HERE'S WHAT YOU GET . . . Below are nineteen (19) of my best Emergency Fast Cash audio action plans. This is not the same product as my Craigslist or Cleaning product. Each action audio is offered as a mp3 download and play audio button. You can take the lessons with you on the go. Download or play from your smart phone, home computer, lap top or mp3 player. Each audio action plan comes with the word for word printable PDF transcripts . You CAN make Fast Cash: $50, $100, up to $500 a day, every day and more when you know what to do. Just look at all the action plans to choose from. Do one, two or five action plans and you'll have five fast cash incomes paying your bills. Say "Kiss My Grits" to working a JOB for good. Lets get going.
1. How To Make Your Money For Nothing By Working The Free Section Of Craigslist - Part One: 43-minute audio, Part Two: 59-minute audio, 47-page transcript containing both parts For the full
description of each interview click
here. 2. How To Make Money Painting Address Numbers On Curbs And Installing Doors Locks And Door Viewers - Part One: 66-minute audio with 30-page transcript, Part Two: 26-minute audio with 6-page transcript For the full
description of each interview click
here. 3. How To Make Money As Soon As This Afternoon Cutting Grass, Cleaning Gutters Or Raking Leaves In Your Own Neighborhood
- 53-minute audio, 27-page transcript
4. How to Legally Slash Your Tax Bill To The Bone - 62-minute PowerPoint Presentation and audio, 44-page transcript For the full description of each interview click here. 5. How To Get Unlimited Financing For Your Business Without Ever Touching Your Personal Credit - 82-minute PowerPoint Presentation and audio, 43-page transcript For the full description of each interview click here.
6. How High To Raise The Price Of Your Product Or Service To Make Money Fast And Easy - 50-minute audio, 24-page transcript For the full description of each interview click here.
7. How To Make $100 Today By Dinner Time Selling Police Pens - Part One: 54-minute audio, 27-page transcript, Part Two: 33-minute audio, 20-minute audio, 16-minute audio and transcript containing all three parts For the full description of each interview click here.
8. How To Make Money In Marketing Consulting - Part One: 5-minute audio, Part Two: 34-minute audio, 25-page transcript containing both parts For the full description of each interview click here.
9. Hear Exactly How I Made $1200 By Phone In One Hour - 44-minute audio, 25-page transcript For the full description of each interview click here.
10. Make Emergancy Fast Cash Doing Joint Venture Deals - Part One: 33-minute audio, Part Two: 30-minute audio, 31-page transcript containing both parts For the full description of each interview click here.
11. How To Make Fast Money Selling Information Products - Part One: 25-minute audio, Part Two: 29-minute audio, 36-page transcript containing both parts For the full description of each interview click here.
12. All About The Marketing Consulting Business - 51-minute audio, 30-page transcript For the full description of each interview click here.
13. 27 Year Old Philadelphia "Boy Wonder" Makes $100,000 With One E-mail Mailed To Local Chamber Chapter - Part One: 31-minute audio, Part Two: 41-minute interview, 40-page transcript containing both parts For the full description of each interview click here.
14. If You Can Write a Letter and Have Access to E-mail and a Computer You Can Make Fast Money in One Day - 22-minute audio, 16-page transcript For the full description of each interview click here.
15. Emergency Fast Cash Selling Consulting Services - 26-minute audio, 19-page transcript For the full description of each interview click here.
16. If You Need Money Right Now, Here's How To Get It: 10 Moneymaking Strategies That Work In Today's Economy - 60-minute audio, 41-page transcript For the full description of each interview click here.
17. Advice In "Kick Starting" Your Copywriting Business Update - 13-minute audio, 12-page transcript For the full description of each interview click here.
18. How A Crippling Back Injury Forced A Canadian Man Into Making $250,000 A Year Cleaning Offices All From Bed With The Use Of His Local Newspaper, His Brain, And A Brown Cordless Phone - 64-minute audio, 23-page transcript For the full description of each interview click here.
19. How To Make Emergency Fast Cash Washing Windows With No Sales Skills, Training Or Experience Necessary - 54-minute audio, 36-page transcript For the full description of each interview click here.
