Grow A 7-Figure Business Right From Your Living Room For About $11 A Month

David Ricklan Free Interview download "Listen...I've been searching this kind of information for over two years. Then one day, by accident, I stumbled across this site, it totally impacted my life and changed my mind-set about completely. " Jim Davis a true disciple of Michael Senoff

Overview :-

David Riklan didn’t have a business model when he first bought his domain name years ago. He only wanted to help people, so he built a website that would act as a directory to other useful websites.

Now, that website makes him about $100,000 a month and counting. And in this audio you’ll hear all the steps he took to turn his part-time hobby into a full-on success -- with 1.3 visitors a month.

David says the beauty of the Internet is that you can have a business up and running in no time flat with very little risk or technical skills. And with cheap hosting and domain names, your total start-up costs should be around $11 a month.

Here’s What You’ll Learn From This Interview

• Why it’s so important to know the difference between sales and marketing and where to use each to maximize their power in your business plan
• David’s little-known, completely targeted (and kind of sneaky) way to form strategic partnerships and get website traffic
• The only kind of paid advertising worth doing on the Internet nowadays
• The 2 things David eventually ended up trying for his website that instantly made a difference in the amount of traffic and conversions he got
• Exactly how David built 2 separate lists of site subscribers, why he did it, and what he does with each as part of his master plan
• The most nerve-racking mistake David has ever made that had his partners up in arms, saying they never wanted to do business with him again – and how he fixed the problem
• The almost magical way to combine affiliate sales, advertising, and your own products to turn an unheard-of “triple-stream” profit – in any economy
• Four incredibly easy ways to build the perfect team – on the cheap
• A quick must-do guide for anyone starting out

David has strategic partnerships with more than 80,000 people that he works with in incredibly creative and profitable ways. He’s built a phenomenal site from scratch by developing and tweaking his own business model. And in this audio, you’ll hear how he did it and exactly what he sees as the next big idea for Internet growth.

Audio Transcript :-

Chris: I want to start off because you just built this just phenomenal site, and we’re going to go more into detail about it but, how did you get inspired to do this?

Dave: It started quite a few years ago, right out of college. I went to work for a big company, Hewlett Packard, selling technology; selling computers for them, and a few things happened while I was there. The first was they started sending me to a lot of training programs. They sent me to sales training programs and marketing programs. They also started sending me to personal development type programs, and I had taken a Dale Carnegie program called Effective Speaking and Numineralations, and I fell in love with this concept that even after your formal education you could continue to learn and to grow. I knew early on that I wanted this to be an important part of my life. The next thing that started to happen is I also started to grow this desire to have my own business. Corporate America had a lot of benefits but I also learned that I wanted to one day create something of my own, and I decided early on that I wanted to marry my own business with self- improvement personal growth. One way or another, I was going to tie the two together. Fast forward a few years to the 90’s, the mid 90’s, and the internet started to become popular, and my girlfriend and I at the time decided we were going to get a domain name. So, we went and purchased and we started posting information on self-improvement personal growth on the web. We started doing it as a hobby and I was telling people it was our first big commitment together and we were still dating at the time. You know, later on we ended up getting engaged, and we got married, and we had children and bought a home together, but our first commitment was the website. Ever since then, we took this little hobby website, turned it into a side business, then a bigger business; went full time with it about eight years ago and haven’t looked back sense. We’re getting a little over 1.3 million visitors a month to the site right now. I really have two purposes with The first one is to provide a central starting point for people to find information to improve their lives. So, whether you want to improve your relationship, your health, your finances, your spirituality, you want to enhance your success skills, whatever it is, our goal is to provide you with resources, and those resources might be articles, or videos, or it might be to put you in touch with experts, or products, or events. Our goal really is to provide a wide range of tools for individuals to help them improve their lives. When you go to the website right now we have over 203,000 different self- improvement resources. For folks, if you just want to take a quick look, if you’re listening to this, it’s just, or if you just want to go to Google, type in the word “self improvement” and we come up with the number one self improvement website on Google and Yahoo, and just about everywhere. So that’s my prime mission and my first mission; to really provide resources for folks, or if we don’t have it on, to point them in the right direction to help them. My second mission is to help people who have products and services and information, people who are experts, and companies, get the word out on what they’re doing so they can help more people. In essence, I almost look at what we’re doing as a matchmaking service, matching people who are looking for information, products, and services with people who are providing them. The goal of course, is to help people improve their lives.

