he sold a business opportunity for auto parts, specifically brakes. At his height, Mort had almost six thousand dealers. There aren't many people that can make that claim!

At the age of eighty-one, Mort is still very active in building businesses. He has the strength of growing businesses fast. He tells how to determine a good product that can be grown quickly and how can help you. Mort says that, if you use his formulas, he will make you rich. He also will tell you how to find high-ticket business opportunities.

Mort and I talk about a fascinating venture that he is currently involved in. He has partnered with a tour organization to sell great little glass-bottom tour boats to be housed at prime locations around the world. It sounds pretty lucrative. You will be amazed with how this deal works and may wish to look at Mort's web site for more detailed information

Mort tells of a few other ventures that he has headed up and how he feels that sometimes he chose bad partners. I know that you will enjoy the banter that goes on between Mort and I. It was certainly an experience for me listening to Mort's life stories and I'm sure you'll enjoy them too


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"Stop Door To Door Selling And Automate Your Selling In One Hour.."

If you are a sales person who relies on cold calling or going door-to-door to try to generate leads, then this audio will benefit you tremendously! Here's the background:

Tony is a full-time minister who has been trying to support himself on his own so that the church wouldn't need to support him and his family. Over the past few years, he's tried a few business ventures that were initially successful but didn't do well after a while.

He's currently a sales representative for a company that helps businesses to lower their electric bills. Basically, Tony is making a full-time effort pounding the pavement attempting to make his sales presentation to business owners. Although Tony's only been with the company for a few months, he's found that it's pretty easy to get in to make the presentation and his closing rate is 50%, which in my opinion is pretty good.

Listen as Tony and I role play a typical presentation of how his company can reduce a business's electric bill significantly. It's a very well organized, sophisticated presentation that Tony does using flip charts and doing calculations from the business owner's electric bill to determine if the business is a qualified prospect.

So, where are Tony's frustrations and how can I help him? Since he's got a good closing rate, he needs to put himself in front of more business owners than he can by going door-to-door. He needs a way to leverage himself in a way other than doing face to face presentations.

You will hear me come up with several ideas for Tony to accomplish his goal of leveraging himself:

  • Create a PowerPoint presentation from his current marketing material, add audio to it, and then put it on the Internet - much like the Articulate presentation that I provide for HMA Consultants.

  • Send postcards to prospects directing them to the online presentation.

  • Get someone to do a recorded interview with Tony and put that audio interview online.

  • Tony could actually record himself giving his presentation to a real business owner over the phone. This would be a believable and compelling presentation that would contain a business owner's points of view as well as typical questions that are asked during a presentation.

  • Make a CD that contains his recorded interviews as well as the marketing presentation itself and send that to prospective customers. With this idea, I suggested that Tony provide everything necessary to sign up for the service along with the CD package so that he wouldn't even have to go out to get a signature.

  • Using the same CD mentioned above, find companies that would be willing to endorse Tony and his service. Create Joint Ventures with these companies and allow them to give the CD to their customers as a gift to help them save money on their power bills.

  • Be sure to get testimonials from satisfied customers of his company's service. Since Tony has only been with the company for a few months, the companies that he made sales to haven't yet realized their savings. Perhaps his fellow sales reps could provide some testimonials from their clientele.

  • Tony could contact the local media, positioning himself as an expert in saving businesses money on their electric bills. The media would be interested in this and would broadcast Tony's message to thousands of people.

I suggest that Tony take a risk-free trial of my Audio Marketing Secrets (AMS) product which contains everything he would need to know to develop and create an audio information product. Since Tony doesn't have a lot of money to invest hiring people to help him in the creation of his information product, I suggest that he do it all himself with the help of my AMS product.

How A Consistent Follow-up System With Your Customers Can Easily Grow Your Business Without Constantly Going After New Customers

97% of salesman make no attempt to sell the prospect after the third attempt. It is also a fact that most prospects do not buy until after the sixth month from initial contact. One third of all buyers buy only after 18 months of the buying process. 20% of buyers amazingly buy 24 or more months after the initial contact. What is wrong with this picture?

