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Buddha Email

Own 4525 of my Top Winning Emails Plus 10 Valuable Bonuses For a One Time $597

One payment of $597 is all you pay. Nothing more to buy and no monthly fees.


       I'm Michael Senoff


If you struggle with writing, sending and marketing with email, this will be the most important letter you ever read.


These are the same emails I've used and still use today to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars of automatic, on-demand, push and click stay at home income.


And, for a short time, you can own each of these winning money making email for under one 13 US cents each!


Don't miss your chance to check out my all new "Buddha Email"


Buddha Email is for you if . . .
* You have an expertise, a product, or a service that you would like to sell online.

* You want a simple and proven emails for selling

* You want more leads, traffic, and more qualified, buying customers.

* You love your business and are ready to take it to the next level

* You want to use email as a marketing tool but need a system that's low-tech so you can set it up, keep it up, and do it yourself

* You have a limited amount of money, time and need a template that will work for you while you're out working your business or regular job.

* You have tried selling online before but are having a hard time making it work and converting traffic and buyers.

* You're frustrated trying to figure it all out on your own and you need someone to take you by the hand and show you the way to success.

* You are not a strong writer and need a pre-written template and sales messages that are organized and all in one place.

* The Buddha Email System is for YOU if you want a shortcut when it comes to your marketing and promotional efforts with email and even direct mail.

* It's for copywriters and info product publishers who want to own and use a collection of proven email they can modify and use without having to recreate the wheel.




1)  Buddha Email Master Files To 4524 emails

Inside your Buddha Email Folder, you'll own 4524 emails all typed out in text with the headlines, body copy, and the email mailing date.

You'll own thousands of my hard-selling, storytelling, money-making email from 141 promotions.

Each email can teach you something about selling.

You have my permission to steal the arrangements, the headlines, the first-line openings, the bullet formats, the PS, and the call to action.

Every one of these emails has made money for me over and over again.

You can use the strategy for any marketing campaign, whether it's a product you control or a client's product that needs a lift in sales.

Each of your emails is formatted for line spacing, and you get them in the universal .txt *(text) format, so all you have to do is copy and paste.

And because you get it in a the text format, there is no formatting and editing of the text because whatever window you paste the text into the structure will adjust to your device settings.

No formatting on your part alone will save you a boatload of time, and you'll be able to build your emails without all the hard and tedious work of formatting.

You can see in the image below how the email file will look.

This shows you the date the email was sent and the headline of the email.

Once you click on the email subject it will open a text file like in the sample image below. You can copy and post into a word doc or in the auto responder you use and do your formatting then. No formatting needed. No re-typing needed. Just copy, paste and steal.

* Note: within the email compilation are six or seven joint venture promotions where my JV partners prepared some of the email copy.

2) Best Subject Email Headlines Swipe.

As an email marketer, online or off, if you're not using the proper e-mail subject lines to get your emails opened your sales are going to suffer.

The number one job of your email headline is to get the reader to open the email. And for the last decade, I've used my list of subscribers as a virtual laboratory for my e-mail marketing methods.

And if you've been on my list, you've seen all kinds of interesting subject lines and offers for my over 48 product promotions.

And as a bonus, you'll own a master excel file with my best email subject lines.

Having this list in an excel format will give you an unlimited resource for fast ideas and email subject lines.

These subject headlines will help get your email opened drive your sales message home.

Your compilation of email subject lines was organized and compiled from my email marketing from the last decade.

They are NOT a compilation of anyone's existing collection.


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3) 339 First Line Attention Getters Swipe List.

You have a great headline, and you've worked hard to get your readers to OPEN your email.

Now, you have to keep them reading your sales message.

If you can't get your reader's attention in the first few words of your email, you'll lose your potential prospect forever.

The most significant mistake I see most email marketers make is making the first sentence too long and to boring.

I place great importance on the first few words of my email messages.

And I've compiled a collection of 339 of my best first-line openings.

No more guessing for you on what to say on the first line.

You'll have them all here in one file to review, modify, and steal, saving you time and effort.

The first line of your email is more important than you think.

See why

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4) 198 Transitional Connector Statements.

The transition in your copy is the missing element for many new email copywriters.

Students ask, "Michael, how do you convert your email story into your sales pitch without sounding sleazy?"

And that is a secret that took me years to figure out. And now it comes naturally to me. You must know how to transition from a story to the actual selling of your product or service. It's like building a bridge.

Knowing what building materials to make your bridge out of is the key. You'll have 198 building blocks with this collection of my best transition examples I use to bring my reader back to buying MY product.

The transition is the key to getting your reader into your offer.

