The average person reads by
“thinking in sounds” at a pace of about 2-8 words per
second. The average dyslexic doesn’t think in sounds.
They think by picturing images –
at a rate of 32 images per second! Because they think at
this much faster pace, when they come across a word they
don’t have an image for (like “the” or “and”), they
stumble into a state of disorientation that we see as
“dyslexia” (mixing letters, seeing things backwards,
But fortunately there is help. Ron Davis, author of The
Gift Of Dyslexia and a dyslexic himself, says dyslexics
are just highly creative people who think differently
than most. So we can’t expect traditional methods for
reading to work for them. And in this audio, you’ll hear
the revolutionary approach that does work.
You’ll Also Hear . . .
• The truth behind the kind of self-esteem problems
dyslexics may run into, and the only way that works to
prevent (or fix) that damage
• All the details about Ron’s breakthrough method, where
it’s being used today, and the amazing results you can
expect to see
• A simple 5-second exercise that will give you a
hands-on perspective of what dyslexics feel every day
• The surprising reason the words that trigger dyslexics
are basically the same as the Dolch “Sight Word” List
for second graders – and what that means for parents and
teachers of dyslexics
• Simple techniques dyslexics can use to “re-orient”
themselves and get back on track when they feel
Well-meaning parents, teachers and friends of dyslexics
may unknowingly be making their loved ones’ problems
worse. But if you know the facts and the triggers, you
can put an action plan in place that will actually work
– for dyslexics of every age. And in this audio, you’ll
hear how to do that.