I was in my office on March, 31st 2004 and I got a call from Jim Cecil. I had recognized the name and voice immediately because Jim Cecil was one of the main speakers at the Jay Abraham Protégé Training Seminar back in 1990. I have heard him often and loved his presentation on how to grow a business. Jim contacted me to see what I was up to. I asked him if I could interview him and we did about a 70-minute interview on a fascinating customer touching process that he developed called Nurture. Nurture is a customized series of ongoing contacts mostly sent by mail for business-to-business customer retention and customer prospecting. In this interview, James revealed three amazing case studies:

The first was about the Cancer Treatment Centers of America , which created tens of millions worth of net revenue; the second case study was with a Brian Ruh from East Holstein Wisconsin who was a life insurance salesman and through the Nurture process alone grew to the 34th ranking life insurance salesman in the New York Life Insurance Company world. The last case study is a story about a stockbroker who generated a multimillion dollar account by singing happy birthday over the phone in to an answering machine. In this interview, you'll hear these case stories and you'll understand the power of this one marketing concept. If you take what you hear in the interview and implemented it in your business or implemented into another business, you could change the business forever. There has been no better time in history and no better software to make this process automatic. Enjoy this 70 minute interview.

Consultants to AT&T, Microsoft and TEC Worldwide Jim Cecil, founder and president, is an acknowledged leader in the field of loyalty marketing and customer-relationship strategies. Jim conducts strategic sales process training seminars for corporate teams and individuals. Jim is one of the top resource speakers for CEO groups such as The Executive Committee (TEC) and Financial Advisory groups like the International Association for Financial Planning (IAFP). He works personally with clients of all sizes, from AT&T and Microsoft to growing entrepreneurial businesses.

Jim Cecil has over 41 years of sales and marketing experience. He was the founder of West Coast Marketing Group, Mr. Cecil also founded Profit Systems, Inc., a large equipment distributorship in Redmond, Washington. Named Marketing Man of the Year in Asian Trade, Mr. Cecil is a popular speaker and is called upon to present over 100 speeches each year. Previously Mr. Cecil served with Smith-Corona Corporation in New York for some thirteen years in various marketing and sales positions. Additionally, he has consulted for clients across the country including Canon, Washington Natural Gas, Sharp Electronics, General Electric and Digital Equipment to name a few.

Get Your FREE SEMINAR "7 Cold Calling Secrets Sales Guru's Don't Want You To Know" Go to for more details.

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"How I Personally Sold 45 Million Dollars Worth Of Products To Wal-Mart and Other Major Retail Giants."

Wal-Mart Marketing

Every product inventor, developer and manufacturer dreams of landing their product into retails giants like Wal-Mart and Target Stores. You have truly hit the big time when one of these stores takes on and succeeds selling your product.

But most believe this is a pipe dream only available for someone luckier then them. But not for my friend Joe. Joe has done it and you can learn how to do it too. So who Joe?

Joe has had many years of experience in the product development and marketing of consumer products to mass merchants like Wal-Mart & Target as well as with selling to independent retailers in many different distribution channels.

25 years ago he learned the inside workings of one of the the world's largest consumer products company as a product manager for Kimberly-Clark (the manufacturer of Kleenex, Huggies diapers and other familiar products). After leaving Kimberly Klark Joe found his first company to manufacture and sell children's products to retailers.

Over the last 25 years Joe has founded and grown 4 companies. Two of them sold over $45 Million of products that he invented to chains like Wal-Mart, Target and other retailers. He developed and sold 3 complete product lines consisting of hundreds of products to both Wal-Mart & Target and one year received the "Best New Vendor" award from Target's Stationery and School Supply Department.

Within the children's products company he set up a kids club promotion that got 900 stores and 900,000 kids to participate. The promotion resulted in an additional $145 Million is sales for the participating stores in just one year.

Joe also built and sold a mail order catalog company and a promotional products company. Joe also has extensive experience in other distribution channels besides retail.

You are about hear Joe's story and how he did it. It's a wild ride so hang on tight. Look out Wal-Mart, your next big product may be supplied by the person listening to this interview now. Lets go!