Chris: Where did you learn the internet marketing from?

Dave: The way I learned, and I recommend learning for folks, is really go out and find people who are successful in different areas, and model or copy what they’re doing. So, that’s what I’ve done and I did this early on, and I’ve been continuing to do it ever since. I really have two groups of people that are good modeling. One are people in the self improvement industry. So, I look to see how people like the Brian Tracey’s, and the Tony Robbin’s, and the Jim Brown’s, and the W. Brown’s, and the Deepak Chopra’s; I looked and studied how they built their businesses and what they were teaching. In addition, I also started looking at what people who were on the Internet were doing. Who were the successful people? What are the successful websites? What are they doing? And, I looked and modeled and I literally followed many, many of them. Now, on the Internet side and the marketing side, I have a lot of people that I learned from as well as on the self improvement side, and what I try to do is find the bits and pieces that will work best for what I’m trying to do. Early on is a little different. Things have changed over the internet over the last years. One of the things that became clear to me is, I needed to work and needed to partner with other people to succeed. That was clear to me relatively early on. So, the way we really started when my wife Michelle, and the two of us were doing this, we started identifying websites that were out there in our niche. So, that’s what really started working for us. What we had done to begin with, if you look at in the early days, it was primarily a directory of the best websites in different topic categories. So, what we would do is, we said “Alright, we want to provide information on goal setting”, and we’d make a list of the top goal setting websites. Then we’d want to do stuff on speed reading and we’d provide the most information on speed reading; the top speed reading websites. Then spirituality; and we went down the line on each of the topics but, what happened was very interesting. First, it enabled me to look at, and see, what these different types of websites were doing in each of the topic categories. That was the first thing I was able to do. The second thing I was able to do was I was able to reach out to these people in a very friendly way and say I like what you’re doing; I’d love to link your website. Would you like to link back to us? Would you like to provide us any articles? Would you like to provide us any content? Early on, we started developing partnerships with, first small numbers of people, then it grew over time where now we have partnerships with over 800,000 people that provide content, or products, or services websites. So, it was really all about partnering at a very early level and that’s probably one of the core things that have helped me the most. We’ve really leveraged that a lot over the years. I want to differentiate sales from marketing a little bit. Marketing is more of the global process that includes getting the word out, includes branding it, and also includes sales as part of the whole marketing picture. Sales for me is more being down in the trenches. It’s more talking to people on the phone; it’s meeting people in person. It’s more of the face to face kind of interaction. What I had to do is I was able to build on that because I understood one of the things about selling is you tend to learn basic core skills. You learn communication skills. What I wanted to do, what I needed to do is leverage that and learn more marketing skills. Marketing skills included things like writing, copying for your website, writing copies for your products, learning how to write, learning how to create websites that are going to motivate people, learning how to publish newsletters. So, I had to really develop marketing skills that leverage the sales skills. I also needed to develop publishing skills because we were publishing newsletters, and I needed to learn product development skills because I ended up creating a number of my own products. So, even though I started with sales and used that as my core knowledge because that was my background, I really leveraged, and learned, and developed a lot of these other skills over time. I definitely started part time, and one of the reasons I started part time was because years earlier I had a false start. I did leave Corporate America, left my job, walked away and started my own business; it had nothing to do with self improvement and personal growth, which is what I really wanted to do. Unfortunately, l lost some money and learned a lot. The second time around I said, “You know what; I’m going to do this part time”. I invested time in the evenings and on the weekends building this. What’s interesting is the way I started and turned it into a business which was a little bit by accident. I had it in the back of my head that I wanted it as a business, that I wanted to have this self improvement business. I wasn’t exactly sure how to build it so I started building this website, which was really just almost a mini yahoo at the time, for self improvement personal growth websites. And that’s how we started it. But, what was interesting was as we were building it people started coming to the website, started giving us feedback because there really wasn’t a good place to do that. If you searched on Yahoo or even today search on Google, a lot of the websites that you get aren’t that pertinent, and people are very good at search engine optimization but they weren’t necessarily the best sites. So, we found people started coming to our website and we started getting more and more traffic. Then, I remember we were still doing it as a hobby, somebody came to me, emailed me and said, “David, I see this website you’re building, I like what you’re doing. Could I pay you money to be listed at the top of your website?” and I said to myself “This is a great idea! I’m doing this as a hobby, somebody wants to send me money now. Sure, here’s my address, send me the money.” That was like the first of a long list of revenue generating opportunities that we had. The timing came to me. The idea was there. I knew there was going to be some way to generate revenue. I wasn’t sure how I was going to turn it into a business when we first started and the first piece of the puzzle was advertising. It became clear that we were going to start with an advertising model. We started doing paid advertising on the site and we started continuing to build the traffic. I really did two things that helped a lot. So, I had two ideas that I saw other folks doing, that I decided to model or copy that have really helped tremendously with the website. One of them was adding articles or more content. So, early on when we created it, all we had on the site were website links. It was a mini Yahoo and pretty much that was it for self improvement. Then I had the idea that people would be interested in reading articles so I started soliciting people for articles on the website. We started posting articles and we found that people loved reading the articles. The next idea came to me was that people are coming to our website and we have to sit and wait for them to come to our website, and who knew how quickly they’d come or when they’d come. We were relying on other vehicles. I said, “Wouldn’t it be nice to build up my own list of subscribers that we can send the articles to instead of waiting for them to come to us”. That was the birth of our first email news letter. We started building up subscribers and to our initial surprise, a lot of people started signing up, and then we became newsletter publishers, and we continue to run with that, and we continue to run both website advertisements and newsletter advertisements to this day. We’re one of the first ones that had a successful email newsletter, we’re charging advertising, and things were clicking and everything was growing and it continued to do so. For more interviews on health, mind, body, and spirit go to Michael Senoff’s