And, without you making an offer, not one of your readers is going to buy what you have to sell.

Just ask and tell your reader what to do and how.

It's easy when you have the right words.



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5) 115 Post Script Secrets

I try to use a PS in most of my emails.

Some research shows that many readers will skip the body copy part of your email and skip to the PS at the end to see what the offer is all about.

Having a well-crafted and thoughtful postscript in your email is essential to maximize gains.

But knowing what to say can be a head-scratcher.

You want to shortcut your path.

You'll own 115 versions I use in my email copy with your order.

Copy and swipe, and use it for your next email promotion.

Each PS. is sure to help with your email communications.

Click here to order


691 Call To Action Swipe.

If you don't ask your love interest out on a date you'll die a lonely man All it takes is 6 seconds of insane courage. You must call your reader to action. What do you say? That's easy.


Own my top 91 call-to-action commands. Ask the reader to respond. Ask your reader to call, ask your reader to click here, ask your reader to BUY!


And in this call to action swipe, you'll see new ways to ask your reader to take action that are exciting, different and will gain attention.


If you don't ask, you don't get.  


Won't you test drive my Buddha Email System?


Yours with your order, own 91 versions of my top call-to-actions to modify, use, and steal for your own email marketing.

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7) 405 Story Emails Swipe.

If you have been on my list, you know that stories are one of my favorite ways to sell and market my information products.

I've identified 405 emails from my email collection that are all story-related emails.

The next time you get stuck for a story, open this folder and look for an idea you can use.

You're welcome to use and modify my emails for your use.


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8) 22 Joint Venture Request Emails.

Over the years, I've sent out emails looking for possible joint venture partners.

Review these 22 emails to generate potential joint venture partners using some of my ideas.

With the right product and the right partner, you can make a lot of money having someone promote you to their list to split the sales.

You can control the money and create business relationships you would never have had in the first place.

I've done all the hard work for you already..


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9) 21 Free Attention Getter Email Swipe.

Who does not like FREE?

There's nothing better to get attention than offering your subscribers some free stuff.

It works every time.

I've gone through all of my emails and included 21 one of my best free-stuff, attention-getting emails.

Use these emails to generate free-stuff ideas and offers for your promotions.


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10) Story Idea Memory Generator

My personal stories are great.

However, my experiences will only take YOU so far.

Your own stories are the stories that will bond you the best to the minds and hearts of your readers.

The best storytellers look to their memories and life experiences for ways to illustrate their own stories.

You don't want to copy someone else's personality.

The best character and stories are those of your own.

And that's the reason we've compiled a listing of over 125 major life events that are guaranteed to get your story ideas flowing.

Any of these events will trigger memory entry points to your own stories. Never again will you find yourself staring at a blank screen or piece of paper.

Just open your Buddha Email memory jogger tool, look at the listings, and get ready for a flood of unique story ideas to start spilling out all over your screen and desk.

These topics will get you the attention, interest, and admiration you deserve.

These life events are highly relatable and exciting.

Now you'll own my tool to transform into a story email writing machine.

Click here to order


So what's Buddha Email worth?

It's a hard question to answer, and it all depends on you.

Are you taking advantage of the power of email?

Have you been too afraid to market by email because you never thought you had something worthwhile to say?

There are other email marketers selling email products, swipe files, courses, membership sites, newsletters, and even masterminds for as much as $10,000 a pop.

And consider this before you let the price of $597 get in your way.

You're going to own my over 4525 winning e mails.

They are all in one easy to navigate file, with formatting and headlines

You won't find a product like this anywhere because this is ALL my own work.

My own words. My own intellectual property.

There is only one Michael Senoff.

Now, don't get me wrong.

I'm not saying there are no other good email swipe files out on the internet.

There are and I own most of them.

But, there are not many online email marketers who have been doing this for as long as I have.

It takes years to get this email stuff down right.

And, the wrong approach can destroy your email list, trust and profitability.

It's what you don't do right that cost you the most in lost revenue, time, and marketing capitol.

And remember, these are the same email I use and have used to make real money over the years.

Money that has offered me the most valuable thing on earth other than good health, oxygen, food and water.


Just my time over the last decade to create, type out, edit, spell check, format, load, organize and test has easily cost me tens of thousands of dollars.

If you divide the number of emails into $597, you are getting each email for under 13 US cent per email.

And, that's not including the ten additional bonuses you'll own when you order.






Links To Your Buddha Email Will Be Sent To Your Email Instantly After You Order

Click the Yellow Buy Now Button Below

Note: It may take a second for the order window to open

Questions/Problems, text Michael 858-692-9461

Order Now, Review  Later

One payment of $597 is all you pay. Nothing more to buy and no fees.