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How To Use Tent Promotions To Sell Your Products By The Trainloads Outside The Doors Of Huge Retailers Like Lowes, Home Depot, Sport Authority, and Circuit City

Tent promotions work! Imagine…if you could introduce your product to customers who shop at a large retailer on any given day; you'd be reaching thousands of people per week. Big Box Retailers like Lowes, Home Depot, Sports Authority, and Circuit City draw customers into their store like bees to honey; and one very astute marketer has perfected a plan to get in on their success. He sets up a "tent" outside their store to promote and sell his product. He gets direct access to all the Retailer's customers without having to spend huge dollars on his own advertising and he enjoys the instant credibility that the retailers provide. After all, Home Depot isn't going to let just any product be promoted outside its doors; and there is always the possibility the retailer will decide to carry your product if you can demonstrate a significant percentage of their customers are interested in it. The gentleman I speak with is a joint venture tent promotion expert and he provides details on how to set-up the joint venture with a large retailer, how to negotiate permission to set up your tent promotion, what licenses are required, the amount of money that can be made, back-end costs, the best dates to stage your event, and potential drawbacks to be aware of. Listen to this interview and you will immediately be able to put a plan in motion that gets access to more customers than you ever thought possible. This is a comprehensive how-to lesson so sit-back, listen, enjoy, and profit from Tent promotions in your town

World Famous Sales Trainer Of Fortune 500 Companies Reveals Powerful New Tactic That Can Immediately Double Your Sales

Here's a detailed interview with Barry Maher. Barry first made his mark as a world-class salesperson, then as a management and sales consultant, helping clients improve their productivity, often dramatically. Selling Power magazine declared, "To his powerful and famous clients, Barry Maher is simply the best sales trainer in the business."

Barry's client list ranges from ABC/Capital Cities and the American Management Association, to Fuji Film and the National Lottery of Ireland, to Verizon (not to mention Ameritech, BellSouth, and SBC). He's been featured in USA Today, The New York Times, Businessweek, Success, and The Wall Street Journal. This straight-talking primer for consulting professionals introduces a powerful new approach to winning clients trust instantly and selling more. And not just down the road but right now,

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How To Close Every Sale
A Presentation On Increasing Deals, Sales And Profits

There is no such thing as a natural born salesman -- everything in life is learned, and anyone can learn how to close more deals. And this seminar will teach you exactly how to do it.

Originally, this was a presentation for business owners who wanted to increase their sales and profits. And it was a huge success because it effectively breaks the sales process down to its bare elements, allowing you to easily see how the many sections of the process work and how they work together to make for powerful sales.

And because it analyzes and explains each component along the way, this seminar is useful for everyone -- from the new hire to the seasoned pro. Just follow the steps outlined in the presentation, and before you know it, you'll be closing more deals than you ever thought possible. Here are just a few things you'll learn in this seminar…

• What a qualified prospect is and why dealing with anyone else is just a big waste of time
• How a positive attitude can increase sales by 25%
• How to open a sale
• How to find and fill the "dominant buying motive"
• What the two reasons for buying are and how knowing them can give you the advantage you need
• How to close the sale
• Methods for overcoming objectives
• How to upsell

This program is meant to be viewed step by step, but you can easily skip around if you'd like. I suggest you take your time and let the concepts sink in because this presentation really can make a difference if you work it right. Also, you might want to make sure you have a pen at hand because I'm sure you'll want to take notes on this one. Click on the button below to launch the presentation. Note that the audio will start in about 20 seconds after it launches. Enjoy.


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Sale Closing

"ID PEN" Resource Page

You can learn a lot about each distribution channel you are considering for your product by checking out industry trade shows, trade magazines and trade associations.

Advertising, Media & PR Resources

Direct Marketing/Mail Order Resources

Distribution Channel Directories

Dunn & Bradstreet Number

  • Dunn & Bradstreet Wal-Mart and other retailers require you to get and pay for a Dunn & Bradstreet report on your company. D & B is a credit reporting company major retailers use to evaluate your capability to supply them.

EDI Info, Supplier & Training Guide

  • Covalent Works Web-based EDI that connects to all the major retailers.
  • EDI Basics Training Guide for Small and Mid-Sized Businesses.