Chris: So, what do you see are the best ways to get low cost traffic? I mean, you guys were the pioneers in this it sounds like.

Dave: There are a ton of ways to get traffic to your website. It also changed over the course of the years with the easiest way and what’s the most cost effective ways to do it. One of the ways we started was through the search engine using a technique called search engine optimization. Even to this day a lot of people start looking for this material by going to Google, or to Yahoo, or to Bing. You know, search engines are still a great place that people are looking for. So, what we focused on learning had to do with becoming very good at is getting our webpage’s and website listed at the top of the search engines. So right now, if anybody types in the two words “self improvement” and countless other words, we come up on the top of Google, and Yahoo, and Bing. There’s a whole process and search engine optimization is a great way to get listed and a great way to get traffic. There’s two key pieces to it. One is it takes time. It generally takes time but there are some tricks to the trade, and there’s some ways to get listed relatively quickly, but generally it takes time to get significant traffic. But it’s free traffic! It doesn’t cost you anything. Once you get listed at the top of the search engines you tend to get a lot of traffic depending on what your target audience and what key words that you’re looking for. So, the search engines are an absolutely great way to do it. Another one, which has become very, very successful over time, is social media. So, what’s interesting is over the course of the last few years, social media has taken off. Facebook, and Twitter, and LinkedIn, and YouTube; these types are hot and countless millions of people go to these websites. So what you can do, especially if you are an entrepreneur just getting started, is you can use these social media websites to identify your audience and reach out to them, and then invite them back to your website to get traffic. Once again, this is a free generation traffic tool. There are a lot of methods and some things to know but the power is there and anybody can get started. You can get started on Facebook today or on Twitter today. There’s no initial cost associated with it. You can just start running with it. Then there’s other techniques. There’s something called paper click advertising where you’re paying on Google and Yahoo. There’s a concept called article marketing where you write articles and get those published. There’s another concept called affiliate marketing where you’re literally paying people for traffic but for fetish or the self. There’s really a wide range of other systems and methodologies and we’re using most of these right now. You need to really pick and choose the one that’s right for you. We don’t currently do any print advertising or any radio advertising. The only radio advertising we do, if you call it advertising, is we try to line up radio interviews. But depending on the type of product you have, there are countless folks who are very successful with both print advertising and radio advertising. It just isn’t something that we’ve focused on yet.