     Your Buddha Email downloads will be sent after your payment is made three ways.

1) You will be sent and automatic email after I receive your payment.

2) You will be redirected by PayPal after you complete your order just make sure you click on the "back to merchant blue button after payment" and you will land on the Buddah download page.

3) And, just to make sure, I will also email you the links to the PayPal email address you used when you place your order as an additional back up.

Either way, you'll have your Buddha Email training in your hands seconds from the time your payment is received. 

What are you waiting for? Order now 

Click here to order


If you still have questions, text or call Michael on his personal cell phone 858-692-9461.


Michael Senoff.

For a one payment of $597 and you'll own . . .


Buddha Email Master Files To 4524 emails
1905 Best Subject Email Headline Master Swipe File
339 First Line Attention Getters Master Swipe.
198 Transitional Statements
115 Post Script Secrets
339 First Line Attention Getters
91 Call To Action Swipe File
405 Story Emails Swipe File
22 Joint Venture Request Email Swipe
21 Free Attention Getter Email Swipe
Story Idea Memory Generator Action Guide

You'll own the full training after your payment is received.

Click here to order


My Buddha Email System is for you if . . .

* You have a expertise, product, or service you would like to sell online.

* You want proven and straightforward emails to use as a template for selling products and services

* You want more leads, traffic, and more qualified buying customers.

* You love your business and are ready to take it to the next level

* You want to use email as a marketing tool but need a system that's low-tech so you can set it up, keep it up, and do it yourself

* You have a limited amount of money time and need a template that will work for you while you're out working your business or regular job.

* You are having a hard time making email work to convert traffic and buyers.

* You're frustrated trying to figure it all out on your own, and you need someone to take you by the hand and show you the way to success.

* You are not a strong writer and need pre-written emails organized all in one place.

* The Buddha Email System is for YOU if you want a shortcut when it comes to your marketing and promotional efforts with email and even direct mail.

* It's for email copywriters who want to use a collection of proven emails they can modify and use without having to recreate the wheel.

If you still have questions, text or call 858-692-9461.




Links To Your Buddha Email Will Be Sent To Your Email Instantly After You Order

Click the Yellow Buy Now Button Below

Note: It may take a second for the order window to open

Questions/Problems, text Michael 858-692-9461

Order Now, Review  Later

One payment of $597 is all you pay. Nothing more to buy and no monthly fees.


If you have any questions feel free to contact me personally 858-692-9461

To your success,

Michael Senoff



Who Is Michael Senoff

Michael Senoff is a marketing strategy expert and business consultant.

He is the creator of https://www.hardtofindseminars.com a website that offers free marketing interviews with some of the most respected experts in selling, copywriting, marketing, psychology, and more.

He's created over 200 information products over the past 20 years including one that sells for $5,970.00

Michael has sold his information products to thousands of customers in virtually every part of the world.

Michael knows how to turn businesses around and is known for helping business owners grow their sales and grow their business without having to spend money on advertising.

Michael Senoff always had an enthusiasm for entrepreneurism. He ran many different businesses from retail, wholesale, direct mail, and selling. He is a student of marketing, copywriting, advertising, and business. His passion has given him vast experiences in all different areas related to business.

In 2003, Michael did something very unique. He opened up a site called https://www.hardtofindseminars.com and rather than selling audio interviews he recorded them with experts.

He decided to give them away for free on his site. Anypne can visit his site and browse through 157 hours of audios interviews and download the transcripts.

Michael is also an experienced email copywriter and often writes emails for himself and his clients. He has an interest in direct response advertising, mail order and health.

In addition to that, Michael offers consulting for those who want to grow their business without advertising, get started on the Internet, or even start a new business from scratch. He also offers a service that helps you create your own audio interview and distribute it all over the net in order to get more sales.

Michael sells many different products. If you visit his site you’ll find the Joint Venture Magic System, Art Hamel Business Buying System, Information Product Creation System, Claude Hopkins Advertising collection, and over 40 additional exciting money making titles.

Michael may be contacted by email at senoff.michael@gmail.com or by texting or calling 858-692-9461


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Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our products, recordings and their potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don't apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.  Audio Interviews may contain affiliate links and JS&M Sales & Marketing Inc. may receive commissions associated with any purchases you make on subsequent websites. Therefore, please do not rely solely on endorsements, descriptions, audio interviews contained in this web site or associated sister sites as your sole source of information in evaluating whether to make a purchase on these sites. You should always exercise due diligence before purchasing from any site online. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using any of the ideas and products sold herein.

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Contact Us Text or Call 858-692-9461