UPC Codes

Infomercial Contacts

  • Lion's Share Entertainment Will evaluate your product for $300 and if they like it, they'll finance the testing and roll out of a national infomercial for a share of the profits.
  • Guthy-Renker The largest infomercial company in the world. In order for your product to be considered for evaluation, it must typically meet the following criteria:
  • Not yet sold at retail.
  • Be extremely visual and demonstrable.
  • Be perceptibly beneficial to consumers and offer genuine value.
  • Impulse driven.
  • Have the ability to encourage repeat buys and backend/continuity sales.
  • Appeal to the masses in multiple demographics.

Guthy-Renker is currently accepting submissions for the following categories:
Beauty, Fitness, Health & Nutrition, Entertainment, Housewares & Electronics, Automotive, Golf & Outdoors plus Personal Development & Business Opportunities.

Inventor Web Site Resources

Licensing Contacts

  • Harvey Reese & Associates Will promote your product to companies at his expense for a share of the royalties. Evaluation fee is $300 or less.
  • Harvey's Book How To License Your Million Dollar Idea.

Toy & Game Licensing Agents

Scientific & High Tech Licensing Agents

Fashion & Beauty Products

Market Research Reports

Retail Trade Associations

Wholesale Distributor Trade Associations

American Wholesale Marketers Associations

Scott Ramminger
President and CEO
2750 Prosperity Ave, Suite 530
Fairfax, Virginia 22031
Phone: (703) 208-3358

Appliance Parts Distributors Association Inc.

Jeff Flinn
4700 W. Lake Ave.
Glenview, Illinois 60025
Phone: (847) 375.4713
Fax: (866) 879-7505

Bicycle Product Suppliers Association

John Nedeau
PO Box 187
Montgomeryville, Pennsylvania 18936
Phone: (215) 393-3144
Fax: (215) 893-4872

Canadian Association for Pharmacy Distribution Management

Maria Castro
3800 Steeles Ave. West, Suite 301A
Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 469
Phone: (905) 265-1706
Fax: (905) 265-9372

Food Industry Suppliers Association

Stephen Schlegel
1451 Dolley Madison Blvd.
McLean, Virginia 22101-3850
Phone: (703) 761-2600
Fax: (703) 761-4334

General Merchandise Distributors Association

David McConnell
1275 Lake Plaza Dr.
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906
Phone: (719) 576-4260
Fax: (719) 576-2661

Jewelery Industry Distributors Association

Bill Nagel
701 Enterprise Dr.
Harrison, Ohio 45030
Phone: (513) 367-2357
Fax: (513) 367-1414

Lawn & Garden Marketing and Distribution Association

Jim Wurz
2105 Laurel Bush Rd., Suite 200
Bel Air, Maryland 21015
Phone: (443) 640-1080
Fax: (443) 640-1031

Midwest Distributors Association

222 Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 1400
Chicago, Illinois 60654
Phone: (312) 464-0090
Fax: (312) 464-0091

Music Distributors Association

George Westjohn
Executive Director
1026 Northwood Drive
Effingham, Illinois 62401
Phone: (217) 347-6699
Fax: (217) 347-6699

National Association of Chemical Distributors

Steve Quandt
1560 Wilson Blvd., Suite 1250
Arlington, Virginia 22209
Phone: (703) 527-6223
Fax: (703) 527-7747

National Association of Electrical Distributors

Christophe Freed
401 North Michigan Ave., Suite 2400
Chicago, Illinois 60611-4267
Phone: (312) 321-6836
Fax: (312) 673-6962

National Association of Sporting Goods Wholesalers

Wayne Smith
PO Box 881525
Port St. Lucie, Florida 34988-1525
Phone: (772) 621-7162
Fax: (772) 264-3233

National Beer Wholesalers Association

Craig Purser
1101 King St., Suite 600
Alexandria, Virginia 22314-2944
Phone: (703) 683-4300
Fax: (703) 683-8965