20 BONUS. Hear Me Getting $3500 in Emergency Credit Increases From My Business Credit Cards Live On The Phone. For the full description of each interview click here. - 14-minute audio
Download, listen to or read the transcripts to all nineteen (19) parts of my Emergency Fast Cash Action Trainings. Then short cut your way to making fast cash just like the experts in the interviews.And now you get all of this for only $297.00 without any ongoing payments.
The Emergency Fast Cash Interview Training System Detailed Interview Descriptions Below:You'll be able to immediately download the Emergence Fast Cash Interview Series Training System which includes: 1) How To Make Your Money For Nothing By Working The Free Section Of Craigslist After 20 years in the auto industry, my wife’s cousin lost his job, and (like many Americans right now) was having a hard time finding a new one. So, I decided to show him how to “hustle” on Craigslist. We brought up the free section and found something in our area right away. And in Part One of this seminar, you’ll hear how we made $540 for three hours of “work” that day. Not every deal is going to be that easy, and not every free item is going to be worth your time. But there are great deals to be made from the free section of Craigslist, and in this audio, you’ll hear how to spot the ones that are worth it, how to secure them so that the owner takes down their ad and only deals with you, and how to flip everything fast. You’ll also hear… You’ll Also Hear . . . •
The one absolutely-necessary thing you’ll need to add to your eBay auctions if you’re selling parts from something that wasn’t working
When it comes to value, you should always try to think outside the box – and the same holds true when it comes to listing an item on eBay or Craigslist. Never try to guess at what someone else will think is valuable. Your job is to take pictures and get it up there. Let the market decide its worth. And in this audio, you’ll hear more insight and shortcuts on how to make those kinds of deals. I hope you enjoyed this recording. - Part One: 43-minute audio, Part Two: 59-minute audio, 47-page transcript containing both parts 2) How To Make Money Painting Address Numbers On Curbs And Installing Doors Locks And Door Viewers Here are two step-by-step recordings on how to make some fast money installing door viewers. The first is with a twenty-year-old named Frank. Frank asked for my best advice of exactly what to do to start making money installing door viewers. My advice to do this business is very different to how I operated my peephole business 15 years ago. Follow this new advice, get a used drill and a pocket full of door viewers and go out today to start making money selling door viewers, door knockers, door flashing, dead bolt locks and more inn your neighborhood. Just do it. Use this advice and let me know about your success. The second recording contains me talking to one of my customers about his experience installing door viewers with his brother when he was a kid. This is great stuff if you need to come up with some fast cash. Here is a great example you can use to start your curb painting business. - Part One: 66-minute audio with 30-page transcript, Part Two: 26-minute audio with 6-page transcript
3) How To Make Money As Soon As This Afternoon Cutting Grass, Cleaning Gutters Or Raking Leaves In Your Own Neighborhood Is there such a thing as a Perfect Business? Well, a gentleman named Kevin believes there is and, in this conversation, he will tell you what it is and why it is the Perfect Business. He also gives plenty of tips and resources to start up your Perfect Business at a low cost and get high profits. So, what is this perfect business? According to Kevin, the Perfect Business is starting your own small lawn care business. All you need to start is a lawn mower and a weed eater. You don't even need to buy an expensive blower at first - simply use a broom to sweep things up! If you don't have the money for a mower, borrow one from a neighbor, a friend, or Home Depot. Get some customers, make you money for the day and then go out and buy a used mower. Kevin advises that you should always use your own equipment as opposed to the equipment owned by your customers and he tells us why. What you charge for your services depends on the size of the yard. You can compete with the big professional lawn care businesses - there's plenty of business for everyone. Besides, a lot of people like to deal with small businesses in their communities. Kevin explains how to get your first accounts simply by going around knocking on doors and introducing yourself and your service. He advises to work a certain neighborhood for business in order to reduce your driving time. What you are ultimately looking for are regular, long-term accounts. However, don't discount people who maintain their own yard but will need you when they go on vacation. According to Kevin, pricing your services comes from experience. You need to take into account what equipment you are using and the size of the yard. For just the basics of mowing and edging a lawn, Kevin advises that the cost should be about $30-$40 per hour - about a dollar per minute of work. With any account, try to collect your fee when you complete the job. Kevin has encountered some late payers, but he says to keep after them. You may suggest that they leave a check for you at the back door. You can estimate how much money you're going to make depending on the geographic area and how many times per month you'll be doing the lawn. So, if you want to raise your salary, you can calculate almost exactly how many new customers you need to obtain to get the salary you want. Kevin discusses some of the best up-sells that you can offer to your clients, how to pitch the client, how often to do the job, how to do the job, and what to charge for the service:
This is truly a great business where you can get a quick start with low amount of cash. Kevin has put together an outstanding information product about everything you need to do to start, maintain, and grow your lawn care business. He has hours of audio interviews and recordings on such topics as:
At the end of this audio interview with Kevin, you'll learn about a web link that will teach you more about Kevin's ultimate lawn care system and its pricing. The Perfect Business may be waiting for you so go and learn more about how to get started! - 53-minute audio, 27-page transcriptT here is no better and faster way to make more money then spending less money. After you watch this presentation below you'll know how to stop over paying uncle Sam and learn how to keep more of your paycheck YES you CAN cut your taxes to the absolute legal limit with the information - and entirely legal including over looked deductions, write-offs, and tax strategies. It's all here in the Tax Reduction Presentation..The Presentation doesn't just tell you how to prepare your tax return , it shows you how to cut your taxes to the bone - with step-by-step strategies and easy-to-folly directions. You'll find out how to cut your taxes and keep more money in your paycheck each pay period by:
Using perfectly legal
reporting tricks on your next tax return Ed the tax man , is a licensed tax attorney. He began his career on the congressional staffs of Jack Kemp and Dick Cheney. As a member of the National Underwriter Company, he edited Tax Facts on Insurance and Employee Benefits and Tax Facts on Investments. Lyon has published articles on various aspects of financial-planning industries in numerous professional publications. He is an award-winning speaker who has developed and delivered seminars on tax and financial-planning issues to diverse audiences. Paying less taxed is more. - 82-minute PowerPoint Presentation and audio, 44-page transcript 5) How To Get Unlimited Financing For Your Business Without Ever Touching Your Personal Credit Whether you own a business or are just thinking about owning one,
this interview is for you. It's all about how to get financing for
business ventures without ever having to dip into your personal
funds. That means you'll never have to refinance your home, max out
your credit cards or beg your friends and family for business money
again. • What business entities qualify for the
kind of business credit that doesn't require a personal guarantee 6) How High To Raise The Price Of Your Product Or Service To Make Money Fast And Easy If you are selling a product or service right now, one of the easiest and one of the fastest ways is to increase the price of your product. The price of your product or service is one of the most important decisions you'll make for your business and unfortunately most people act like sheep when pricing their product. They instinctively look and
copy what their competition is doing. In this interview, you'll
learn why this is the worst thing you can do when determining price.
Your going to hear from Larry, a strategic pricing expert. Larry
specialize in sales and marketing training with a primary focus on
selling at prices higher than your competitors and maintaining
profitable margins for your company. You'll also learn other proven strategies for selling based on value rather than price, how to price products or services correctly in the first place, how to withstand pressure to cut prices. - 50-minute audio, 24-page transcript 7) How To Make $100 Today By Dinner Time Selling Police Pens Learn how I have make a very good part-time income each year for the last ten years by selling pens. One of the pens I make and sell is filled with invisible ink. This pen is used to effectively and safely write an owner's identifying and contact information in case of theft. The market is huge. Crime is skyrocketing each year and the stolen property departments of police departments are filled with valuable property that cannot be returned to their owners because the owners cannot be identified or located. You can help fill this huge gap in the market by assembling this unique pen at home and selling it to all types of outlets, such as police departments and other government entities, convenience stores and department stores, etc. The work is very easy and your hours are flexible. After you listen to these recording, there will be no question in your mind that if you are willing to make a few phone calls and read what to say, you can do this easy business. The first recording is proof that you can do it. It's me on the phone with a new distributor training him and showing him exactly how it's done. You'll hear us making real calls in real time. You'll hear exactly what to say and how to say it. You'll hear Wayne calling me back with excitement announcing his first two orders. If you want to learn about my unique crime-fighting pen." The next three part recording tells how I started in the pen business. - Part One: 54-minute audio, 27-page transcript , Part Two: 33-minute audio, 20-minute audio, 16-minute audio and 27-page transcript containing all three parts8) How To Make Money In Marketing Consulting This
