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Brad Gaines Interview

A Sneak Peek Into A Successful “HMA Practice”

Take It, Tailor It (And Call It Anything You Like)

     Brad Gaines will never tell you he’s an HMA consultant. Around town, he’s known as a business growth advisor and the co-owner of Reset Strategies. But he’ll be the first to tell you where he gets his strategies for walking business owners through the process of guaranteed growth… without spending any more on advertising. The HMA System.

     Brad starts all of his clients off with what he calls a “30-day reset,” which is basically the opportunity analysis from the HMA System – a “CAT-scan-like” process for determining the areas a business is underperforming in while also finding any lost money. 

    But here’s where HMA is different. After the 30 days are up, Brad hands his clients a detailed action plan… that 97% retain Reset Strategies to put into action. Clients pay $7,800 for the initial 30-day reset and thousands more a month for a retainer.

HMA consultants are usually paid per project.  And in this audio, you’ll hear all about Brad’s amazing success, exactly how he’s taken the HMA System and tailored it to his own business needs and style, along with “behind-the-magic” secrets he uses for getting his clients fast results.

     You’ll Also Hear . . .

• The one area almost no one beats the HMA System in – Brad called all 200+ marketing firms in his area, and he’s the only one doing this (most even laughed at the idea)

• The power of knowing your customers’ average lifetime value number: how to leverage off of it to open a floodgate of opportunities, use it to make quicker, smarter business decisions – and determine it using an easy formula

• The pre-marketing before the marketing Brad’s company does to get prospects excited about their 30-day reset – long before they even step through the door

• A little-known fact: If you open your sales pitches in just the right way, you may never have to worry about closing them again – here’s how Brad does it

• The 4 little words Brad added to a nonprofit’s sales script – that sent donations through the roof

• Sales phrases that actually work (Customers will never know these are scripted sales lures because they sound like normal conversation)

• Psychological (maybe even sneaky) tricks for getting your direct mail opened – and the 3 questions you should ask yourself that almost guarantee a successful mailing

• Marketing secrets revealed: How Brad helped a doctor’s office improve their rescheduling rate by 42% just by implementing one strategy – the simple change Brad made to the wording of one sales letter that brought in so many clients the business had to hire two more employees… and more

“Would you like fries with that?” Asking that one simple question increased McDonald’s profits by billions, and it didn’t cost them a cent to implement.

That’s the kind of marketing strategies Brad hands his clients at the end of their 30-day reset. With the help of the HMA System behind him, he figures out how to solve their marketing problems by leveraging off the assets they already have.

And in this audio, you’ll hear the amazing ways Brad’s been putting his spin on the HMA system to make it his own, and how you can too. 

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 Reset Strategies Interview PDF
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Interview two


How To Find And Fix Leaky Revenue Spots… For Optimum Results on Every Profit Stream

Business owners usually don’t think about marketing. They’re busy with day-to-day tasks, so when they need to make more money, their minds naturally default to advertising.

And this would be great if that were their real problem, but most times, there are holes in the marketing systems they have in place that are causing them to lose profits.

And according to Brad Gains, marketing consultant and owner of Reset Strategies, those profit leaks need to be found and fixed before any new leads and customers are brought in, or they’ll just be wasted. 

Additionally, he says, there are usually about 50-150 revenue points that already exist in any business that, with just a little bit of optimization, will increase revenue without advertising, and need to be optimized before advertising is brought into the picture too.

So in this audio, you’ll hear how to find and fix leaky revenue spots in a business and how to squeeze the fullest yield out of every profit stream. 

You’ll Also Hear…

* The only 4 ways businesses make money – and how each of those ways can be broken down in order to find profit leaks and additional profit streams

* The “mind conditioning” businesses need to do with past customers to make sure they’re never forgotten – and the 6 touch-points that make that mind conditioning happen

* A step-by-step dissection of one of Brad’s clients to see exactly how he transformed an optometrist’s office – that he conservatively estimated was losing $3.1 million a year in lost revenue – and how he immediately turned things around

* The one best way to conduct and analyze customer surveys

* The simple way Brad added a “Cheers” kind of atmosphere to a busy doctor’s office – so that every customer felt like the staff knew their name and cared about them (without actually having to rely on staff members to develop this attitude)

*“Real-life” examples of profit leaks (like Brad’s company uncovered almost 5,000 patients at a doctor’s office who had cancelled an appointment and were never called back), the research he did that uncovered these leaks – and the strategies he put into place that fixed them fast

* How to apply “Disneyworld” marketing techniques into any business so that you’re taking advantage of vulnerable adrenaline highs (Hint: this is the real reason most of us buy overpriced mouse ears we’ll never use again)

* How Brad was able to comfortably create and capitalize on the best warranty in the business for his client, giving them a powerful USP – just by doing a bit of quick and clever research, and the amazing way that paid off for them

*All about the (almost sneaky) psychological tactic that people are more drawn to preventing loss than they are in making gains -- and how Brad uses that to his personal advantage in his own business

The best marketing strategies go beyond fancy graphics and social media. They involve a thorough examination of the strengths and weaknesses of an organization so that profit leaks are found, and fixed.

This not only gives businesses an immediate profit bump, but also makes sure results of every ad dollar are maximized – and stay maximized, so waste doesn’t happen again.

And in this audio, you’ll get a step-by-step look at exactly how that’s done.

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