National Convenience Store Distributors Association

Bill Allen
1695 Laval Blvd., Suite 410
Laval, Quebec H7S 2M2
Phone: (450) 967-3858
Fax: (450) 967-8839

National Grocers Association

Thomas Zaurcha
100 N. Glebe Rd., Suite 250
Arlington, Virginia 22201-5758
Phone: (703) 516-0700
Fax: (703) 516-0115

National Kitchen & Bath Association

Mike Kelly
687 Willow Grove St.
Hackettstown, New Jersey 07840
Phone: (800) 843-6522
Fax: (908) 852-1695

National School Supply and Equipment Association

Tim Holt
President & CEO
8380 Colesville Rd., Suite 250
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910
Phone: (301) 495-0240
Fax: (301) 495-3330

Office Products Wholesalers Association

Cal Clemons
Executive Vice President
5024-R Campbell Blvd.
Baltimore, Maryland 21236
Phone: (410) 931-8100
Fax: (410) 931-8111

Pet Industry Distributors Association

Steve King
Executive Director
2105 Laurel Bush Rd., Suite 200
Bel Air, Maryland 21015
Phone: (443) 640-1055
Fax: (443) 640-1031

Professional Beauty Association

John Heffner
15825 N. 71st St., Suite 100
Scottsdale, Arizona 85254
Phone: (480) 281-0424
Fax: (480) 905-0708

Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America Inc.

Stan Hastings
805 Fifteenth St. N.W. Suite 430
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 371-9792
Fax: (202) 789-2405

Trade Show Directories

Top 100 Retailers

For Direct Link to Vendor Information, Click on Retailer Name

Rank Retailer Sales
Vendor Information Additional Directions




Click on "Suppliers"


Home Depot


Click on "Supplier Center" at bottom of page.




Click on "About Our Company" Then click on "Supplier Diversity" Then click on "Doing Business"


Sears Holdings


Sears Holdings is both Sears and Kmart.




Click on "Customer Service" Then click on "Contact Us"




Click on "Contact Us" Then click on "Target Stores"




Click on "Contact Us" Then click on "Vendor Inquires"




Click on "Contact Us" Then click on "Corporate Departments"




Click on "Vendor Information"




Click on "Suppliers"




Click on "Contact Us"


Best Buy


Click on "Contact Us" Then click on "Suppliers Self Service"


Ahold USA


No Vendor Information Online. Call (301) 341-4710.


Federated Dept. Stores


Click on "Vendors"




No Vendor Information Online. Call (863) 688-1188.




Click on "Supplier Programs"


Rite Aid


Click on "Contact" Then click on "Supplier Portal"


Delhaize America


No Vendor Information Online. Call +32 2 412 22 11.




No Vendor Information Online. Call (877) 235-9088.




No Vendor Information Online. Call (508) 390-1000.




No Vendor Information Online. Call (800)GAPSTYLE.


Office Depot


No Vendor Information Online. Call (561) 438-4800.




No Vendor Information Online. Call (262) 703-7000.




Click on "Contact Us" Then click on "Sell To Us"




Click on "Contact Us" Then click on ""


Toys "R" Us


No Vendor Information Online. Call (973) 617-3500.




Click on "Contact Us" Then click on "Frequently Asked Questions"


SuperValu Retail


No Vendor Information Online. Call (877) 278-6509.




Click on "About Us" Then click on "Vendors"


Limited Brands


No Vendor Information Online.


Jean Coutu Group


Click on "Become a Supplier"


Office Max


Click on "About Us/Jobs" Then click on "Vendors"


Alimentation Couche-Tard


No Vendor Information Online. Call (602) 728-4085.




No Vendor Information Online. Call (866) 443-7374.


Dollar General


Click on "Merchandise" Then click on "Vendor Selection Criteria"



Click on "Help" Then click on "Publisher and Vendor Guides"


Army Air Force Exchange


Click on "Vendor Information" at bottom of page.


B.J.'s Wholesale Club


No Vendor Information Online. Call (508) 651-7400.




No Vendor Information Online. Call (817) 831-5111.




Must Visit Nordstrom's Buyer. Call (877) 444-1313.