coaching expert didn't create a coaching business
so he could retire. He's still out in the field selling and working
his coaching business. And in this interview, you'll hear what he's
been up to for the last couple of years along with 10 of his most
recent coaching case studies that illustrate important lessons about
his (HMA) Hidden Marketing Assets System. • Where to find alliances to work your coaching business within your area - and how to consistently close deals • The newest coaching ideas and tips for finding new coaching business clients' businesses • How Richard knew he had missed the mark on one of his USPs - and what he did to correct it • How Richard's been running easy group trainings, how much he charges, and who this type of training appeals to • Ideas for time management - and shortcuts for coaching business success. • What kind of people are the easiest to coach- and who to avoid • And much
more - Part One: 5-minute audio, Part Two: 34-minute audio, 25-page transcript containing both parts 9) Hear Exactly How I Made $1200 By Phone In One Hour In this recording, you'll hear me sell George on my consulting services by phone. He's in Canada, I am in California and we were able to do business all by phone. As you listen to this recording, ask your self what can you sell by phone to make $100 today before differ is ready. George is the owner of a small tanning bed business. He called looking for some advice on how he could grow his business. Without knowing or promising anything, I invited George to talk in more detail about his goals. Listen in as I take George through the HMA Opportunity analysis in an effort to discover (HMA) Hidden Marketing Assets. More importantly, listen to the willingness of George to grow his business. And finally, listen as George hires me to develop a USP for his business. Developing the USP is the first recommended product we teach our HMA consultants to activate for clients. I am looking forward to working with George and to get his business hopping in the next few months. Follow along as I walk George through each part of the analysis. And once you have a client, let me show you what to do with them by using Richard's HMA System. - 44-minute audio, 25-page transcript 10) Make Emergence Fast Cash Doing Joint Venture Deals Yes! You can make money as
soon as dinner time tonight doing joint ventures. Here's an
interview with a honest to goodness Joint Venture deal making master
we'll call Mr. JV. Mr. JV began his career in Joint Ventures 20
years ago in South Africa. He deals mainly with small to medium
sized businesses all over the world. • What is fair for each
person involved - Part One: 33-minute audio, Part Two: 30-minute audio, 31-page transcript containing both parts 11. How To Make Fast Money Selling Information Products You can have a very voluble information product by dinner tonight if you have a mouth and a phone and the ability to record a two way call. This is a consultation that I did with a lady named Sherda. It seems that Sherda's dream to start an e-commerce site was shattered because the company that she hired for assistance not only did her many disservices, but cost her a great deal of money. At wits end, Sherda contacted me for advice. I was so touched by her plight that I agreed to do a one-hour consultation with her to talk about her current e-commerce site's failure. We then talked at length about how to set up a successful business selling information products. This consultation is a treasure for anyone who is in a quandary about how to get ideas for an information product and how to turns those ideas into a reality and a success. It all stems from identifying your "passion" and then implementing the ideas that I suggest to Sherda. The possibilities are endless! You will hear how a conversation starting out with a very discouraged Sherda turned into an exciting new adventure that she just couldn't wait to begin! Michael: So, what I'm getting at if you're going to sell something, I would really advise thinking about selling information. The best business in the world, the best thing to sell is to sell information. Print out and read the transcripts To Read On To Claim $700 Worth Of World Class Pre Owned Marketing Books, CDs, Tapes Or Videos Absolutely. - Part One: 25-minute audio, Part Two: 29-minute audio, 36-page transcript containing both parts All About The Marketing Consulting Business Do you have a passion for Marketing, dabble in it, but feel that you need a systemized approach in order to be successful? If so, you will really enjoy this consultation that I did with a gentleman named Matthew. I describe Matthew as a life-long learner. An accountant by trade, Matthew knows that Marketing is his ultimate goal. He has even has realized what his niche market will be. He has studied all of the Marketing gurus and is very well-read in many areas. He already has three clients that he advises but feels that he needs a "system" that will help him to help his clients more and will give him the confidence to dive into his niche market. When he found and listened to several of the audio recordings available about the HMA System, Matthew had to know more. In this audio, you will hear Matthew's personal and vocational history and I discover some of the opportunities that are sitting right under Matthew's nose!