Chris: So, you’ve done all of that without any kind of paid advertising?

Dave: The type of paid advertising we have done is we have done a little bit of Google paper click advertising. We’ve also done a little bit of what I described as news letter advertising. I mentioned people could advertise their newsletters and pay to advertise their newsletters but we’ve also paid to advertise in other people’s newsletters. So that is a fairly powerful, effective method as well. Well, we have some core revenue streams in terms of how we generate revenue and I could take a few minutes just to kind of step through some of the things that we’re doing. One of them is a core of what we were doing before. We do have advertising so if you go to we have advertising both on our website and in our newsletters. That was really our first business model and that continues to be a model that’s worked for us over the course of years, and on that, we’ve done for a long time. Another revenue stream that we developed; this is a really powerful one for anyone whose getting started on the Internet; is affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a very simple concept. What you’re doing is you’re finding other people with products or services that your audience might be interested in. For example: our folks might be interested in Tony Robbins CD’s or DVD’s. So what we can do is promote Tony Robbins products and get paid a percentage of the sale, and that’s called affiliate marketing. We generate revenue from affiliate marketing. We also have a number of our own products and services that we’ve created. We have e-books that we’ve created, we have print books that we’ve created, we also do online training in tele-seminar webinar classes that bring in a lot of revenue for us. So, a lot of the material that I’ve mentioned in terms of ways to direct traffic, what’s interesting is people started to come to me and ask me how we’re doing it, and we ended up developing training programs to teach people how to generate traffic for the website, how to build an email newsletter, how to build a website, things along those lines. We actually have a series of courses and classes and now we have over 100 hours of training and its part of another website. We run a number of different websites; not but it’s called It goes back to the early mission of first helping people improve their lives and then helping people with products and services, getting the word out on what they’re doing.

Chris: How long, when you were starting, before you actually started to turn a profit?

Dave: Well, our costs were very, very low. If you take a look at the investments that we had at the time, we invested $35 into the domain name, so that’s $35 to purchase the domain name, now you can get a domain name for $10. The only other real cost associated with it was hosting and you can now host with for as little as $10 a month. So, you can literally just start a business right now with $10 to $15 for a domain name and $10 a month for hosting. You can create a word press blog and get started. We didn’t really have much in terms of expenses. You know, we started as a hobby and then shortly after we got our first advertiser, it was profitable for us. We are a seven figure business constantly doing seven figures every year and looking to continue to grow. It’s changed, I remember the early days when we were excited to get $100 a month, then $1,000 a month, then 10,000 a month, then $100,000 a month, it’s been a very exciting journey for us. My primary goal has still been to help folks so clearly this is my primary income. This is my business, I have employees, and if you’re running a business you want to look at your mission, your vision. But if you want to have a business it needs to be profitable. It needs to generate revenue to be profitable because if you’re not for any length of time you’re going to be out of business. So, that’s really what sustains your business.

Chris: Let’s talk a little bit, David, about how you built your team because that’s a critical part of this whole thing.