Click on "Menards" Then click on "FAQ's" Then click on "Vendor Questions"




Click on "Becoming a QVC Vendor"




Click on "Vendor Relations"


Family Dollar


Click on "Supply Partners"


Bed Bath & Beyond


Click on "New Vendor"




Click on "Corporate Information" Then click on "Vendor Info"


Foot Locker


No Vendor Information Online. Call (212) 720-3700.


Giant Eagle


No Vendor Information Online. Call (412) 963-6200.


Barnes & Noble


Click on "Help" Then click on "Publisher and Author Guidelines" Then click on "How to Become a Vendor of Record"




No Vendor Information Online. Call (817) 415-1515.




No Vendor Information Online. Call (515) 267-2800.




Click on "Vendor Links" Then click on "Vendor Registration"


Ross Stores


No Vendor Information Online. Call (212) 382-2700.


Whole Foods Markets


Click on "Customer Service" Then click on "Vendors"


Longs Drug Stores


Click on "Vendor Info" at bottom of page.


Trader Joe's


Click on "Contact Us" Then click on "Please Select a Subject" Then click on "Want to Become a New Vendor"




Click on "Suppliers Opportunities"


Big Lots


Click on "Vendor Relations" at bottom of page.


The Pantry


No Vendor Information Online. Call (919) 774-6700. Select Marketing Department Option.


Advance Auto Parts


Limited Information Given Online.




No Vendor Information Online. Call (800) 278 4685. Select Option 3.


Stock Building Supply


No Vendor Information Online. Call (919) 431-1111.


Luxottica Retail


No Vendor Information Online. Call (011) .39.02.863341.


Borders Group


No Vendor Information Online. Call (734) 477-1100. Select Option 5.


RaceTrac Petroleum


No Vendor Information Online. Call (888) 636.5589 ext. 1832.




No Vendor Information Online. Call (732) 499-3000.


Neiman Marcus Group


No Vendor Information Online. Call (972) 969-3100.




No Vendor Information Online. Call (888) 839-9638.




No Vendor Information Online. Call (800) WEGMANS ext.4760.


Michaels Stores


No Vendor Information Online. Call (972) 409-1300.




No Vendor Information Online. Call (415) 421-7900.


Casey's General Stores


Click on "New Vendor Info"




No Vendor Information Online. Call (814) 946-3611.


Dollar Tree Stores


Click on "Vendor Partners"


Stater Brothers


No Vendor Information Online. Call (909) 783-5000.




No Vendor Information Online. Call (800) 725-3977.




Click on "Corporate Info" Then click on "Vendor Information"


Burlington Coat Factory


Click on "Vendors" at bottom of page.




Click on "Working With Us" at bottom of page.


Game Stop


No Vendor Information Online. Call (800) 883-8895.




Click on "Become a Vendor" at bottom of page.




No Vendor Information Online. Call (800) MERVYNS.


Price Chopper


No Vendor Information Online. Call (518) 379-1513.




Click on "Vendor" at bottom of page.


Retail Ventures


Click on "Vendors"


Cumberland Farms


No Vendor Information Online. Call (800) 225-9702.


Abercrombie & Fitch


No Vendor Information Online. Call (866) 681-3115.


Berkshire-Hathaway Retail


Must Contact Berkshire-Hathaway Subsidairies Directly.


Charming Shoppes


Click on "Contact Us" Then click on "Vendor Community"


Linens'n Things


Click on "Vendor Services" at bottom of page.


Payless ShoeSource


No Vendor Information Online. Call (785) 295-6095.


Harris Teeter


No Vendor Information Online. Call (704) 844-3100.


Dick's Sporting Goods


No Vendor Information Online. Call (800) 690-7655.


Sport's Authority


No Vendor Information Online. Call (303) 200-5050.




No Vendor Information Online. Call (800) 253-3020.




No Vendor Information Online. Call (972) 580-5990.


American Eagle Outfitters


No Vendor Information Online. Call (724) 776-4857.


Sterling Jewelers


No Vendor Information Online. Call (330) 668-5000.


Ingles Markets


No Vendor Information Online. Call (828) 669-2941.


Michael Senoff

Michael Senoff

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