Subsequently, I answer Matthew's questions about the resources and
the support that he would receive from me if he chooses to become an
HMA Consultant. Matthew takes the time to view what would become his
personal selling machine - an Internet-based PowerPoint presentation
that would be customized specifically for him. When Matthew sees all
of the HMA resources, his reactions are priceless If you have looked into the HMA System and feel that you have some unanswered questions, I encourage you to listen to this consultation with Matthew. He's a down to earth guy who probably had many of the same questions that you may have about becoming a Marketing consultant. In any case, it's an enjoyable conversation that I know will enlighten you.
51-minute audio,
30-page transcript
13. 27 Year Old Philadelphia "Boy Wonder" Makes $100,000 With One E-mail Mailed To Local Chamber Chapter The advice you are about to hear from Alex Whiting can give you look into the consulting business through an 8 year veteran. Alex is only 26 years old and runs a half a million dollar consulting practice. You can be a "fly on the way" as I pull out all his consulting secrets in this 60 minute interview. Alex had paid his dues in the business. When consulting, he's worth about $1000 an hour. But you don't have to pay that. You'll hear his opinions on what it take to make it in the consulting business, as well as how he used his marketing skills to walk in cold and close clients with a 95% success rate. If you follow his advice, you'll also make far less mistakes in your consulting practice and make a ton more money. - Part One: 31-minute audio, Part Two: 41-minute interview, 40-page transcript containing both parts 14. If You Can Write A letter And Have Access To E-mail And a Computer You Can Make Fast Money In One Day In the following two interviews, you'll hear me explain to Mark how to make some fast money writing for other people. This is a consultation that I did with a gentleman named Mark who needed some advice in "kick starting" is copywriting business. This short recording is packed with great information for new and veteran copywriters! You may get some ideas for business avenues that you haven't thought of before. At the beginning of our conversation, Mark was mainly concerned about what the name of his copywriting business should be. His first thought was to use his surname. However, he believed that his surname might be too unusual for someone to pronounce. You'll hear how we discuss sole proprietorships and the option of incorporating after getting started, obtaining customers, and making some money. Find out what Mark finally decides to use as his business name. Listen as I give Mark an idea about obtaining copywriting work by researching Ebay. Look for closed auctions for big ticket items where the item did not sell. Look at the Ebay ad to see what could have made the item sell. Sometimes it is simply because there was no research done on the item and thus, there was not a good description of the item or its features. Contact the seller by email and negotiate to re-write the ad and re-run the auction. If the item sells, you would get a negotiated percentage of the sales price. Of course, you would need an option agreement and some sort of non-disclosure agreement as well as software that would prohibit the seller from printing or copying your ad - but you'll hear me explain the details of everything you would need to accomplish this. Listen as I give example of a generic email that could be modified for any auction and sent to sellers. I advise Mark to research unsuccessful closed auctions for boats, houses, machinery, and other high priced items. And don't just stay with Ebay. Look into the real estate market for beautiful homes that just aren't selling. Most of the time, real estate ads just don't do a good enough job of explaining the real advantages of owning that particular home. The very best way to advertise a home is to interview the current homeowner about the home itself, the neighborhood, the schools, etc. - important things that real families are interested in. Listen to my own experience with using written copy in conjunction with audio for both a product and for real estate. Mark certainly loved that idea and was going to start researching completed auctions for big ticket items on Ebay right away! The key is to identify poor ads for great products. You must also learn to negotiate well and then you will have a great niche market! - 22-minute audio, 16-page transcript 15. Emergence Fast Cash Selling Consulting Services Meet David Flannery He wants to become the world's number one HMA Consultant. David is from Ireland and he is 35 years old. David graduated with an MBA at the top of his class and has fifteen clients willing to pay close to $20,000 each for his consulting services. What's so special about David? Is he some kind of fast cash superman? What separates him for you? You're about to find out in this first of several recordings. Dave has agreed to let me record and document his clime to the top of the HMA consulting world. This first part interview is all about how David got his first 25 appointments. And then you'll hear exactly what he say's to close three out of four prospects. I hope you find this recording with David helpful. You can do what David had done. The only difference between him and you is what's in your mind. It's all about your belief in your self and execution. Go for it! I believe in you. These 25 appointments made dave over over $50,000 in less them 10 days. He stands to make another $150,000 from future consulting fees. His results are not typical but are proof that they are obtainable if you have the ability to just do it. - 26-minute audio, 19-page transcript 16. If You Need Money Right Now, Here's How To Get It: 10 Moneymaking Strategies That Work In Today's Economy