Dave: I’ll take you back to the very first employee and how I really got started. I mentioned that one of the things that I believed in was really finding mentors and figuring out what people were doing. I’ll take you back, just one of the things that I wanted to do early on was figure out how to grow the business. So, the best way for me to do that was figure out how other people were successful. I decided I needed to find a book on the self improvement industry, and I wanted to find something that talked about all the experts and all the successful companies, and what they did, and their products and services, and I couldn’t find anything. There was nothing out there. After I couldn’t find any I said, “You know what, this is a good idea,” and I wanted design something that other people were going to want. So I decided to write a book on the self improvement industry, on who all the top experts were. But at the time, I didn’t really have any expertise. I wasn’t a writer I was a sales guy, maybe a little marketing but primarily a sales guy. I didn’t really have a lot of these skills so I ended up hiring somebody from a local college to help me out, and actually throughout the years, even when I was a part time business, I’d hire the high school kids and college students part time to help me out. Then, once I got the business going I started hiring full time people, and most of the people that I hired were right out of college or shortly out of college, and I went the traditional route. So I’d go to a place and add on, and I’d go through the traditional route, and I’d apply for the background that I wanted through the traditional interviewing and background checks, the whole thing, on those lines. I was always looking to find someone who I thought would be a good fit with me and my team. Then, as we continued to grow and bring people on, every additional person I wanted to make sure it really fit in, to build not necessarily a group of individuals but a team of people who wanted to help me build what we were doing. If you’re just starting out as a business person, an entrepreneur, there are a ton of resources not to find people. I’ll share a few of them with you. Do you have a lot of entrepreneurs, business people, small business owners that listen?

Chris: We do.

Dave: I’ll give you a few guidelines of what I continue to do and what I recommend doing right now. So, if you’re just starting out, most folks are going to hire a full time person when they start out. So you can do a couple of things. One is you can outsource a lot of things that you’re doing. One of the places that I love the most is called You can post projects that you want done, whether you want a website done or an email newsletter, or you need help with writing articles, whatever it is you post it and you can find people from around the world to help you in that particular area. I’m a strong advocate of outsourcing. There are also places you can outsource to people in India, in the Philippians, just about anywhere. You can also find what are called virtual assistants. These are people who work with you on a more regular basis. They’re called VA’s or virtual assistants. You could also find people locally through places like Craig’s List. The opportunities for finding people are much, much easier right now. We’re also in a tough economy so people are actively looking for any kind of income. It’s generally easy at this point to find people to fit in whatever you need.

Chris: You mentioned the economy, has it had any effect on your business?

Dave: It did have an effect on our business and I think it had an effect on everybody. We were steadily growing and then for the past year and a half there’s definitely a little bit of a dip, then we flatten out a little bit, and now we are starting to see some growth again. This is Chris Costello reporting for Michael Senoff’s

Chris: I wanted to ask you, where do you see the Internet business itself going?

Dave: It’s fairly consistent with what I think a lot of folks are seeing. If you take a look at what’s going on right now with the Internet, technologies are beginning to merge. It’s clearly happening already. If you look at the technologies that are there, the Internet is clearly very prevalent. Television is still loosely prevalent. Cell phones are everywhere. Everybody’s got a cell phone! So, what’s been happening and will continue happening over time, over the next few years is these technologies are merging. For example: on the Internet you can now watch television, or you could talk to people on the Internet through Skype. On a smart phone, you can get internet access right now. So, what I see in the future is all these devices having a lot more capabilities. If you want to talk to somebody on the phone, maybe watch TV or browse the Internet, you’ll be able to do it on your computer, you’ll be able to do it on your smart phone or cell phone, you’ll be able to do it on a TV. All three of these will provide access to everything so everything’s going to be more integrated. That’s already happening right now but I think we’re going to see it on a larger scale. You can even see, if someone goes to Japan, you could see where they are with cell phone and smart phone technologies. It’s just much more prevalent then it is right now, and more and more people are using the internet, and it’s all merging into one giant technology. This is going to continue to happen and then whatever we call this technology, whether we call it the Internet, or whether we’re co-active through cell phones, more and more business is clearly going to be done through these. Social media is also playing a larger role because more people are getting engaged in social media. Whether it be through Facebook or LinkedIn or through Twitter, there’s still a lot of people on MySpace, so each of these is still going to be a critical component and I expect something that will continue into the future. You’re not going to be able to ever avoid, because everything is becoming integrated.

Chris: Can you recall, what are some of the biggest mistakes you’ve made?

