Barbara Stanny’s dad is the “R” in H&R Block. Still, she was never given any advice about money when she was growing up because making and managing money was a “man’s job.” So, she married a lawyer and lived a nice life, went to the ATM one day and was stunned to see “Insufficient Funds” come across the screen. Her husband had gambled away everything, leaving the country – and her with more than a million in debt. Worse, her dad wouldn’t help.
Thankfully, Barbara was working as a writer at the time and was asked to interview successful women in business. That assignment changed her life by guiding her to financial success, and now she’s helping other women discover that path too. And in this audio, you’ll hear her amazing journey back from devastation, and all the financial steps she took to get there.
You’ll Also Hear…
The biggest way most women sabotage their success – and how to stop yourself from doing it
Exactly what an “under-earner” is (believe it or not, it has nothing to do with how much you make) and the 5 steps you can take to overcome it
A three-second exercise that will help you pinpoint the psychological root of your money issues
How to shut up that little voice inside your head that says things like “I can’t do this” or “I’m not worth it” and the one thing all successful women have in common that sparked their self-confidence
Why it’s so important for women to surround themselves
with support instead of naysayers – and how to start
training yourself to do that
The four critical rules to respecting and appreciating
money and why that’s so important to the process of
The paradox women in business usually struggle with and
how to integrate what Barbara calls a “profit motive
mindset” into your life for powerful results
Barbara says there are three levels of financial success –
survival, stability, and affluence. But in order to move up
the levels, women need to stop sabotaging and devaluing
themselves. Under-earners play the game “not to lose” while
higher earners play the game to win. And in this audio,
you’ll hear how to start training yourself to win.
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