Even if you think you've heard every
moneymaking idea in the book, you'll probably want to give this
interview a listen. You'll hear creative strategies that will not
only get you through today but will also give you ideas for residual
income to get you through tomorrow as well. But the best part about
this interview is that it's geared toward today's life, with
practical yet innovative ideas for both online and offline. And you
can get started right away with little to no money. - 60-minute audio, 41-page transcript 17. Advice In "Kick Starting" Your Copywriting Business Update Welcome to an update with Mark, a copywriter that I previously did a consultation with to advise him about some of the best ways to kick start his new copywriting business. You will hear how Mark had, indeed, implemented some of the strategies that I had recommended - specifically about how to obtain clients using Ebay. Here's what Mark did:
He believes that he may be able to strike a deal to re-write one of his respondent's Ebay ads with his copywriting skills. The great part about Mark's new venture is that it took him less than an hour to send out all of his sales letters! He admits that this type of sales approach is much easier than approaching businesses cold. He also admits that Ebay has so many auctions that he could never even scratch the surface of all of the closed, unsuccessful auctions that he could approach (Hint: Some copywriting competition wouldn't hurt Mark!). In our conversation, Mark says that he needs to develop more of a solid system to research and follow through with potential clients. You will hear me suggest that he look into implementing the HMA System's Opportunity Analysis into his sales letter and follow through phases. I send him links to specific interviews and consultations on my web site dealing with Opportunity Analyses. If used, the Opportunity Analysis would provide a proven methodology to help his potential clients to grow their businesses or sell their big ticket items. It might also open opportunities for Mark to do more marketing for his clients - not just copywriting - because it would entrench Mark in his potential clients' businesses.
13-minute audio,
12-page transcript 18. How A Crippling Back Injury Forced A Canadian Man Into Making $250,000 A Year Cleaning Offices All From Bed With The Use Of His Local Newspaper, His Brain, And A Brown Cordless Phone This is a conversation with a very interesting business owner. He has been making a fortune in the office cleaning business. He solicits office buildings and businesses that need light cleaning 2-5 days a week. He acquires long- and short-term contracts with these businesses and finds contract cleaners to clean and manage the accounts. He claims you can have multiple cleaning accounts within weeks for a start-up of less then $50. You can get others to do the dirty work and you keep 40% of the gross sales. He has done it over and over again and wants to let you in on this business. Hear how I grilled him about this venture for over 60 minutes so you can get an inside look at this often overlooked money-making opportunity. I know you will enjoy this talk.
64-minute audio,
23-page transcript 19. How To Make Emergence Fast Cash Washing Windows With No Sales Skills, Training Or Experience Necessary
Believe it or not, you can start making
fast and easy money today just by washing windows. And because
you're working for yourself, you can pick and choose what clients to
take, what schedule to work, and how much you want to charge. And in
this interview, you'll hear exactly how to get started from a
professional window washer named Howard. •
Exactly what supplies you'll need to get started and where to get
them So if you're tired of clocking in at your nine-to-five or if you just need some quick and easy cash, give this interview a listen. - 54-minute audio, 36-page transcript
20. Bonus Recording- How To Get A Credit Card Increase Today On Your Credit Cards Need fast cash? Try calling your credit card company. They have the money you need. And depending on your credit rating and how much you ask for, you may just get what you are looking for. The best time to get credit however is when you don't need it. I've been working at this for year, just in case of an emergency. This recording is me getting $4500 in credit just for the asking. Also a cash advance increase too. I am telling you that this will work, if you pick up the phone and ask. I have edited this recording and deleted some of my personal information for security purposes. Enjoy the call. It does not get any better than this.
14-minute audio
Download, listen to or read the transcripts to all nineteen action audio interviews of my Emergence Fast Cash Training System. Then study and use what you learn to short cut your way to making fast cash. $100, $200 even $500 per day.And now you get all of this for only $297.00 without any ongoing payments. HERE'S HOW TO ORDER . . .
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If you have any questions at all, feel free to text of call me at 858-692-9461.
Michael Senoff
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JS&M Sales and Marketing