Dave: I’ve made quite a few mistakes. I remember some of the more painful ones. I’ll give you an example. I learned a very strong lesson from it. It was a technology lesson. One of the things that we had done early on is I mentioned we had reached out to website owners in order to exchange links, to help build our website. So, we put a description of what we had on their website and then they put a description of us, and so I was building this list of first hundreds, then thousands of website owners. What I would do is periodically email them just to keep them up to date with what we were doing. One particular day, there was a technology glitch, and let me tell you what happened! I sent out an email about an update we were making to the website. Let’s say there were a few thousand people on the list. One of them responded to me and sent back an email saying, “Thanks for the information, I appreciate it”. What happened was, instead of it just going back to me, it went to everybody on the list. So their email went to everybody on the list. Then another person got their email and said, “Why the hell are you sending me this? Why didn’t you just send it directly to Dave?” That email saying 'why the hell did you send that to me' went to everybody on my list. Then somebody else got that and said, “Why are you telling me what the hell?” and it just started escalating and maybe 30 or 40 emails later, the language, and the anger, and the frustration of all these people on my list just took place. It took me over six hours or so to kill the process and stop whatever the problem was. But, within those six hours, there were so many horrendous, angry emails that went back and forth. It was devastating and it clearly had a major impact on all these partners I was working with. You need to be extremely careful on technology. Generally most of the technologies available right now, there’s Dell Face Systems in place, and that’s not going to happen with most of the technology but this goes back a bit, when there were listeners and things like that, and it was very painful. It could have put me back a good year in terms of what I was doing literally, that’s how painful it was. There were a lot of people at that point saying, “Take me off your list. Don’t ever email me again. I don’t ever want to do anything with you ever again”. But, at that point, I was getting pretty angry at it myself. That was one of the more frustrating and bigger challenges that I’ve made and what I try to do for each one of these is, if you’re running a business and you’re trying to do anything, there’s going to be failures. There are things that are going to work and there are things that are not going to work. You need to roll with the punches and what I recommend doing with those concepts is reframing from mistakes or failures. I can try to reframe them as a learning experience. So yes, I had a big failure and yes, it was painful at the time. I clearly wasn’t looking at it as a learning experience but, overtime I reframed it and it helped me grow and figure out what I did need to do to succeed. We started with a core group of topics that my wife, Michelle and I had interest in, and overtime we’ve been growing that but what’s interesting is I think the things people are still interested in, the core things they’re interested in are the same. So, if you want to take a look at some of the core things, if you go to, you can see them right at the top. People are still interested in improving their relationships. People will always be interested in improving their health. They’ll always be interested in improving their finances. In addition, people want to be successful. People define success different ways throughout this, and people want to be happy. So that for me is everything they’re doing. The core things are the same that they were years ago, they’re interested in it today and they’re going to continue being interested years from now. What we’ve really done is we’ve attempted to find topics that fit under these core areas, so that’s really the way we look at it. If you look at relationships, and that’s a pretty broad area, but people are interested in dating, some people are interested in family, but some people are interested in intimacy, and some sexuality, and someone parenting, all under relationships. That’s the same thing with health, finance, and success, so all we really do is continue to find different areas so people can find the information that’s most important to them.

Chris: And what topics have you found have the most demand?

Dave: It varies and for that particular website there are a couple of approaches to looking at it. There is what I call overall demand on the internet and there’s clearly been a rise the last few years. There’s a lot of interest for people in terms of finances. So there are a lot of folks that are struggling and want to figure out how to either earn more money, or get a better job, or get a job. There’s clearly a lot of interest in finances right now but there’s also a lot of challenges. People on a day to day basis have tremendous challenges with health. This, for me, is their whole society. Not only are we having a financial crisis but we’re having a health crisis as well. Some people would argue we’re having a relationship crisis right now. There really continues to be an interest in all of this right now.

Chris: How do you keep track of which area you want to build on first?

