How To Double Your Day Seminar Seminar and Interview

How To Make Your Audio Interviews Timeless…Without Spending A Lot Of Time On Them

How To Double Your Day Seminar and Interview..."One day, by accident, I stumbled across this site, it totally impacted my life and changed my mind-set about marketing and the Internet completely. " Jim Davis a true disciple of Michael Senoff

Overview :-

Nowadays it seems like everybody is concerned with time. That’s why I call it life’s biggest currency. And that’s also why I like working with audio. Audio interviews will show you how to double your day and maximize your use of time. Because with audio you can listen to them anywhere – outside, in the car, in the gym, anywhere. And if you are selling something, that means you are not stuck on the phone repeating the same things over and over. Publishing audios interviews has allowed me to free up my time like you would not believe.

So in this interview you’ll hear Audio Marketing Secrets Student, Dixie grill me on the ins and outs of audio interviews.

She asks very specific questions that get me to reveal step-by-step, detailed answers. And I end up explaining the whole process of making an audio recording from conducting the research to the amount of megahertz you’ll want to save your files under.

But you’re dreaming if you think you’re going to be able to do everything yourself. It’s time-consuming enough to research and conduct interviews.

You’re not going to want to edit, transcribe or write descriptions as well. That’s why you’ll probably want to assemble a team to help you with all of that. But if you don’t know where to look for good cheap help, you might end up paying more than you need to. So in this interview you’ll also hear how to compile the best team for the best price.

You’ll Also Learn…

• The techniques I use to make my interviews “timeless”
• All the tools for interviewing that you’ll need – what kind of phone to use, how to capture the audio, what kind of editing software is best and cheapest, how to get fancy music for free, and much, much more
• How to recognize the different types of interviews you’ll be conducting and how you can easily use each one to your advantage
• Idea generators for every kind of interview
• The number one, most important thing to remember when conducting interviews
• How to use audios as marketing tools

People are always looking for more – especially more value for their money. That’s why the more audio interviews you conduct the more value you’ll be adding to your products (and the more you can charge for them). You can literally Talk Yourself Rich. But the trick is to keep your business as streamlined and time-efficient as you can. And this interview gives you all the ideas and techniques you’ll need for doing just that. Enjoy.

If you have not heard my other interviews where I am being grilled on marketing with audio interviews, you can hear them now at this link... click here.

Audio Transcript :-

Note: Transcript coming soon...