Dave: A lot of it has to do with what the interest are and some of it has to do with what my interests are, so it’s a combination. There are tools out there to analyze how much web traffic we’re getting and what key words people are searching, and what there is an interest in. We’ll do surveys of our visitors and subscribers and ask them what they’re interested in. So, you know, we use a lot of traditional marketing techniques to figure out what there’s an interest in and we try to deliver it. I mean, take a look at our model. The vast majority of consumer information that we directly provide is about how to improve your relationship, your finances, your health, is free on our website. We have 100,000 articles, all free on our website. We have videos, we have pod casts, we have experts on our website, and all the information is basically free on our website. But, in addition to that, we do sell higher end products and services. We have some of our own and we have books, and e-books, and we also provide training programs for people to help build their business. So, we have mix. We have a lot of free stuff but we also have a mix of some premium products for people to help improve their lives. We’ve done a good job of getting our name out there and building a good size audience. We get 1.3 million visitors and right now that’s a decent size for what I describe as hard core self improvement. In the world at large, we’re still a very small website. We’re approximately one of the top 5,000 websites out of 100 million websites, but my goal is really to build it into next, the top 1,000 websites, and hopefully one day, a top 100 website, and really get the word out and help a lot more people. One of the things I want to do is just build a much wider and broader audience that we’re providing information for. The next thing we want to do is provide more scientific tools to help people improve their lives. So, right now if you go to, they have all these resources and they’re nicely organized but we don’t give you that much guidance to figure out which one is best for you. We provide some but for example, there might be 100 different weight loss programs, there might be 2 different goal setting programs, there might be 10 different ways to learn a new language or to improve your relationship. For each one of these, ideally, the vision, and we’re early on, we haven’t really created anything yet, is for someone to be able to come to our site and perhaps take some sort of assessment or a test and based on that test or assessment we can recommend the products, services, and information that we think would help them improve their lives the fastest or the easiest. It comes down to my general philosophy that there isn’t one perfect self improvement process procedure or book to help everybody, and people need to really find the one that works best for them. Our goal is to help them along that process and that technology or testing system would really help along ways. But there really isn’t anything available like that so midterm, long term, I’d love to get with folks to help create something like that. Another thing that we’re looking to do is get the word out more off the Internet. Most of our promotion comes through the Internet so we do a lot of stuff through the search engines, and social media, and email newsletters, but over the course of the next year we will also want to start getting the word out a lot more directly through media, through radio, through TV, through print, through traditional media as well, to get the word out. We know there’s plenty of opportunity there so we’re looking to grow. We’re always doing tele-seminars and webinars and things along those lines. What I recommend folks do to get information on these, you can start on and if you don’t have an account here already, what I recommend that you do is create an account. If you’re looking to improve your own health, wealth, finances, I recommend that you just create what we call a personal account. Put your name and address in and say, “I want to improve my life”. If you’re looking to help others improve their lives and grow your business, put that down and create what we call a professional account. And on a regular basis we send information out about products, and services, and webinars. If you go to our site as well, you’ll see at the top it says “events,” just click on the events section on our page and it has a list of all the upcoming tele-seminars, and webinars, and live events that are being put on provided by ourselves, by, or by providers. So that’s a really good way to start. One of the things I think we lose side of is what I describe as the basics and I think we lose sight of what I describe as common sense things to improve your life. Just to give you a quick example: a lot of folks are on all these diets you can get out there but the main focus on losing weight for most people is just to exercise more and eat less food. Simple! Exercise more, eat less. Then there’s some core basics, you know, you want to eat more protein and less carbs, you want to keep away from the bad fats like the saturated trans fats and drink plenty of water, and do strength conditioning, all that kind of stuff. It’s the same way for relationships or finances. Really focus on some of the basics, and learning, and understanding what are the basics. We provide a ton of that type of material on our site. Then, most people know, who want to lose weight, that if you exercise more and you eat less, you’re more likely to lose weight. Most people know that. It’s one of those common sense things, but it becomes a matter who’s going to help you do that and maintain that. And that’s where comes in, and a lot of the tools that we provide, and a lot of the resources that we have.

Chris: Thank you, David.